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Books reviewed:
Burns Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru
Socolow The Women of Colonial Latin America
Dunkerley Americana. The Americas in the World, around 1850 (or 'Seeing the Elephant' as the Theme for an Imaginary Western)
Wasserman Everyday Life and Politics in Nineteenth Century Mexico. Men, Women and War
Alonso Between Revolution and the Ballot Box. The Origins of the Argentine Radical Party
Peard Race, Place, and Medicine: The Idea of the Tropics in Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Medicine
Iverleigh The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival
Dore and Molyneaux Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America
Ehlers Silent Looms: Women and Production in a Guatemalan Town
Townsend, Zapata, Rowlands, Alberti and Mercado, eds Women and Power: Fighting Patriarchies and Poverty
Higgins and Coen Streets, Bedrooms and Patios: The Ordinariness of Diversity of Urban Oaxaca
Vila Crossing Borders – Reinforcing Borders: Social Categories, Metaphors, and Narrative Identities on the US–Mexico Frontier
Rochín and Valdés Voices of a New Chicano/o History
Flores From Bomba to Hip-hop: Puerto Rican Culture and Latino Identity
Early and Peters The Xilixana Yanomami of the Amazon: History, Social Structure, and Population Dynamics
Díaz-Briquets and Pérez-López Conquering Nature: The Environmental Legacy of Socialism in Cuba
Hall Amazonia At The Crossroads: the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Clifton The Politics of Telecommunications in Mexico: Privatization and State-Labour Relations, 1982–1995  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this issue.
The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel , by Stephen J. Sniegoski.
The Hebrew Republic: How Secular Democracy and Global Enterprise Will Bring Israel Peace at Last , by Bernard Avishai.
The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower , by Robert Baer.
The Ayatollah Begs to Differ: The Paradox of Modern Iran , by Hooman Majd.
Culture and Conflict in the Middle East , by Philip Carl Salzman.
Syria: Chess Match at the Borders , A Film by Amal Hamelin des Essarts.
Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader, A Story of True Jihad , by John W. Kiser.  相似文献   

Gary W, Cox: The Efficient Secret; The Cabinet and the Development of Political Parties in England (Cambridge University Press, 1987; pp. xiv, 187; ISBN 0 521 32779 2; £25.00) W. C. Lubenow: Parliamentary Politics and the Home Rule Crisis; The British House of Commons in 1886 (Oxford University Press, 1988; pp. vii, 389; ISBN 0 19 822966 6; £37.50.)

W. R. McKay: Clerks in the House of Commons 1363–1989: A Biographical List [House of Lords Record Office Occasional Publications No. 3] (H. M. S. O., 1989, pp. 172; n.p)  相似文献   

The article begins with an analysis of China's past in terms of the interplay between Confucian teaching, local, or folk, tradition and the impact of foreign culture. There then follows an examination of the current situation in terms of continuity and change, with particular emphasis on alienation and the rise of nationalism in a post-Marxist society. The article concludes with a critique of Wolf Totem.  相似文献   



The Turkish Empire. By Lord Eversley and Sir Valentine Chirol. T. Fisher Unwin.

Travels in Eastern Tibet. By Eric Teichman, H.M. Consular Service. Maps and illustrations. Cambridge Press.

Mark Sykes : His Life and Letters. By Shane Leslie. With an Introduction by the Right Hon. Winston Churchill. Cassell. 16s. net.

Explorations in the Eastern Karakoram and the Upper Yarkand Valley. (Report of the Survey of India Party with the De Filippi Expedition, 1914.)

Siwa: The Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. By C. Dalrymple Belgrave, with an Introduction by Sir Reginald Wingate. John Lane, London. 15s. net.  相似文献   

Big Men, Small Boys and Politics in Ghana: Power, Ideology and the Burden of History, 1982–1994 by Paul Nugent. Pinter Publishing Limited (London and New York). 1995. xiv plus 306pp. including bibliography and index. £35 or $63 hardback.

Understanding Contemporary Africa (2nd edition) edited by April A. Gordon and Donald L. Gordon. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London. 1996. xiv plus 432pp. including maps, illustrations, notes, bibliographies, appendices and index.

The Politics of Difference: Ethnic Premises in a World of Power edited by Edwin N. Wilmsen and Patrick McAllister. University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London. 1996. ix plus 210pp.

The Multilateral Development Banks. Volume 1. The African Development Bank by E. Philip English and Harris M. Mule. The North‐South Institute. Ottawa. 1996. xvi plus 213pp.

Brothers at War: Dissidence and Rebellion in Southern Africa by Abiodun Alao. British Academic Press, London and New York. 1994. xiii plus 201pp. including notes, bibliography, index. £39.50. Hardback.

Now that We are Free: Coloured Communities in Democratic South Africa edited by Wilmot James, Daria Caliguire and Kerry Cullinan. Lynne Rienner Publishing, Boulder (Colorado) and London. 1996. 142pp.

Imperialism or Solidarity? International Labour and South African Trade Unions by Roger Southall. University of Cape Town Press, Cape Town. 1995. 398pp.

The Aid Relationship in Zambia: A Conflict Scenario by Oliver Saasa and Jerker Carlsson. Institute for African Studies, Lusaka (Zambia) and Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala (Sweden). 1996. 170pp. including figures, tables, notes, bibliography and index. Paperback.  相似文献   

Ideology and Development in Africa by Crawford Young Yale University Press, New Haven (Connecticut), 1982. xviii plus 376 pp. including tables, notes and index. R62,57. R23,35 paperback.

Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa by Robert H. Bates Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. xiii plus 184 pp. including tables, notes and index. R40,95.

Political Development Theory: The Contemporary Debate by Richard A. Higgott Croom Helm, London, 1983. xvi plus 124 pp. including index. £6,95 paperback.

Decolonization: The Administration and Future of the Colonies, 1919–1960 by Rudolf von Albertini Holmes and Meier, Inc., New York, 1982 (reprint), xxx plus 680 pp. including notes, bibliography and index. $ 37,50. $19,50 paperback.

Foreign Policy‐Making in Developing States: A Comparative Approach edited by Christopher Clapham Saxon House, Westmead, 1977. x plus 184 pp. including tables, maps, bibliography and index. R45,8o.

The Politics of Basic Needs: Urban Aspects of Assaulting Poverty in Africa by Richard Sandbrook Heinemann, London, 1982. vi plus 250 pp. including tables, notes and index. £5,95 paperback.

Redistribution of Population in Africa edited by John I. Clarke and Leszek A. Kosiński Heinemann, London, 1982. xii plus 212 pp. including tables, figures, maps, index of names and subject index. £7,50 paperback.

Oral Historiography by David Henige Longman, London, 1982. x plus 150 pp. including notes, bibliography and index. £3,95 paperback.

Nigeria von der völkerrechtlichen Unabhangigkeit zur zweiten Republik: Analyse und Dokumentation by Joseph Lütke Entrup Verlag Hans Richarz, Sankt Augustin, 1981. 243 pp. including appendices and bibliography. DM29,80.

Oral Poetry and Somali Nationalism: The Case of Sayyid Mahammad ‘Abdille Hasan by Said S. Samatar Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982. xii plus 232 pp. including illustrations, figures, tables, notes, bibliography and index. R52,50.

Tom Mboya: The Man Kenya Wanted to Forget by David Goldsworthy Heinemann, London, 1982. xii plus 308 pp. including appendix and index. R30,80.

Development Policies and Approaches in Southern Africa edited by D. A. Kotzé Academica, Pretoria, 1983, 147 pp. including bibliography and index. R16,50.

Das südliche Afrika — I: Republik Südafrika‐Swasiland‐Lesotho by Ernst Klimm, Karl‐Günther Schneider and Bernd Wiese Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1980. 307 pp. including maps, tables, graphs and index. Also annexure of photographs. DM84,00.

Die Städte des südlichen Afrika by Karl‐Gunther Schneider and Bernd Wiese, Bornträger, Berlin and Stuttgart, 1983. 175 pp. including maps, tables, figures, graphs, photographs and index. DM98,00.

Südafrika: Fakten und Probleme by Karl‐Gunther Schneider and Bernd Wiese Seewald, Stuttgart, 1983. 187 pp. including maps, tables, figures, graphs, photographs and index. DM24,00.

Verkehrsgeographische Strukturwandlungen im südlichen Afrika, 1975–1980 by Joachim Jeske Institut für Afrika‐Kunde, Hamburg, 1981. 256 pp. including maps, tables and figures. DM22,00.

Malawi: Geographie eines unterentwickelten Landes by Cay Lienau Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1981. 243 pp. including maps, tables, graphs and index. Also annexure of photographs. DM89,00.

Kaunda on Violence by Kenneth D. Kaunda and edited by Colin M. Morris Willia m Collins, London, 1980. 184 pp. R6,95 paperback.

Under the Skin: The Death of White Rhodesia by David Caute Allen Lane, London, 1983. 447 pp. including maps and chronology. £14,95.

Race and Ethnicity: South African and International Perspectives edited by Hendrik W. van der Merwe and Robert A. Schrire, David Philip, Cape Town, 1980. 237 pp. including notes and index. R9,00 paperback.

South Africa in the World Economy edited by Jacqueline Matthews McGraw‐Hill, Johannesburg, 1983. xi plus 271pp. including index. R23,50.

Black Politics in South Africa since 1945 by Tom Lodge Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1983. x plus 389 pp. including figures, notes, sources and index. R 14,95 paperback.

Which Way is South Africa Going? by Gwendolen M. Carter Indiana University Press, Bloomington (Indiana), and London, 1980. xii plus 162 pp. including maps, bibliographical notes and index. $12,95.

The God of the Xhosa: A Study of the Origins and Development of the Traditional Concepts of the Supreme Being by Janet Hodgson Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1982. xiv plus 131 pp. including appendices, bibliography and index. R9,75 paperback.

Black People and the South African War, 1899–1902 by Peter Warwick Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. xiv plus 226 pp. including maps, tables, notes, select bibliography and index. R52,25.

Afrikaner Political Thought: Analysis and Documents — Volume I: 1780–1850 by André du Ton and Hermann Giliomee David Philip, Cape Town and Johannesburg, 1983. xxx plus 309 pp. including notes and index. R36,oo. R 18,00 paperback.  相似文献   

Arms and the African: Military Influences on Africa's International Relations edited by William J. Foltz and Henry S. Bienen Yale University Press, New Haven (Connecticut), and London, 1985. xv plus 221 pp. including map, tables, appendix and index. $22,50.

Language, Society and Paleoculture: Essays by Edgar C. Polome Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1982. xiii plus 387 pp. including bibliography. $20,00.

Indigenous Agricultural Revolution: Ecology and Food Production in West Africa by Paul Richards Hutchinson, London, 1985. 192 pp. including figures, tables, illustrations, appendix, bibliography and index. $12,95.

Rural‐Urban Balance: Policy and Practice in Ten African Countries by T.J.D. Fair Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, 1985. 37 pp. including tables, map and references. R4,00 paperback.

Hundert Jahre Afrika und die Deutschen edited by Wolfgang Höpker Günther Neske (for the Deutsche Afrika‐Stiftung), Pfullingen (West Germany), 1984. 178 pp. including map and illustrations. DM28,00.

Kenya: The Quest for Prosperity by Norman N. Miller Westview Press, Boulder (Colorado), and Gower, London, 1984. x plus 180 pp. including map, illustrations, figures, tables, notes, bibliography and index. £14,45.

Colonial Evangelism: A Socio‐Historical Study of An East African Mission at the Grassroots by T.O. Beidelman Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1982. xix plus 274 pp. including maps, tables, notes, bibliography and index. $12,50 paperback.

Zimbabwe: A Revolution that Lost its Way? by André Astrow Zed Press, London, 1983. xv plus 254 pp. including maps, tables, notes, bibliography and index. R.20,75 paperback.

Where are the Ju/Wasi of Nyae Nyae?: Changes in a Bushman Society, 1958–1981 by John Marshall and Claire Ritchie Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, 1984. ix plus 187 pp. including diagrams, tables, maps, illustrations, appendices and references. R3,50 paperback.

South Africa in its International Context: Some Historical Reflections by F.H. Hinsley, Noel Garson and Sara Pienaar South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg, October 1986 (Bradlow Series, No. 4). 14 pp. R10,00 paperback.

The Surplus People: Forced Removals in South Africa by Laurine Platzky and Cherryl Walker Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1985. xxxiii plus 446 pp. including maps, tables, illustrations, bibliography and index. R.14,95 paperback.

From Control to Confusion: The Changing Role of Administration Boards in South Africa, 1971–1983 by Simon Bekker and Richard Humphries Shuter and Shooter, Pietermaritzburg, 1985. 258 pp. including maps, tables, notes, appendices, bibliography and index. R20,00 paperback.

The Ambiguities of Dependence in South Africa: Class, Nationalism, and the State in Twentieth‐Century Natal by Shula Marks Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1986. ix plus 171 pp. including map, illustrations, appendix, notes and index. R.13,50 paperback.

Khoikhoi and the Founding of White South Africa by Richard Elphick Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1985. xxii plus 266 pp. including maps, references, bibliography and index. R14,95 paperback.

The Colonization of the Southern Tswana, 1870–1900 by Kevin Shillington Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1985. xxii plus 311 pp. including maps, tables, illustrations, notes, appendices, bibliography and index. R18,00 paperback.

John Blades Currey, 1850 to 1900: Fifty Years in the Cape Colony edited by Phillida Brooke Simons Brenthurst Press, Johannesburg, 1986. 275 pp. including illustrations, notes, appendix, bibliography and index. R.195,00.

The World of Can Themba: Selected Writings edited by Essop Patel Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1985. 244 pp. R6,95 paperback.  相似文献   

Work, Culture, and Identity: Migrant Labourers in Mozambique and South Africa, c.1860–1910 by Patrick Harries. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg; Heinemann, Portsmouth NH; and James Currey, London. 1994. 328 pp. including photographs, maps and tables. R75.00 paperback.

African Workers and Colonial Racism: Mozambican Strategies and Struggles in Lourenc.0 Marques, 1877–1962 by Jeanne Marie Penvenne. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg; Heinemann, Portsmouth NH; and James Currey, London. 1995. 242 pp. including maps, halftones and tables. R86.00 paperback.

Historical Dictionary of Namibia by John J. Grotpeter. The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, New Jersey and London. No 57 in the African Historical Dictionaries series. 1994. xxvi plus 725 pp. including a chronology, map, appendices and bibliography. $89.50 hardback.

Out in the Cold: Academic Boycotts and the Isolation of South Africa by L.J. Haricombe and F.W. Lancaster. Information Resources Press, Arlington, Virginia. 1995. xiv plus 158 pp. including tables, bibliography and index. $29.50 hardback.

The Foreign Policy of Zimbabwe by Ulf Engel. Institute of African Affairs, Hamburg. 1994. vii plus 479 pp. including diagrams, tables, notes, bibliography and indices.

The Politics of Two Sudans: The South and the North 1821 ‐1969 by Deng D. Akol Ruay. The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala, Sweden. 1994. 183 pp. £14.95.

Namibia's Liberation Struggle: The Two‐Edged Sword edited by Colin Leys and John S. Saul. James Curry, London and Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio. 1995. x plus 212 pp. including maps, notes and index. £12.95 paperback.

Namibia and External Resources: The Case of Swedish Development Assistance by Bertil Oden, Henning Melber, Tor Sellstrom and Chris Tapscott. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Research Report No. 96, Uppsala. 1994. 122 pp. including map, references and tables. £5.95 paperback.

Short‐Cut to Decay: The Case of the Sudan edited by Sharif Harir and Terje Tvedt. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala. 1994. 275 pp. £19.95.

Divided Sisterhood: Race, Class and Gender in the South African Nursing Profession by Shula Marks. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg (South Africa), Macmillan Press Ltd (Great Britain), and St. Martin's Press, Inc., (USA). 1994. xiii plus 306 pp. including notes, bibliography and index. R82.00 paperback.

Transition to Democracy in Nigeria (1985–1993) by Tunji Olagunju, Adele Jinadu and Sam Oyovbaire. Spectrum Books Ltd., Ibadan and London. 1993. 278 pp.  相似文献   

Beyond Apartheid: Human Resources for a New South Africa. James Currey Ltd., Islington, London, David Philip Publisher (Pty) Ltd., Claremont (South Africa), and Heinemann Educational Books Inc., Portsmouth (USA), 1991. x plus 132pp. including tables, notes and appendices. £7,95. Paperback.

Occasional Papers on the Irish in South Africa by Donald H. Akenson. Institute of Social and Economic Research, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 1991.96pp.

The Organisation of African Unity: An Analysis of its Role by Gino J. Naldi. Mansell: London and New York, 1989. ix plus 228pp. including appendices. £40,00.

Place, Migration and Development in the Third World. An Alternative View by Lawrence A. Brown. Routledge, London and New York, 1991. xx plus 252pp. including figures, tables, appendices, notes, references and index. Hardback.

Urban and Regional Change in Southern Africa edited by David Drakakis‐Smith. Routledge (London), 1992. xviii plus 227 pp. including figures, tables, notes, bibliography and index.

The Making of the Colonial Order: White Supremacy and Black Resistance in the Eastern Cape, 1770–1865 by Clifton C. Crais. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, 1992. 284pp. R60,00. Paperback.

Bounds of Possibility by B. Pityana, M. Ramphele, M. Mpumlwana and L Wilson. David Philip, Cape Town, 1991. R35,50. Paperback.

All, Here, and Now: Black Politics in the 1980s by Tom Lodge, Bill Nasson, Steven Mufson, Khehla Shubane and Nokwanda Sithole. David Philip, Cape Town, 1991. x plus 414 pp. including figures, appendices, bibliography and index. R44,95. Paperback.

Spirit of Africa: The Healing Ministry of Archbishop Milingo of Zambia by Gerrie ter Haar. Hurst & Company, London, 1992. x plus 286 pp. including map illustrations, notes, bibliography and index. £9,95. Paperback.

Striking Back: A History of COSATU by Jeremy Baskin. Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1991. xv plus 488pp. R32.95.

Economic Development That Lasts: Labour‐intensive Irrigation Projects in Nepal and the United Republic of Tanzania by Bertin Martens. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1989. xvii plus 191pp. including maps, figures, tables, appendices and bibliography. Swiss francs 27,50. Paperback.

South African Review 6: From “Red Friday” to CODESA edited by Glenn Moss and Ingrid Obery. Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1992. xxi plus 508pp. including figures, tables and notes. Paperback.

Black Youth in Crisis: Facing the Future edited for CASE by David Everatt and Elinor Sisulu. Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1992. xii plus 89pp. including figures, tables and notes.  相似文献   

Terrorism in Mozambique by Alex Vines. Centre for Southern African Studies, University of York, in association with James Currey, London, 1991. xiv plus 176pp. including maps, figures, tables, appendices, bibliography and index. R47.25. Paperback.

Kwame Nkrumah, the Conakry Years: His Life and Letters compiled by June Milne. Panaf, an imprint of Zed Press Ltd., London, 1990. x plus 422pp. including notes, bibliography and index.

Towards Economic Recovery in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Essays in Honour of Robert Gardiner edited by James Pickett and Hans Singer. Routledge, London, 1990. xv plus 273pp. including tables, notes, bibliography and index. £35.00. Hardback.

Chronicles of Darkness by David Ward. Routledge, London and New York, 1989. xii plus 191pp. including notes and index. £30. Hardback.

Towards Justice? Crime and State Control in South Africa edited by Desiree Hansson and Dirk van Zyl Smit. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1990. iv and 278pp. R34.95. Paperback.

The Politics of Reconciliation: Zimbabwe's First Decade by Victor de Waal. David Philip Publishers (Pty) Ltd., Cape Town, 1990. xiv plus 146pp. including prologue, acknowledgements, list of acronyms, endnotes and index of names. R39.95. Paperback.

Civil Service Pay in Africa by Derek Robinson. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1990. xi plus 220pp. including 58 tables. Paperback.

No Place to Rest: Forced Removals and the Law in South Africa edited by Christina Murray and Catherine O'Reagan. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp. 248. R24.95. Paperback.

People and Violence in South Africa edited by B. McKendrick and W. Hoffman. Oxford University Press, 1990. 495 pp. R49.95. Paperback.

The Elusive Search for Peace ‐ South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland edited by H. Giliomee and J. Gagiano. Oxford University Press, 1990. viii plus 328 pp. R29.95. Paperback.

Southern Africa at the Crossroads. Prospects for the Political Economy of the Region edited by Anthoni van Nieuwkerk and Gary van Staden. South African Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg, 1991.267 pp. including tables, notes and bibliographies. Paperback.

South Africa's Informal Economy edited by Eleanor Preston‐Whyte and Christian Rogerson. Contemporary South African Debates, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1991. vi plus 410pp. including 25 chapters with editors’ introductions, figures, tables, photographs, index. Each chapter has its own bibliography and notes. R43.95. Paperback.

Protecting Human Rights in a New South Africa by Albie Sachs. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1990. viii plus 208pp. including appendices and index. R21.95. Paperback.

The Igbos of Nigeria by John E. Eberegbulam Njoku. African Studies, (Vol. 14, 1990), The Edwin Mellen Press, New York. $69.95. Hardback.

La France et l'Afrique du Sud: Histoire, Mythes et Enjeux Contemporains edited by Daniel C. Bach. Karthala, Paris, 1990.432pp. Paperback.  相似文献   


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