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在21世纪的第一年,全国外国法制史的研究即呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景象.与过去的几年相比,不仅学术交流活动更加活跃,而且学术成果也显著增加.据不完全统计,2000年11月至2001年12月,本学科共出版各类专(译)著、教材20余部,公开发表论文50余篇,收到年会论文30余篇.  相似文献   

2001年8月,"中国法律史学会2001年学术研讨会"在福建厦门大学召开.本次会议主要议题是探讨新世纪中国法律史学研究的发展方向,并对未来法律史研究进行展望.来自全国各地的近百名法律史学者就法律史研究的方法、目前面临的问题进行了广泛深入的交流与讨论,会议受到论文几十篇,并对上一届学会的论文评选活动进行了颁奖表彰.  相似文献   

Biographies of prominent women often advance inquiries that lead to easy and uninteresting conclusions that their subject should be celebrated or ignored. In contrast, this article argues for more life histories of women legal scholars that bring out the complexity of their lives. It suggests three ways to execute this work that guard against the making of simple binary conclusions. First, it argues that these studies should be open inquiries that present a range of views of their subject, from both the past and present, and encourage audiences to form their own judgments. This approach will help both reader and scholar to recognise their biases. Second, it makes a case for treating legal scholars differently from pure educators, scholars or lawyers. It suggests that their unique role should inform the work’s central inquiries. Finally, it argues that unearthing a subject’s attitude towards feminism and feminist legal scholarship can be done in ways that strengthen the work’s contribution to the history of the discipline.  相似文献   

The development of the Chinese legal system is based on the learning of foreign legal systems. Foreign legal history, as one of the elementary courses in higher legal education, is becoming a driving force for China’s progress toward the rule of law and is playing an indispensible role in the construction of Chinese legal system by educating, cultivating and academic exchanging. The discipline of Foreign Legal History not only provides diverse perspectives for the construction of a new Chinese legal system, but also testifies the establishment of the rule of law in China. It not only benefits Chinese legal system, but also makes contribution to the cultivation of the new generation of Chinese legal talents. Therefore, we should insist on learning from the legal cultural heritage embedded in Foreign Legal History for the purpose of developing Chinese legal system.  相似文献   

This article gives a detailed review of the evolution of the Chinese study of Foreign Legal History over the past 60 years. It covers five aspects: academic conferences, Chinese translated works on Foreign Legal History, the education of Chinese scholars in this field, academic activities and contestations, and the prospect of Foreign Legal History as a discipline. This article aims to tease out the achievements and problems of the studies of Foreign Legal History and analyze the social conditions underlying these problems and achievements. It concludes that the reconstruction of Chinese legal system and the development of Chinese legal system cannot stand in isolation from the process of absorbing, transplanting, and learning from foreign jurisprudence and legal systems. Though Foreign Legal History might not become a hot topic, it remains of great significance to the Chinese understanding of law.  相似文献   

西方法律思想史是一门法学基础学科,属于理论法学的范畴.该学科是在实行改革开放政策以后,以发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制这一基本方针的指引下创设的.二十多年来,经过学者们的辛勤耕耘,该学科已初具规模,为繁荣法学、发扬民主、健全法制、建设社会主义法治国家,发挥了重要作用.在新世纪开始之际,很有必要对其二十多年的发展作一简单的回顾,并对其二十一世纪的发展提出展望和设想.  相似文献   

依法治国是当今世界各国几乎普遍选择的一种治国形式,这是因为现代法治对人治和专制的否定,体现了一种高层次的政治文明,是一种进步的治国方式.虽然由于社会制度的不同,各个时代各个国家法治的内容不同,但作为人类共同创造的文明成果,如同市场经济一样,它既不姓"资",也不姓"社",既可以服务于资本主义,也可以服务于社会主义.建国后相当长一段时间内,主要靠的也是人治.党的十一届三中全会第一次确定了法制在我国政治生活中的地位,使我国在法制建设的道路上跨出了重要的一步.党的十五大又提出"依法治国"的建国方略,从而在指导思想上实现了由人治到法治的根本转变.依法治国不仅是发展社会主义市场经济的需要,也是实行"一国两制"保持香港长期繁荣稳定和加强社会主义精神文明建设的需要.它是一项宏大而系统的政治工程,既要不断提高立法质量,推进司法改革,做到依法行政,又要加强执法司法队伍建设,强化全民法制意识.只有从我国的实际情况出发,在党的领导下有计划、有步骤地进行,才能实现依法治国的宏伟目标.  相似文献   

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