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<正>一、导致职业女性心理素质与心理健康问题的原因1、传统文化中的性别偏见和社会竞争中的性别歧视传统文化宣扬男尊女卑,男主外、女主内,男强女弱的社会歧视和偏见在现实中依然存在。很多女性就缺乏自信,认为自己总是比男性低一等,并且回避和  相似文献   

Single mothers are more likely to experience mental health problems and stress-related negative health behaviors than their married counterparts, but a more generous safety net may improve these outcomes. We use a simulated safety net eligibility approach that accounts for interactions across safety net programs and relies on changing policies across states and time to identify causal effects of safety net generosity on psychological distress and risky behaviors of single mothers. Results suggest that a more generous safety net is protective of maternal mental health: a $1,000 increase to the simulated potential combined cash and food benefit package reduces severe psychological distress by 8.4 percent. Breaking out effects by individual programs while still controlling for potential benefits from other programs, we find protective effects of tax credits, cash benefits provided by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and food benefits provided by Supplemental Nutritional Assistance, but no effects of Medicaid eligibility. The effects are primarily driven by single mothers with the lowest levels of education. We find no significant effects of generosity on daily smoking, but we find evidence that benefits reduce the likelihood of heavy drinking. Results suggest that government investments in resources available to low-income families can be effective at improving well-being.  相似文献   

吕超 《学理论》2010,(20):245-246
近年来,教师心理健康教育观研究的现状进行概述,它直接影响着教师的知觉、判断,进而影响其教学行为,试图在此基础阐述更为有效的教师心理健康教育观,从而使教师形成积极地心理教育健康观。  相似文献   

心理健康状况不仅影响着高职学生的学习与生活,而且还关系到其人际交往和社会适应等问题,已成为高职学生教育不容忽视的重要内容。分析高职学生普遍存在的心理问题及其成因,并从多方面提出相应对策,以帮助高职学生解决心理问题,顺利融入大学生活。  相似文献   

付宇 《学理论》2014,(6):193-194
心理剧是近年来国内高校中普遍应用的一种新形式的团体心理辅导与治疗技术,虽然在我国高校心理健康教育工作中的普及和应用时间尚短,却因为该技术所具备的特点及新颖性而广受心理健康教育工作者与学生的欢迎。结合国内高校心理健康教育工作中心理剧技术的研究与实践,对心理剧技术的理论及应用进行简单总结与梳理,并对心理剧技术在应用中存在的问题与困境进行了思考。  相似文献   

肖汉仕 《学理论》2011,(22):92-94
我国新时期居民的精神健康问题形势严峻,根据制约的社会性因素,从社会学的视角,需要面向全体居民实施全民健心工程。即实施以维护居民心理健康为直接目的,以全方位优化社会心理环境、全面开展心理健康教育与心理素质培育、建构社会心理支持机制、完善精神卫生服务体系、发动全体居民参与为途径的系统工程。  相似文献   

袁艺红 《学理论》2013,(30):229-230
运用文献综述法对影响大学生心理健康的因素进行分析,通过分析认为影响因素包括三个方面:第一,中国式家庭教育是基础因素,中国传统的家庭教育重视孩子的成绩而轻视孩子的道德教育和体育,在孩子心理素质的培养上有所欠缺;第二,学校教育问题,中国的学校教育没能发展学生的个性特征和才能,降低了学生的自信心,进而影响就业和工作;第三,社会因素,社会因素也同样影响着家庭教育,农民工家庭的出现导致大量的留守儿童,离婚率的上升使单亲家庭的学生量增加,这都将影响学生的心理健康。因此,学生的心理健康需要家庭、学校和社会共同来承担责任和义务。  相似文献   

The difficulty of coordinating service provision in interagency programs is a challenge for many working in public policy. We reflect on lessons learned through evaluating two inter‐agency supported housing programs for people with mental illness and propose a framework outlining components needed for well co‐ordinated service provision. We specify collaborative mechanisms at the policy, agency, service and client level. The key component is the role of an ‘integration coordinator': a person who is able to facilitate relationships and ensure effective information flows. Relationships need to be actively maintained to meet the inevitable challenges that will arise in complex interagency systems. The framework is relevant to policymakers across the public sector, including mental health, drug and alcohol, aged care, and policing.  相似文献   

张淑琴 《学理论》2015,(6):253-255
高校德育伴随着高校的不断发展,其被赋予许多新的任务和责任。心理健康教育在高校教育中的地位越发重要,于是,如何整合二者的关系、如何实现二者在推进高等教育的发展是需要考虑的问题。高校德育与心理健康教育存在密切的相关性,并且整合二者关系的重要性主要体现在三个"有利于",并需要从原则分析和具体措施两个方面来构建高校德育与心理健康教育有效整合的措施。  相似文献   

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