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黄印 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):98-101
2004年年初开展的全国公安机关“侦破命案专项行动”使各地公安机关都将“命案必破”作为公安工作的首要任务,面对比以前更加高标准、严要求,公安机关面临更多的压力和更高的工作强度。在命案侦破中,警察将面对巨大的压力;警察在命案侦破中要调节自己的心理状况,以适应工作的要求。  相似文献   

疑难命案积案的形成,是诸多主客观因素影响的结果。从近年来的侦查实践看,疑难命案积案的最终破获,刑事科学技术的有效运用起到关键作用,其中既反映出技术层面的一些特点,也反映出侦查行为模式的一些特征。尽管疑难命案积案的侦查取得了较大成绩,但也存在着一些问题和需要改善的地方。  相似文献   

This study examined the correlations between victim/offender relationship and three variables: motive, weapon choice, and number of injuries inflicted. Empirical relationship and motive categories were used. The sample consisted of 57 intentional homicide cases from Florida Medical Examiner District 8 between the years 1992 and 1996. Relationships were divided into primary and secondary categories. Primary relationships included intimates, relatives, and friends; secondary relationships included acquaintances and strangers. Motives were classified as romantic dispute, argument/conflict, revenge, or felony type; weapons as firearm or contact; and number of injuries inflicted as single or multiple. A significant correlation was found between victim/offender relationship and homicide motive; however, the revenge and felony type motive categories did not differ. Unexpectedly, no correlation was found between victim/offender relationship and either weapon choice or number of injuries inflicted. Further study is needed of the interactions between homicide victim/offender relationship and motive, weapon selection, and number of injuries inflicted.  相似文献   

在命案侦破中法医参与现场分析的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事侦查工作,包括侦查破案、预防犯罪和控制犯罪三项任务。刑事案件中,命案最为重要,而现场勘查,是命案侦破中最好、最重要的环节。现场勘查的诸多工作中,最主要的是采证和现场分析。命案侦破中最常用的技术手段是法医技术,法医对命案的勘验分析,是破案的首要环节,决定着命案侦查的方向和思路。因此,命案侦破中将法医技术与现场分析相结合是十分重要的。近些年来,公安系统的法医工作出现了就技术论技术、鉴定活动与破案相脱离的势态,这是不可取的。加强理论功底,不断提高分析判断水平,是法医工作者增强自身专业素质的当务之急。  相似文献   

Homicides precipitate numerous problems for victims' families that can be eased, in part, by counseling, case management, and court advocacy services. Guided by a crisis theory framework, the records of 112 homicide victims' family members (or survivors) served by a public victims assistance agency were examined to discern typical service utilization patterns and differences for survivors of intrafamilial homicides (i.e., cases in which the perpetrator was a family member of the victim). Results indicated that survivors of intrafamilial homicides utilized services during the initial 8-week crisis period following the homicide more than other survivors, yet used services less during the subsequent 8-week period. The findings substantiated the application of crisis theory to studying the experiences of survivors and underscored the importance of considering survivors' familial relationships to perpetrators in the provision of services.  相似文献   

作为一种方法论,一种技术,大数据在杀人案件侦查已被广泛运用,且作用明显。为了保障杀人案件侦查中大数据运用的合法、高效,结合我国杀人案件侦查中大数据的运用情况,阐述了杀人案件侦查中的大数据类型,杀人案件侦查中的大数据系统,杀人案件侦查中的大数据方法,杀人案件侦查中的大数据困境,并指出,要深入研究杀人案件侦查中的大数据运用情况,进一步总结杀人案件侦查中的大数据类型与系统,探索杀人案件侦查中的大数据方法,破解杀人案件侦查中的各种大数据困境,使大数据在杀人案件侦查中真正发挥作用。  相似文献   

当某一故意杀人犯罪发生时,侦查机关的第一要务是准确判定案件属性。其中确定案件是否属于系列杀人犯罪可谓重中之重,因为这既关涉到案件能否得以及时、准确侦破,又关乎司法公正。为便于侦查机关准确判别某一故意杀人是否属于系列杀人犯罪,兹在明确界定系列杀人犯罪概念基础上,通过聚类分析、方差分析、二元逻辑回归分析等方法创建系列杀人犯罪分类模型和回归模型。依据系列杀人犯罪分类模型,侦查机关可初步基于犯罪地是否偏僻、被害人尸体是否在犯罪现场、凶犯除故意杀人是否还有抢劫、是否有犯罪前科等四个方面直观判定某一故意杀人是否为系列杀人犯罪;依据系列杀人犯罪回归模型,侦查机关可精准计算出某一故意杀人为系列杀人犯罪的概率值。分类模型的直观性和回归模型的精准性为侦查机关判别故意杀人犯罪案件属性提供了一个可具体测量的科学依据。  相似文献   

故意杀人案作无罪处理的原因调查及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
故意杀人的社会危害性极大,历来是打击的重点.因此,对故意杀人犯罪案件作无罪处理,必然产生较大的影响.现对湖北省某市1997年10月以来作无罪处理的故意杀人案件进行分析,以剖析原因,提出改进对策.  相似文献   

This paper provides some examples of the utility of graphical methods in analyzing data. While such methods are not expected to supplant standard statistical techniques, they can help the researcher in understanding characteristics of the process in ways that cannot be replicated using the standard methods.  相似文献   

This study examined the spatial and temporal movement of homicide in Newark, New Jersey from January 1982 through September 2008. We hypothesized that homicide would diffuse in a similar process to an infectious disease with firearms and gangs operating as the infectious agents. A total of 2,366 homicide incidents were analyzed using SaTScan v.9.0, a cluster detection software. The results revealed spatio-temporal patterns of expansion diffusion: overall, firearm and gang homicide clusters in Newark evolved from a common area in the center of the city and spread southward and westward over the course of two decades. This pattern of movement has implications in regards to the susceptibility of populations to homicide, particularly because northern and eastern Newark remained largely immune to homicide clusters. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings, as well as recommendations for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

Domestic Violence Death Review Committees (DVDRCs) are interdisciplinary teams dedicated to examining domestic homicide and recommending how to prevent future tragedies by comprehensively examining individual cases. This article summarizes the findings of 15 DVDRCs concerning children as victims and witnesses. The findings reflect that an alarming number of children are victimized by domestic violence. Themes in the recommendations are grouped in relationship to: (1) training and policy development; (2) resource development; (3) coordination of services; (4) legislative reform; and (5) prevention programs. The recommendations are critical for criminal and civil courts as well as enhancing collaboration between the justice system and community partners in preventing domestic homicide.  相似文献   

作者对自己近几年参加的有关部门组织的100起检察院不起诉与法院宣判无罪命案进行剖析,在此基础上,进一步对88起问题案件进行深入分析,从证据形成和存在状态的自身规律和证据收集的法律规范(证据能力)两个角度,从六个方面,对侦查阶段侦办命案中收集证据工作存在的问题谈一些肤浅看法,以期为相关问题的深入研究和讨论提供一些实证依据。  相似文献   

许昆  王峥 《证据科学》2009,17(3):367-374
作者对自己近几年参加的有关部门组织的100起检察院不起诉与法院宣判无罪命案进行剖析,在此基础上,进一步对88起“问题”案件进行深入分析.从证据形成和存在状态的自身规律和证据收集的法律规范(证据能力)两个角度,从六个方面,对侦查阶段侦办命案中收集证据工作存在的问题谈一些肤浅看法,以期为相关问题的深入研究和讨论提供一些实证依据。  相似文献   

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