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一、问题的提出 从比较法考察的视角,辩护权是一项被普遍承认的权利。尽管世界各国的政治体制、社会制度、意识形态、文化传统不同,但是,被指控人有权获得辩护却是公认的法律原则,并且得到国际社会的高度认同。从历史考察的视角,在固属自然权利之辩护权中,律师辩护权是一项能将被指控人的辩护权真正还原为一种现实权利的派生权利,所以,“刑事诉讼的历史就是扩大辩护权的历史”。  相似文献   

2008年11月1日-2日,由中国社会科学院法学所、国际司法桥梁与中国行为法学会律师执业行为研究会共同主办的“中国刑事辩护30年暨刑事辩护准入制度”国际研讨会在北京昆泰大酒店成功举办。来自全国人大内务司法委员会、法律工作委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部、全国律师协会、北京市律师协会以及山东、四川、陕西、河北等公、检、法、司、律师事务所和法律援助中心的实务界人士,专家70余人参加了此次会议的研讨。  相似文献   

This paper argues for and attempts to demonstrate the case for including materials related to the operation of Third World criminal justice in courses dealing with American criminal justice system. The author argues that an examination of the contexts and processes of criminal justice in Third World nations increases one's ability to understand and critique the history and operations of our criminal justice enterprises. The Third World context offers laboratories for testing assumptions about American criminal justice without the implicitly pervasive ideological overtones we come to accept unquestionably in our own system simply because it is the one in which we operate.

Within the context of poverty, “dual societies,” chronic political instability, the struggle for economic development, and colonialism, the Third World offers an opportunity to study the interaction and impact of law, politics, economics, social control, and social change on the development and operations of criminal justice. Using examples from the literature of anthropology, law and social change, and political and economic development, the author attempts to demonstrate the usefulness of this interdisciplinary approach and the Third World context in teaching about the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

The “loss” of cases within the criminal justice chain, especially from police to conviction level is known as attrition – a phenomenon that can be observed in every criminal justice system and for every offence type. But is this attrition particularly strong for sexual offences as theories based on the so-called “rape myths” suppose? This question is dealt with by this paper; it studies the different conviction ratios of sexual offences in Europe and tries to evaluate the resulting findings. The data presented are based upon the work done by the expert group for the European Sourcebook (ESB) of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics and a special EU-funded project on "Defining and Registering Criminal Offences and Measures, Standards for a European Comparison". In order to gain a basis for comparison, the differences between the national legal concepts and definitions are discussed. Then attrition and conviction rates (understood as the ratio of suspected to convicted persons) are examined, firstly for different crime types in order to show the relative importance of attrition in the field of sexual offences, secondly with a special focus on rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse of minors in some European countries. Beyond these mere statistical data the question whether there are particular reasons for the selection process in cases of sexual offences is raised.  相似文献   

与传统法律思维方法相比,法律经济学方法有其自身的优势,尤其在用于分析刑事司法和刑事错案的成本时.统计推理领域中"第一类错误"和"第二类错误"的分类方法为研究刑事错案提供了参考和借鉴.我国司法机关对刑事错案的认识经历了一个历史过程,在对实体公正与程序公正、惩罚犯罪与保障人权进行权衡,特别是对刑事司法和刑事错案的成本进行评估以后,最终确立了"宁可错放,也不可错判"的司法理念,这一理念体现了法治的进步精神.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):206-224
A great deal of research has considered the dynamics of sexual assault and the way that sexual assault cases are processed and handled in the criminal justice system. Most of this research has focused on sexual assault cases involving younger victims. Very little criminological research has considered the dynamics of elder sexual abuse. To fill this void, the current study uses a sample of 127 elder sexual abuse cases and 314 elder physical abuse cases to shed some light on the dynamics of elder sexual abuse and the way the justice system processes these cases. Attention is also given to the way that the processing of elder sexual abuse cases can be distinguished from the processing of elder physical abuse cases. Results show that a wide range of elder sexual abuse cases are committed and these cases are processed differently than elder physical abuse cases. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

This article analyzes narratives of sexual consent and coercion in 15 criminal seduction cases tried in New York City from 1903 to 1918. I explore courtroom accounts of seduction to explain how dominant notions of masculinity and femininity constrain the effectiveness of sex crime laws. Unlike men, women in the Progressive era (1900–1920) who engaged in premarital sex faced potentially significant social costs in the form of unwanted pregnancy and ostracism. These women could sometimes seek redress by bringing felony charges against men who reneged on their promises of marriage. New York's "seduction law" not only criminalized betrayal but it also functioned as a tool in the prosecution of sexual assault. Yet a patriarchal ideology of romantic courtship embedded in the statute, and defense attorney strategies that drew on this ideology, limited the law's ability to address sexual coercion.  相似文献   

There are several reasonable conceptions of liberalism. A liberal polity can survive a measure of disagreement over just what constitutes liberalism. In part, this is because of the way a liberal order makes possible a dynamic, heterogeneous civil society and how that, in turn, can supply participants with reasons to support a liberal political order. Despite the different conceptions of justice associated with different conceptions of liberalism, there are reasons to distinguish the normative focus of criminal justice from other aspects of justice in a liberal polity. Given the fundamental commitments of liberalism—of whatever variant—there are reasons for criminal justice not to be assimilated to wider conceptions of justice overall. Such assimilation risks undermining some of liberalism's distinctive commitments concerning the standing of individuals as voluntary, responsible agents. Criminal justice is not independent of other aspects of justice but has a distinct focus in a liberal polity.  相似文献   

张朝霞  冯英菊 《法学家》2004,(6):133-144
本文详尽介绍了英国刑事司法改革的背景、宗旨、目标、步骤和具体内容;在此基础上,总结出英国刑事司法改革的五大趋势,并阐述了英国司法改革对我国司法改革的几点启示.  相似文献   

本文从刑事侦查的价值的基本含义入手,通过对刑事侦查的实质正义和程序正义的比较分析,以及通过对以往刑事侦查盲目追求实质正义的反思,试图揭示刑事侦查应同时追求程序正义的必要性,并对刑事侦查的程序正义的基本内容和要求进行初步的构想.  相似文献   

This article considers the claim in the government's White Paper, Justice for All , to put victims and witnesses at the heart of the criminal justice system and argues that there is an unresolved tension within the paper between instrumentalist crime control concerns and intrinsic concerns for the rights of victims and witnesses. It is argued that many of the proposals now contained in the latest Criminal Justice Bill are so preoccupied with rebalancing the system away from offenders that they risk doing injustice to defendants with little tangible benefit to victims and witnesses in terms of rights and remedies.  相似文献   

司莉 《中国司法》2008,(4):46-48
1996年《刑事诉讼法》修改的重大成果之一就是实现了纠问式庭审方式向控辩式庭审方式的转变。按照《刑事诉讼法》第156条的规定,公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人经审判长许可,可以对证人、鉴定人发问。最高人民法院《关于执行〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》第134条、第145条又对发问的顺序进行了规定,即向证人、鉴定人发问,应当由提请传唤的一方进行;发问完毕后,对方经审判长准许,也可以发问。  相似文献   

While most correctional officers adhere to the highest level of professionalism, some engage in institutional deviance during the course of their eight-hour shifts. In the present study, we administered 501 self-report questionnaires to correctional officers within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Respondents who reported that their supervisors were not supportive tended to admit to higher levels of institutional deviance than their peers, though peer support did not contribute to correctional officer deviance. Additionally, respondents who perceived their jobs to be less dangerous than other officers were more likely to have attitudes that were conducive to institutional deviance. Moreover, a perception of deviance among others also helped ‘normalize’ these acts in the prison setting and contributed to more favorable attitudes toward institutional deviance by correctional officers. Theory X and Theory Y is used to explain the lack of supervisory support that leads to institutional deviance among correctional officers. These findings have important policy implications toward reducing deviance among correctional officers, thereby making prison facilities safer and more secure.  相似文献   

Transitional justice is broadly understood to refer to formal efforts to deal with past wrongs in the midst of a transition from an extended period of conflict or repression to democracy. In this paper, I consider the role of international criminal trials in transitional justice. I argue that such trials may contribute to transitional justice, but such contributions are conditional on two main factors. The first factor is time. The second factor is what other transitional justice responses are adopted domestically.  相似文献   

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