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The history of my work experience in rural Alaska suggests the value of combining academic and field experience in community psychology with employment in graduate school. Twelve years of employment in rural Alaska leading to my present position with a rural Alaska Native Health organization is briefly reviewed. It is concluded that graduate students should examine, carefully and openly, their choices in preparing a path for applied community psychology employment.  相似文献   


Large community initiatives are a growing phenomenon both in the U.S. and worldwide. These initiatives address a wide variety of issues, including early childhood development, by integrating institutions such as schools, health agencies, and faith-based institutions that focus on separate but related aspects of community concern. A major challenge facing these initiatives is the competing demands of developing organizational capacity to promote effective programming while simultaneously delivering demonstrable results and accountability. Empowerment evaluation (Fetterman, Kaftarian, &; Wandersman, 1996) is an approach to evaluation and organizational capacity building that equips participants at all levels of an organization to pursue programming quality and results. This article describes and presents lessons learned from the development and implementation of a system of tools and processes, grounded in the principles of empowerment evaluation, designed to promote quality in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a statewide school readiness initiative. While these lessons are specifically applicable to community-based early childhood development initiatives, they are broadly applicable to initiatives fostering systems change through community development.  相似文献   


The current study examined the hypotheses that (1) parental self-efficacy partially mediates the relationships between social support and both parental warmth and control, and (2) these parenting variables relate positively to children's socioemotional adjustment. First-generation, Mexican immigrant mothers were interviewed regarding social support, parental self-efficacy, parenting practices, and their child's socioemotional adjustment. Overall, results from path analyses suggest that, for Mexican immigrant families, social support relates to parenting practices partly because those with greater social support feel more efficacious as parents. Findings also showed that parenting characterized by warmth or control is associated with greater socioemotional adjustment among children. This research supports the idea that, for programs designed to influence parenting practices, simply providing social support may be less important than taking steps to enhance parental self-efficacy.  相似文献   

No stranger could detect anything unnatural to see the 14-year-old Zhang Lizheng burst into the house with the greeting remark, "Mom, I'm back!" He's just returned from school. "You're the last to come back today," says the "Mom" indulgently, taking off the boy's jacket and hanging it on the clothes rack next to the door. "Wash your hands and dinner is ready." On the round dinner table lie several dishes and six sets of bowls and chopsticks. "You'll also have your favorite scrambled eggs and tomatoes tonight," smiles the lady in her late 20s, who looks too young to be a mother of four boys.  相似文献   

Some researchers have suggested that values, including religious values and motivations, might facilitate social justice work. Individuals might view social justice work as an expression of religious beliefs, values, and practices, or as an expression of their personal morals and values. The current study examined the role of religious variables and secular values to predict attitudes, intentions to engage in social justice, perceived norms around social justice, and perceived ability to engage in social justice within a culturally and religiously diverse student population. Implications of the study results for social justice education are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

本文以Z市、G市与H市为研究地点,对流浪儿童群体的社会化状况进行研究,并得出以下基本结论:特殊的生活环境及生活方式,导致流浪儿童缺乏正常的社会化环境,使许多流浪儿童面临角色的中断与失败、无效的文化传递等问题,进而使一些流浪儿童价值观偏离,人格缺陷较为明显,甚至形成反社会的人格.因此,流浪儿童的社会化表现为一种畸形社会化.  相似文献   

"家文化"复制与流浪儿童救助保护的新取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
救助管理站临时性的食宿供给、护送返乡以及福利院保障式的救助保护已经不能应对流浪儿童增长迅猛、回流率高、教育困难的严峻局面.从家庭早期社会化不足造成儿童流落街头这一事实来看,对于流浪儿童的救助保护应当关注的是家庭社会化功能的接续,而"家文化"认同则是儿童早期社会化的核心,从学理与实践两方面对"家文化"复制可行性进行分析后,笔者认为"家文化复制"可能是构建适合流浪儿童再社会化可行的理论创新,也是帮助流浪儿童重建自我成长路径中的一种有效的实践推进.  相似文献   

许珍芳 《桂海论丛》2006,22(3):28-30
构建社会主义和谐社会的核心是实现人的和谐,关键是通过认知社会成员的心理状况,及时调整相关政策措施,满足人们的合理需要,解决所存在的社会问题并干预或消解不良社会行为的发生以及通过激励有利于社会发展的社会行为,塑造积极健康的社会心理,在社会心理认知的基础上为构建社会主义和谐社会创造条件。  相似文献   

樊金山 《桂海论丛》2008,24(6):56-58
构建社会主义和谐社会是一项复杂而又系统的工程,从社会心理学的角度来说,健康和谐的社会心理是构建和谐社会的心理基础。随着改革开放的不断深入,我国社会心理也发生了深刻变化,人们的创新意识、自主意识、竞争意识、法理意识不断增强。但同时也产生了诸多不良社会心理,而对这些不良社会心理的优化与重塑正是构建和谐社会的基础工程。  相似文献   

吕翠苹 《中国发展》2008,8(3):52-56
社会保障制度承担着维护、创造社会公平和缩小社会不公平的重大责任,是重要的收入再分配手段。如同区域经济发展不平衡,中国社会保障也存在着明显的区域性差异。该文通过认识中国社会保障的区域性差异及存在的问题,分析其原因所在,并提出建立和完善区域社会保障制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

Experiential learning is a useful teaching tool in the undergraduate community psychology classroom. In addition to improving student outcomes, experiential learning is particularly relevant for community psychology, as it aligns with several core values of the field and can prompt not only student learning, but also civic engagement, social justice, and community betterment. In this article, we provide an overview of the themed issue on “Experiential Teaching Practices in Undergraduate Community Psychology.” The issue contains a variety of experiential teaching examples that fall into three clusters: (a) individual and group service-learning exercises; (b) using community experiences to augment in-class learning outside of a service-learning context; and (c) ways of having students draw on prior out-of-class or in-class community experiences to increase student understanding.  相似文献   

加强和创新社会管理的基础在社区。本文以深圳桃源居社区为例,深入剖析了社区创新社会管理的经验与挑战。桃源居社区通过创新理念,积极培育了社区社会组织;通过构建多元参与的机制,创新了社区社会治理的模式;通过创新社区管理方法,建设了社区骨干人才队伍;通过资源整合模式创新,解决了长期以来社区公共服务供给不足的难题。  相似文献   

试论社会心态调控的基本目标及其实现途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为 ,社会心态调控的基本目标及其实现途径是社会心态研究的重要内容。社会心态调控的基本目标主要包括社会心态环境的改善、健康健全人格的塑造、群体合作意识的培养三个方面 ;而这些基本目标则主要是通过强化社会心态系统的外部引力场的作用来实现的 ,大力发展生产力、批判继承传统文化、校正价值取向、倡导文明健康科学的生活方式、坚持正确的舆论导向、开展心理咨询服务等是其主要具体途径。  相似文献   

改革开放以来 ,我国的社会阶层构成发生了巨大变化。要正确处理不同社会阶层 ,不同利益主体的利益关系 ,就必须以江泽民“三个代表”的重要思想为指导 ,始终坚持把中国最广大人民的根本利益作为一切工作的出发点和归宿。  相似文献   

整体性治理与农民工子女的社会融入   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农民工随迁子女实际上是城市第二代移民,他们能否融入城市社会是公共管理的重大议题,但当前政府应对这一问题的举措过于碎片化。本文系统地分析了农民工子女融入城市社会的主要障碍,并基于整体性治理的思路,提出具有可操作性的政策建议:首先,必须建立跨部门合作的机制和平台;其次,帮助农民工子女克服升学和就业瓶颈;再次,要积极鼓励社会组织参与合作治理,为农民工子女提供教育和社会服务;第四,少先队、共青团组织应当加强对农民工子女的关怀和吸纳;最后,以社区和学校为主要平台促进农民工子女社会融合。  相似文献   

论马克思主义对“社会心理”内涵界定的实质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在马克思主义发展过程中,马克思恩格斯以及其后的重要继承者都没有对"社会心理"的内涵进行明确诠释。透过普列汉诺夫的宏观论述,再结合马克思恩格斯的社会心理思想,马克思主义对于社会心理内涵界定的实质主要包括五个方面的内容:一是社会心理是自发的"去个性化"的共同社会意识;二是社会心理是以"零距离"方式呈现在社会现实中占主导地位的社会个体的整体感受状态;三是社会心理是呈现社会个体自身与"他者"的狭隘联系的初级社会意识;四是社会心理是一种在人与人之间彼此影响下形成的永远开放的意识系统;五是社会心理是一个与人类社会同步产生、发展与演变的历史过程。  相似文献   

正义的道德心理学基础是由于人们对自身或他人遭受不公待遇下的反应性态度的产物,其本质根源在于道德心理产生的主客体之间的关系交互性、利益相关性、情感共通性。关系交互性和利益相关性是正义感产生的刚性因素,而情感共同性则是正义感产生的柔性因素,只有将道义与功利结合起来、将刚性与柔性因素结合起来才能保持人们对正义的敏感性,才能使社会正义具有良好的社会心理基础,从而更好地实现公平正义的和谐社会。  相似文献   


In this paper the role of culture in the social development of African-American youth was explored, and an Afrocultural social ethos was advanced as a concept for investigating the social functioning. Study 1 found no significant gender differences on the social ethos variable in third and sixth graders (47 boys, 43 girls) ratings of self, family or friends. However, boys reported more delinquent behaviors than did girls, and friend's social ethos was predictive of fewer aggressive and delinquent behaviors. Although no significant gender differences on social ethos emerged among the sixth and seventh graders (54 boys, 47 girls) in Study 2, family ethos was predictive of empathic concern while the ethos of friends predicted greater perspective taking. Gender was the only significant predictor of peer-rated helping behavior, with girls judged to demonstrate such behaviors more than boys. Discussion focused on directions for basic and applied research, with an emphasis on African-American men and the importance of mobilizing indigenous community resources.  相似文献   

谈服刑人员子女的社会保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国服刑人员中的中青年比例较高,他们的未成年子女作为社会的弱势群体,缺乏良好的监护教育及健康的成长环境,身心发展受到一定的影响.对服刑人员子女提供社会保护,对维护青少年合法权益以及促进服刑人员早日回归社会有重要意义.  相似文献   

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