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Intractable international conflicts and difficult or intractable family conflicts have much in common. Relationships are damaged or destroyed, escalation causes parties to become polarized and make bad decisions, communication is strained or nonexistent, and competition and coercion take the place of collaboration. Similarities also exist in the realm of solutions, and those caught in (or intervening in) difficult family conflicts can learn much from the strategies and tactics of international peacebuilders. This article describes eight steps that peacebuilders at both the family level and the international level can take to make very damaging conflicts more constructive.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Limiting escalation is important in both contexts.
  • Preventing or correcting misunderstandings is key to resolution in both contexts as well.
  • Be sure you are focusing on the real problem(s).
  • Get the facts straight (and agreed upon) before making agreements.
  • Healing past wrongs is important for long term stability.
  • Working both within and beyond the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) is essential in both contexts.
  • Working to improve relationships helps all parties and improves the outcome.

试论非政府组织在国际环境法中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文同爱  李凝 《时代法学》2006,4(1):98-101,108
非政府组织作为政府和企业以外的社会组织的第三种形式之一,在当前人类社会活动的不同领域正发挥着日益重要的作用。随着全球化不断向纵深发展,世界相互依赖的程度日益加深,我们享受着全球化带来的好处的同时,也面临着全球化环境问题的困扰。在传统的以强制力为基础的国家权威无力解决这一棘手问题时,非政府组织的作用渐趋突出,他们是国际环境法的参与者、监督者和促进者,是国际环保事业的重要组织者和参加者。  相似文献   

By extending existing theories of legislative speech making, this study explores the importance of parliamentary rules governing floor debates for government and opposition parties. An original data set including speeches of members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies between 2001 and 2006 is used to test two hypotheses under different institutional scenarios, that is, rules either restricting or granting open access to the floor. Parliamentary rules are found to affect allocation of speaking time within both governing and opposition parties. Governing parties' leaders exploit their agenda control to a higher degree when allocating speaking time. Under restrictive rules, government party leaders control their MPs by essentially limiting the number of speeches and allocating them to frontbenchers. Restrictive rules give opposition party leaders an important chance to select MPs who are closer to their own position.  相似文献   

国际法领域的扩展使不同国际法规则之间的冲突大大增加,国际法发展呈现不成体系的特征。演进中的国际法并非一个统一的体系,现代国际法表现为国际共存法和国际合作法并存,并在发展趋向上向价值定向发展。国际法随着范围的扩展形成大量次级体系,不同的次级体系多能“自成体系”并“专题自主”的特征,导致规则的冲突增加,造成在适用国际法规则上的困难。究其原因,一方面由于国际法自身的固有特征,另一方面则是国际法领域的扩展等新趋势导致的。国际法要研究如何防止并协调国际法规则矛盾与冲突,但是很难使之成为一个真正统一的体系,另一方面国际法的不成体系的特性却使国际法充满了张力。  相似文献   

国际私法强制性规则适用制度的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强制性规则的适用不仅是一种法律选择适用的方法,而且也是法律适用的一种理念。近期许多国家和地区在国际私法基本制度的立法中逐渐确认了强制性规则适用的地位,丰富了强制性规则适用制度的具体内容,为法律适用领域的协调与合作奠定了基础。我国应当在立法和司法实践中进一步借鉴国际私法发展的成果,以完善相关内容。  相似文献   

The worldwide expansion of international law firms has generated regulatory battles and workplace conflicts in advanced market economies as well as developing countries. This article uses the case of China to explore the changing global–local relationship in the globalization of the legal profession and to understand the role of the government in constituting the corporate law market. The author argues that the globalization of the Chinese corporate law market is a process of boundary‐blurring and hybridization, by which local firms become structurally global‐looking and global firms receive localized expertise. Boundary‐blurring occurs in law firms' workplaces, in lawyers' career trajectories, and in state regulatory policies. It has produced a localized expertise that can be diffused conversely from local firms to global firms and has partially changed their relationship from collaboration to competition. Consequently, it becomes increasingly difficult for the government to make or enforce any substantive policy to clarify the market boundary between these two types of law firms.  相似文献   

张庆麟 《法学家》2005,(6):104-110
国家有权规制其通货实为普遍接受之原则,货币发行国规范其通货的排他权利属于联合国宪章第2条第7款所规定的事项之一.这也就使得不论是作为阐释货币性质的一种理论还是作为私法原则的唯名主义和货币法则均逐渐发展成为各国国内法体系和国际实践中所一致接受的法律原则.也使得一国的货币法具有域外效力为国际社会能够普遍接受,几乎所有国家均认为伪造外国货币是一种犯罪.  相似文献   

尽管WTO法没有明确规定专家组和上诉机构可适用法律的范围,但是在WTO争端解决中,直接适用非WTO国际法规则仍缺乏充分的法理依据。适用于WTO成员方之间经济关系的法律并不当然构成WTO争端解决中可适用法律的一部分。DSU的有关条款,比如第7条和第11条,也排除了直接适用其他国际法规则的可能性。DSU第7条限定专家组行使职权时必须适用WTO涵盖协定的有关规定,而DSU第11条仅提到客观评估"有关涵盖协定的适用性",从而排除了非WTO国际法规则的"适用性"。在WTO争端解决中,专家组和上诉机构未被授权直接适用非WTO国际法规则,但可以将其作为解释WTO涵盖协定的有用工具。  相似文献   

张建邦 《法律科学》2005,23(6):97-102
在国际法上,基因资源的获取和利益分享涉及三个主要的国际公约,即《生物多样性公约》(CBD)、《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际公约》和《TRIPS协议》,其中以CBD为核心,确立了基因资源的国家主权控制、事先知情同意和合理分享利益的原则和制度,确立了基因资源保护机制和产权设定的基本框架,对保护我国的基因资源具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

陈亚飞 《时代法学》2007,5(5):116-120,F0003
随着网络行为的普遍涌现、网络及信息服务的大量激增,给传统的国际私法造成了很大的冲击。网络空间的全球化、虚拟化、非中心化等特点动摇了传统管辖权的基础,使法院对网络案件的司法管辖面临挑战。文章在分析了网络的特征及其行为特性后,对传统管辖权基础在网络环境下面临的困境以及主权所遭遇的尴尬境地进行了全面分析,并对现有变革性理论的不足进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Su Li 《Law & social inquiry》2016,41(1):184-211
How are international law firms faring in China? Drawing on 2013 data, this article presents the first comprehensive overview of the field, including information about the global mix of players and variation in market niche. Three variables—years present in China, global strategy, and level of localization—help explain why some China practices grow bigger than others. Overall, however, there is a great deal of convergence on one business model: an outpost office with a median size of eleven lawyers responsible for under 5 percent of worldwide revenue. The common experience of stagnation following market entry illustrates the strength of hype, the constraints of partnership, and the persistent power of the Chinese state to shape the legal services market. At the same time, the rarity of market exit reflects perceptions that a China presence is a valuable symbol of global commitment and a worthwhile bet on future growth.  相似文献   

国际私法规范是应该主要表现为规则还是应该表现为标准引起了很大的争论,传统的理论分析在这个问题上并没有得出令人满意的结论。20世纪60年代经济学的方法被引进到国际私法领域中,并且首先被运用到对规则和标准合理性的论证中,现有的经济分析并没有给人们清晰的思路来解决规则和标准的争论。要想用经济学的方法来解决国际私法关于规则和标准之间的争论,必须深入到规则和标准的经济学本质并结合国际私法的实际,才能得出科学的结论。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Martti Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870–1960  相似文献   

We present a factorial survey experiment conducted with Iraqi judges during the early military occupation of Iraq. Because U.S. soldiers are immune from prosecution in Iraqi courts, there is no opportunity for these judges to express their views regarding highly publicized torture cases. As legally informed representatives of an occupied nation, however, Iraqi judges arguably have a strong claim to a normative voice on this sensitive subject. We are able to give voice to these judges in this study by using a quasi‐experimental method. This method diminishes social desirability bias in judges' responses and allows us to consider a broad range and combination of factors influencing their normative judgments. We examine why and how the U.S. effort to introduce democracy with an indeterminate rule of law produced unintended and inconsistent results in the normative judgments of Iraqi judges. A critical legal perspective anticipates the influences of indeterminacy, power, and fear in our research. More specifically, we anticipated lenient treatment for guards convicted of torture, especially in trouble cases of Coalition soldiers torturing al Qaeda prisoners. However, the results—which include cross‐level, judge‐case interaction effects—were more varied than theoretically expected. The Iraqi judges responded in disparate and polarized ways. Some judges imposed more severe sentences on Coalition guards convicted of torturing al Qaeda suspects, while others imposed more lenient sentences on the same combination of guards and suspects. The cross‐level interactions indicate that the judges who severely sentenced Coalition guards likely feared the contribution of torture tactics to increasing violence in Iraq. The judges who were less fearful of violence were more lenient and accommodating of torture by Coalition forces. The implication is that the less fearful judges were freed by an indeterminate law to advance Coalition goals through lenient punishment of torture. Our analysis suggests that the introduction of democracy and the rule of law in Iraq is a negative case in the international diffusion of American institutions. The results indicate the need for further development of a nuanced critical legal perspective.  相似文献   

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