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词汇在人们掌握语言以及运用语言中具有基础性地位,因此,必须彰显词汇教学的重要性。高校在英语词汇教学中应当正确认识词汇习得理论研究的科学内涵,从中找到词汇习得与词汇教学的内在联系,并选择积极有效的策略来加强词汇教学。  相似文献   

词汇是语言的最基本单位,是语言的基础,英语能力的提高在很大程度上取决于词汇的扩展。但是,学生们大多反映掌握词汇很难,因而丧失了学习英语的兴趣和信心。那么,如何帮助学生扫除词汇记忆这个“拦路虎”,提高词汇记忆效果呢?笔者认为,教师既要有科学的语言学习理论作指导,又要讲究一定的教学方法。  相似文献   

丁文 《各界》2008,(11)
文言文跟现代的书面语有着很大的区别,理解起来有较大难度。在教学中把它分成类:一类是生命力很强,使用频率较高的,另一类是偶而出现,使用率较低的,还有一类是几乎不用,被淘汰了的。文言文里语言教学的重点是词汇。要根据在文言或现代汉语合成词出现频率紧抓常用实词,力求做到会读、会写、会讲、会翻译,务必重视积累。即便是不常用或被淘汰的词也得适当注意。辨析词义是词汇教学的重点,有时要讲清本义,注意各个词义的联系和区别,能收到举一反三的效果。  相似文献   

词汇学习是语言习得的重要方面,也是外语教学过程中的重要一环。从认知心理学的角度来认识大学英语词汇教学,阐明学生对英语词汇认知的过程和词汇信息加工过程,旨在提高大学英语词汇教学效果。  相似文献   

本文从心理语言学的角度对国内外在心理词典领域的研究进行分析,进而对英语词汇在英语学习者大脑中的存储、输出等进行阐释,从而建构心理词典在大学英语教学中的应用,以此对大学英语词汇教学产生一些积极影响。  相似文献   

隐喻是一种重要的认知模式,动物词语文化意义的产生源自人类的认知机制.在与动物的频繁接触中,人类认知了动物的不同种属特性,这些特性因为与其他事物或概念有关联性或相似性而联系起来,通过隐喻或转喻模型,映射到其他事物的种属特性中,使动物词语转指、表达其他事物或概念.因为长期频繁的联系,这些表达意义得以习惯化、概念化、词汇化,从而产生动物词语的文化意义.  相似文献   

学生从小学开始学习英语,一直学到大学毕业,经过十几年的基础教育,英语知识有了一定程度的积淀,但他们的语言表达能力还相当有限。英语同汉语一样首先是一门语言,如何能如用母语一样用英语也能明晰表达自我,这就成为当前英语教学的重要使命。如何使学生学到的英语成为文化的积累,让他们习得的符号变成鲜活的语言。这些正是英语教育工作者一直关注的问题。  相似文献   

不同的民族有着不同的语言,每种语言都蕴涵着不同的社会文化背景.从语言与文化的关系入手,简述了在大学英语教学中文化教学的必要性,同时提出了文化教学的途径.  相似文献   

本文旨在对发散式思维在高中英语词汇教学中的运用做一些探讨.通过词汇教学中基础词汇的构建、词汇间各种联系的构建及词汇的得体应用三个方面的教学来探讨发散式思维在高中英语词汇教学中的运用,发现规律,总结成果.  相似文献   

我国历来的大学英语教学(大学公共外语教学的通称)十分重视语言形式(语音、基本词汇和语法)的教学,相对忽视文化背景知识的教学。文化背景知识的教学既可以帮助学生深刻理解语言形式,又可提高学生交际能力,在大学英语教学中具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study estimates the impact of the discretionary Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program (EBMGP) on drug arrests and crime. The 1986 and 1988 Anti‐Drug Abuse Act allocated federal funds to state and local municipalities to combat illicit drug use and violent crime associated with drug sales and trafficking. The results show that the implementation of the EBMGP resulted in an increase in police hiring, an increase in drug sales arrest rates for Blacks and Whites, and a decrease in total crime. Nonetheless, Black‐White racial disparity in the drug sales arrest rate still significantly increases by approximately 1 for every 1,000 Black residents. Our findings highlight the role of federal crime control policies in state and local policing. Although, the EBMGP was a color‐blind policy initiative, it was not race neutral in its implementation.  相似文献   

By bringing decision making closer to people, decentralization is expected to improve governance and service delivery outcomes. Yet, the empirical evidence on the impact of decentralization on macroeconomic performance and public sector size presents a mixed picture. However, the findings of cross‐country studies in the literature are sensitive to the way decentralization is defined, and how its extent and impact are measured. This article avoids the unwanted effects of incomparability and aggregation in cross‐country analysis. We use a unique panel data set from 183 villages in Pakistan to analyze the impact of decentralization reforms implemented in 2001 on the provision of services—street paving, construction of water canals, sanitation sewer lines, and school facilities. Our results show that the magnitude of provision of all services increased significantly following decentralization reforms. We further show that the four services are impacted differently and service delivery improvement is not uniform, but not in ways that conform to the hypotheses of patronage theory. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文通过对党的"十七"大报告中提出的关于深入贯彻落实科学发展观的要求,结合高校思想政治工作的现状,着重从全面认识和把握当代大学生思想意识发展状况,以学生为本、为学生服务以及加强和改进高校思想政治工作方法等三个方面论述了新时期高校思想政治工作贯彻落实科学发展观的要旨。  相似文献   

One important but often understudied area of research in public administration is the effect of e‐government on administrative discretion. This article examines e‐government factors that influence administrative discretion through a survey of local governments. The focus of this study is on Egyptian local governments, which are using e‐government to modernise public service delivery. Through a survey of administrative officials in these governments, this study found evidence that e‐government factors of collaboration and organisational change influenced administrative discretion. Other common factors noted in the literature such as size of the local government and demand by citizens for e‐government did not register an effect on administrative discretion. The results of this study imply that local governments should do more to enhance e‐government to reduce administrative discretion, especially in the area of increasing collaboration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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