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国家与社会关系的变迁与发展深刻影响着国家和社会的治理体制与治理结构,新中国成立迄今我国农村国家与社会的关系经历了"一体同构"、"有限分离"到"有机互动"的嬗变历程。转型期,我国农村国家与社会关系呈现出复杂的博弈、互构多种形态,要求我们立足于当前社会发展现实对国家-社会关系发展做出新的解释。梳理国家与社会关系的发展脉络和逻辑演变路径,将国家与社会关系的考察放置在具体的"过程-事件"场域中,引入象山县的"村民说事"乡村治理创新机制,分析我国地方治理中"国家-社会"框架下良性互动相互增权模式,是未来我国农村国家与社会互动的方式形态和发展趋势。  相似文献   

国家治理根在基层,因此必须充分重视农村社会治理能力,而西北民族地区特殊的社会历史背景更需要具有针对性的治理模式。本研究通过对甘青宁三省区部分民族村的实地考察,发现乡村治理能力在村庄权力结构下,形成了"宗教力量、宗族权威和村委会"三种力量相互影响的民族村的基本政治格局,也相应地形成了乡村精英,他们作为乡村治理的代表性人物,对乡村社会的各种资源具有较强的整合能力,深刻地影响乡村的治理机制和治理能力。因此,如何保持村两委的主导作用,引导乡村精英协同参与乡村治理过程,进而提高民族地区乡村治理能力,将成为今后提高民族地区乡村治理能力的主要的路径选择。  相似文献   

乡村“治理有效”的意蕴与考量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡村"治理有效"是乡村振兴战略总要求的重要组成部分,也是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的内在要求。乡村"治理有效"内涵着对治理主体、治理决策、实施执行与治理效果的较高要求。乡村治理的效度考量,需要从厚植党在农村的执政基础、促进乡村发展、解决乡村面临的突出矛盾和问题以及治理资源的"投入"与治理"产出"等多面相衡量。当前实践中提升乡村治理的有效性,就要从乡村组织振兴、治理主体良性互动、自治法治德治相结合、注重现代科学技术应用等方面下好功夫。  相似文献   

作为社会资本的一部分,我国的农村社会组织一直处于发展较为薄弱的阶段。进一步发展农村社会组织,乡村治理既是完善国家治理体系、提高乡村治理能力的关键,更是实现乡村振兴战略的内在要求。为此,中共十九大报告指出,要打造共建共治共享的社会治理格局。本文着重分析了现阶段我国乡村治理存在的问题,并从减少行政干预、健全法律机制、提升专业能力三个方面给出了具体建议,从而进一步发展壮大农村社会组织。  相似文献   

农村社区治理现代化是实现国家治理现代化的重要基础。在历史发展进程中,我国农村社区及其治理先后经历了传统时期的"自我性"、近现代以来的"国家化、政党化"、新中国成立后的"政治化"几个主要发展阶段。不过,随着现代社会的深入发展,当代乡村社会正经历着重大的历史转型与变革,城乡社会逐渐趋向一体、融合,与此同时,国家在农村社会治理上的政策及目标也做出了相应调整),这些(变化)都对当代农村社区治理实践带来了较大冲击。在新的历史时期,在内外各种力量的综合推动下,当代农村社区也发生了极大变化,呈现出"复合化"特征,这些种种因素都在客观上推动着社区治理的现代路向转换。实现当代农村社区治理的现代化转型,需要从价值目标、治理理念、治理进程、治理体系、治理机制、制度体系等方面进行创新与发展。  相似文献   

随着市场经济向农村社会的不断渗透,以及农村社区自身的嬗变,东部地区农村的社区形态、社会构成、经济结构等都发生了深刻变化.这给农村基层治理工作带来了新问题,提出了新要求.权威人士认为,当前中国农村社会的治理危机,主要源于现有的乡村社会制度网络已经难以适应社会主义市场经济体制的发展要求.正是从这一意义讲,农村社会的改革问题实质上是中国乡村社会的重构问题.农村社会的管理应逐步实现向"公共事务自治化管理、集体资产市场化经营、社会事务民间化运作"的模式过渡.  相似文献   

乡村研究一直以来都是国家和社会各界关注的焦点,而乡村治理又是乡村研究的重要领域之一。自改革开放以来,城乡二元结构体系逐渐被解构,大量的农民纷纷从乡村涌入城市。由于众多青壮年劳动力离开农村,抽离了乡村建设的核心力量,农村"空心化"现象日趋突出,乡村建设陷入了疲软乏力的治理困境。本文以广西两岸村"同心共建"工程为例,从人口流动的分析维度审视乡村治理的有关问题,探索乡村协同治理模式建构路径,以期在解决农村"空心化"问题上有所突破。  相似文献   

正党的十八届三中全会提出国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的全面深化改革总目标,党的十九大确定了"治理有效"的乡村振兴战略。乡村治理现代化是国家治理现代化的有机组成部分。当前正在发生的乡村治理转型,受国家能力、乡村体制和基层社会三重因素的影响。乡村治理现代化目标的实现,取决于上述三重因素的匹配程度。一、乡村治理现代化的总目标长期以来,我国乡村治理保持着"简约治理"  相似文献   

作为国家治理体系的重要组成部分,农村治理现代化相对忽视了农村基层党组织和农民治理作用的发挥。农村基层党组织在实现农村社会治理现代化的过程中承担着"领导者"角色,农民则扮演着农村社会治理现代化"建设者"和"享有者"的双重角色。推进乡村振兴和农村社会治理现代化,农村基层党组织需要充分调动农民参与乡村振兴和农村社会治理现代化的积极性。以农村服务型党组织建设与农民政治生活幸福感提升的耦合联动为路径,在新时代强化党的全面领导的政治情境下更具有实践的合理性、科学性和可行性。为此,必须全面提升农村服务型党组织建设质量,完善农村集体经济收益公正性共享机制,塑造农民参与政治生活的良好环境,激发农民参与村务共治的兴趣,在合力推进乡村振兴和农村治理现代化中共进共生。  相似文献   

新中国成立以后,乡村治理模式经历了人民公社、"乡政村治"、"和谐新农村"等三次变迁。各时期乡村治理模式都诞生于特定的社会历史条件,并且对当时的农村经济社会发展起到了一定的推动作用。在我国复杂的乡土社会中,尽管无法找到一种具有普遍适应性的乡村治理模式,但是,未来乡村治理模式的发展趋势的法治化是可以预见的:转变政府职能、优化治理结构、重构农村金融体系和提升农民公共意识。  相似文献   

张茹 《学理论》2011,(4):3-4
农村党员干部是新农村建设的组织者、领导者和实践者。建设一支高素质的农村党员干部队伍,对新农村建设起着决定性的作用。分析总结农村党员干部应具备的素质,不仅能够进一步提高农村党建工作水平,而且对推进新农村建设有着重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Her many publications include The Reformation of the Holy, Religion and the Sociology of Knowledge,and The Emerging New Class: Implications for Church and Society.She edited Sociological Analysis,served as vice president of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, and was president of the Religious Research Association.  相似文献   

Decentralization efforts in Francophone African countries are both rarer and far less ambitious than those in Anglophone states. The decentralization programme launched by Senegal over a decade ago is an important exception. Since 1972, when the administrative reform law took effect, Senegal has been engaged in an effort to decentralize its administrative structures in order to promote rural development, to escape from the burdens of the remnants of an overly centralized colonial system and to stem the rising tide of rural opposition (malaise paysan). This new initiative, which led to the creation of local elected councils in rural communities (communautés rurales). has thus far achieved only marginal success. The 319 rural councils suffer from serious under-financing, and often from domination by administrative authorities, especially the sous-préféts. Based on an examination of the attitudes. perceptions and behaviour of a sample of rural councillors (n = 144), particularly regarding budgetary matters, it appears that the rural communities in fact provide the possibility for some popular input into local and regional planning.  相似文献   

Tanzania did not have the kind of agricultural policies, popular participation, or government bureaucratic capacity necessary for integrated rural development projects to perform well. Nonetheless the World Bank, EEC, and United States each implemented such projects there during the 1970s. The implementation and achievements of the projects varied considerably due to differences in their design as well as decisions made by the implementation teams. However the experiences of all three projects demonstrate two things: no agricultural development project can adapt to producer price disincentives; and both participation and project management require a ‘critical minimum’ level of finance and resources which the Tanzanian bureaucracy does not have. The latter observation raises the question of whether donors should attempt to build management capacity in fourth world bureaucracies or, as Goran Hyden suggests, avoid the government and work through other institutions and local organizations.  相似文献   

Rural development in Botswana has proceeded using a non-directive approach. During the period 1973–1979 sectoral programmes for promoting development in rural areas have been administered by executive ministries, but, in addition, there has been non-executive machinery devoted to achieving a co-ordinated approach to development in rural areas. The emphasis in the work of the non-executive rural development unit was to promote communication and co-operation, and the success of the programme so far is partly attributed to this approach. The article points to additional lessons to be learnt from the experience of using this approach.  相似文献   

农村城市化和城镇化是两条不同的道路。中国的农村应该走城市化道路,而非城镇化道路。农村城市化应该通过申型城市辐射发展模式来实现。城镇化是实施小城镇模式,实际上,中国所实施的小城镇策略在现实申很难实现。  相似文献   

This article provides a summary of the major challenges currently facing participatory rural appraisal (PRA), as well as the changes implied by some of these challenges. These challenges are considered at six different levels, namely the individual, community, organizational, project and programme, donor and policy levels. The challenges identified are drawn from the literature on PRA, as well as from a recent series of workshops held by the author with the staff of six NGOs that are promoting PRA in South Asia. The article concludes by attributing these challenges to five cross-cutting factors: differences in power, culture, knowledge, money and time. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data from 6 fertility surveys conducted in Mexico between 1969-87 were used to compare rural and urban fertility and to determine whether a significant level of contraceptive usage could be achieved in rural areas despite their lack of socioeconomic development. Age-specific marital fertility rates were calculated for the 4 national-level and 2 rural fertility surveys. The index of fertility control developed by Coale and Trussel was calculated for rural, urban, and all areas. The marital total fertility rate in rural areas declined from 10.6 in 1970 to 7.4 in 1982, a decline of 2.5% annually. From 1982-87 the annual rate of decline in rural fertility slowed to 1.6%, reaching 6.8 children in 1987. The urban marital total fertility rate declined from 7.72 in 1976 to 5.03 in 1987, while the marital total fertility rate for Mexico as a whole declined from 9.04 in 1976 to 5.85 in 1987. The indices of fertility control showed slowly increasing use of contraception in rural areas starting from the very low level of 1969. The urban index of fertility control showed some contraceptive use for all age groups in all surveys. The increases in contraceptive usage were considerable in rural areas from 1976-82 and much less marked in urban areas. From 1982-87 the inverse was observed and the fertility decline in urban areas was more marked. The condition of natural fertility found in rural areas in 1969 subsequently disappeared. Over time, fertility decline and use of contraception have intensified. Contraception is widely practiced in urban areas and is continuing to become more prevalent. The rural fertility decline in 1976-82 suggests that at least sometimes increases in fertility control are more important in rural areas than in urban areas. The theory of modernization, which holds that fertility decline in developed countries is attributable to factors associated with the process of modernization, thus comes into question. However, it is probable that a sustained fertility decline in the most depressed rural areas will be achieved only with substantial socioeconomic change.  相似文献   

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