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It is with particular satisfaction that I accede to the invitation to write this Preface to Dr. Gu Shengkai's book "International Human Rights Law: Inter-American Theory and Practice". I first met Dr. Gu Shengkai at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, on 09 December 2002, when I there delivered a public lecture, at the Human Rights Law Centre of its School of Law, on "Recent Developments in the Case-Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights". Ever since his successful completion at that University, Dr. Gu Shengkai pursued patiently his line of research on the subject-matter of his present book. The outcome of his research, his present book, gives testimony of all his endeavours in examining the subject in a proper perspective.  相似文献   

OnOctober1,1949,MaoZedongstoodonTian'anmenRostruminBeijingandannouncedthebirthofthePeople'sRepublicofChina.Now,50yearslater,theChinesepeoplewillagaingathertogetheronTian'anmentoshowtheirnationalprideandcelebratethe50thanniversaryofthePeople'sRepublicofChina.Theactivities,includingadisplayofChian'smilitarymight,aparade,aneveninggalaandfireworks,areintendedtoshowChinaandtheworldhowfarthenationhascomeoverthepast50years.Celebrating the 50thAnniversary of theFounding of the People'sRepublic…  相似文献   

A 15 -member delegation from Nishikatsura Cho of Yamanashi Prefecture of Japan paid a good-will visit to Lingchuan County of Guilin City fromMay 27 to 29, 2001 at the invitation of the CPAFFC.Deputy Mayor of Guilin Wang Daping met with thedelegation expressing his welcome to the delegation'ssecond visit to the city and gave a briefing on Guilinand Lingchuan County.  相似文献   

The heads of people-to-peo-ple organizations of Chinaand Japan gathered at the GreatHall of the People in Beijing onthe morning of March 31 for ameeting to exchange views onstrengthening nongovernmentalexchanges and improving Sino-Japanese relations. Present at themeeting from the Chinese sidewere Song Jian, president of theChina-Japan Friendship Associa-tion, Chen Haosu, president ofthe CPAFFC, Zhou Qiang, firstsecretary of the Secretariat of theCentral Committee of the Chi-nese C…  相似文献   

P asqual Maragall,president of the government of the Autonomous Re-gion of Catalonia of Spain and leader ofthe Catalan Socialist Party,led a Catalangovernment delegation to China in Octo-ber2004at the invitation ofthe CPAFFC.Catalonia is an important region andone of the economic engines of Spain aswell as Europe,taking up a relatively bigproportion in the country’s economy andexport,especially its trade with China.On the evening of October18,CPAFFC President Chen Haosu hosted awe…  相似文献   

The ceremony of the first publication of the Chinese edition of Anthology of Mihai Eminescu, jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the China-Romania Friendship Association, the Chinese Writers' Association and the Writers' Publishing House, was held on August 20 at the CPAFFC. The book was  相似文献   

(2002一2007)Resident:VICC PfCSidCfltS:ChCn HaOSuLi XiaolinSu GuangChen Yongehang协瓜ng Yunzel5The Name List of Executive Committee of Eighth National Council of CPAFFC  相似文献   

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the signingof the Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty, the CPAFFC held the exhibition of Masayuki Miyata's works of art in the Painting Exhibition Hall of the Palace Museum from October 23 to 27, 2003. Miyata's 124 best works were selected for the exhibition, among which works on the subjects about China and  相似文献   

More and more foreign friends are now working and living in Nanjing as China deepens its reform and opening process. What kind of a city Nanjing is in their eyes?  相似文献   

With the downfall of Nazi Germany in thesummer of 1945, the war in Europe ended,and the World Anti-Fascist War entered the lastphase. The allied forces launched offensives onvarious Asian battlefields. On July 26, China,the United States and Great Britain issued thePotsdam Proclamation demanding Japan to sur-render unconditionally immediately. But the Japa-nese militaristic ruling clique obstinately stuckto its wrong course, and continued to put up adesperate struggle. Hence, the Allie…  相似文献   

Achievementsof15YearsofEconomicModernizationFifteenyearshavepassedsinceChinabegantocarryoutmarketorientedreformsin1978.Overth...  相似文献   

Ameeting in celebration of the first publication of the Chinese version of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC, the People's Literature Publishing House and the Chinese Academy of International Culture was held in the Friendship Museum of the CPAFFC on January 15,2003. CPAFFC President  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 2000 China International Friendship Cities Conference,I would like to extend my warmgreetings. International friendship-cityactivities in China constitute animportant part of its efforts at  相似文献   

Respected Mr. President, The Spanish Association of Friends of China (SAFC) warmly congratulates you on the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries with you as president.  相似文献   

The China-Arab Friendship Association (CAFA) held a grand reception in the GreatHall of the People in Beijing on the evening of De-cember 21, 2001 to celebrate its formal establish-ment. Tomur Dawamat. vice chairman of theStanding Committee of the National People's Con-gress and President of the CAFA. Vice Premier  相似文献   

A Monaco children's chorus consisting of 34 members toured Beijing and Shanghai from July 20 to 28 and gave a concert in each city. The chorus came to China at the invitation of the CPAFFC. The Monaco children's chorus was founded at the end of the 19th century. It has received the  相似文献   

This year sees the 35th anniversary of the ping- pong diplomacy between China and the United TStates. To commemorate this major historical event in Sino-US relations and push for further development of a sound and stable bilateral rela- tionship, the CPAFFC gave a reception on the evening of April 7 at the Diaoyutai State Guest House. Xu Kuangdi, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Con- sultative Conference (CPPCC) and president of the China-…  相似文献   

At the invitation of the CPAFFC, a 13-memberdelegation of German membersof parliament paid a visit toBeijing, Chongqing, Yichang,Wuhan and Shanghai from Oc-tober 31 to November 9, 2004. The delegation was organizedand sent by German Hanns SeidalFoundation. The members of thedelegation mainly came from theyouth organization of the GermanChristian Social Union, amongwhom two were members of theEuropean Parliament and fivewere members of the GermanFederal Assembly. The HannsS…  相似文献   

Invited by the CPAFFC,the delegation of the Palestinian city Ramallah led by its mayor Janette Nicholas Michael paid a goodwill visit to China from June 11 to 17. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu and Vice President Feng Zuoku met with the delegation. Zuo Huanchen,vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference,met with Mayor Janette Michael and her party.  相似文献   

Agroup of markets is in adjacent to the Xixia Avenue. It borders on the Yangtze River Bridge atthe west and its east is adjacent to the No. 2 Yangtze River Bridge and the port of Xinshengwei. The highway surrounding  相似文献   

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