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An integrated lab-on-a-chip system has been developed and successfully utilized for real-time forensic short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. The microdevice comprises a 160-nL polymerase chain reaction reactor with an on-chip heater and a temperature sensor for thermal cycling, microvalves for fluidic manipulation, a co-injector for sizing standard injection, and a 7-cm-long separation channel for capillary electrophoretic analysis. A 9-plex autosomal STR typing system consisting of amelogenin and eight combined DNA index system (CODIS) core STR loci has been constructed and optimized for this real-time human identification study. Reproducible STR profiles of control DNA samples are obtained in 2 h and 30 min with ≤0.8 bp allele typing accuracy. The minimal amount of DNA required for a complete DNA profile is 100 copies. To critically evaluate the capabilities of our portable microsystem as well as its compatibility with crime scene investigation processes, real-time STR analyses were carried out at a mock crime scene prepared by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (PBSO). Blood stain sample collection, DNA extraction, and STR analyses on the portable microsystem were conducted in the field, and a successful “mock” CODIS hit was generated on the suspect's sample within 6 h. This demonstration of on-site STR analysis establishes the feasibility of real-time DNA typing to identify the contributor of probative biological evidence at a crime scene and for real-time human identification.  相似文献   

常染色体STR遗传标记在同胞鉴定中的应用   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:17  
目的 探讨常染色体STR遗传标记用于鉴定两个体同胞关系的可行性。方法 用Power Plex~(TM)16体系15个STR基因座检测150对同胞个体和150对无关个体,ITO法计算同胞关系指数(PI_(FS))与同胞关系概率(W_(FS)),并比较两组W_(FS)值及两个体间等位基因匹配情况的差异,对前者进行组间差异的x~2检验。结果 100对(66.67%)同胞个体的W_(FS)大于0.9995;无关个体W_(FS)均小于0.8,其中100对(66.67%)W_(FS)小于0.27。同胞个体两个体间等位基因全相同的基因座个数为1~10个不等,平均5.49个,无关个体0~5个不等,平均1.33个;等位基因全不同的基因座个数,同胞个体0~6个不等,平均1.66个,无关个体2~11个不等,平均6.57个;等位基因半相同的基因座个数,同胞个体3~13个不等,平均7.85个,而无关个体1~13个不等,平均7.11个。经x~2检验,同胞个体和无关个体间全相同和全不同的基因座数差异均有极显著意义(P<0.001),半相同的基因座数差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。结论 PowerPlex~(TM)16体系可用于鉴定同胞关系。当两个体全不同基因座个数大于或等于6个,或全相同基因座数为0时,提示为无关个体;当两个体全不同基因座个数小于或等于1个,或全相同基因座数大于或等于6个时,提示为同胞。  相似文献   

PowerPlex~(TM) 16体系在中国人群中罕见等位基因及其类型   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 分析PowerPlexTM 16体系基因座在中国人群中的罕见等位基因及其类型。方法 应用PCR-STR和DNA序列分析技术,对4650个无关个体在15个STR基因座中的罕见等位基因进行检测。结果 在PowerPlexTM16体系中的D7S820、D16S539、Penta E基因座,检测到2种类型的罕见等位基因,而TH01、D21S11、D5S818、D13S317、Penta D、D8S1179、TPOX、FGA基因座检测出1种类型。其等位基因频率均较低(0.215‰-7.097‰)。结论 超出ladder范围的罕见等位基因序列比相邻等位基因增加(或减少)1个或数个重复单位,因碱基的插入或缺失的罕见等位基因出现在两等位基因之间。  相似文献   

目的建立荧光标记复合扩增D1S2142,D13S1492,D14S306,D15S659基因座检测分型方法,并对成都汉族群体4个基因座的遗传多态性进行调查。方法用6-FAM标记D1S2142和D15S659引物,HEX、TMR分别标记D14S306和D13S1492引物,PCR复合扩增,310基因分析仪电泳自动收集电泳结果数据,GeneScan Analysis Software3.7NT软件计算扩增产物片段相对大小,Genotyper(3.7NT软件进行样本基因型分型,建立了荧光标记复合扩增检测4个STR基因座基因型的方法,对145名成都汉族无关个体样本进行分型。结果荧光标记复合扩增D1S2142,D13S1492,D14S306,D15S659基因座,每个STR基因座都获得了清晰的基因型分型结果。145份样本,4个STR基因座分别检出10,14,7,12个等位基因和22,54,21,39种基因型,其基因型分布均符合Hardy-W e inberg平衡。4个基因座在成都汉族群体的杂合度分别依次为0.7793,0.8345,0.7793和0.8345;多态信息含量分别依次为:0.7656,0.8730,0.7470和0.8312。累计非父排除率为0.9783,累计个人识别机率为0.9999 917。结论荧光标记复合扩增D1S2142,D13S1492,D14S306,D15S659基因座,可实现对每个基因座准确分型;成都汉族群体该4个基因座的遗传学数据,可为群体遗传学和法医学研究与应用提供基础资料。  相似文献   

STR profiling of animal species has a wide range of applications, including forensic identification, wildlife preservation, veterinary public health protection and food safety. We tested the efficacy of a multiplex PCR-based assay including 11 porcine-specific tetrameric STRs in a population sample of wild boars (n = 142) originating from Piedmont (North West Italy). Multiple deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations were observed, mostly due to a reduction in observed heterozygosity indicative of a high degree of inbreeding. A value of θ of 0.046 and an inbreeding coefficient of 0.089 were estimated. Combined power of discrimination and probability of exclusion values for the STR panel were 0.9999999999996 and 0.99989. In order to test the suitability of the method for meat traceability purposes, a domestic pig reference sample (n = 412), consisting of commercial lines commonly used in the meat production process, was also typed. A Bayesian cluster analysis carried out using the observed genotypes, showed a percentage of correct subspecies assignment of individual samples of 0.974 for wild boars and 0.991 for pigs, thus demonstrating the usefulness of the multiplex STR-typing system for discrimination purposes.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(6):487-494
Eucalyptus is grown world-wide for paper pulp, solid wood, and other industries. Theft or illegal cutting of the trees causes hardship to owners of plantations and countries whose economies rely on the sale and export of eucalyptus products. Unfortunately, many of these crimes go unpunished due to lack of forensic evidence.Over 1200 short tandem repeat (STR) markers have been identified in the genomes of genus Eucalyptus and related species. However, their importance and utility in aiding forensic investigations of wood theft have not been explored. This study evaluated nine STRs for diversity and applied them to a case involving suspected wood theft.As expected, three dinucleotide STR markers showed greater variability but resulted in harder to interpret profiles. Four STR tetranucleotide markers evaluated in this study were found to contain additional repeat structures (dinucleotide or trinucleotide) that enhanced their variability but resulted in profiles with peaks at multiple stutter positions and heterozygote peak imbalance. The most promising STR markers were EGM37 and EMBRA 1374. Though less variable, they yielded robust and reproducible DNA profiles.All nine STR markers were applied to a case involving suspected wood theft. Samples were collected from seized wood and from remaining stumps in a plantation. No DNA match was found, thus eliminating the evidence samples as having originated from the forest. Dendrochronology analysis also resulted in an exclusion. This case study represents the first report using STR markers in any eucalyptus species to provide DNA evidence in a case of suspected wood theft.  相似文献   

中国汉族人群15个STR基因座的等位基因频率调查   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
目的 调查10071名中国汉族无关个体15个STR基因座的等位基因的类型及其频率,并与以往相关文献报道的汉族群体资料进行统计比较。方法 应用PowerPlex~(TM)16荧光标记复合扩增系统,对10071份中国汉族无关个体的血样DNA进行15个STR基因座的复合扩增;用ABI 377或3100遗传分析仪对扩增产物进行分型,统计15个STR基因座的基因频率。结果 15个STR基因座共发现226个等位基因,频率在0.0001~0.5512;除D8S1179基因座外,其它基因座均发现稀有等位基因,数目1~7个不等,共34个。在中国汉族人群,稀有D21S11基因座的等位基因32.1和36.2,D18S51基因座的等位基因15.2和17.2,Penta E基因座的等位基因15.2、17.4、18.4、19.4、26和27,D7S820基因座的等位基因9.2、10.1、11.1和15,Penta D基因座的等位基因18、19和20,TPOX基因座的等位基因14,FGA基因座的等位基因13,以及较常见但欧洲稀有的D21S11基因座的等位基因30.3和D7S820基因座的等位基因9.1和9.2等均为首次报道。结论 大样本基因频率调查有利于观察STR基因座的稀有等位基因;本研究结果与以往相关文献报道的结果有不同程度的差异。  相似文献   

22号染色体4个STR基因座的遗传多态性及连锁关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 研究22号染色体上4个STR在中国成都汉族群体的分布,开发新的STR应用于法医学应用。方法 103份汉族无血缘关系的个体血样,及10个三代家系采自成都。用PCR技术分别对4个STR基因座进行扩增,所有基因座均采用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶不连续缓冲系统水平电泳进行分型,银染。应用Linkage软件包的CILINK软件对4个基因座进行连锁分析。结果 通过4个STR的群体遗传学分析,D22S686、D22S533、D22S685和D22S445的个人识别率分别为0.875、0.913、0.923和0.84,它们的非父排除率分别为0.522、0.538、0.624和0.490。在家系调查中,发现D22S685存在一例突变。结论 这4个STR具有很好的多态性,可作为法医学个人识别和亲权鉴定新的候选遗传标记。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to highlight the importance of evaluating entomological evidence in forensic investigations on a regional scale. To evaluate climatic, geographical and environmental influences on the selection of carrion-breeding fauna in Northern Italy and consequently on inferred forensic data (post-mortem intervals and post-mortem transfer), we present details of six indoor-outdoor cases. Results show that the most abundant species was Lucilia sericata, together with other fly species of entomo-forensic interest, belonging to the Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae families. In particular, for the first time in Italy, we report finding Phormia regina, Lucilia ampullacea, Lucilia caesar and Sarcophaga (Pandelleana) protuberans on fresh cadavers. The active period of L. sericata in Northern Italy, according to previous findings in Southern Europe, revealing clearcut differences with phenologies in Northern Europe, has important consequences in estimating the period (season, months) of death in cases of long post-mortem intervals (several months or years) if empty puparia of this fly are found. According to our results, the distribution of L. sericata in areas with urban sprawl, like Northern Italian regions, cannot be used to evaluate post-mortem transfer from an urban area to a rural one.  相似文献   

The calculation of likelihood ratios (LRs) for DNA mixture analysis is necessary to establish an appropriate hypothesis based on the estimated number of contributors and known contributor genotypes. In this paper, we recommend a relevant analytical method from the 15 short tandem repeat typing system (the Identifiler multiplex), which is used as a standard in Japanese forensic practice and incorporates a flowchart that facilitates hypothesis formulation. We postulate that: (1) all detected alleles need to be above the analytical threshold (e.g., 150 relative fluorescence unit (RFU)); (2) alleles of all known contributors should be detected in the mixture profile; (3) there should be no contribution from close relatives. Furthermore, we deduce that mixtures of four or more persons should not be interpreted by Identifiler as the LR values of 100,000 simulated cases have a lower expectation of exceeding our temporal LR threshold (10,000) which strongly supports the prosecution hypothesis. We validated the method using various computer-based simulations. The estimated number of contributors is most likely equal to the actual number if all alleles detected in the mixture can be assigned to those from the known contributors. By contrast, if an unknown contributor(s) needs to be designated, LRs should be calculated from both two-person and three-person contributions. We also consider some cases in which the unknown contributor(s) is genetically related to the known contributor(s).  相似文献   

Current forensic DNA profiling methods rely on the analysis of samples at specialised laboratories with an average turnaround time of several days. The ability to rapidly determine a partial profile of short tandem repeats at the point-of-arrest would be of great benefit to police forces around the world, for example enabling a suspect to be rapidly included or excluded from an investigation. We have developed a homogeneous PCR method for the interrogation of STR loci utilising fluorescent oligonucleotide probes and melting curve analysis. Alleles of the D18S51, TH01 and D8S1179 loci were differentiated and identified on the basis of target length and probe melting temperature. Assay performance was evaluated by comparing melting peak data with the AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus® system. The method is compatible with direct analysis of unpurified buccal swab samples, enabling a partial STR profile to be generated within 1 h.  相似文献   

This case study demonstrates the importance of the Phorid, Megaselia abdita (Schmitz), as an indicator for post-mortem interval estimation in criminal investigations involving forensic entomology where it is usually the more frequently occurring Calliphorids that are most useful. A case example is discussed where the temperatures were low for the period of time the deceased was missing.  相似文献   

In this study a proposal for the allele nomenclature of six polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) loci (PEZ3, PEZ6, PEZ8, PEZ10, FHC2161, and FHC2328) for canine genotyping (Canis lupus familiaris) is presented. The nomenclature is based on the sequence data of the polymorphic region of the microsatellite markers as recommended by the DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Haemogenetics (ISFH) in 1994 for human DNA typing. To cover commonly and rarely occurring alleles, a selection of homozygous and heterozygous animals were analyzed and subjected to sequence studies. The alleles consisted of simple tri- and tetra-nucleotide repeat patterns as well as compound and highly complex repeat patterns. Several alleles revealing the same fragment size but different repeat structures were found. The allele designation described here was adopted to the number of repeats, including all variable regions within the amplified fragment. In a second step the most commonly occurring alleles were added to an allelic ladder for each marker allowing a reliable typing of all alleles differing in size. A total number of 142 unrelated dogs from surrounding municipal animal homes, private households, and canines in police duty were analyzed. The data were added to a population database providing allele frequencies for each marker.  相似文献   

Several laboratories have reported the occurrence of a split or n − 1 peak at the vWA locus in PowerPlex® 16 and PowerPlex® ES amplification products separated on 4- and 16-capillary electrophoresis instruments. The root cause of this artifact is post-PCR reannealing of the unlabeled, unincorporated vWA primer to the 3′-end of the tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-labeled strand of the vWA amplicon. This reannealing occurs in the capillary post-electrokinetic injection. The split peak is eliminated by incorporation into the loading cocktail of a sacrificial hybridization sequence (SHS) oligonucleotide that is complementary to the vWA primer. The SHS preferentially anneals to the primer instead of the TMR-labeled strand of the vWA amplicon. In addition, the n − 10/n − 18 artifact that may be seen at the vWA locus was determined to be due to double-stranded amplicon formed post-electrokinetic injection into the capillary. This was also eliminated by adding in two Complementary Oligo Targets (COT1 and COT2) in addition to the SHS oligonucleotide into the loading cocktail. These three oligonucleotides are complementary to the 33 bases at the 5′-end of the unlabeled vWA amplicon strand and the 60 bases at its 3′-end and therefore compete for hybridization to the TMR-labeled amplicon strand. Incorporation of these three oligonucleotides in the Internal Lane Standard 600 (ILS600) eliminate both the split peak and n − 10/n − 18 artifact in PowerPlex® 16 and PowerPlex® ES amplification products without affecting sizing of alleles at the vWA locus or any locus in the PowerPlex® 16, PowerPlex® Y, PowerPlex® ES, AmpFlSTR® Profiler Plus® ID, AmpFlSTR® Cofiler®, and AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus® kits.  相似文献   

Numerous factors may cause delayed colonisation of a corpse by blowflies, leading to a discrepancy between the entomologically determined post-mortem interval (PMI) and the time of death. Blowflies, for example, are considered to be inactive at night, however, published observations are contradictory. In the present study, several field experiments and one type of indoor experiment were conducted in summer of 2004 and 2005 in order to investigate the nocturnal ovipositional behaviour of blowflies. In the field, two types of bait, dead hedgehogs and fresh beef liver, were placed at night in different urban and rural locations in Frankfurt and in Munich, Germany. For the indoor-experiments beef liver was placed in small plastic boxes containing caged Lucilia sericata females in the evening and left overnight. At night, no ovipositon was observed in the field (n=51, T=10-24 degrees C). Nocturnal oviposition in complete darkness occurred in the plastic boxes in two of six cases (T=25 degrees C). Considering the behavioural and physiological characteristics of flies we suggest that nocturnal oviposition of blowflies appears to be unlikely under natural conditions in Central Europe but may occur under certain circumstances, such as unusual high nightly temperatures and the presence of gravid flies with an appropriate arousal threshold.  相似文献   

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