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INSeptember1998Puccini'soperaTurandotwasstagedintheForbiddenCityinBeliing.Morethan3,500peoplecametyomallaroundtheworldtoattendtheextraordinaryevent.TheFlorenceOperaHousecompanyandorchestraperformedthepopularitalianoperaunderthedirectionofworldrenownedChinesefilmdirectorZhangYimouandconductorZubenMehta.PuccinisethistaleofabeautitlilprincessintheForbiddenCity,sostagingittherewasveryspecial.Inthestory,much-solicitedPrincessTurandotannouncesthatshewillmarrythemanwhocansolvethreeriddles,but…  相似文献   

正Cultural links are creating a‘golden era’of Sino-British closeness While Romeo and Juliet were passionately whispering their undying love to each other and readiness to defy parental anger,and even death,the audience was amazed to hear notes from  相似文献   

<正>The Palace Museum,located in the Forbidden City in Beijing,marked its 90th anniversary on October 10.Once the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties(1368-1911),it now houses numerous national treasures.The museum is holding a series of ex-  相似文献   

THE paifang, a stone or wooden arch, is a unique element of ancient Chinese architecture. In feudal times, it was erected as a monument in memory of anyone - dead or alive - who had rendered meri-torious services or lived a life embodying exalted human virtues. Typically these were accomplished generals, scholars and administrators, and even widows who remained celibate in honor of their dead husband. Paifang were also built as ceremonial entranceways to sacred places such as temples and mausoleums, and finally served humble purpuses as roadsigns, where they dominated neighborhood entrances and indicated an area's name.  相似文献   

Baishan:AnAncient"Forbidden"CityOpensUpByLIMINGEVERYCHINESEknowstheancientstocyof"TheFoolishOldMan"who,withhissonsandgrandsons,...  相似文献   

THE Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589) was an ideological boom time when the grip of Confucianism began to slip and the influences of Taoism and Buddhism were gathering steam in China.  相似文献   

A once banned novel set to hit global shelves The translation of Chinese writer Jia Pingwa’s controversial novel The Abandoned Capital was recently completed by Chinese and English scholars."There should be more outstanding Chinese novels reaching world readers,"said Hu Zongfeng,Vice Dean of the School of Foreign  相似文献   

DURING the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods 2,000 years ago, Chinese distinguished the size and power of the numerous vassal states by the number of horse-drawn military chariots (each drawn by four horses) they owned. The "thousand- chariot" states were large ones, while the "hundred-chariots" states were medium-sized to small ones. This reflects the thinking in ancient China that "the affairs of a state are determined by its military,  相似文献   

<正>Beijing’s Palace Museum gems find a new home in Hong Kong Located at the western tip of the West Kowloon Cultural District and adopting an innovative curatorial approach,the Hong Kong Palace Museum opened its doors to the public after five years of planning,designing and construction.  相似文献   

简要回顾了城市经营的发展,结合中山市的实践总结了当前城市经营的不足和问题,深入的分析表明制度矛盾是其深层次原因,进而提出从建立区域管治、转变政府职能、适时调整行政区划以及建立健全创新制度等四个方面进行制度创新是改善城市经营的有效手段.  相似文献   

北京是一座具有3050年建城史、 850余年建都史的世界著名历史文化名城,古今名人云集。尤其在近现代历史中,北京居住过诸多的名人,北京的大街小巷都留下了他们的足迹。名人故居是北京历史文化名城的重要组成部分,也是重要的城市文物,深化和细化着历史文化名城的内涵。北京的名人故居数量多,影响大, 保护与利用好北京名人故居,是落实  相似文献   

City on the Rise     
At 5:55 p.m. local time on October 15, 2017, in the city of Olbia on the Italian island of Sardinia, President of the International School Sport Federation, Laurent Petrynka, began opening an envelope containing the winner of the bid to host the Gymnasiade 2020, an international sporting event for young athletes. The meeting room was silent. He pulled a card out of the envelope. It read "JINJIANG 2020."  相似文献   

IN recent years February 14 has become a special occasion for many urban youth, particularly those in college. With the popularity of Valentine’s Day on the rise, courting couples are encountering new problems.  相似文献   

正College graduates-turned-village officials explore opportunities in the vast countryside While most fresh university graduates in China aim to find jobs in the cities, more and more welleducated young people are starting to look for career opportunities in rural areas.  相似文献   

When she obtained her master's degree this year, Zhu Yanyan decided to leave Beijing after residing in the capital for six years and go back to her hometown in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, to settle down. Compared with Beijing or Shanghai, the cost of living in Chengdu is lower, making life less stressful—but no less convenient, Zhu explained.  相似文献   

THERE has, in recent years,been frequent reportage inthe Chinese media on bothongoing preservation ofand damage to historical sites. Notlong ago, the ancient city ofDinghai in Zhejiang Province - amaill battlefield during the OpiumWar, and a city famous for its con-temporary national industry andcommerce, was damaged duringmajor construction and refurbish-ment in the city. A siheyuan (acompound with houses around asquare courtyard) in downtownBeijing was demolished in similarcircumstances.…  相似文献   

一、城市功能分区的相关理论 (一)城市功能分区的涵义 城市功能分区是指按照城市的主导功能对区域进行划分,形成功能统一、相对独立而又彼此联系的功能区,构成布局合理的有机整体.  相似文献   

古希腊罗马城市是一种宗教性的联盟体,城市因神庙和诸神的存在而具有了神圣的意义与合法性,城市制度的建立来自于城市神权。宗教信仰与古希腊罗马城市的建立、城市神权与城市权力结构、城市神权与城市公民的权利义务等三个方面,有着密切的联系。神与神的联盟促进了人与人的合作关系,神与人的契约规制着人与人的关系,神与人的契约的履行是古代城市法治源头的最早体现。  相似文献   

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