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This paper is a comparative study of law of assembly between the People's Republic of China (PRC) vs. the Republic of China (Taiwan) (ROC). The comparison is achieved by looking at how these two societies regulate and police assembly, procession, and demonstration (hereinafter “public assembly”). Particularly it looks at the constitutional mandate and legal limitations on police powers in managing such public gatherings, e.g. what are the role and functions, and powers and limitation of the police in dealing with public assembly application and conduct.This comparative project is conducted with a view to understand the relative development in police powers in the two Chinese societies, once linked by history and culture and now divided by geography and ideology. It is assumed that in order to achieve a political “unification” of the two societies under a “one country two systems” formula,or any other viable political settlement, some understanding of how the two legal systems work is important in breaching their differences.In a still larger context, this research rides the tide of comparative policing in exposing and explicating how police in these two closed societies, ROC (Confucianism) and PRC (Socialism), come to terms with social protests and political challenges; more broadly how they balance the forces of reform and control with the use of law.  相似文献   

<正>《中国法学》是中国法学会主管、主办的法学学术期刊,创刊于1984年,是我国法学期刊中四届国家期刊奖获得者。本刊始终坚持正确的政治方向,坚持理论联系实际,关注重大理论与现实问题,坚持刊物的学术性,追求学术创新,严守学术规范。本刊对论文的评审取舍以学术质量为硬标准,实行符合国际学术期刊惯例的专家匿名审稿制度,在充分尊重专家评审意见的基础上,考虑刊物的定位、宗旨、特色、学科等因素,  相似文献   

曹鎏 《行政法学研究》2008,(4):136-140,144
中国法学会行政法学研究会2008年年会于9月25日至26日在贵州省贵阳市召开.来自全国各地的230余位专家、学者参加了会议,共提交论文130篇.本届年会的主题为"服务型政府与行政法",与会代表围绕该主题展开了广泛而深入的讨论,现将本届年会讨论的议题综述如下:  相似文献   

本文从立法和司法两个方面分析了我国台湾地区死刑立法模式、死刑适用条件、死刑适用范围、死刑规定方式的控制以及死刑案件程序、死刑赦免、死刑执行的控制,还分析了我国台湾地区死刑立法控制和司法控制的理念。通过这两个方面的分析发现,台湾地区死刑控制与我国大陆死刑的改革方向不谋而合,即对已满75周岁的老年人犯罪绝对不适用死刑。此外,台湾地区死刑控制对我国大陆死刑改革也有一定的启示,即将死刑适用的具体条件限定为危害生命或健康的严重犯罪;废除绝对死刑;提高无期徒刑的假释门槛、新增重罪累犯不得假释的规定、延长死刑追诉权期限;增设死刑案件强制上诉制度,等等。  相似文献   

社区矫正在中国——基础分析、前景与困境   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
如同生命的最终结局是死亡,监狱发展的最终目标就是监狱本身的消亡。监狱的消亡自然是一个非常漫长、艰难甚至痛苦的过程。从价值追求、设计思想、管理规范到物态形式、建筑样式、管理方式的变化,监狱都逐步向自身消亡的方向演进。2003年中国开始试点的替代监禁刑的社区矫正,正是符合这一方向的实践形式。作为一个全新的事物,社区矫正在中国生长的社会条件、理论基础、体制环境和资源状况等基础性问题,直接影响和决定着它的前景,而对其发展中困难和问题的认识,无疑具有重要理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

中国宪法诉讼存在论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于中国是否存在宪法诉讼,我们不能从严格的西方标准来回答,而应从中国实际出发来分析。在理论上,我国宪法并不排斥宪法诉讼,但是,即便最高人民法院出台不支持宪法进入诉讼的司法解释,在司法实践中宪法案件却仍然是存在的。而且,在建立宪法诉讼制度在我国还存在宪法政治化的观念、制度阙如、宪法依据不足等障碍,宪法诉讼功能也尚未发挥出来的情况下,宪法诉讼却已形成由普通法院审理、不存在违宪审查、无独立诉讼形式和以基本权利为诉求的特点。  相似文献   

李光宇 《行政与法》2010,(7):103-105
我国经历30年改革开放的发展后,应当对现有的经济法律制度进行必要的调整和完善。完善经济立法应当以促进市场交易为价值取向,普遍遵循便利市场机制发挥的原则,充分立足于现有的经济基础,进一步厘清公法与私法的界限,有效限制公法对市场主体过多的干预,从而赋予市场主体更多的权利和自由。  相似文献   

A trip to China     
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):99-101
The role of a TV action-line “troubleshooter” for dispute resolution is illustrated with viewers' letters and topics selected for broadcast. Focusing mainly on consumer complaints (non-auto retail), disputes selected for broadcast were more likely to be resolved in favor of the claimant than were requests handled off the air by the troubleshooter staff. Follow-up materials, however, suggest that obtaining a response from the trouble-shooter as well as a claimee was regarded positively by claimants. TV formats integrate “self-help” justice within a framework of informal justice, and thereby serve as an additional feature of the practical contexts of mediation, which include circumstance, situation, and biography and history.  相似文献   

This article reviews the legal basis for the development of forensic psychiatry in China, the organization of clinical assessments, and training of forensic psychiatrists. Regulations for the management of patients in Ankang hospitals and the role of forensic psychiatrists within the Criminal Justice system are described. The primary role of forensic psychiatrists is to provide expert opinions on competence to stand trial and criminal responsibility in criminal cases. They are increasingly involved in civil court proceedings and tribunals at the request of a range of official agencies. The clinical cases assessed by Chinese forensic psychiatrists are very similar to those of their counterparts in Western countries, but the organizational and legal framework for these assessments reflects a very different system that has evolved independently.  相似文献   

论中国司法改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孟勤国  向甬 《现代法学》2000,22(6):11-15
中国现行的司法改革措施偏离了法治方向 ,原因在于对司法改革的根本法理问题、司法改革的性质、司法的价值取向、司法独立、司法的职业化等缺乏足够的认识。本文力求理清上述问题 ,并对中国的司法改革提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

This paper examines technology transfer within China. The Chinese government is currently placing great emphasis on developing indigenous scientific and technological capacity. In order to expedite the strengthening of science and technology capabilities, the government is promoting extraordinary measures designed to enhance the diffusion of technology within China. Special attention is focusing on strengthening the links between the academic, industrial, and defense sectors. In addition, the government is experimenting with policies commonly used in the West that encourage decentralization and the taking of local initiative. Although China's concern with technology transfer is very recent, it appears that the new technology transfer policies are having an immediate positive effect.  相似文献   

解读诚信原则——关于诚实信用原则的法律思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李茂军 《河北法学》2002,20(6):141-145
诚信不仅仅是道德观念 ,而更重要的它是法律规制。诚信原则既是我国社会主义市场经济的基本法则 ,又是我们从事国际经贸往来活动的通行证。然而 ,现阶段我们的诚信状况却不尽人意。其原因固然是多方面的 ,但从法律的角度来思考 ,则很大程度上与人们对诚信原则的法律本质及功能特点认识不清、把握不准有关。诚信原则乃道德准则的法律化 ,诚信本身就是法 ,“帝王规则”甲天下。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):111-115

于英红 《检察风云》2011,(16):33-35
对公司在海外业务中贿赂外国官员的行为进行规范,已经成为世界上很多国家的共识。这不但是从促进本国平等竞争的角度考虑,也能够间接敲打海外的权力腐败,促成清廉政治的养成,从而间接促成更为有利的投资环境。  相似文献   

论巴塞尔协议在我国的实施与我国金融法制的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了巴塞尔协议的主要内容,该协议在我国实施的意义和难点。探讨了如何有效实施该协议,促进我国金融法制建设的问题,并提出加快巴塞尔协议的实施,完善金融立法和金融监管体系的建议。  相似文献   

海德格尔的生存空间思想闪烁着智慧的光辉,对于当前美丽中国建设具有重要的哲学指导意蕴。后期海德格尔把时间和空间置于同样本源的位置,由原来从"此在"追问存在的意义转向直接沉思存在的意义。前空间是时间的第四个维度,它把三维时间聚集在自己的近处,从而形成了一种立体的、敞开的时空之境,即本有。本有是孕育万物的先验境域,它是人类的本真家园,是人们诗意栖居的生存空间。  相似文献   

Driven by the importation of western learning to China by Protestant missionaries in the nineteenth century and compilation and publication of legal and political serial books and magazines by students studying in Japan in the late Tsing Dynasty, modern Chinese legal periodicals appeared officially and developed vigorously. These legal periodicals facilitated the modern transformation of traditional Chinese ideology and academy in terms of the purposes, editing mode, academic specifications, writing techniques and language styles of some typical periodicals. As the periodicals were widely spread and demonstrated throughout universities, legal communities and judicial and legislative authorities, more people acquired common background in such aspects as thoughts and writing techniques. As the adhesive of professional community of media and an important means of maintaining knowledge production, periodicals created some new authority of saying, based on which the tradition of modern Chinese legal system has been established. Translated from Falü Kexue 法律科学 (Law Science), 2003, (5): 25–31  相似文献   

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