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<正>Colossal number of singles feed a booming online matchmaking market Amanda,a 35-year-old single office worker living in Beijing,is looking for a soul mate to form a happy family.She is searching for him on Baihe.com,a dating website.  相似文献   

<正>China's new Cybersecurity Law focuses on protection of personalinformation and regulation of the virtual worldA story about a well-known Beijing academic has gone viral after a female passenger on a subway train accused him of sexual harassment.The incident,which took place in late May,saw 65-year-old Zhong Jun(not his real name)deny the woman's accusations in a subway train in Beijing and,after she insisted,he slapped her.Finally,Zhong was given five days'detention for slapping the woman,which was later suspended because of his poor health condition.  相似文献   

正Nowadays, the Internet has become a place people easily use to abuse,show off, attack others through cyber manhunting, spread rumors, advertise child pornography and violence, or invent false traffic by hiring digital ghostwriters.  相似文献   

HONGBO and Chenchen decided to try running a retail business online. This 20-something couple currently live in Beijing; Hongbo has a stable job at a public foundation and his wife Chenchen is doing market promotion for a private company. They enjoy a happy marriage, but there has always been a thorn in Hongbo's side, "Neither of us are native to the city, so our life is unsettled here. The soaring housing prices and our wish to start a family place heavy financial pressure on us."  相似文献   

On Actions taken to curb false rumors online On August 25,Beijing police released a statement saying that journalist Liu Hu had been detained on allegations of fabrication and dissemination of false rumors online.Liu works for New Express,a local newspaper published in Guangzhou in south China’s Guangdong Province.The police didn’t release any further details other than stating that the case was currently under investigation.On the same day,Zhou Lubao,a blogger,was arrested in east China’s Jiangsu Province for an alleged extortion linked to the spreading of misinformation online.Zhou is suspected of posting more than 15,000 items of misinformation online within the last year.The Ministry of Public Security said that Zhou had blackmailed more than 20 separate entities and individuals.  相似文献   

正Against the backdrop of growing Internet penetration,great importance has been bestowed on the topic of Internet governance in recent years.Following the Second World Internet Conference in Wuzhen,east China's Zhejiang Province,in December 2015,experts shared their views on Internet sovereignty and cyberspace governance in Chinese media.Excerpts of their views are as follows:  相似文献   

The season of the fragrant osmanthus is also the time for Wuzhen,a picturesque river town in Zhejiang Province in east China,to welcome its annual moment in the spotlight Once regarded as a land of rice and fish and the home of Chinese silk,the ancient town with more than 6,000 years of history has been given a new name by the media—the future of the Internet.  相似文献   

在非传统安全语境中,安全观所关注的不仅行为体主体多元化,而且行为客体也更加多元化。应对当今的非传统安全问题,基于警察的维度考量,提升警务治理能力至关重要。而提升的关键在于正确选择和科学应用安全治理、零容忍、先发制人策略以及着力改革警察管理体制,提高警察领导能力和决策能力;着力推进警察专业化建设,提高警察专业化水平;着力破除开展警务合作的制度梗阻,为警务能力提升提供强有力的制度保障。  相似文献   

Tsering Topgyal 《当代中国》2011,20(69):183-203
In March 2008, Tibet erupted in the biggest challenge to Chinese rule since 1959. While Beijing and Dharamsala engaged in their familiar battle of representations, pundits speculated on the causes of the uprising, ranging from conspiracy theories to informed policy analysis. Applying the framework of the insecurity dilemma, this article argues that Tibetan identity insecurity on account of the post-1989 hard-line Chinese policies was the chief cause of the uprising. Largely peaceful protests and occasionally violent riots in Tibet have been integral to Tibetan efforts to mitigate their societal insecurities provoked by Chinese migration, ‘assimilationist’ policies and ‘cultural imperialism’. However, Tibetan protests and riots heighten Chinese insecurities and harden Beijing's policies both inside Tibet and towards the Dalai Lama. This paper reveals the dynamic cycle of hard-line Chinese policies provoking Tibetan uprisings; the resulting hardening in Chinese policies feeds back into Tibetan insecurities and protests. The 2008 uprising was the most recent cycle in the long-running saga of the Sino-Tibetan insecurity dilemma. The article warns that unless the Tibetans and the Chinese find a way to break out of the insecurity dilemma, Tibet could explode into another frenzy of violence and counter-violence in the near future.  相似文献   

赛伯空间中的主体技术和性/性别政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种媒体,技术和网络本身并非是一种简单的信息载体,它实际上决定了某些社会内容,并正在创造新的体验和知识。本文通过一些具体事例,从性和性别的视角切入,分析网络技术特性对于性别平等历程中的反本质主义和社会性别主流化的影响和意义。  相似文献   

政府应对网络空间的舆论危机及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府网络空间的舆论危机是网络社会中政府面临的一个新挑战和新课题,政府部门及各级领导干部必须努力适应时代要求,充分发挥网络空间的优势和作用,为政府和公众之间对话与互信提供契机,从而科学地应对和处置危机,稀释危机风险,以在信息时代重塑政府形象,提高政府公信力。  相似文献   

农民工社会保障权益的实现与市民化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成志刚 《湖湘论坛》2010,23(2):9-10
<正>农民工是指具有农村户口身份却在城镇务工的劳动者。在现阶段,我国农民工队伍具有规模庞大、身份特殊、地位尴尬、流动性强等特点,是党和政府高度重视、社会各界广泛关注的社会弱势群体。尤其是2008年开始的全球金融风暴,造成了大量农民工失业、返乡。农民工的出路何在?2009年召开的中央经济工作会议指出,"要把解决符合条件的农业转移人口逐步在城镇就业和落户作为推进城镇化的重要  相似文献   

网络安全技术与公安网络系统安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公安网络系统安全问题是公安部门网络系统建设必须考虑的首要技术问题,是一项系统工程。本文首先分析了公安网络系统安全问题的主要特征,简要介绍了公安网络中经常采用的加密、防火墙、防毒、灾难恢复等安全技术,最后以南昌市公安局西湖分局为例,阐述了如何构建公安网络安全体系。  相似文献   

刘璟 《理论月刊》2003,(8):38-39
如何对证券市场进行权威化、制度化的法律监管,一直受到各国政府的高度重视,由此形成了各国不同的证券监管模式,纵观世界各国,大体有政府集中型监管为主的监管体制、自律监管为主的监管体制、中间型监管体制三种模式。  相似文献   

扬中市公安局在构建扁平化指挥的快速反应机制过程中,以PGIS的应用为基础,通过整合现有公安资源,开发建设了智能防控管理平台,实现了"指挥调度可视化、巡防管理数字化、应急处置精准化"的目标,并在实际工作中取得了明显效果。  相似文献   

政府的社会治安职能具有政治性和公共性双重属性。中国的社会治安行政管理涵盖了政府的社会治安职能。在政府改革的背景下,社会治安的治理正在由管理式治理转变为公共服务式治理。治安行政发展变化的十几年中,其阶级统治的属性逐渐下降,公共性逐步上升,并在理论上完成了社会治安行政与公共服务的统一。在具体内容上,公共安全服务不断丰富和深化,出现了一些新的发展趋势。公共安全服务成为社会治安行政的工作重心。  相似文献   

随着冷战的结束,传统安全在国际关系中的极度优先地位相对下降,非传统安全领域出现的新问题对国际社会带来的危害日益突显,并与非传统安全相互交织,向人类提出了严峻的挑战。在新的国际环境下,重新审视安全的内涵,正确认识传统安全与非传统安全及其相互关系,无论对于安全研究还是安全实践都具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

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