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目的探索无交叉笔画状态下激光打印文字与中性笔书写文字的时序特征及变化规律,以求运用于案件检验。方法以两种不同时序,请5名志愿者分别执不同中性笔在120张A4纸张上书写文字,并使用4台不同型号激光打印机打印文字,再运用奥博视频层晰显微镜对实验样本进行放大观察。结果证实在两种时序条件下制作的实验样本之间存在诸多差异性特征。结论这些差异性特征为准确判定无交叉笔画状态下激光打印文字与中性笔书写文字的时序提供了基础实验依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify that the combination of focused ion beam (FIB) and scanning electron microscope/energy‐dispersive X‐ray (SEM/EDX) could be applied to determine the sequence of line crossings. The samples were transferred into FIB/SEM for FIB milling and an imaging operation. EDX was able to explore the chemical components and the corresponding elemental distribution in the intersection. The technique was successful in determining the sequence of heterogeneous line intersections produced using gel pens and red sealing ink with highest success rate (100% correctness). These observations show that the FIB/SEM was the appropriate instrument for an overall examination of document.  相似文献   

The chronological order in which two intersecting writing or typed strokes were made can be determined for several combinations of writing media by scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination, a lifting and transfer technique using Kromekote paper, or a combination of the transfer technique followed by SEM examination of the remaining material in the intersection. When non-destructive examination cannot provide unambiguous determination of sequence, judicious choice by the document examiner of which technique to use for a given combination of writing media and paper type can be made using known characteristics of the materials involved. The range of line-crossings which can be reliably sequenced is greater using a combined transfer and SEM technique than when the examination is limited to either technique alone.  相似文献   

目的研究常见的打印字迹与不同印章印文交叉时序的相关性,为检验提供依据。方法应用DVI-300微痕迹色差分析系统对制成的实验样本进行实体观察,并对微痕迹色差模型图进行特征分析。结果先墨后朱,交叉部位字迹边缘状态完整,等高线宽度、流向未见明显变化;先朱后墨,交叉部位中心字迹等高线排列出现游离状态,色料分布发生数字图形曲面变化。结论用本系统可以观察、分析朱墨交叉部位的微观特征和无损检验研究。  相似文献   

Questioned document casework can occasionally involve the sequencing of impressions. Although some conclusions can be drawn from looking at ESDA traces of intersections there is currently no way of assessing the strength of the observations made in any given case. Using a range of paper and pen types this work examines points of intersection and evaluates the results statistically in order judge the value of the results obtained.  相似文献   

对一份文件最早制成时间的检验一直以来都是全世界文检界的难题之一。核实可疑文件的制成时间没有统一的方法,目前主要通过对纸张、墨迹、打字机、复印机、打印机、传真机、印刷品,以及笔迹和签名等因素的检验来确定一份文件的制成时间。文件检验人员需要充分利用他们手中的文件的内容及文件周边信息所反映出来的条件和材料,进而得出结论。  相似文献   

The ink of pens and ink extracted from lines on white photocopier paper of 10 blue ballpoint pens were subjected to ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, infrared (IR), and high-performance thin-layer liquid chromatography (HPTLC). The R(f) values and color tones of the bands separated by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) analysis used to classify the writing inks into three groups. The principal component analysis (PCA) investigates the pen responsible for a piece of writing, and how time affects spectroscopy of written ink. PCA can differentiate between pen ink and ink line indicates the influence of solvent extraction process on the results. The PCA loadings are useful in individualization of a questioned ink from a database. The PCA of ink lines extracted at different times can be used to estimate the time at which a questioned document was written. The results proved that the UV-Vis spectra are effective tool to separate blue ballpoint pen ink in most cases rather than IR and HPTLC.  相似文献   

对一份文件最早制成时间的检验一直以来都是全世界文检界的难题之一。核实可疑文件的制成时间没有统一的方法,目前主要通过对纸张、墨迹、打字机、复印机、打印机、传真机、印刷品,以及笔迹和签名等因素的检验来确定一份文件的制成时间。文件检验人员需要充分利用他们手中的文件的内容及文件周边信息所反映出来的条件和材料,进而得出结论。  相似文献   

Ink lines made by porous tip and roller ball pens have been examined by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) and by transmission microspectrophotometry (VM) in the visible region. Better discrimination between apparently similar coloured inks was obtained with HPTLC but VM has value as an additional technique for ink examination.  相似文献   

目的研究常见的碳素钢笔水书写笔迹与不同印章印文交叉时序的相关性。方法利用IDMH-Z780系统对制成的实验样本进行微观观察,并对三维数学模型图进行特征分析。结果先墨后朱,交叉部位字迹边缘状态完整,等高线宽度、流向未见明显变化;先朱后墨,书写笔迹色料分布发生数字图形曲面变化。结论用IDMH-Z780系统可以观察分析朱墨交叉部位的微观特征和无损检验研究。  相似文献   

Laser printers and writing instruments are being exploited by the forgers to produce fabricated documents. They often produce such documents by appending genuine signature on a blank sheet and later printing on it. Often these fabricated documents do not contain intersection of strokes and may pose a difficulty to forensic document examiners in analyzing cases related to such documents. Keeping in mind the limited research work done on nonintersecting strokes, the present study has been conducted with an aim to determine the sequence of nonintersecting strokes of gel pens and laser printers. Three hundred samples of nonintersecting strokes of gel pen ink and laser printing were prepared. Of these 300, 150 had laser-printed text below the gel pen strokes and the remaining 150 were prepared with gel pen stokes below the laser-printed text. The samples have been analyzed using Nikon SMZ 800N stereomicroscope. Three micro-conformation features, that is, pattern of toner distribution, ink distribution, and fiber distribution have been observed in the samples. The results demonstrate the successful establishment of sequence of nonintersecting strokes in case of gel pen and laser-printed documents by the determination of micro-conformation features.  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscope is considered to be one of the most effective ways to examine the sequence of intersecting seal and toner lines of questioned documents. In reality, however, the toner (mainly divided into compact and noncompact toners) and seal of a questioned document have such a complex morphology and sequence of crossing lines that current methods cannot meet the requirement of practical document identification. In view of the challenges of document examination, a laser fluorescence microscope and method are developed in this study. The developed microscope provides additional functionality to traditional fluorescence microscopes of transmitted light modality, laser excitation, selectable excitation wavelength, and selectable fluorescence filters. The results obtained from the method of comparisons between transmitted light and fluorescence modalities were positive under most conditions, particularly for noncompact toner examination for which a 100% accuracy rate and 90% detection rate were achieved in blind testing.  相似文献   

Determining the sequence of intersecting lines is a significant issue in the forensic document examination that can reveal the fraud or distinguish between different allegations. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a high-resolution cross-sectional imaging technique that has been introduced into forensic science field recently. The potential of OCT as a novel method to determine the sequence of intersecting lines was examined for the first time. In this study, a spectral-domain OCT system with a center wavelength of 900 nm was employed to perform nondestructive examination on determining the sequence of 18 heterogeneous intersecting line samples produced using three types of gel pens and three brands of stamp pad ink seals. Two-dimensional (2D) cross-sectional, and three-dimensional (3D) volumetric images of the intersecting lines were obtained by the OCT system. Several features were noted and analyzed to successfully determine the sequence of all the 18 samples. Blind tests were also conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of OCT technique. The results illustrate that OCT technology can provide an effective and accurate method for sequencing intersecting lines of gel pen ink and seal ink, which may complement the conventional methods used in the examination of questioned documents.  相似文献   

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