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法医学研究伦理审查既是法医学研究管理工作的内容,也是法医学研究的对象,本文针对法医学研究中的伦理审查问题,论述开展伦理审查的必要性,并对法医学研究伦理审查委员会建设指导原则进行探讨,呼吁开展伦理审查建设。  相似文献   

In the last years the research output of forensic medicine has sometimes been regarded as insufficient and as of poor quality, especially when parameters as impact factors and external funding were taken into account. However, forensic medicine has different tasks compared to clinical medicine. The main difference between basic subjects, clinical and forensic medicine is not a lack of scientific efficiency in forensic medicine but is a result of the questions asked, the available methods and specific aims. In contrast to natural-scientific research, forensic science has furthermore important intersections with arts and socio-scientific disciplines. Etiologic and pathogenetic research is of only limited relevance in forensic medicine. Thus, forensic medicine is excluded from these research fields, which are mainly supported by external funding. In forensic medicine research mainly means applied research regarding findings, the probative value and reconstruction as well as examination at different points of intersection between medicine and law. Clinical types of research such as controlled randomised, prospective cross-sectional, cohort or case-control studies can only rarely be applied in forensic medicine due to the area specific research fields (e.g. thantatology, violent death, vitality, traffic medicine, analytical toxicology, hemogenetics and stain analysis). The types of studies which are successfully established in forensic medicine are comparison of methods, sensitivity studies, validation of methods, kinetic examinations etc. Tasks of research in forensic medicine and study types, which may be applied will be addressed.  相似文献   

Wang JW  Yu XJ  Wang XY 《法医学杂志》2008,24(4):276-279
综述了近年来在硅藻检验、水中浮游生物叶绿素(A)检测、血液化学和组织化学检验等方面的最新文献报道,并对各种溺死检验方法的优缺点进行了评价:在硅藻检验中,硝酸乙醇法、破机罐法及微波消解法,可缩短检验时间,提高办案效率;酶消化法及PCR法硅藻检出率高,适用于可疑水样中硅藻密度低等情况。早期器官组织中浮游生物叶绿素(A)、血液和组织中其他生化指标,可作为鉴定溺死的重要参考。微量元素锶检测可用于鉴定海水中溺死。另外,硅藻及其他浮游生物遗传多态性片断PCR,可望成为新的、灵敏的溺死检测方法。  相似文献   

This study reports the design and development of the intelligent dental identification system (IDIS), including its efficiency and reliability. Five hundred patients were randomly selected from the Dental Department at Police General Hospital in Thailand to create a population of 3000 known subjects. From the original 500 patients, 100 were randomly selected to create a sample of 1000 unidentifiable subjects (400 subjects with completeness and possible alterations of dental information corresponding to natural occurrences and general dental treatments after the last clinical examination, such as missing teeth, dental caries, dental restorations, and dental prosthetics, 100 subjects with completeness and no alteration of dental information, 500 subjects with incompleteness and no alteration of dental information). Attempts were made to identify the unknown subjects utilizing IDIS. The use of IDIS advanced method resulted in consistent outstanding identification in the range of 82.61-100% with minimal error 0-1.19%. The results of this study indicate that IDIS can be used to support dental identification. It supports not only all types of dentitions: primary, mixed, and permanent but also for incomplete and altered dental information. IDIS is particularly useful in providing the huge quantity and redundancy of related documentation associated with forensic odontology. As a computerized system, IDIS can reduce the time required for identification and store dental digital images with many processing features. Furthermore, IDIS establishes enhancements of documental dental record with odontogram and identification codes, electrical dental record with dental database system, and identification methods and algorithms. IDIS was conceptualized based on the guidelines and standards of the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).  相似文献   

目的运用Citespace软件对法医临床学相关文献绘制知识图谱、进行可视化分析,探究该学科领域研究热点和动态发展,梳理鉴定难点脉络。方法汇总CNKI收录《中国法医学杂志》《刑事技术》《法医学杂志》《中国司法鉴定》刊登的法医临床学相关论文,利用Citespace分析其关键词、研究热点、基金资助、作者、发文机构及所在地等。结果法医临床学作为法医学分支学科之一,近年来呈现的科研成果部分获基金资助,多由开设法医学专业的院校完成;随着科研理论、技术方法推陈出新,法医临床学鉴定标准、版本也得以构建、更迭、完善,鉴定体量位居法医"四大类"之首。结论作为最具中国特色的法医学分支学科,法医临床学研究着重服务司法实践、以期用成果技术反哺鉴定,实现学术、实践的交流、转化。通过Citespace知识图谱可视化分析学科发展历程,有助于回溯此间规律,提示未来研究方向,提升鉴定业务水平,为持续增强法医临床学学科影响力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

c-fos基因是最先被分离出来的初级反应基因(primaryreesponsegenes)之一,它早已引起医学界,尤其是神经生物学界的高度重视。对它的研究既关系到初级反应基因如何传递细胞外信号,又关系到神经系统如何对外界产生适应性反应等一系列重大课题。当前,c-fos是基因研究的热点之一。仅1992~1996年间有关脑损伤、脑缺血致脑组织C-fos表达的研究,就有甚多的论文发表。现根据查阅到的部分文献,对C-fos在脑损伤、脑缺血过程中的表达研究作一简要综述。一、概述癌基因(oncosene,又称原癌基因Proto-oncogene,包括病毒癌基因v-one和细…  相似文献   

New data on characteristics of sudden cardiac death are provided. It is characterized by hypohydration of the brain, elevated cerebral impedance, a sharp fall of the index of coronary heart arteries passability, mostly areactive affection of the stem nuclei of the brain.  相似文献   

c-fos基因是最先被分离出来的初级反应基因(primary reesponse genes)之一,它早已引起医学界,尤其是神经生物学界的高度重视.对它的研究既关系到初级反应基因如何传递细胞外信号,又关系到神经系统如何对外界产生适应性反应等一系列重大课题.当前,c-fos是基因研究的热点之一.仅1992~1996年间有关脑损伤、脑缺血致脑组织c-fos表达的研究,就有甚多的论文发表.现根据查阅到的部分文献,对c-fos在脑损伤、脑缺血过程中的表达研究作一简要综述.  相似文献   

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