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金融危机后,我国经济面临着诸多新问题,其中包括"滞胀"风险。"滞胀"的成因包括国际商品市场上原材料价格上涨、经济结构转型成本上升等因素。在我国传统的调控体系中,由原材料、能源价格上涨引起的"滞胀"可以通过降低工资来应对,但工资上涨恰恰又是诱发我国"滞胀"的原因之一,而且工资上涨将是中国今后相当长一段时期内的常态。因此,如何从供给出发,降低生产成本、交易成本以消除企业成本上升给经济带来的影响就成为今后我国设计宏观调控政策必须解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

This article explores the way public-sector financial managers cope with ethical challenges created by undue political pressure and demands for special treatment. A nationwide survey of financial managers revealed that fiscal stress exacerbates ethical pressure for most financial managers, including chief financial officers (CFOs) and those who report to CFOs. Financial managers do not work in an ethical vacuum; they respond to supervisors who encourage ethical action and to coworkers who demonstrate high standards of personal integrity. Supervisors of CFOs who emphasize political responsiveness in employee evaluations can threaten the ethical behavior of CFOs, while timely feedback can mitigate ethical pressure. In turn, CFOs as supervisors can temper the harsh work environment in fiscally stressed times by encouraging ethical action and by giving adequate feedback to those who report to them.  相似文献   

Covid-19 has highlighted our fragile relationship with the planet. But it represents a minor challenge compared to the permanent havoc that runaway climate change threatens. Politicians and governments—some at least—are beginning to recognise the scale of the danger. In this article we assess the evolution of policy thinking on how to make climate transitions happen; the potential of the European Green Deal; and how progressives need to shape it and any UK counterpart to meet the challenges of modern society. The European initiative arises from a broad coalition spanning the political spectrum. Yet, its central thrust of active government offers the prospect of reviving a battered social democracy. We indicate the openings here for a pluralist, ecological left. The run-up to the next global climate conference—COP26—will be a vital period which will show whether parties and governments across the world are prepared to meet the climate change challenge.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是主体和客体心灵的交汇、情感的沟通,它包含了思想政治工作者个人的人格魅力、政治信仰和价 值取向。选准"结合点",抓住"兴奋点",拨亮"闪光点",拓宽"覆盖面",是做好新时期思想政治工作的关键。  相似文献   

证券市场的内幕交易,是指因其特殊地位而获取上市公司内幕情报的人员,利用该信息转为公开信息前的时间差,进行证券交易以牟取暴利的行为。内幕交易破坏了证券交易公开、公平的原则,扰乱了证券交易秩序,具有严重的社会危害性,因此,近年来,西方主要发达国家均加重对其处罚的力度(包括刑罚)。1993年9月2日,我国证券委也颁布了《禁止证券欺诈行为暂行办法》(以下简称《暂行办法》)对其进行法律制约。1997年3月14日八届人大第五次通过的新刑法典将证券内幕交易上升为刑事责任加以制约。1998年12月29日,历时七载并五易其稿的《证券法》终于出台,该…  相似文献   

应对金融危机冲击 切实提高“四个能力”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、金融危机带来的新挑战 随着全球金融危机的加剧,中国汽车市场销售增速减缓,利润下降,现金流明显减少,企业深感经济冬天的寒流。上海汽车工业(集团)总公司职工中也普遍存在着“看不清危机影响深度、吃不准危机持续时间、把不住危机应对措施”的“三不”思想和“怕减产、怕减薪、怕减员”的“三怕”顾虑,部分职工甚至出现了严重焦虑、担忧甚至埋怨的情绪。2008年12月,  相似文献   

尚哲  刘杰 《学理论》2013,(23):19-20
突发公共事件对经济和社会发展造成的损害越来越严重,能否积极有效应对突发公共事件,领导者的能力及其发挥起着至关重要的作用。领导者应对公共危机的策略是:迅速反应;强化沟通;勇敢负责;做好前期准备。  相似文献   

卢冬君 《学理论》2010,(11):81-82
在全球经济寒冬到来的时候,裁员成为众多企业瘦身减压和内部机制调整的一种普遍性策略,这种策略本身就是刚性和残酷的,在实施的过程中如果操作不当,就会使被裁者和幸存者产生消极的心理。而心理因素又是最微妙、最复杂的隐性因素,它最终影响到裁员活动的成败。怎样避免不利因素,达到裁员的预期目的就需要管理者理性裁员、感性操作。  相似文献   

Claeys  Eric R. 《Publius》2004,34(4):9-32
The jurisprudence of Justice George Sutherland illustrates howthe U.S. Supreme Court justified commerce-clause federalismbetween the end of the Civil War and the ascendancy of the NewDeal. Sutherland presented a constitutional and political defenseof federalism grounded in American natural-rights theory. Thisdefense presents arguments that federalism's skeptics and defendershave not considered sufficiently. Skeptics tend to argue thatis impossible to maintain a federalist constitutional arrangement;Sutherland's defense shows how to do so. Federalism's supporterstend to defend the commerce clause on negative grounds, thatit limits government power by forcing the states to competewith each other and Congress to compete with them all. Sutherland,however, drew on a tradition of political theory which stressedthat commerce-clause federalism offered positive benefits bykeeping the federal government lean and mean. It barred Congressfrom regulating on subjects about which it was less informedand competent than state legislators and regulators. By focusingthe federal government on truly national objects like interstatetrade, it left most regulation where citizens could see it-locally.According to this tradition, the commerce clause played a criticalrole in making the national government energetic and effective,and it also ordered local political processes so as to makecitizens self-reliant and fit for republican self-government.  相似文献   

应对社会突发事情 ,是提高党的执政能力建设的重要内容。社会突发事件的预警包括对突发事件的监测、预控、处理等。作为我国党政各级干部 ,要把参加突发事件的处置工作 ,看做是对自己党性与能力锻炼的机会 ,提高基本素质与能力  相似文献   

Peng T 《Newsweek》2008,151(12):71-72

No paradise lost     
Laurence Wylie 《Society》1970,7(7):58-60

The Workplace Remuneration Arrangement agreed between the Australian Government and the Australian Defence Force (ADF) provides for a 4.5% pay over 3 years for ADF personnel. This article makes use of the concept of the psychological contract to argue that this pay deal represents a breach of the Australian Government's obligations towards ADF personnel that is likely to have unintended consequences for their long‐term commitment to their ADF careers.  相似文献   

刍论执政党必须正确处理好"四大关系"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巩固共产党同人民群众之间的血肉联系,建立共产党同国家机关的法理性关系,形成民主和谐、统一有序的党内关系,发展共产党领导的多党合作、长期共存、互相监督的党际关系,这是共产党执政必须处理好的“四大关系”,亦是正确把握执政规律的要义所在。对此,必须在理论上澄清,在实践中用体制和机制加以规范。  相似文献   

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