Northern Rock's own account of adequacy of its risk managementApplicable ARROW Framework to FSA supervision of Northern Rockand its account of its discharge of its supervisionKeeping faith with risk-based regulation    相似文献   

Is it all going to waste? Illegal transports of e-waste in a European trade hub     
Lieselot Bisschop 《Crime, Law and Social Change》2012,58(3):221-249
This article responds to the call for more empirical knowledge about transnational environmental crime. It does so by analysing the case of illegal transports of electronic waste (e-waste) in a European trade hub. Given the complexity and global nature of transnational environmental crime, it is difficult to determine which actors are involved. In this regard, a local research setting allows the actors involved in illegal transports of e-waste to be identified. This research tries to determine whether these actors and their roles can be considered legal or illegal and illustrates the legal-illegal interfaces in e-waste flows. Moreover, this case study analyses the push, pull and facilitating factors and therefore looks at what motivations and opportunities shape the flows of e-waste in locations of origin, transit and destination. The results show that the social organisation and emergence of transnational environmental crime is on a thin line between legal and illegal which needs to be contextualised within the global reality of the locations of origin, transit and destination.  相似文献   

The European Arrest Warrant in a context of distrust: Is the Court taking rights seriously?     
Ermioni Xanthopoulou 《European Law Journal》2022,28(4-6):218-233
During a time of distrust towards some Member States, the position of fundamental rights when executing a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) has been strengthened. The article considers whether the European Court of Justice (ECJ) is now ‘taking rights seriously’ as regards the EAW. To this end, it employs a theoretical and contextual approach that supports a comprehensive analysis of case-law. First, the article borrows from a theory of rights as trumps and observes that rights are no longer treated as norms with no special force that are in the way of cooperation interests. Second, the article offers a contextual exegesis of this trajectory, by mapping drivers of distrust and evaluating their impact on the position of rights. Through contextualisation, it is argued that distrust, although limited by its circumstances, has offered a compelling opportunity for the ECJ to take rights seriously, paving the way forward for future case-law.  相似文献   

The civil liability of European nuclear operators: which coverage for the new 2004 Protocols? Evidence from France     
Michael G. Faure  Karine Fiore 《International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics》2008,8(3):227-248
In Western Europe, the nuclear liability is governed by two international conventions, drafted by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD: the Paris (1960) and Brussels (1963) Conventions. These conventions traditionally limited the liability of the nuclear power plant operators to relatively low amounts. In France, the liability of the (state owned) operator of €91 million is covered by insurance (for €31 million) and reserves (for €60 million). A recent modification to the conventions occurred in 2004 and increased the liability limit to €700 million. In this paper we aim to evaluate the costs for covering the increased liability for the nuclear risk after the introduction of the 2004 amendments. In order to do so, we calculate the actuarial insurance premium for the nuclear risk and find that the current premium charge is very large. The paper tries to explain the high price of nuclear liability insurance. Also the costs of the own reserves for the coverage of potential nuclear accidents are examined. We then aim to evaluate the different options (mostly insurance and reserves) and indicate the optimal combination of both instruments to cover the future operators’ liability limit, introduced by the latest 2004 amending Protocols.
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Study questionWhen is it acceptable for a psychiatrist to break confidentiality to protect the wife of a potentially violent patient?Methods153 lay persons, 13 nursing personnel, 10 physicians, and 10 psychologists in France indicated this acceptability in 48 scenarios. The scenarios were all combinations of 5 factors: gravity of threat (death or beating), certainty of mental illness (certain or not), time spent talking with patient (considerable or little), his attitude toward psychotherapy (rejection, indecision, or acceptance), and whether the physician consulted an expert.ResultsLay people favored breaking confidentiality more than did nursing personnel or psychologists. Consulting an expert had greatest impact. Lay participants were composed of groups that found breaking confidentiality “always acceptable” (22 participants), “depending on many circumstances” (106), requiring “consultation with an expert” (31), and “never acceptable” (27).ConclusionLay people in France are influenced by situational factors when deciding if a psychiatrist should break confidentiality to protect a patient's wife.  相似文献   

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • The run on Northern Rock that took place in September2007 has raised some serious questions about the ‘fitnessfor purpose’ of the institutions and techniques of financialregulation in the United Kingdom.
  • One defining feature of theFinancial Services Authority (FSA) in the development since1998 of its role as a unitary and integrated financial regulatorhas been its pioneering of ‘risk-based’ and ‘principles-based’regulation.
  • The way in which risk-based supervision was appliedto Northern Rock and the way in which risk-based regulationworked within it have been the subject of much public scrutinyafter the run on the bank and some elements of that scrutinyare highlighted here.
  • In the light of the real distinctionsbetween risk and uncertainty that have been drawn by scholarsand indeed by the FSA itself in defence of its actions aroundNorthern Rock, this article raises questions about the wisdom. . . [Full Text of this Article]
   1. Introduction    2. Northern Rock and the performance of risk-based regulation    3. Concluding comments
Karine Fiore (Corresponding author)Email:

The de-medicalisation of assisted dying: is a less medicalised model the way forward?     
Ost S 《Medical law review》2010,18(4):497-540
Although assisted dying has been most commonly presented within a medicalised framework, the notion of de-medicalisation is employed in this paper to suggest that there are emerging models of assisted dying in which some medical aspects assumed to be an integral part of the phenomenon are both challenged and diminished. The paper considers cases where relatives have facilitated a loved one's assisted suicide abroad, cases of assisted death in which the assistor in the actual suicide act is a non-medic, and the growing debate surrounding non-medical grounds for desiring death. In evaluating the potential impact of partial de-medicalisation on the assisted dying debate, the argument presented is that whilst a de-medicalised model could well contribute to a richer understanding of assisted dying and a better death for the person who is assisted, there are cogent reasons to retain some aspects of the medicalised model and that a completely de-medicalised model of assisted dying is unrealistic.  相似文献   

Is mama a criminal? An analysis of potential criminal liability of HIV-infected pregnant women in the context of mandated drug therapy     
Ayers L 《Drake law review》2002,50(2):293-314

Is there a need to regulate mediation? The English and Welsh case study     
Leonardo Oliveira  Carolyn Beckwith 《Commonwealth Law Bulletin》2016,42(3):327-354
The use of mediation in England and Wales is nowadays an accepted and common practice within the alternative dispute resolution industry. Credited professionals have been performing the duties of a mediator in different fields of legal disputes; however, despite the positive perception of mediation, this area remains unregulated. So far, the rules applying to mediation in England and Wales originate from case law and contract between the parties. Such a scenario is not shared by other countries in which mediation has been regulated through an Act covering either private or judicial mediation. This article examines the current mediation scenario in England and Wales to assess whether there is a need to give it a statutory character in a similar manner to other jurisdictions.  相似文献   

The liability of website owners for defamation in Israel: A challenge yet to be solved?     
Uri VolovelskyAuthor VitaeRoy RaynzilberAuthor Vitae 《Computer Law & Security Report》2013
From the end of the twentieth century to the present we have witnessed the effects of technology on the way we consume and distribute information. The print media, which in many ways was the natural product of the printing revolution, has given way to the electronic media with websites providing the new “town squares” in which the public discourse is held on political, economic and social issues among others. The Israeli legal system, like the legal systems in other countries, faces a variety of challenges and complex ethical and legal issues when required to regulate (often retrospectively) the manner and processes through which the discourse will be conducted in the virtual “town hall”. In essence, this article focuses on one of the many questions occupying the Israeli legal system and that is whether website owners should be liable in defamation for speech published by third parties on the Internet (through blogs, tweets on Twitter, posts on Facebook,1 uploaded video clips on YouTube and the like) when no connection exists between the third party and the site owner apart from the fact that the third party has used the website as a platform to publish the offensive speech. The issue of the liability of the website owner has ramifications for the injured party's capacity to institute an action for defamation against the website owner, as often only the latter will be in a position to compensate the injured party (financially) for the offensive speech. The Israeli legal system, which in many ways furnishes a unique and interesting framework for examining the question posed above, as we explain in the body of the article, presents a fascinating example of how the Israeli legislature and the courts have dealt and continue to deal with claims filed against website owners for damage to reputation as a result of speech published by third parties. The article offers a comprehensive review of the status of the right to freedom of speech, anonymity and the right to reputation in Israel, the considerations for and against the imposition of liability on website owners and the latest case law on these questions.  相似文献   

Is the European Medical Products Authorisation Regulation Equipped to Cope with the Challenges of Nanomedicines?     
BÄRBEL R. DORBECK‐JUNG  NUPUR CHOWDHURY 《Law & policy》2011,33(2):276-303
This article analyses the emerging European regulatory activities in relation to nanopharmaceuticals. The central question is whether the regulatory responses are appropriate to cope with the regulatory problems nanomedicinal development is posing. The article explores whether the medical product regulations are robust enough, whether there are certain regulatory gaps, and whether the competent bodies have the expertise to evaluate nanomedicinal products when approval is applied for. Based on a social‐constructive approach, the article identifies significant regulatory actors, their ideas on regulatory problems, and preliminary governance responses to them. It finds that the current dynamic regulatory structure appears robust enough to adapt to some of the technological challenges posed by nanomedicines. It concludes that regulators have not yet responded adequately to regulatory gaps related to definitions, classification and specific safety, quality, and efficacy standards that nanopharmaceutical development seems to require. As a consequence of these deficiencies legal certainty, a principle of high priority in European medical regulation policy, cannot be sufficiently provided.  相似文献   

Is knowledge power? The effects of a victimology course on victim blaming     
Fox KA  Cook CL 《Journal of interpersonal violence》2011,26(17):3407-3427
The current study examines the impact of a victimology course on students' perceptions of the blameworthiness of crime victims and knowledge of victimization issues. Victim-blaming attitudes among college students enrolled in a victimology course were compared with students enrolled in other courses. Results from a pretest and posttest suggest that the victimology students were significantly less likely to blame victims and these students also gained significantly more knowledge over time compared with the students who did not enroll in the course. Results from the multivariate analysis indicate that less knowledge over time and a higher propensity to blame victims at the beginning of the semester predicted more victim-blaming attitudes on the posttest. Overall, the findings suggest that knowledge of victimology significantly affects students' propensity to blame victims of crime.  相似文献   

Is there a distinct profile of police officers accused of violence? The Israeli case     
Sergio Herzog   《Journal of criminal justice》2000,28(6)
In recent years, the Israeli National Police has come under attack for excessive use of physical force. This article focuses on the organizational characteristics of police officers suspected of committing offenses involving the illegal use of force. A random sample of 612 official files opened, investigated, and completed between 1993 and 1998 was examined. The findings show that there are no salient differences between the proportion of the suspect police officers serving at the different geographic police districts in the sample and their proportion in the total police force in recent years. Complaints tend to be submitted against police officers in operational and investigative functions, especially against those of middle and low ranks. Regarding the files' characteristics, many significant differences are found between files opened against regular police (RP) officers (who fulfill traditional police functions) and those opened against officers of the Border Police (BP, who fulfill mainly internal security-related tasks among the Arab population). These differences are mainly explained by factors related to organizational features of the BP.  相似文献   

Is Partner Aggression Related to Appraisals of Coercive Control by a Partner?     
Miriam K. Ehrensaft  Dina Vivian 《Journal of family violence》1999,14(3):251-266
Research and clinical reports on men who are aggressive towards their intimate partners find that these men tend to behave in highly controlling ways towards such partners (e.g., restricting their social interactions, monitoring of activities, and reducing decision-making power). This study tests the hypothesis that men and women in violent dating relationships appraise such behaviors differently than individuals in nonviolent relationships. Based on clinical and empirical partner abuse literature, 119 college students rated the extent to which they perceived hypothetical behaviors towards a partner as controlling. Results suggest that individuals who had either engaged in or received partner aggression appraised restrictive, domineering, and coercive behaviors from a male to a female partner, and from a female to a male partner as less controlling than individuals who had neither perpetrated nor received partner aggression. Men also viewed those behaviors as less controlling than did women. Generalizability, clinical implications, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Is a Burrito a Sandwich? Introducing Business Law Students to the Fundamentals of Legal Reasoning     
Matthew A. Edwards 《Journal of Legal Studies Education》2023,40(1):85-118

Assisted dying in France. The evolution of assisted dying in France: a third way?     
Lewis P 《Medical law review》2006,14(1):44-72

Is there only One Correct Legal Answer to a Question of Fact? Three Talmudic Answers to a Jurisprudential Dilemma          下载免费PDF全文
Yuval Sinai  Martin P. Golding 《Ratio juris》2016,29(4):478-505
This article focuses on questions of pure fact‐of‐the‐matter and asks whether two omniscient judges (or jurists or scholars) may disagree over the legal answer to a straightforward question of a matter of fact. There are approaches to legal theory among some western and Jewish philosophers of law whereby at least superficially it is possible that two or more contradictory legal statements regarding a given reality can be equally correct. The article provides a critical analysis of three different models derived from the Jewish legal literature, and reviews the contributions of Jewish sources to the understanding of the phenomenon of disagreements concerning matters of fact.  相似文献   

The distribution of contraceptives to unemancipated minors: does a parent have a constitutional right to be notified?     
Rue JL 《Kentucky law journal (Lexington, Ky.)》1980,69(2):436-452

The UN-Led Multilateral Institutional Response to Jihadist Terrorism: Is a Global Counterterrorism Body Needed?     
Rosand  Eric 《Journal of Conflict and Security Law》2006,11(3):399-427

To take care of those on the front line against Covid-19: Is it possible to limit medical liability?     
《Science & justice》2020,60(4):311-312
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important not to forget, when the emergency is controlled or even over, that those who today are defined in all Countries as “heroes” could in the future be called to answer for alleged damage from professional liability. It is necessary to be prepared, both as health professionals and from a legal and governmental point of view, for a surge of professional liability claims which, with high probability, will begin to emerge in the coming months.  相似文献   

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