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Beyond Apartheid: Human Resources for a New South Africa. James Currey Ltd., Islington, London, David Philip Publisher (Pty) Ltd., Claremont (South Africa), and Heinemann Educational Books Inc., Portsmouth (USA), 1991. x plus 132pp. including tables, notes and appendices. £7,95. Paperback.

Occasional Papers on the Irish in South Africa by Donald H. Akenson. Institute of Social and Economic Research, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 1991.96pp.

The Organisation of African Unity: An Analysis of its Role by Gino J. Naldi. Mansell: London and New York, 1989. ix plus 228pp. including appendices. £40,00.

Place, Migration and Development in the Third World. An Alternative View by Lawrence A. Brown. Routledge, London and New York, 1991. xx plus 252pp. including figures, tables, appendices, notes, references and index. Hardback.

Urban and Regional Change in Southern Africa edited by David Drakakis‐Smith. Routledge (London), 1992. xviii plus 227 pp. including figures, tables, notes, bibliography and index.

The Making of the Colonial Order: White Supremacy and Black Resistance in the Eastern Cape, 1770–1865 by Clifton C. Crais. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, 1992. 284pp. R60,00. Paperback.

Bounds of Possibility by B. Pityana, M. Ramphele, M. Mpumlwana and L Wilson. David Philip, Cape Town, 1991. R35,50. Paperback.

All, Here, and Now: Black Politics in the 1980s by Tom Lodge, Bill Nasson, Steven Mufson, Khehla Shubane and Nokwanda Sithole. David Philip, Cape Town, 1991. x plus 414 pp. including figures, appendices, bibliography and index. R44,95. Paperback.

Spirit of Africa: The Healing Ministry of Archbishop Milingo of Zambia by Gerrie ter Haar. Hurst & Company, London, 1992. x plus 286 pp. including map illustrations, notes, bibliography and index. £9,95. Paperback.

Striking Back: A History of COSATU by Jeremy Baskin. Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1991. xv plus 488pp. R32.95.

Economic Development That Lasts: Labour‐intensive Irrigation Projects in Nepal and the United Republic of Tanzania by Bertin Martens. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1989. xvii plus 191pp. including maps, figures, tables, appendices and bibliography. Swiss francs 27,50. Paperback.

South African Review 6: From “Red Friday” to CODESA edited by Glenn Moss and Ingrid Obery. Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1992. xxi plus 508pp. including figures, tables and notes. Paperback.

Black Youth in Crisis: Facing the Future edited for CASE by David Everatt and Elinor Sisulu. Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1992. xii plus 89pp. including figures, tables and notes.  相似文献   

Terrorism in Mozambique by Alex Vines. Centre for Southern African Studies, University of York, in association with James Currey, London, 1991. xiv plus 176pp. including maps, figures, tables, appendices, bibliography and index. R47.25. Paperback.

Kwame Nkrumah, the Conakry Years: His Life and Letters compiled by June Milne. Panaf, an imprint of Zed Press Ltd., London, 1990. x plus 422pp. including notes, bibliography and index.

Towards Economic Recovery in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Essays in Honour of Robert Gardiner edited by James Pickett and Hans Singer. Routledge, London, 1990. xv plus 273pp. including tables, notes, bibliography and index. £35.00. Hardback.

Chronicles of Darkness by David Ward. Routledge, London and New York, 1989. xii plus 191pp. including notes and index. £30. Hardback.

Towards Justice? Crime and State Control in South Africa edited by Desiree Hansson and Dirk van Zyl Smit. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1990. iv and 278pp. R34.95. Paperback.

The Politics of Reconciliation: Zimbabwe's First Decade by Victor de Waal. David Philip Publishers (Pty) Ltd., Cape Town, 1990. xiv plus 146pp. including prologue, acknowledgements, list of acronyms, endnotes and index of names. R39.95. Paperback.

Civil Service Pay in Africa by Derek Robinson. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1990. xi plus 220pp. including 58 tables. Paperback.

No Place to Rest: Forced Removals and the Law in South Africa edited by Christina Murray and Catherine O'Reagan. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp. 248. R24.95. Paperback.

People and Violence in South Africa edited by B. McKendrick and W. Hoffman. Oxford University Press, 1990. 495 pp. R49.95. Paperback.

The Elusive Search for Peace ‐ South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland edited by H. Giliomee and J. Gagiano. Oxford University Press, 1990. viii plus 328 pp. R29.95. Paperback.

Southern Africa at the Crossroads. Prospects for the Political Economy of the Region edited by Anthoni van Nieuwkerk and Gary van Staden. South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg, 1991.267 pp. including tables, notes and bibliographies. Paperback.

South Africa's Informal Economy edited by Eleanor Preston‐Whyte and Christian Rogerson. Contemporary South African Debates, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1991. vi plus 410pp. including 25 chapters with editors’ introductions, figures, tables, photographs, index. Each chapter has its own bibliography and notes. R43.95. Paperback.

Protecting Human Rights in a New South Africa by Albie Sachs. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1990. viii plus 208pp. including appendices and index. R21.95. Paperback.

The Igbos of Nigeria by John E. Eberegbulam Njoku. African Studies, (Vol. 14, 1990), The Edwin Mellen Press, New York. $69.95. Hardback.

La France et l'Afrique du Sud: Histoire, Mythes et Enjeux Contemporains edited by Daniel C. Bach. Karthala, Paris, 1990.432pp. Paperback.  相似文献   


This focuses on the August 2009 election which saw the massive victory of the Democratic party led by Yukio Hatoyama. The Liberal Democratic party (LDP), which had ruled Japan virtually without a break since 1955 paid the price for economic failure and long term voter dissatisfaction which was masked for a time by the skills of Koizumi. The new government is trying to rebalance relations with Asia, including China and the United States, where the marine base in Okinawa poses a particular challenge.  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Salomon and Schwartz, (eds.) The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. South America
Lovell, A Beauty That Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala
Beardsell, Europe and Latin America: returning the gaze
Gómez de Avellaneda, Sab: Hispanic Texts
Rowe, Poets of Contemporary Latin America: History and the Inner Life
Crisp, Democratic Institutional Design: the Powers and Incentives of Venezuelan Politicians and Interest Groups
Naro, A Slave's Place, a Master's World: Fashioning Dependency in Rural Brazil
Campbell, Mexican Memoir: A Personal Account of Anthropology and Radical Politics in Oaxaca
Javier, Poor People's Politics. Peronist Survival Networks and the Legacy of Evita. Duke
Petras, The Left Strikes Back: Class Conflict in the Age of Neoliberalism
Molyneux, Women's Movements in International Perspective: Latin America and Beyond  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: BOLZMAN, Claudio (1996).Sociologie de l'exil: une approche dynamique. L'exemple des réfugiés chiliens en Suisse. DIETHELM, Robert (1997).Die Schweiz und friedenserhaltende Operationen DÖHLER, Marion und Philip MANOW (1997).Strukturbildung von Politikfeldern. Das Beispiel bundesdeutscher Gesundheitspolitik seit den fünfziger Jahren. FILLIEULE, Olivier (1997).Stratégies de la rue. Les manifestations en France. LE GALÈS, Patrick et Christian LEQUESNE (dir.) (1997).Les paradoxes des Régions en Europe. Cahiers du Gedisst (1997). Hommes et femmes dans le mouvement social. HESSE, Joachim Jens und Thomas ELLWEIN (1997).Das Regierungssystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 8. völlig neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. KUMMER, Lorenz (1997).Erfolgschancen der Umweltbewegung: Eine empirische Untersuchung anhand von kantonalen politischen Entscheidpro-zessen. OFFE, Claus (1997). Les démocraties modernes à l'épreuve. SEITZ, Werner (1997).Die politische Kultur und ihre Beziehung zum Abstimmungsverhalten.  相似文献   

M. F. O'Dwyer 《亚洲事务》2013,44(4):341-348

Lands of the Thunderbolt. By the Earl of Ronaldshay, P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. Constable and Co.

Patiala and the Great War. Printed by the India Society, London, 1923.

The Adventures of Hajji Baba. By James Morier. (New Edition.) Humphrey Milford. Oxford University Press. World's Classics Series.

Adventures in the Near East, 1918–1922. By A. Bawlinson, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. (late Lieut.‐Colonel R.G.A. and Commander R.N.V.R.). Melrose. 25s. net.  相似文献   

CHEVALLIER, Jacques (1996).Institutions politiques. REHMANN-SUTTER, Christoph, VATTER, Adrian und Hansjörg SEI-LER(1998).Partizipative Risikopolitik. SANDHOLTZ, Wayne and Alec STONE SWEET (eds.) (1998).European Integration and Supranational Governance. VOEGELI, Yvonne (1997).Zwischen Hausrat und Rathaus. Auseinandersetzungen um die politische Gleichberechtigung der Frauen in der Schweiz  相似文献   

In recent years, urban community studies in China have been taking a closer look at neighbourhood space. Many researchers have examined neighbourhood using a state-society approach. This article argues that the fragmented state structure and the diversified society have led to calls for a different view of state and society. Based on the empirical studies in Shanghai, this article attempts to uncover the limitations of the state-society paradigm in exploring the transformation of urban grassroots, and suggests understanding the increasingly fragmented grassroots from examining different actors who are embedded in a specific neighbourhood space and vary in their interests and goals.  相似文献   


Peter Marsden 《亚洲事务》2013,44(3):362-369
The article considers the failed attempts by Amir Amanullah and Mohammed Daud to promote reform in Afghanistan, before sketching the early origins of the Taliban in the madrassahs of Pakistan, the realities of Pushtun identity and the process of radicalisation of the Taliban administration after 9/11. The nature of their current support base is evaluated in the context of the methods used by the Coalition forces and the performance of the Afghan Government. The conclusion is that the best hope of a solution lies in some sort of negotiated settlement, but the social space for any deal is very restricted, given the conservatism of the vast majority of Afghans. This is an expanded version of a presentation he gave to members of the Society on 14 January 2008.  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Moreno Cebrián El virreinato del marqués de Castelfuerte 1724–1736: el primer intento borbónico por reformar el Perú
Schwaller The Church in Colonial Latin America
Uribe-Uran Honorable Lives: Lawyers, Family, and Politics in Colombia, 1780–1850
López-Alves State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810–1900
Bieber Power, Patronage, and Political Violence: State Building on a Brazilian Frontier, 1822–1889
Scott Slave Emancipation in Cuba: The Transition to Free Labor, 1860–1899
Suárez Imposing Decency: The Politics of Sexuality and Race in Puerto Rico, 1870–1920
Hora The Landowners of the Argentine Pampas. A Social and Political History 1860–1945
Brennan and Pianetto Region and Nation: Politics, Economy and Society in Twentieth Century Argentina
Klarén Peru: Society and nationhood in the Andes
Grandin Streets, The Blood of Guatemala. A History of Race and Nation
Serbin Secret Dialogues: Church-State Relations, Torture, and Social Justice in Authoritarian Brazil
Kingstone and Power Democratic Brazil. Actors, institutions and Processes
Piedra and Sonnleitner (eds) Democracia en tierras indÕgenas: Las elecciones en Los Altos de Chiapas (1991–1998)
Harris To Make the Earth Bear Fruit: Ethnographic Essays on Fertility, Work and Gender in Highland Bolivia
Agier Anthropologies du Carnaval: la ville la fête et l'Afrique à Bahia
Wade Music, Race, and Nation: Música Tropical in Columbia  相似文献   

《Journal of Baltic studies》2012,43(2-3):217-236

Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff. By the Supreme Allied Commander, South‐east Asia, 1943–45, Vice‐Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma. London : H.M. Stationery Office. Pp. xii+280. 39 maps. 1951. 17s. 6d.

Before the Curtain. By Thomas Preston. John Murray. 18s.

Anopheles and Malaria in the Middle East. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Memoir No. 7. By Leeson, Lumsden, Yofe and Macan. London : H. K. Lewis and Co. 1950. Pp. xii + 223. Illustrations. 35s.

The Essential T. E. Lawrence. Selected by David Garnett. Jonathan Cape.. 1951. 8"×5/1/2>”. Pp. 311. 12s. 6d.

Traveller's Prelude. By Freya Stark. John Murray. Pp. xii + 346. Illustrations. 1950. 18s.

Ceylon, Pearl of the East. By Henry Williams. Pp.460. Robert Hale. 1951. 25s.

The Hunt for the Buru. By Ralph Izzard. Pp. 176. Illustrated. Hodder and Stoughton. 15s.

Antique Land. By Diana Shipton. Hodder and Stoughton. Pp. 219. Photographs. 1950. 20s.

Journey to Red China. By Robert Payne. Heinemann, 8s. 6d.

Confessions of a China Hand. By Ronald Farquharson. Hodder and Stoughton. Pp. 224. 12s. 6d.

Lushai Chrysalis. By Major Anthony Gilchrist McCall, O.B.E. Pp. 320. Photographs. Luzac and Co. 25s.  相似文献   

The expansion of the global economy and the governance deficit it has generated raise questions about the possibilities for regulating the practices of participants in global production networks. This paper focuses on the regulation of industrial relations in Cambodia's textile and garment industry – a unique ensemble of state, trade union, private sector and international institutions that is promoted as a “fair model of globalisation.” We track the trajectory of Cambodia's industrialisation and insertion into the global economy over three interrelated phases: first, the beginnings of export-orientated garment production in the mid- to late 1990s; secondly, the promotion of Cambodia as an “ethical producer” from 1999; and, thirdly, privileging “competitiveness” in global production networks over labour compliance for its advantage. In doing so we centre our analysis on the complex intertwining of global production, the genesis of the unique ensemble of actors in Cambodia and the anomaly of Cambodia's labour movement.  相似文献   

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