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IN January 2003,students XiaoLin and Xiao Ma made anignominious departure fromChongqing Institute of Postsand Telecommunications.Thereason?Their ongoing relation-ship had resulted in Xiao Ma’spregnancy.Consequently theywere expelled. The relevant school rulereads:In cases of immoral behav-ior,offenders will either receive awarning or an entry in their per-sonal dossier. In extreme cases ofsexual misconduct,offenders willbe suspended or expelled.  相似文献   

现代道德文化是古代道德文化的承续,现代道德文化离不开传统文化的开发与转化,传统道德文化具有开发与转化的必要与可能.现代社会道德必须体现传统道德精神,特别是中国特色的社会德育必须体现传统道德伦理,在全球化条件下转变现念方式,从区域观念走向全球通则的文化全球形态,创造一个诚信、开放、公平的和谐社会环境.为此,还需对现代社会道德规范进行重塑,建立新的道德价值取向,构建现代社会道德控制机制及预防体系,以优良的道德育人环境,加强人文道德素质修养,确保经济社会和谐持续稳定健康发展.  相似文献   

Dynamic Campus LifeMalaysian Huang Longhai has been studying at Tsinghua University for several months, and has a stock pile of instant noodles in his dorm. This is not because he doesn't like dishes served in the canteens, but because his dynamic campus life leaves him no time to eat his favorite  相似文献   

China is undergoing the fastest development in history–one that has invigorated the country and changed the world. China therefore stands out in the international community.Many people wonder what the secret of this astonishing development is. But if you were to ask a thousand people what they thought, you would get a thousand and one  相似文献   

ZHOU Wei,born in Qamdo in 1958,holds a doctorate in Tibetology,and writes and speaks Tibetan fluently.His tanned complexion stems from the annual field investigations of several months duration that he has made on the plateau.As the world witnesses the marked improvement in the local economy and people’s livelihood in the autonomous region in the 60 years since its peaceful liberation,Zhou Wei points to how well traditional Tibetan culture is being transmitted in a modern society.  相似文献   

LAST month we had a dis-cussion on practical wis-dom,with particular ref-erence to a story abouthorse racing.This monthwe look at sage wisdom from adifferent perspective.If practicalwisdom deals specifically withpractical issues and interests,sagewisdom is relevant to matters of aspiritual nature,but not in thereligious sense.In this context,spiritual refers to a way of life  相似文献   

One of mao Zedong’s most widely known and often quoted slogans perfectly encapsulates his philosophy of confrontation: It is a delight to struggle with Heaven and earth. Obviously, people no longer see things in quite that way. In 2007,  相似文献   

LOCATED in northwest China, Ningxia is the country’s only Hui autono-mous region. Of its 6 million inhabitants, more than 2 million are Hui. While embracing modern life, the Hui people still keep faith with their own traditions and beliefs.  相似文献   

THE plum blossom, flower of the Prunus mume, is a prominenticon of traditional Chinese culture and one of the most loved subjects in Chinese  相似文献   

Parade Marking the PRC's 60th Anniversary The People's Republic of China celebrated the 60th anniversary of its founding on October 1 with a grand armed forces and civilian parade through Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The special National Day parade followed an inspection of the country's armed forces by top Chinese state and military leader Hu Jintao.  相似文献   

Honduran Coup Troops surround Honduran President Manuel Zelaya's residence in Tegucigalpa. Soldiers arrested Zelaya and flew him to Costa Rica on June 28 in a coup d'état condemned by the UN, the Organization of American States, the United States and the European Union.  相似文献   

正1.Brexit Contrary to forecasts by major media and academic circles in the United Kingdom,51.89 percent of votes cast in a referendum held on June 23 were in favor of the UK leaving the EU.The outcome of the Brexit referendum has had a strong impact on Europe and even the wider world.The vote has created a rift between  相似文献   

正1 Individual Income Tax Law Reform The reformed Individual Income Tax Law came into force on January 1.It raised the minimum threshold for personal income tax exemption from 3,500 yuan($513) to 5,000 yuan($733) per month. Special deductions were added for expenses like caring for elderly parents, children's  相似文献   

正1.Running a Tight Ship in the CPC The Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee,held in Beijing on October 24-27,approved new regulations to improve discipline in the Party and root out corruption.Two documents approved at the session,the Norms of Political Life Within the Party Under the New Situation and the Provisional Intra-Party Supervision Regulation,detail the conduct expected of Party members.  相似文献   

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