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刘春俊 《学理论》2012,(10):105-107
21世纪是人才竞争的社会,人才对大企业来说固然重要,对中小企业来说更是生存攸关,企业只有想方设法招才、育才、用才、留才,才有可能在激烈的市场竞争中发展壮大。而人才激励正是人才管理中的关键一环,为了充分激发人才对于企业的贡献度,提升企业经营与管理水平,以中小企业为研究对象,以建立科学的人才激励机制为目的,分析中小企业人才激励方面的特点,有针对性地提出了一些人才激励的具体策略和方法,为中小企业人才管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张积家  贺淑敏 《学理论》2009,(20):209-213
对大学生委婉语的使用动机进行了调查。结果表明,大学生委婉语的使用动机主要有:(1)掩饰与自我保护;(2)避讳;(3)幽默;(4)礼貌;(5)策略表达。大学生委婉语的使用动机有性别、年级和专业差异。男生的掩饰与自我保护、幽默、策略表达动机强于女生。大一学生委婉语的使用动机和其他年级学生差异显著。工科学生掩饰与自我保护动机强于文科学生。  相似文献   

政治冲突是人类政治生活中固有的普遍现象。现代化意味着利益的重新分配与调整,将不可避免孕育政治冲突的产生。政治冲突具有不同的类型和功能。不同类型和强度的政治冲突对现代化将产生不同的价值与功能,既构成对政治体系的强大压力,又是实现政治系统动态平衡与稳定的重要动力,推动现代化的进程。  相似文献   

王亮  黄成军  谢扬斌 《学理论》2011,(21):34-36
进入新世纪,中美关系已发展成为重要的双边关系,但是美国实施的对台军售政策却阻碍着这种关系的健康发展。文章回顾了美国对台军售的历史,按各个时期军售的特点将其分为初始萌芽、稳步推进和大幅膨胀三个阶段,并从战略、经济、意识形态角度分析了美对台军售的动因。以此为基础对今后美国对台军售的趋势性特征进行了判断。  相似文献   

姜艳丽 《学理论》2012,(12):244-245
小学是学习语言的最佳阶段,而在英语学习过程中培养的情感、感觉、态度、情绪等情感状态会对学习动机产生莫大的影响。本文通过对小学英语学习过程中出现的四种情感因素进行分析,并以案例细节加以补充,阐述情感维度下教与学的细节对学习动机的正负影响,并提出教学细节的处理策略。  相似文献   

The research on employee motivation for choosing a public service career has largely been grounded in the intrinsic-extrinsic dichotomy along with limited motives such as job security, instrumental reward, and public service motivation (PSM). Such an approach narrows the view of researchers, especially those in cultures where major reasons for choosing a public service career exceed these factors and the intrinsic-extrinsic dichotomy. By employing self-determination theory (SDT) to examine data collected in Taiwan, an East Asian cultural setting, a measurement instrument is developed that captures five major motivations for a public service career. A discussion of applying this survey instrument for future research follows.  相似文献   

Psychological bases of success deal with relatively inner-self factors. The paper presents basic understandings of learning process as well as a model of identifying factors of second language learning success. There are a number of reasons why some students learn Arabic much more quickly than the others. Learner's psychological situation is one of the most expected determination factor. Therefore, its nature has to be described, its function needs to be identified and analyzed, especially in term of motivating students to have better performance in learning Arabic as a second language in the context of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).  相似文献   

政府廉政评价的公民参与机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
构建政府廉政评价的公民参与机制,可以促使公民建立对反腐倡廉的理性认知,增强党和政府廉政工作公信力,提升公民满意度。依据参与深度的渐次推进,公民参与廉政评价对廉政建设能够发挥象征功能、鉴定功能、诊断功能、监督功能、战略功能。案例梳理表明,在当前中国各地政府实践探索中,政府廉政评价已逐步从内部评价走向引入民意调查和第三方评估,公民参与正处于从"无效参与"向"有限参与"的推进阶段,只是参与式评价的政府主导色彩仍然浓重。要想进一步增强公民参与廉政评价的动力,使公民在廉政评价动态过程的各环节实现主体身份,关键在于激发被评价对象和参与者两个方面的内在动因,形成公民参与的拉力和推力,进而从"理念—制度—环境—手段"四维度构建公民自主、有序、有效参与廉政评价的合理机制。  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):209-224

This article considers Critchley's Infinitely Demanding and his essay "The Catechism of the Citizen" in relation to the theory-practice debate and the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It considers what these texts say about the relation between politics and religion on one hand and reason and sensuousness on the other. The focus is the way the latter text takes up a quasi-religious response to the motivational deficit in secular liberal democratic life thematized in Infinitely Demanding.  相似文献   

随着区域一体化的发展,地区间联系愈发密切,传统的行政区划界限逐渐被打破,公共事务日趋复杂化、多元化与无界化,大量区域性公共问题出现,跨域治理作为新的治理模式应运而生。研究跨域治理中政府的动机、机制及行为对于有效解决区域公共问题意义重大。广佛同城化作为我国城市间合作的先行者,在两市基础设施、产业发展、环境保护等方面展开了跨域治理的大量实践探讨。以广佛地铁建设与跨界水污染治理为例,通过执行动力、协调难度与作用机制等三个维度的分析框架,解释跨域治理效果背后的机理与原因,可以发现议题属性是影响跨域治理效果的基础前提;不同层级政府部门的动机诉求导致执行动力强弱程度的差异,影响跨域治理的正式达成与治理进程;政府主体的结构复杂程度与职责分工清晰程度决定治理协调难度;跨域治理中政府主体的行为策略内含政府间的权力作用机制,纵向-横向权力作用机制的强弱程度影响跨域治理的运行效果。  相似文献   

二语动机能够促进语言学习,给语言学习提供持久的动力,是二语学习过程中一项重要因素。心理学家Dornyei提出的二语动机自我系统理论深层挖掘了学习者二语动机的成因,对外语学习起着举足轻重的作用,是二语动机方面最新的理论成果。目前该理论已日趋完善。  相似文献   

秦泗帅 《学理论》2011,(32):233-234
经过大量的社会调查,发现大多数学习书法的小学生是在众多的压力之下,同时又是在缺少愉快心理的过程中度过的。为什么欣赏起来赏心悦目的书法,学起来却令人痛苦不堪呢?这主要是小学生学习书法的心理偏差造成的,只有消除偏差,才能培养他们学习书法的积极性。  相似文献   

This article adds to the emerging empirical literature on citizen co‐production. Based on a telephone survey of 1000 Australian adults, it replicates a five‐country European study focusing on three policy domains: neighbourhood safety, environment, and health (Loeffler et al. 2008). It shows that individually performed and closely reciprocal activities with high levels of private value are performed the most often, whereas group activities producing mainly public value are the least performed. We found no evidence of a relationship between service satisfaction and co‐production, or between information provision/inclusion/consultation and co‐production, which challenges some of the previous literature on what might motivate citizens to co‐produce. Citizen self‐efficacy has a modest relationship with co‐production levels in each of the three policy domains. These findings have implications for policymakers, and pave the way for future empirical research in this field.  相似文献   

张秀梅 《学理论》2009,(19):241-242
合作学习是一种以学生为中心的教学理论与策略体系。文章通过对“合作学习”理论和学习过程中的情感因素的探讨,提出在英语教学中实施合作学习对学习者的情感因素有着明显的调整作用,并正面影响学习者的学习效果。  相似文献   

The word chav is a relatively new one in British English, used to describe a supposed social group defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as “a young person of a type characterised by brash and loutish behaviour and the wearing of designer-style clothes … usually with connotations of a low social status”. Discourse on chavs in contemporary Britain has been widely implicated in the reinforcement of social inequalities. This article argues that a central element of such discourse is the representation of “everyday” British public experience as a practice of chav-spotting, of reading materials as signs of the private characteristics of those with which they are associated. This means reading class as a privately motivated phenomenon, as the product of the “choice incompetence” of chavs. This chav-spotting practice is viewed from two perspectives: (1) as a recontextualisation of class as the result of private choice; and (2) as a practice of sign-making by which meanings are articulated for publicly observable materials in accordance with (1).  相似文献   

Equal freedom is the common starting point for most contractual theories of justice from Hobbes and Rousseau to Rawls. But while equal freedom defines a common starting point for these theories, this does not result in a general consensus on the conception of justice. On the contrary, different ways of conceptualizing the contractual starting point leads to different conceptions of the demands of justice. To fully understand the relationship between equal freedom and justice we therefore first need to explicate how and why the initial condition of equality is transformed into demands of justice. In this paper we discuss how this transformation takes place in the theories of Hobbes, Rousseau and Rawls, with particular emphasis on the vexed relationship between motivation and justification.  相似文献   

Although claimed as an important value assimilating factor within public administration, transformational leadership's effect over value congruence receives limited empirical investigation. Furthermore, the underlying mechanism and boundary condition of this effect are underspecified. Drawing from an interactionist perspective whereby value congruence is the joint product of situational influence and individual characteristic, this study investigates the relationship between transformational leadership and value congruence focusing on the mediating role of goal clarity and the moderating role of public service motivation (PSM). The analysis of data collected from a sample of 420 Chinese police officers indicates that goal clarity partially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and value congruence. In addition, PSM moderates the relationship between goal clarity and value congruence such that the relationship is stronger when PSM is high. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Education increases political engagement because it bolsters motivations and cognition on the one hand, and relative resources on the other. However, personality traits have recently been found to partially confound the education effect. Focusing on internal and external political efficacy allows us to disentangle the different effects of education. It is argued in this article (a) that personal dispositions confound the cognitive and motivational effect of education, which is the predominant effect of education on internal efficacy, but not resource effects which are important for external but not internal efficacy; and (b) that resource effects are context‐dependent whereas cognitive and motivational effects are not. Accordingly, the article shows that the competitive context in which individuals find themselves conditions the effect of education on external, but not on internal, efficacy.  相似文献   

生活垃圾分类已经成为我国城市的热点问题,虽然全国各地推广了多种多样的政策,然而实施效果参差不齐。居民行为的动机与效果是促成垃圾分类长效机制的关键,需要以认知心理学中的动机理论为基础,从个体行动者视角出发,探讨城市社区居民参与生活垃圾分类的动力来源。通过构建动力分析框架,提炼社区居民垃圾分类行为的关键动力以及人群间的动力差异。在此基础上,分析社区不同类型居民的行为动力,通过加强外部刺激并促进外部诱因向行为驱力转化,提高居民参与垃圾分类的动力,解决居民参与生活垃圾分类的现实难题,从根本上推动城市生活垃圾分类政策的实施效果。  相似文献   

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