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在剖析以美元单一货币体制为特征的现行国际货币体制的脆弱性及国际金融危机的原发性根源的基础上,指出国际货币基金组织信贷能力的不足和决策机制的不公平是国际金融危机未能有效防范和救助的根本制度缺陷,并据此认为如果不能克服国际货币体制的固有弊端,国际金融危机的再次爆发将不可避免.对此,通过改造特别提款权,扩大发展中国家的发言权等措施来构建防范与救助国际金融危机的基本制度平台.  相似文献   

廖凡 《法学研究》2010,(4):193-207
以国际货币基金组织为核心的现行国际货币体制渊源于大国之间的政治妥协,在约束性和执行力方面存在先天不足。世界经济格局的演变导致该体制的代表性受到质疑,全球金融危机进一步揭示出其所面临的困境,主要表现为机构职能误入歧途、政策监督顾此失彼、治理结构力量失衡以及争端解决有心无力。有鉴于此,应当在近期已有改革举措的基础上,在重塑机构职能、加强双边监督、完善治理结构和促进争端解决四个方面寻找出路。  相似文献   

谷进金 《法制与社会》2012,(25):145-146
国际合作是新自由制度主义所关注的首要问题,也是与现实主义视角的最大争论之一。新自由制度主义国际制度可以有效促成国家之间的合作,并对国际制度的作用做了广泛深刻的论证。本文将从这一视角出发,浅析一下国际合作中的一些常在问题,并从现实中具体探讨各个国家对国际合作的选择与顺应。  相似文献   

杨华 《河北法学》2008,26(5):27-33
全球气候变化问题是当前的热点话题,各国在参与实施《联合国气候变化框架公约》及《东京议定书》中都在积极寻求制高点。因此在全球气候变化的控制和实施方面,国际社会体现出合作与牵制两种表现,牵制是在谈判中的牵制,谈判是相互牵制的谈判,这两种表现中,合作是目的,牵制是手段。发展中国家要在2012年之前做好充分准备具有一定的挑战性,需要处理好合作与牵制的关系,我国面临的问题具有一定的独特性,处理好控制全球气候变化方面的合作与牵制的关系,积极应对全球气候变化问题。  相似文献   

国际知识产权体制是指在知识产权领域组织协调国际关系的原则、准则、规则和决策程序。该体制自产生到现在,经历了从双边到多边,从单极到两极再到多极的演变过程,而发达国家与发展中国家之间的南北矛盾则贯穿其中。在知识产权的国际舞台上,尽管南方国家在后TRIPs时代采取直面对抗和体制转移两大策略取得了可喜的成果,但是发达国家在南北博弈中仍旧居于主导地位。因而,国际知识产权体制的不平衡性依然存在。以“知识近用”理念为核心的替代体制可能是南南联合自强,以改变国际知识产权格局的一条可行之路。  相似文献   

黄风 《中国法律》2004,(5):8-10
在中国.国际司法合作规则的引进是从对外签署有关的国际条约开始的.1987年.中国分别与法国和波兰缔结了双边司法协助条约(协定),这标志着在中国建立国际司法协助制度进程的启动。根据中国《宪法》和《缔结条约程序法》的规定,有关司法协助和引渡的条约或协定应当提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准,在获得批准后则具有法律的效力。  相似文献   

国际多边体制的选择仅仅表明了国家对治理模式的一种偏好,更深层次的问题是我们需要什么样的多边体制。理想的多边体制应能有效应对人类社会共同面临的挑战,有效实现各成员国的共同努力,并能公平地惠及各成员方和国际社会。现存的国际多边体制经常会受到其个别成员尤其是强国的挑战甚至威胁。多边体制的薄弱,从根本上说是源自国际社会自身的特点。在我们无法杜绝个别成员对多边体制的离心离德甚至有意毁损的情况下,不能期待任何一个多边体制是尽善尽美且可长久依靠的;为了防止多边体制由于个别成员的作为或不作为而陷于瘫痪,在最初的体制设计时就应该有替代方案的储备;同时,各国应共同努力来确立国际社会的共同价值,妥善处理本国利益与多边体制的关系。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,贸易和人权的关系越来越敏感,人权作为一个普遍的字眼,人权保护体制应该随着贸易全球化发展而有所扩张。世界贸易组织(WTO)规则是国际法一部分,在推动世界各国贸易的发展中起着积极作用,但是多边贸易体制于国际人权之间的冲突也由此产生。本文以此为出发点,将WTO规则和国际人权法之间的冲突和分歧看成是各个法律体系分支的矛盾,提出应该以固有的解决不同规则之间冲突的方式来协调,最终实现多边贸易体制下对国际人权的保护。  相似文献   

古祖雪 《法学家》2012,(1):145-156,179,180
TRIPS作为由发达国家主导、发展中国家被动接受的一种制度安排,体现了发达国家的秩序主张,忽视了发展中国家的正义要求和利益关切,从而给发展中国家带来了负面社会后果。发展中国家一直没有停止过改变TRIPS的努力:首先推动在人权、公共健康、生物多样性等国际体制中制订与TRIPS相左的知识产权规范,然后试图在WTO体制内通过对TRIPS的解释和修订消除TRIPS与其它国际体制知识产权规范之间的冲突。这是一条从体制转换到体制协调的国际知识产权制度变革之路,关乎WTO成员之间利益关系的重新调整,因而势必遭到TRIPS既有秩序的受益者———发达国家的抵制,使其充满着艰难、曲折。对此,包括中国在内的发展中国家必须要有清醒的认识,做好因应准备。  相似文献   

构建和谐世界成为经济全球化背景下世界各国的共识.要构建和谐世界,就离不开世界各国之间的合作,尤其是各国之间的经济合作,实现互利共赢,这就特别需要发挥国际经济法在促进国际经济合作、构建和谐世界中的重要作用.2007年我国的国际经济法学术研究主要围绕构建和谐世界的主题展开,以期将维护中国的国家利益与维护国际社会的整体利益相结合,为构建和谐世界发挥作用.  相似文献   

The climate change problem, or global warming, has gained a prominent place on the international political agenda, since the mid-1980s, when it first attracted political attention. The problem was initially perceived mainly as an environmental problem that could be resolved by technological solutions, its current perception, this essay argues, is best characterized as that of an enviro-economic problem. A perception that is exemplified by the ongoing negotiations for the development of economic mechanisms to tackle the problem. The climate change arena is a complex one, involving dichotomies between developed and developing countries, between fossil fuel producing and importing countries and between small island developing states and other states. This essay outlines the interests that play a role in the climate change negotiations and discusses the international climate change regime as contained in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. It concludes that the climate change negotiations are complicated by the fact that the negotiators, in addition to developing new substantive rules for a complex problem, are involved in developing new systemic rules for the international legal system. These new systemic rules have more in common with rules of national systems of public or administrative law than with traditional rules of international law, which have many similarities with national systems of contract law.  相似文献   

和平发展与国际合作义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车丕照 《法学家》2004,(6):7-11
我国的和平发展离不开特定的国际环境.尽管与二战结束之前或与冷战结束之前相比,国际形势已发生了很大的变化,但国际社会的基本结构未变,即:国际社会依然是由地位平等的主权国家所构成,不存在超越国家之上的世界政府.  相似文献   

Since 1992, the tension between environmental and developmental concerns has been a central element in the international law-making process which has resulted in the adoption of various treaties and international instruments in the field of sustainable development. These instruments show that reconciliation between environment and development has not been easy to achieve. The balance seems to tip in favour of the protection of the environment. This paper explores how some of the "well-established" principles and concepts of international environmental law, as well as some new developments in this field, may have contributed to the tendency of excluding conditionality and equitable considerations from the elaboration and application of an increasing number of obligations taken by States in the field of environmental protection. It is contended here that environmental protection has developed to a certain extent at the expense of international economic law relating to development. This has been an incidental consequence of, at least, three elements: the movement toward more participation of transnational civil society in the international environmental law-making process; the use of a rights and duties language which helps to mask the developmental aspects sometimes involved in the prevention of environmental damage; and, the attractiveness of the establishment of a right to a healthy environmental.  相似文献   

国际引渡合作规则的新发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
国际引渡合作一直是法学和国际政治领域备受关注的课题,处理起来十分困难,论域包含司法主权、国际人权、国际关系、国际刑事司法合作等范围。现今世界上主要依据主权边界而形成的各个法律和司法系统,空间效力通常仅存于各自系属主权控制之内,这就导致了刑事司法合作的必要以及由此提出的引渡合作要求;然而由于各法律和司法系统在不同主权国家之间存在不容忽视的差别,且涉及主权者之间的利益衡量、观念沟通、法治互认以及主权互信的前提,因此交涉起来往往十分困难。尤在政治庇护和国际人权保护兴起之后,国际引渡合作更是错综复杂。黄风先生本文在动态的意义上,从国际引渡合作新发展的视角,通过立足于材料分析的深描,精妙地处理了这个复杂论题,其研究堪称动态式研究和深描式研究的一种典范。具体而言,作者通过九个角度的观察,即放弃或者变通引渡问题上的“条约前置主义”,以相互承认逮捕令为基础的逃犯移交制度日臻成熟,政治犯罪例外原则的适用范围越来越受限制,人权保护条款地位上升且越来越具体,死刑不引渡已变为刚性原则,关于国民引渡的限制不断放宽等,以对变迁语境挖掘讨论的深度,给读者呈现了有关国际引渡合作现行规则一幅较为完形的素描。  相似文献   

This paper compares and clarifies differences revealed in proposals from different regions on a future multilateral climate regime, after the year 2012. More than 100 articles in English were collected, categorized according to the lead authors region, and then reviewed to identify the general tendencies of each region. Proposals on emission allocation rules were the most popular in Europe, while rules related to international emissions trading dominated proposals from the United States. Few articles came from other Annex I countries, but these generally provided only the most basic aspects of a future regime. Meanwhile, concerns for equity and the relevance of any new regime in terms of sustainable development were clear in proposals from non-Annex I countries. Differences among regions were considered to be a reflection of current circumstances in each authors region. The capacity and culture of authors in some regions were considered to be other possible factors in differences. The paper concludes that recognition of regional background that formulate respective preferences and concerns regarding a future climate regime will be important to help reach a multilateral agreement in future official negotiations.  相似文献   

This article reviews basic insights about compliance and "hard" enforcement that can be derived from various non-cooperative equilibrium concepts, and evaluates the Marrakesh Accords in light of these insights. Five different notions of equilibrium are considered – the Nash equilibrium, the subgame perfect equilibrium, the renegotiation proof equilibrium, the coalition proof equilibrium, and the perfect Bayesian equilibrium. These various types of equilibrium have a number of implications for effective enforcement: (1) Consequences of non-compliance should be more than proportionate. (2) Punishment needs to take place on the Pareto frontier, rather than by reversion to some suboptimal state. (3) An effective enforcement system must be able to curb collective as well as individual incentives to cheat. (4) A fully transparent enforcement regime is not unconditionally a good thing. It is concluded that constructing an effective system for "hard" enforcement of the Kyoto Protocol is a formidable task that has only partially been accomplished by the Marrakesh Accords. In practice, however, the design of the compliance system for the climate regime had to balance a desire to minimize non-compliance against other important goals, including the need for due process.  相似文献   

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