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基于市场机制演进的必然性与数字技术赋能的可行性,作为外生冲击的新冠肺炎疫情加速了从工业经济就业范式向数字经济工作范式的转型,这种新工作范式主要体现在从组织型就业向自主型工作转换,从集中型就业向分布型工作转换,从单一型就业向多元型工作转换。新工作范式推动了新工作政策框架的形成发展与优化完善,新工作政策框架主要着力于创造更加稠密的工作市场和促进更加便利的工作匹配,着力于包容更加多元的人力资本关系和提升更加专业的工作技能,着力于提供更加普遍的社会保障和保护更加全面的工作权利,从而能够真正满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要。  相似文献   

The development of territorial politics within federal systems over time, specifically change in the nature and intensity of territorial claims, is an understudied question. This article looks at the case of Western Australia (WA) to gain a better understanding of the political dynamics behind changing territorial politics in a federation, more particularly around economic and fiscal policies. In April 1933, grievances surrounding the economic and fiscal policies of the Commonwealth government grew so loud in WA that a referendum on secession saw a majority of voters opting to leave Australia altogether. In the end, not only did WA not secede but the secessionist movement disappeared. Today, ironically, the equalization system, whose formalization through the creation of the Commonwealth Grants Commission one month following the referendum was designed to reduce regional disparities and discontent, is at the centre of regionalist politics in the state.  相似文献   

What effect does a sector-based negotiated economy have on industrial transformation, and what are the institutional mechanisms involved in negotiated sector-regulation? These questions are tentatively answered through an analysis of the political economy of one of Norway's most important industrial sectors: the hydropower and energy-intensive industry. The study focuses on factors that have allowed the sector to continue to expand throughout the 1970s and 1980s in spite of failing economic return and extensive political opposition. The over-expansion is explained through the partial closure and self-refercnciality found in the sector's regulatory system, which provides it with relative autonomy in relation to us economic and political environment. It is suggested that the pattern found in the hydropower and energy-intensive sector may be typical of heavy industrial sectors in modern economies.  相似文献   

尽管群租的"治乱循环"已成为特大城市社会治理亟待解决的现实难题,但已有研究对此仍缺乏充分的学术建构。依据空间政治经济学视角,可以将群租的"病因"诊断为特大城市中的居住贫困。通过对群租治理京沪叙事的逻辑提炼可以发现,当前中国特大城市的群租治理是一种典型的地方运动式治理,它悬浮在国家运动式治理与基层运动式治理之间,治理意蕴的弱政治化和治理机制的半常规化致使其面临合法性与有效性双重危机,不但难以消除居住贫困,反而造成了居住贫困再生产。相比之下,包容性治理强调将"包容性"嵌入群租治理的制度、体制和机制中,将群租治理作为实现公平正义、美好生活和赋权增能的政治使命,在特大城市设立直接向中央政府负责的独立办事机构作为群租的"元治理"单位,构建利益表达机制和府际合作机制,不仅可以增强体制特征合法性,还能够通过创造有效性来累积体制作为合法性,是更为适宜的群租治理模式。  相似文献   

This article reviews the evolution of administrative arrangements in the Northern Territory since the 1970s, covering both the devolutionary phase and, with somewhat more emphasis, the self-government period since 1978. The article centres on the theme of political management which, as in the recent work by Halligan and Power (1992), has become a major focus in the study of Australian administrative reform. Political management involves a 'modernising reform agenda. internal in orientation and concerned mainly with making the organizational and human resources of the executive branch more responsive to the priorities of superordinates' (Halligan and Power 1992: 249). Particular attention here is given to the evolving pattern of relationships between the political and bureaucratic arms of the Northern Territory executive.  相似文献   

The original concept of the negotiated economy from the late 1970s provided some heuristic insights into significant developments of political, economic, and administrative processes. The later development of the concept has not brought the theory of the negotiated economy any further. This is a reply to an article published in SPS (Andersen et al. 1996) which responded to criticisms brought by me in an earlier article (1W.4). The defence of the theory of the negotiated economy is not consistent. The theory is both non-positive and positive, and normally accepted criteria for empirical confrontation are not adhered to.  相似文献   

公共管理的理论源流与变革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过“新公共管理运动”而从传统公共行政理论范式中分化出来的“公共管理”,体现了一种新的理论范式整合。传统的公共行政,以韦伯的官僚制来破解庇护主义,以政治/行政分开来化解政党分肥,以官制度来建构行政组织的基本规范,以泰勒主义来保证效率行政的主导地位。这种行政改进逐渐变成公共行政中的教条主义。结果,官僚制成了官僚主义的代名词,政治/行政两分成了“两张皮”,官制度变成了族主义,效率主导变成了缺乏效果的效率。求解这些疑难导致了传统公共行政范式向“新公共管理”范式的转移。而突出公共性、现代性和综合性的公共管理的理论建构,就是以公共行政为底色而对新公共管理或管理主义、政策分析以及20世纪80年代兴起的公共治理理论的一次理论整合。  相似文献   


This article investigates the escalation of US-China trade disputes and the implications for Sino-US relations. Both structural realism and liberal institutionalism have failed to pay sufficient attention to the evolution of the US-China economic relationship, and this article strives to highlight this crucial issue. The article employs a historical perspective to examine the transformation of US-China economic relations in the twenty-first century. It argues that the US-China economic relationship is evolving from a symbiotic but asymmetric one between 2001 and 2008, toward an increasingly competitive one after the 2008 global financial crisis, especially in the Trump-Xi era. The changing dynamics of US-China economic relations, as well as the shifting perceptions of the top leadership of each country toward the other, create the impetus for the transformation of Sino-US relations. This article suggests that the recent trade tension is embedded in the growing strategic competition between the two countries.


公共服务供给模式的选择,体现了政府职能的定位与公共事务治理之道。补缺式模式是改革开放以来非营利组织参与公共服务供给的一种基本形态,有效地填补了政府的缺位,为民众适时地提供了力所能及的公共服务。在政府逐渐履行其基本公共服务职责后,非营利组织在这些领域的角色越来越弱化,需要有一个角色的战略性转型和功能的全新提升,相应的,中国的公共服务供给模式逐渐从补缺式公共服务供给模式走向定制式公共服务供给模式。作为公共服务供给模式的革新方向,其目标就是建构非营利组织与政府的战略性合作联盟这一理想模式。这种战略性联盟是以政府为主导、政府与非营利组织合作的公共服务供给新体制,即通过政府购买服务方式提升合作治理的制度化水平,以及通过个性化、差异化的定制方式提升政府回应性水平,进而形成一种战略性联盟,并在此基础上,以深化流程再造方式来全面提升公共服务供给模式的服务质量。  相似文献   

In 2015 and 2016, France was hit by some severe terror attacks. Following these attacks, the country experienced increased xenophobia in the form of anti-Muslim actions (anti-social peer punishment), and the French government reacted by declaring a state of emergency and intensifying policing activities such as house searches and police stops. Here, I analyze these reactions and show that intensified policing, even though well intended, can be associated with considerable anti-social effects. Furthermore, I will show that the state of emergency was associated with some dynamics that are worrisome for a democracy. Lastly, I will situate the findings in the conceptual distinction between institutional and peer punishment of behavioral science.  相似文献   

American policing faces a crisis of legitimacy. A key source of this crisis is a widespread police practice commonly endorsed by police leaders to fight crime. This is the investigatory stop, used to check out people who seem suspicious and to seize illegal drugs and guns and make arrests. Using data from an original scientific survey of drivers in the Kansas City metropolitan area, the authors show that racial disparities in police stops are concentrated in investigatory vehicle stops. In these stops, but not others, officers disproportionately stop African Americans and question and search them. The overwhelming majority of people stopped in this way are innocent, and the experience causes psychological harm and erodes trust in and cooperation with the police. Many of the most controversial police shootings during the past two years occurred in these stops. Reforming this practice is an essential step toward restoring trust in the police.  相似文献   

吴绍忠 《学理论》2013,(13):135-137
法国的警务情报工作具有自身特色,通过学习和研究法国经验,可以给我们带来如下启示:加强合作与交流、注重情报信息系统建设、突出情报分析的核心地位、确保情报信息安全对我国公安情报工作的重要性;同时,通过加强与实战部门联系、加强情报信息系统建设类的课程教学、加强情报分析的研究和教学、加强情报安全类理论的研究与教学以及优化师资队伍结构有助于提高我国公安情报教育水平。  相似文献   

土地适度规模经营是继人民公社体制下的集中经营和家庭联产承包责任制下的分散经营后,又一重大的土地改革。它对农村治理的影响是全方位的,深刻改变了细碎化土地经营模式下的治理对象、方式和主体,并逐渐重塑着农村的治理生态。现代农民的形成与政治参与困境、新精英阶层的崛起与传统治理权威解构、市场化加深与传统治理方式式微倒逼农村重构治理体系,以适应农村发展的新要求,因此必须对谁来治理、如何治理等问题进行重新考量。  相似文献   

In this essay we explore the relationship between management practices and a basic governance dilemma: how to manage flexibly and accountably. The challenge is both practical and theoretical. Managers must respond flexibly to the changing demands and expectations of the public and the ever-changing nature of public problems, yet they must do so in a manner that provides accountability to the public and political overseers. A dichotomous approach to the study of leadership as management action and the governance structures within which managers operate has inhibited the search for a public management theory that reconciles the dilemma. Emphasis upon managers as leaders typically focuses on the flexible actions managers might take to overcome structural "barriers," while emphasis upon governance structures typically focuses on the essential role of structure in ensuring accountability and restraining or motivating particular management efforts. The practicing manager, however, cannot deal with these aspects of the work separately. Managers must attend to demands for both flexible leadership action and structures that promise accountability. Anecdotal evidence provides illustrations of some of the ways that managers can integrate these demands. We suggest that these efforts point to an alternative theoretical framework that understands action and structure as mutually constitutive, creating a dynamic tension in which attention to one requires attention to the other.  相似文献   

自1978年党的十一届三中全会开始,我国进入大规模的经济建设.然而,对于依据什么样的管理体制去推进我国经济建设,初期认识与后来的认识完全不同.当时大多数人的理论主张还是坚持和恢复计划管理体制,原因如下:第一,受苏联经济理论教条影响,认为计划经济是社会主义经济的基本特征.  相似文献   

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