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发明的基本特征在于"技术性",体现在两方面:发明应是具体的而不是抽象的,发明应利用自然规律直接作用于客观物质。由于不符合后一项认定标准,商业方法被排除在专利保护范围之外。但在电子商业方法的可专利性审查上,美国采用了一个宽泛的"技术性"概念,背离了上述认定标准,欧洲专利局以局部代替整体的审查方法也难以自圆其说。尽管电子商业方法所采用的计算机手段可以具有技术性,但其整体仍不是发明。  相似文献   

Regulatory change is driven by competitive struggle. Regulatees struggle with each other for customers and with regulators to lessen the burden of the rules being enforced. Regulators compete for regulatees and for the confidence of customers and the general public.
Competition among regulators is imperfect. Along with better rules, new entrants must offer reputational capital, financial strength, and recognized enforcement powers. These entry requirements have supported a secular expansion of government suppliers relative to private suppliers. Principal-agent conflicts inherent in representative democracy establish incentives for this expanding sector to produce regulatory services of poor quality. Finding ways to make top government regulators economically accountable for acts of misregulation is a critical problem.  相似文献   

试论特许经营法律问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、问题的提出 假设甲公司与乙公司签订一份特许经营合同,甲公司是总店,乙公司是加盟店,加盟经济项目生产并销售某一品牌高档化妆品。合同约定,甲公司将其生产技术和商标作用权有偿许可给乙公司使用,并协助乙公司人员培训、加盟店的选址和店面装潢工作,乙公司每年向甲公司交纳加盟金10  相似文献   

WTO<服务贸易总协定>仅为原则性的精神,它必须由具体的可操作性内容或立法机构赋予的强制执行力组成.尽管我国政府或立法机构已经在法律的改革、制订、修正等方面已经作出巨大努力和工作,并对原有的或现有的商事规范作出了相应的调整或修正,但我国各界还应在理念方面需要更新,需要引进合理的法律机制,需要将这些合理的机制与我国国情相结合,构建一个既符合国际社会,也符合中国社会的市场秩序和法制.  相似文献   

Hartog, Hendrik. 2012 . Someday All This Will Be Yours: A History of Inheritance and Old Age . Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Pp. 353. $29.95 cloth. This essay explores the contribution of Hendrik Hartog's Someday All This Will Be Yours to an understanding of old age policy and the aging experience more broadly. It starts by discussing how Hartog's study contributes to a modern understanding of the legal structure surrounding old age. It then discusses how the narrative is colored, in part, by looking at the cases from a caregiver's perspective, and explores the implications of this perspective. Finally, it suggests avenues for building on Hartog's work by using modern legal cases to explore how courts today perceive the moral and legal obligations surrounding the duty to provide care.  相似文献   

邓社民  林辉 《知识产权》2006,16(3):91-94
第一条本联邦法的宗旨和调整范围 1.本联邦法调整与确认、转让、保护商业秘密有关的关系,旨在平衡商业秘密所有人与其他参与者(包括国家)在商品市场、劳务市场、服务市场上的利益,防止不正当竞争.并且还确认不属于商业秘密的信息.  相似文献   

问:在专利代理实践中,怎样判断商业方法类程序的 专利性?又该如何对其进行处理呢? 答:商业方法类程序由于涉及较多的商业交易规则, 对于是否可被授予专利权以及具体商业方法的专利性通 常存在较大的争议。  相似文献   

Over the last dozen years or so there has been a burgeoning of criminal law for purposes of dealing with business cartels in a number of jurisdictions (for instance, the new ‘cartel offence’ introduced under the Enterprise Act 2002 in the UK). The discussion here provides first of all some account of this process of criminalisation, mapping it in terms of jurisdictions and the legal character of this category of cartel offending. It then seeks to explain and account for the phenomenon and more particularly to determine the extent to which it may be seen either as an element of more forceful prosecution strategy, or alternatively as a sea-change in moral perception and evaluation. Put another way, is this a development led by legal policy, or a genuine shift in outlook, which has produced a new legal policy? It will be argued finally that, in a more pragmatic perspective, the success of the criminalisation project in any case depends on the emergence of a genuine sense of ‘hard core’ delinquency, without which effective regulation by means of criminal law is unlikely to be achieved. In this respect, a manufactured sense of moral censure, fostered by prosecutors to facilitate leniency programmes, may (outside the US) eventually prove to be a point of vulnerability in such strategies.  相似文献   

论商事代理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商事代理具有不同于民事代理的本质属性,不能简单按民事代理规则处理.广义的商事代理,是自然人、法人和其他商事组织基于本人授权为本人利益从事的商行为.其基本形式是经办、代办和受托.狭义商事代理限于代办.总结经办、代办和受托的各自特征,并进一步分析三者相互问的主要区别.  相似文献   

This Business Associate Agreement Inventory is a checklist for use by covered entities who use or disclose individually identifiable health information with or to their Business Associates. The checklist is designed to assist the covered entities to review their contracts with each respective Business Associate and determine whether the contracts contain all of the provisions required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations. The regulations addressed in the checklist include the Transactions and Code Sets Standards (effective October 16, 2000), the proposed Security Standards, and the final Privacy Regulations (published December 28, 2000).  相似文献   

Few Indian reservations have any semblance of a private sector. Consequently, poverty and unemployment are major problems in much of Indian country. While there are many reasons why private enterprise is scarce in Indian country, one of the foremost reasons is businesses do not trust tribal courts. Businesses' distrust of tribal courts is not unique as outsiders often fear bias in foreign tribunals. Similarly, businesses are often concerned about a court's capacity to adjudicate complex disputes. Federal diversity jurisdiction was developed to allay fear of bias, and many states have developed business courts to address questions about court capacity. Tribes can overcome these issues by creating an intertribal business court (IBC). Tribes will be free to sculpt the IBC as they see fit. However, the IBC's intertribal nature will help reduce fears of bias, and an IBC's focus on business disputes will answer doubts about court capacity. An IBC will also make tribal law more accessible, further increasing confidence in this new tribunal. As businesses gain greater confidence in tribal legal institutions through the IBC, they will be more likely to operate in Indian country. Accordingly, the IBC could help to transform tribal economies.  相似文献   

再谈商业秘密的司法保护(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言商业秘密是继专利、商标、版权之后新兴的知识产权体系中的第四大领域,具有极高的商业价值,被视为企业的生命。同时,商业秘密保护水平的高低,也被看成是衡量一国或地区投资环境好坏的重要标志,因而为各国政府和投资者所普遍重视。然而在我国,由于没有专门的商业秘密保护法,只是在《反不正当竞争法》、《合同法》中作了些原则性的规定,一方面,使得  相似文献   

医药购销领域的商业贿赂行为,加剧了群众看病难看病贵问题,损害了党和政府的声誉,败坏了卫生行业和医务人员的形象,是造成医药管理混乱、医患关系紧张、医疗纠纷增多的一个重要原因,必须坚决治理。笔者在日常司法实践工作中发现,目前药品与医疗器械(以下简称药械)购销中存在如下错误观点亟待澄清。  相似文献   

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