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流沙 《时代风采》2013,(23):13-14
米价上涨了.菜价也上涨了.物价上涨过快。工资跑不赢CPI。这其实不算是新闻。这是大家每天都会不经意提到的事情。  相似文献   

在经济最困难的一年,国内经济最大威胁就是通货膨胀。近日,其政府经济高官为遏制通货膨胀提出,防止务工收入过快增长,降低由劳动力成本推动的通胀压力。3月25日,《21世纪经济报道》社论认为,将通货膨胀归咎于工资上涨值得商榷,遏制通胀应有合理的政  相似文献   

宏观经济数据显示,今年上半年我国居民价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.4%,而城镇居民人均可支配收入同比增长13.2%,扣除价格因素实际增长7.6%;农村居民人均现金收入同比增长20.4%,扣除价格因素实际增长13.7%。  相似文献   

国家统计局公布了1月份居民消费价格指数(CPI)上涨7.1%,创下11年以来的新高。尽管专家解释说,CPI上涨仍然以食品价格为主要原因,并不是全面通货膨胀,但通胀日趋严重已经是一个  相似文献   

房价上涨,土地可卖好价钱了,开发商腰包鼓了,炒房人笑了,老百姓却哭了。2010年2月,国家发展改革委、国家统计局公布,1月份,全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格同比上涨9.5%,涨幅比2009年12月份扩大1.7个百分点。而昆明新房价格同比上涨了13.9%,新房和小户型住房的价格涨幅均位居全国前列。  相似文献   

赵帅  时进 《农村青年》2011,(5):64-64
早春时节,中药材牛市继续。跟踪3年来的百余个中药材品种的价格走势,今年依然是有90%多为上涨,尤其是常用大宗品种的中药材上涨更是加强了牛市的底气。一年之计在于春,药农购买中药材种子和秧苗要认真,要多了解药材市场信息,为今年的收益打好基础。这里特介绍今年一些中药材的价格信息供药农参考。  相似文献   

2010年2月,国家发展改革委、国家统计局公布,1月份,全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格同比上涨9.5%,涨幅比2009年12月份扩大1.7个百分点。而昆明新房价格同比上涨了13.9%,新房和小户型住房的价格涨幅均位居全国前列。  相似文献   

朱丹 《时代风采》2011,(13):25-26
赌石场上的乱象,一季一涨的价格,让翡翠这石头再一次疯狂起来。原材料的稀缺、需求的增长和流通环节、社会游资的涌入炒作等因素,正推动珠宝玉石产品价格的上涨。  相似文献   

控制人口增长与提高职工生活水平的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
努力发展生产,最大限度地满足人民日益增长的物质和文化生活的需要,是社会主义生产的目的,也是我们奋斗的目标。人民生活水平的提高,也就是人均产品占有量的提高。以价值的形式表示为;在扣除了物价上涨因素之后,人均收入有所增加。从宏观来看,也就是指人均国民收入的提高。人均国民收入的提高不仅取决于国民收入总量的增加,而且取决于总人口的增长。人均国民收入的高低与国民收入总量成正比,与人口总量成反比。因此,人口增长与生活水平的提高关系极为密切。在我国人口多,人均耕地少,资金不足的情况下,控制人口增长有利于提高职工生活水平。李鹏总理曾指出:“我国人口多,底子薄,经济发  相似文献   

简光洲 《时代风采》2008,(16):16-17
6月份,面对物价持续上涨,广东东莞市在全国第一个“吃螃蟹”,首创向12万生活困难群体发放1.2亿元的“临时生活补贴”。去年为应对物价上涨,该市曾三次向弱势群体发放临时补贴,但是“全额达到1000元这么高,还是首次”。  相似文献   

International residential tourism is a recent phenomenon in the Andean area. However, in places where it has been established, rapid changes in social and economic structures have occurred. The Municipality of Cotacachi (Northern Ecuador) is paradigmatic. Having become a destination for American retirees, residential tourism has generated a sharp increase in the price of rural land and has decelerated a land market that once allowed young farmers to continue agricultural activities. Residential tourism has promoted land exchange value while sacrificing use value, threatening peasant reproduction mechanisms.  相似文献   

城镇企业职工作为城镇住房主流消费群体,是城镇住房的主要消费者和使用者,房价最终必然直接或间接由职工群众承担.近年来,中央贴近国情大力深化落实房地产调控政策,解决民生之忧,是得民心、惠民生、推动科学发展布局的时代呼唤和施政强音.但以大中城市为主体和参照的房价持续攀升、高位横盘的态势,仍旧考验着职工群众的承受极限,理应受到各级工会组织的关心与关注.各级组织如何看待和控制房价,促进房价理性回归到价值本位,发挥参与、维护职能,确保职工群众利益不受损,是推动中国特色社会主义巨大优越性在服务经济、发展民生中得到具体表现的选择.  相似文献   

2017以来,全国多个城市纷纷出台吸才政策,以期吸引人才,促进本地的经济发展与升级。这次人才争夺战主要表现为政府主导,采用户口、政府补贴等非市场的手段配置资源,而这些措施会扭曲要素的价格,弱化价格的信号作用,不利于资源的最优配置。政府应着眼于提供公共服务,使基本公共服务均等化,为全国统一的要素市场和要素的自由流动创造良好的制度环境;引导劳动力市场中介和人力资源服务业的发展,发挥用人主体在引人、选人、用人、留人方面的主导作用。  相似文献   

中国入世后,工会面临的挑战及其应对   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工会是站在工人一方 ,通过对劳动价格的议价来调节供给与需求关系的。经济全球化削弱了工会的调节能力。企业跨国经营是资本对付工会的现代手段。经济全球化使工会在更高层次上凸现了各国工会的竞争 ,也为中国工会发展提供了新的机遇。产业结构调整必然伴随结构性失业。政府也为此付出了巨大的机会成本。利用WTO缺陷 ,维护企业正当权益也是维护工人的利益。工会也应该研究世界经济和国际贸易规则 ,培养自己的专门人才 ,规避不利于工会及工人的风险。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,农村劳动力转移为中国经济增长贡献了重要力量,但近年来愈演愈烈的"民工荒"现象也反映出农村劳动力转移后劲不足的问题。因此,分析农村劳动力转移的影响因素,为农村劳动力转移扫除路径障碍具有重要的现实意义。基于扩充化的推拉理论,可将农村劳动力转移的影响因素划分为源自农村的推力、源自城镇的拉力和源自制度的摩擦力等三个方面,据此使用最小二乘法(OLS)和Praise-Winsten AR(1)方法进行计量回归,实证结果表明:农村收入水平提升、农业生产力水平提升、农地资源水平下降构成了源自农村的推力;城镇收入水平提升、非农化水平提升、城镇基础设施水平提升构成了源自城镇的拉力;但以劳动力价格扭曲为表现的制度摩擦力,也对农村劳动力转移产生了显著的阻碍。  相似文献   

Despite recent headlines about the ‘land rush’, scant empirical evidence implies that the debate is often theoretical and dominated by preconceived notions. To provide evidence that could better inform the debate, this paper focuses on three areas. First, we find that new land demand, which skyrocketed after the 2007/08 commodity price spike, remained at high levels, with a strong focus on Africa, and often countries with weak land rights protection. Some countries transferred large areas to investors, frequently locals, with limited benefits and in many cases negative impact due to weak processes and limited capacity. Second, complementing the focus on demand with an assessment of agro-climatic potential point towards major scope for productivity increase on currently cultivated areas and allows identification of countries where demand for land expansion may concentrate. Finally, comparative analysis of country policies highlights the need for recognition of existing rights, an emphasis on voluntary transfers, transparency, and thorough review of economic, social, and environmental viability as necessary—though by no means sufficient—conditions to reduce the likelihood of negative impacts.  相似文献   

Through a series of case studies of the interactions between foodgrain traders and between traders and producers, this article questions the widespread belief that foodgrain markets in Bangladesh are characterised by low trading margins, no vertical integration and a general competitive health. The article indicates that merchant's capital plays two key roles in the market (i) in some areas of the country, the provision of merchant's credit deprives the poor producer of access to the market price for his or her output; (ii) working capital extended to subordinate traders may also enable a small group of large traders to influence prices. Further case studies of the interaction between traders and the state food distribution system indicate ways in which the private market may be able to frustrate or limit policies intended to regulate its operation. These insights suggest that the domination of merchant's capital may be one factor explaining low levels of productivity in the Bangladesh countryside. They also raise questions about the consequences of policies intended to increase the role of private trade in the economy.  相似文献   

The literature on the rural credit market in India (and elsewhere) has generally assumed that peasant farm households are rationed in their access to subsidized formal credit. Because of a lack of infrastructure and poor access to institutional credit, such farmers are exploited by means of an interlocked market connecting informal credit to the sale of paddy. The resulting gap, between the sale by a borrower of paddy at a predetermined low price, and the price of this commodity on the open market, constitutes the amount of what is termed a distress sale. The latter is itself influenced by the bargaining capacity (or lack thereof) of the peasant farmer who borrows on the informal market. Also of importance in determining whether or not a cultivator is compelled to resort to the informal credit market – and thus into an interlocked arrangement – is the need for additional liquidity to meet production costs and/or household consumption, as well as the monopsony nature of the paddy market. Data from Kalahandi district in Orissa suggest that access to formal credit is limited in rural areas although there exists a high demand for it, that a high degree of credit rationing by the formal lender occurs, and that poor implementation by the state of minimum support price policy all contribute to the need for informal loans and its attendant interlinkage.  相似文献   

在我国社会经济转型的背景下,我国劳动力需求,其增长有赖于经济增长;劳动力供给总量充裕与结构矛盾的反差,成为中国劳动力供给的显著特征;劳动力市场价格不断上升;劳动关系因制度与执行双重缺失,劳动权益缺乏保障;失业率不断上升。因此,制度构建应与执行并举,以保障劳动权益底线。  相似文献   

The concepts of ‘commodity’ and of ‘simple commodity production’ in the work of Marx and his interpreters are examined as a necessary departure point for the analysis of value and price in a Mexican peasant‐artisan stoneworking industry. The labour theory of value, which posits a close relationship between market price and average embodied labour cost of commodities in a peasant‐artisan economy, is applied to the stone‐working industry and is shown to have explanatory power in both the qualitative and quantitative sense. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the labour theory is a necessary tool for discerning and approximating the fundamental role of the labour process, as well as the structure of production relations, in determining the nature and conduct of exchange activities in a peasant‐artisan commodity/market economy.  相似文献   

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