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In a simulated crime stituation, 3 groups of eyewitnesses viewed 2 target persons through a one-way mirror and were tested for accuracy of identification after dealy periods of 2, 21, or 56 days. Subjects made identifications from either a live “show-up” or by looking at photographs. In both methods of testing only 1 of the 2 targets was actually present in the 5-man array. Results indicated that delay affects number of false alarms, test method affects number of hits. Photographs produced less accurate performance than live show-up. More than 60% of the subjects erroneously selected one of the 4 distractor persons, a finding relevant to the use of eyewitness identification in criminal investigations. Only 28% of the subjects made no errors of identification.  相似文献   

Using brain MERMER testing to detect knowledge despite efforts to conceal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This experiment examined the accuracy and reliability of the memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response (MERMER) technique for detecting information related to events subjects have experienced, despite subjects' efforts to conceal that knowledge. Information obtained through interviews was used to develop stimulus sets consisting of words and phrases presented to subjects visually by computer. Sets were composed of three types of stimuli: life experience-related (Probes), stimuli the subject was asked to memorize and respond to (Targets), and irrelevant information (Irrelevants). Each set of stimuli was tested on two individuals: (1) one individual who had participated in the event in question--and thus had the relevant information stored in his/her brain, and (2) one who had not. Six subjects were tested. Electrical brain responses to the stimuli were recorded non-invasively from the scalp and analyzed. MERMERs, (memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic responses), of which the P300 is a sub-component, were used to determine whether the subject had the relevant information stored in his brain (information present) or not (information absent), thus indicating whether or not each subject had participated in the real-life event in question. Bootstrapping was used to analyze and compare the responses to the three types of stimuli. As predicted, MERMERs were elicited by Probe stimuli only in the subjects who had participated in the investigated event, by Target stimuli in all subjects, and in no case by Irrelevant stimuli. For each of the six subjects, brain MERMER testing correctly determined whether the subject had participated in and consequently knew about the event in question (information present) or had not participated (information absent). The statistical confidence for this determination was 99.9% in five cases and 90.0% in one case. The article concludes with a discussion of areas of future research and the potential for using this new technology as an investigative tool in criminal cases.  相似文献   

Screening the prevalence and pattern of dental identifiers contributes toward the process of human identification. This research investigated the uniqueness of clinical dental identifiers in photographs and radiographs. Panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographs and five intra‐oral photographs of 1727 subjects were used. In a target set, two observers examined different subjects. In a subset, both observers examined the same subjects (source set). The distance between source and target subjects was quantified for each identifier. The percentage of subjects in the target set being at least as close as the correct subject was assessed. The number of molars (34.6%), missing teeth (42%), and displaced teeth (59.9%) were the most unique identifiers in photographs and panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographs, respectively. The pattern of rotated teeth (14.9%) was the most unique in photographs, while displaced teeth was in panoramic (37.6%) and lateral cephalometric (54.8%) radiographs. Morphological identifiers were the most unique, highlighting their importance for human identifications.  相似文献   

近年来,多源图像融合技术的应用越来越多,它可以将同一场景以不同成像方式或者不同成像时间获得的不同图像融合为一幅图像。这种技术可以综合多张照片的信息量,提高视觉感知,便于进行计算机的处理,因此,可在公安刑事摄影工作中用于对疑难指纹、立体痕迹、强反光客体痕迹、高逆光现场照片等的拍摄和处理,从而最大程度的准确反映被摄景物的实际情况。  相似文献   

钱蘅 《政法学刊》2012,(2):70-75
原始的刑事自诉模式下,被害人为刑事诉讼的主体之一。但在漫长的中世纪,被害人陷入证人的境地,国家成为唯一的诉讼主体。当代,虽然被害人普遍地被当作刑事诉讼的当事人,但是并不具有独立的诉讼主体地位,所以传统的刑事诉讼结构一直没有被害人的一席之地。现代刑事诉讼制度应当恢复刑事被害人的诉讼主体地位,并设计相应的制度充分保障刑事被害人诉讼主体地位的实现。  相似文献   

P300用于31例刑事在押人员的检测准确性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的验证事件相关电位测谎方法对刑事在押人员进行检测时的准确性,从而推动该项测谎技术从实验室走向实践。方法以31例涉案的犯罪嫌疑人为研究对象,以P300为评价指标进行事件相关电位测谎。结果事件相关电位测谎方法的准确判别率为96.8%,而测谎结论的准确率为80.6%。结论事件相关电位测谎结果没有假阳性,有利于认定犯罪事实,可以用于刑事案件测谎当中。  相似文献   

飞车抢夺是指主要借助机动车辆实施抢夺的行为。飞车抢夺犯罪的特征主要有:犯罪地域的集中性;犯罪时间的选择性; 犯罪对象的针对性:犯罪目标的特定性;犯罪结构的集合性;犯罪主体的年轻化。飞车抢夺犯罪的防范措施主要有:建立“打防控”体化 防范网络:完善情报信息网络建设;重点布防确保打击的准确力和精确度,动员社会各方面力量进行社会治安综合治理;提高人们对 飞车抢夺犯罪的认识和防范能力。  相似文献   

图片再认ERP在重型颅脑损伤后记忆障碍鉴定的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨图片再认事件相关电位(ERP)对重型颅脑损伤(sTBI)后记忆障碍法医学鉴定的应用价值。方法采用韦氏记忆量表(WMS—RC)和Neuroscan ERP仪,对74例健康志愿者(对照组)及需评定精神伤残等级的29例重型颅脑损伤后记忆障碍者(sTBI组)进行记忆能力和图片再认ERP检测。结果sTBI组WMS-RC各分测验量表分及记忆商数(MQ)均值均明显低于对照组(P〈0.01);完成ERP任务的反应时、正确率明显延长和降低(P〈0.01)。对照组在靶与非靶刺激呈现后170ms和500ms左右均可记录到潜伏期无显著性差异的二个正向波(P170和P500),但靶刺激诱发的P500波幅明显高于非靶刺激(P〈0.01);sTBI组可记录到相似的ERP波形,但各成分的波幅、潜伏期均明显降低和延长(P〈0.01)。sTBI组P500潜伏期与WMS—RC的记图、再认、再生分测验量表分和MQ值均呈高度负相关(r=-0.73~-0.83,P〈0.01),而与伤残等级呈明显正相关(r=0.65,P〈0.01)。结论图片再认诱发的Psoo潜伏期与WMS-RC反映的短时记忆功能及鉴定的精神伤残等级明显相关,可为sTBI后记忆障碍的伤残鉴定提供一项较客观的神经电生理依据。  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effect of different attentional conditions on the event-related potential (ERP) components generated by the visual information stimuli related to visual acuity, and provide a theoretical reference for clinical forensic visual objective evaluation. Methods: With visual acuity optotypes as normal form of visual information stimuli, 15 volunteers as study subjects were supposed to account the visual acuity optotypes under the attentional condition of visual stimuli. Furthermore, the subjects were required to listen to the storytelling carefully under the non-attentional condition of visual stimuli, and after the examination, they needed to answer the story-related questions. All the EEG results of two different attentional conditions from the subjects were recorded by 32 channel ERP system. Results: Under two attentional conditions, P1 and P300 components were evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on supra-threshold and threshold visual acuity levels, while only P1 component were evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on sub-threshold levels. In the ERP waveforms evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on supra-threshold, P1 and P300 amplitudes under attentional condition were larger than that under non-attentional condition. Conclusion: Attentional conditions can influence the detection of visual acuity. P300 component can be used to distinguish the visual acuity levels with supra-threshold and subthreshold under non-attentional condition. © 2017 by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.  相似文献   

徐岱 《法学研究》2009,(3):23-38
刑法解释学属于广义刑法学的一个核心分支学科,并具有自身独立的学科品格。其独立的学科品格包括三个内在的学科独立基本要素和三个外在的学科独立条件。前者是指刑法解释权、刑法解释行为和刑法解释结论;后者包括:狭义刑法学无法涵盖刑法解释学,即刑法解释学不等同于狭义刑法学;广义刑法学本身已昭示了刑法解释学自身的独立性;刑法解释学的产生和发展遵循着法学学科独立的一般性规律。倡导刑法解释学的学科独立品格,其价值在于:推进刑法学的学科应用功能;纠偏刑法学研究者热衷于铸造恢宏的概念化法学架构而忽视刑法应用实效研究的倾向;彰显刑法解释学价值判断的实践属性。  相似文献   

王瑞山 《犯罪研究》2010,(5):28-34,80
侦查理念是侦查行为的先导。侦查在不同的侦查理念主导下呈现不同的内容。当前侦查理念处在从体现专政思维的斗争活动向崇尚法治理念的管理活动转变之中,理念转换下的侦查行为研究应该包括侦查行为概念研究、侦查行为类型研究、侦查行为要素研究、侦查行为主体研究、侦查行为管理研究、侦查行为效益研究。  相似文献   

商事关系法律调整之研究——类型化路径与法体系分工   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒋大兴 《中国法学》2005,(3):98-107
商事关系乃全部商法的基石概念。商法的研究不能回避商事关系的概念、构成及其法律调整机制。从主体类型化角度可将商事关系区分为四类:商主体与商主体之闻以营利为目的的商事关系;商主体与作为监管者的非商主体之间与营利相关的商事关系;商主体与作为消费者的非商主体之间基于商主体的营利目的而形成的商事关系以及非商主体与非商主体之间偶尔为之的营利性行为形成的商事关系。四此,商事关系可以界定为主体双方或一方基于营利性目的而形成的社会关系。营利性目的是衡量是否构成商事关系的本质,至于是否发生于平等主体之间,是否发生于持续营业之中,均非商事关系本质内涵。商事关系可以由商法调整但却不必都由商法调整,甚至可能根本不由法律调整。从主体类型化的角度理解商事关系的构成,不仅有助于商法理论知识的进化,也有助于我们撩开商法的面纱,现实地对待关于商法调整对象的困惑和商法法典化的神话。  相似文献   

犯罪现场勘查是刑侦工作的基础和前提,是侦破刑事案件的首要环节,在刑事侦查工作中占有举足轻重的位置,犯罪现场勘查质量的高低,直接影响整个刑事案件侦破工作的成败。为了贯彻公安部"现场必须勘查、质量必须保证、鉴定必须准确"的精神,全国各地公安机关对刑事案件现场勘验、检查推行以专业技术人员为主、兼职技术员为辅,现场分级分类勘查的工作新模式。现场分级分类勘查工作模式要求基层现场勘查人员具有相应的现场勘验、检查技能。  相似文献   

Facial reconstruction is a method that seeks to recreate a person's facial appearance from his/her skull. This technique can be the last resource used in a forensic investigation, when identification techniques such as DNA analysis, dental records, fingerprints and radiographic comparison cannot be used to identify a body or skeletal remains. To perform facial reconstruction, the data of facial soft tissue thickness are necessary. Scientific literature has described differences in the thickness of facial soft tissue between ethnic groups. There are different databases of soft tissue thickness published in the scientific literature. There are no literature records of facial reconstruction works carried out with data of soft tissues obtained from samples of Brazilian subjects. There are also no reports of digital forensic facial reconstruction performed in Brazil. There are two databases of soft tissue thickness published for the Brazilian population: one obtained from measurements performed in fresh cadavers (fresh cadavers' pattern), and another from measurements using magnetic resonance imaging (Magnetic Resonance pattern). This study aims to perform three different characterized digital forensic facial reconstructions (with hair, eyelashes and eyebrows) of a Brazilian subject (based on an international pattern and two Brazilian patterns for soft facial tissue thickness), and evaluate the digital forensic facial reconstructions comparing them to photos of the individual and other nine subjects. The DICOM data of the Computed Tomography (CT) donated by a volunteer were converted into stereolitography (STL) files and used for the creation of the digital facial reconstructions. Once the three reconstructions were performed, they were compared to photographs of the subject who had the face reconstructed and nine other subjects. Thirty examiners participated in this recognition process. The target subject was recognized by 26.67% of the examiners in the reconstruction performed with the Brazilian Magnetic Resonance Pattern, 23.33% in the reconstruction performed with the Brazilian Fresh Cadavers Pattern and 20.00% in the reconstruction performed with the International Pattern, in which the target-subject was the most recognized subject in the first two patterns. The rate of correct recognitions of the target subject indicate that the digital forensic facial reconstruction, conducted with parameters used in this study, may be a useful tool.  相似文献   

正常人蓝/黄颜色刺激事件相关电位的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究正常人等亮度蓝/黄颜色刺激电生理反应及其头皮分布,探讨大脑处理蓝/黄颜色视觉信息的特征及其法医学价值。方法对20名正常人(40只眼)进行等亮度蓝/黄颜色刺激,同时记录其脑电反应。结果事件相关电位(Event-related potentials,ERP)早期成分显示:与蓝色靶刺激相比,黄色靶刺激引起广泛脑区N1和P2潜伏期显著缩短;此外,黄色靶刺激较蓝色靶刺激诱发出较大N1及P2,且P2振幅右半球优势效应显著。ERP晚期成分显示:与早期成分相似,与黄色靶刺激对比,蓝色靶刺激引起广泛脑区N2和P3潜伏期显著延长,以及较小的N2和P3,同时,P3表现出显著的左半球优势效应。结论以上ERP结果提示,等亮度模式下,大脑对黄色反应更敏感,黄色刺激不仅引起ERP早期成分N1和P2潜伏期的缩短及振幅的升高,同时还引起ERP晚期成分N2和P3潜伏期缩短及振幅升高。颜色ERP可能在未来法医学基础研究及临床鉴定实践中发挥很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

欺骗与刑事司法行为的道德界限   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49       下载免费PDF全文
龙宗智 《法学研究》2002,(4):96-104
刑事司法活动中允许使用带有欺骗性要素的侦讯谋略 ,包括设置警察圈套、实施卧底侦查以及审讯中的欺骗。但为了维护国家形象、社会信用和司法公正 ,这种欺骗应受到法律的严格规制 ,要求对象特定、不得已而使用 ,同时要求限制方法、防止虚假以及具有正当目的。而一旦侦查、司法机关对嫌疑人做出司法承诺 ,就必须信守。司法信用原则可以作为刑事司法的一项重要原则。  相似文献   

刑事一体化思想若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事一体化思想是随着刑事学科的发展应运而生的,从其在西方和中国的发生、发展历史轨迹中,我们可以找到某种脉络和规律。目前我国学术界对刑事一体化有着一些重要的基本共识,但因学科本位和侧重点的不同,存在一些理念上的分别,但各有其意义。刑事问题不宜单单理解为犯罪问题。据此,对刑事一体化思想做一种更为宏大的理解似乎能够更为充分地展示其内涵、精神及其发展空间和导向。  相似文献   

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