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海域使用权基本法律问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国有着辽阔的海域及其资源与环境。为合理、有效地开发利用海域,必须建立和完善海域使用权法律制度。海域使用权由海域所有权派生而出,包括海域的占有、使用和收益权能;海域使用权属于用益物权,具有用益物权的一般效力和自己的特殊效力;海域使用权的设定,主要包括海域使用审批制度和海域有偿使用制度。  相似文献   

著作权转换性使用作为判定新型合理使用行为的一个重要因素,有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。然而,在我国转换性使用的司法实践中,却存在着对转换性使用体系认知不足、释法路径不当,以及运作体系不畅的现实困境。从本质上而言,转换性使用蕴含着促进公共利益的直接价值取向,但其并不具有独立判定合理使用成立与否的规则效力。基于此,为了更好地发挥转换性使用的内在价值和功能,一方面需要确立开放式合理使用的一般规则,进一步规范转换性使用的司法判定,以增强合理使用分析的灵活性和可操作性;另一方面,需要明确转换性合理使用的法定情形,以提升合理使用分析的确定性和周延性。  相似文献   

A number of prisoners use drugs. Limited information is available about the extent to which urban and urban substance abusers differ in their drug use in criminal justice settings. In addition, many believe that rural areas are protected from drug use. However, findings from this study show only marginally statistical significant differences in drug use between incarcerated rural and urban drug users. It was expected that urban drug users would be more drug career involved with consistently higher levels of drug use and associated problems. Specifically, rural drug users in this study were older at age of first use of marijuana and cocaine; report fewer years of cocaine, hallucinogen, and heroin use; and report more alcohol and sedative use. Findings from this study suggest that rural and urban drug users are similar and that rural areas may be protective from some drug use but risky for other drug use.  相似文献   

商标法上商标使用所具有的功能和作用,表明了商标使用的界定标准历来都是商标法不可回避的问题.随着商标使用的多元化发展,现行商标法对商标使用的界定标准呈现出使用范围界定过窄、商业使用标准选择不恰当、显性使用标准不合理、注册地法域标准无法适用于网络空间等缺陷,造成法律适用的混乱.依据商标基本属性和诚实信用原则的要求,借鉴相关国际公约的规定,总结司法实践的经验,商标使用的界定标准应当重新构建为:识别来源功能标准、使用范围区分标准、产生商业影响标准和商业影响所在地标准.我国《商标法》第三次修改应当依照这些标准对商标使用作出规定.  相似文献   

建设用地和农业用地是土地的基本分类,正在修订的《土地管理法》和《城市房地产管理法》均要贯彻城乡统一原则,建立城乡统一的建设用地市场和建设用地使用权制度。这就意味着建设用地使用权将成为我国不动产物权的基本概念和制度,与之相适应,就需要发展出统一的、体系化的建设用地使用权规范体系。但《物权法》并没有完成这样的任务。为完善《物权法》,尤其是为建立规范化的建设用地使用权体系,需要我们在理论上梳理现存的建设用地使用权分类,提出未来建设用地使用权基础分类体系。  相似文献   

Social control and social learning theories suggest divergent relationships between attachment to parents and children's drug use when level of parent drug use is considered. Social control theory proposes a uniformly negative relationship between children's drug use and attachment to parents whereas social learning theory proposes that the relationship is affected by parental drug use. The relationship between attachment to parents and children's drug use was investigated for each of three groups of low, moderate, and high parental drug use through estimation of a latent variable structural model of attachment to family on children's tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use. Results indicate that attachment to parents related inversely, but with different magnitudes, to children's drug use for youths whose parents use drugs at low or moderate levels. No significant relationship exists between attachment to family and children's drug use for youths whose parents are relatively high-level users. Neither ethnicity nor sex affected these findings. The implications of these results supporting social learning theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Discourse about the use of animals in biomedical research usually focuses on two issues: its empirical and moral use. The empirical issue asks whether the use of nonhumans in experiments is required in order to get data. The moral issue asks whether the use of nonhumans can be defended as matter of ethical theory. Although the use of animals in research may involve a plausible necessity claim, no moral justification exists for using nonhumans in situations in which we would not use humans.  相似文献   

Despite the warnings of copyright scholars at the turn of the twenty-first century, the future of the fair use doctrine is bright. This essay considers the recent trend of fair use cases and offers specific examples of changes in fair use jurisprudence regarding courts’ use and definitions of transformativeness that belie the earlier doomsday scenarios and suggest instead the promise of further expansion of fair use. These trends should give hope for the future to those who believe a robust fair use doctrine is necessary to keep the proper balance between copyright owners and the public interest.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal mechanism linking religiosity to opposition to drug use. Using an electronic mail survey of university students, data were obtained about the participants' religious beliefs, their perceptions of drug use, and their attitudes toward the use of six common drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and marijuana). Based on the data, path models were estimated for each substance to investigate the causal structure underlying four constructs: religiosity, perceived immorality of drug use, perceived self-harm of drug use, and attitudes toward the control of drug use (control attitudes). The results support that religiosity affects control attitudes indirectly through perceived immorality of drug use.  相似文献   

近年来,节目名称与已注册商标之间的商标侵权纠纷频发,然而,各个法院对于在节目名称中使用他人商标标识是否构成商标性使用,却尚未形成相对一致的判断标准。鉴于合理划分节目名称与节目商标以及平衡节目名称利益与他人商标利益的需要,商标性使用的判定在处理此类纠纷时具有重要意义。依据商标性使用的应有内涵,在司法实践中,应综合考量被诉侵权者在节目名称中使用标识的主观意图、使用行为产生的客观效果以及是否属于描述性正当使用的因素,以准确判定商标性使用的事实。  相似文献   

Courts have increasingly looked to the concept of “transformative use” to determine whether the use of a copyrighted work is protected under the fair use doctrine. Judge Pierre Leval's definition of transformative use, adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States in its 1994 opinion in Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., requires that a transformative use must (1) be socially beneficial, (2) be used in a different way or purpose from the original, and (3) add value to the original by using it as raw material to create something new. This article examines the fair use analysis undertaken by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in two recent cases involving visual search engines and concludes that the court's test of transformative use ignored the language and the meaning of the Campbell definition and instead equated a finding of a different purpose with a finding of a transformative use. This departure from traditional transformative use analysis, if generally adopted by the court, would represent a significant and potentially troubling doctrinal shift in fair use analysis.  相似文献   

Peer influence is regarded as one of the strongest determinants of juvenile delinquency and particularly adolescent substance use. A commonly held view is that social pressure from friends to use drugs and alcohol is a major contributor to substance use. Yet the notion of peer pressure, implied by the association between peer-group associations and drug behavior, is seldom tested empirically. As a crucial test of the group pressure model, this research examines the role of peer pressure in mediating the effect of differential association on individual use. Moreover, few studies examine the nature of the relationship between peers and substance use as it relates to the processes leading toand from use. Drawing on differential association and social learning theories, our research specifies the social processes (socialization, group pressure, social selection, and rationalization) which dictate particular causal pathways leading to and from substance use and then estimates the reciprocal influences among differential association, social pressure from peers, attitudes favorable toward substance use, and individual use. Using the 1977–1979 National Youth Survey panel data, we estimate a covariance structural equation model allowing for correlated measurement error. In the cross-sectional analyses, we find no main effects of overt peer pressure on substance use. Estimation of the reciprocal effects model also reveals that overt peer pressure does not significantly influence substance use and does not mediate the effect of differential association. Instead, the influences of socialization, social selection, and rationalization play significant roles in understanding substance use.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1994 American Society of Criminology meetings in Miami, Florida.  相似文献   

Literature addressing the relationship between substance use and physical and sexual violence against women is reviewed briefly. There is substantial evidence of a relationship between men's substance use and perpetration of physical violence, some evidence of a relationship between women's substance use and experiences of sexual aggression, but weak evidence that men's substance use contributes to sexual aggression or that women's substance use contributes to their physical victimization. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the relationship between substance use and violence relationship will be facilitated by narrowing the scope of research questions to identify for whom there is a relationship and under what circumstances.  相似文献   

王彬 《犯罪研究》2012,(5):98-105
在美国,线人有不同的界定与分类,线人使用的法律依据有成文法、判例法与内部规范,线人的物建、线人的使用与管理、线人使用情况通报和线人的停止使用等,都由司法部的内部规范加以规定,成文法较少提及,判例法主要涉及到线人使用中的法律问题。在美国的侦查实践中,线人作用虽然十分重要,但线人的使用也存在着巨大风险,还需要解决一系列的证据运用问题。  相似文献   

In his control balance theory Charles Tittle maintained that under favorable conditions unbalanced control ratios will lead to different forms of deviance. The type of deviance chosen is argued to depend on the degree of the control imbalance and the desirability the offense presents as a method of altering the imbalance. Utilizing a sample of homeless street youth this study examined if different types of control balance ratios were associated with hard and soft drug use. The findings revealed that control balance surpluses and control balance deficits were both related to hard and soft drug use but that these relationships were significantly stronger for hard drug use. Further, provocation and self-control were significant predictors of hard but not soft drug use while drug using peers predicted soft drug use but not hard drug use. Parental drug use, perceptions of risk, and values supportive of illegal behavior predicted both forms of drug use. Results are discussed and directions for further research and theoretical refinement are offered.  相似文献   

吕炳斌 《法学家》2020,(2):73-87,193
明确"商标性使用"的是与非,既是解决新型商标纠纷的实践需求,也牵涉商标法原理的基本构造。基于法定主义的立场,商标侵权构成中的"使用"应当是"商标性使用",即来源识别意义上的商标使用。"商标性使用"是商标侵权构成中与混淆可能性并列的一个独立要件。从理论上而言,"商标性使用"对应于商标财产化的程度,即对来源指示功能所产生的财产利益的保护。商标性使用的判断标准应采用"行为人主体标准",行为人使用行为的定性需要进行主客观的综合考察。行为人的主观意图并非不可知悉,在法律构造上需要进行的是主观判断的客观化努力。行为人主体标准在涉外定牌加工、关键词广告等边界案件中具有很强的适用性。  相似文献   

论纳税人对免费公共产品的权利   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟继光 《时代法学》2006,4(1):32-36
免费公共产品,是纳税人可以不支付任何费用而享受的公共产品。免费公共产品的获得是免费的,其消费具有非排他性,必须通过税收和预算来提供。纳税人相互之间对免费公共产品享有免费使用权、先占使用权、平等使用权和重大利益优先权。纳税人相对于政府对免费公共产品享有免费享用、足量享用和损害赔偿权。我国相关制度比较缺乏,应当予以完善。  相似文献   

土地利用分区管制论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘国臻 《政法学刊》2003,20(5):26-28
土地利用分区管制制度是一种质量与数量相统一的管理方式。与土地总量控制相比具有市场弹性,与土地用途管制相比亦有优点,因此,应当成为我国土地利用的管理方式。实行土地利用分区管制要遵循可持续发展的原则、土地集约利用的原则、综合效益原则、耕地特殊保护原则,并从丰富土地利用规划内容、创新土地利用规划方法与技术、协调不同土地利用规划功能和加强土地利用规划的实施管理等方面完善土地利用规划体系。  相似文献   

注册和使用是两种取得商标权的方式,TRIPS第15条第3款提供了一种使商标注册依赖商标使用的可能,这种可能的价值在于在坚持使用取得商标权的同时,尽量吸收注册制度的有益元素。英国和德国承认使用和注册都能取得商标权,但商标注册并不依赖商标使用,法国商标权只能通过注册取得,而商标使用却并不是注册的条件。美国联邦商标注册制度是TRIPS第15条第3款所提出的可能性的典型代表,它坚持商标使用产生商标权,发挥商标注册所具有的宣示商标权的作用,而且通过将注册申请视为"建设性使用"而使注册对商标权的归属有所影响。美国联邦商标注册所依赖的商标使用,通过成文法和司法案例来进行解读,成文法在司法审判中得以解释和细化,司法审判中形成的新规则又及时为成文法规所吸收,从而使成文法规得以不断发展,这对于我国如何完善立法是很好的榜样。  相似文献   

The United States Copyright Act allows for fair use of copyrighted material under certain circumstances, but federal courts have been inconsistent in rulings on copyright infringement cases in which documentary filmmakers claim fair use. This can be problematic for documentarians, who often use copyrighted materials. The 2005 “Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use” addressed this inconsistency by providing guidelines for filmmakers. This article analyzes relevant federal cases before and after the statement in which a documentary filmmaker was sued under the Copyright Act for infringement and in which a court addressed the issue of whether the use was fair. A case analysis shows that federal rulings have become slightly more accommodating toward the use of copyrighted material in documentaries and the use of copyrighted video in general since the statement was introduced. The statement's relevance to fair use case law is also examined.  相似文献   

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