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《环境保护法》确立了以总量控制为目的的区域限批制度,突破了建设项目环评审批权在行政组织内部的原始分配。赋予省级以上环境保护主管部门启动区域限批的权力,实质上是授权其在特定情况下对下级环境保护主管部门的行政许可实施权进行限制。区域限批决定在性质上属于内部行为,同时由于其可能影响相对人依法取得行政许可的权利,法院可以在对相应的行政许可实施行为的诉讼中审查区域限批决定的合法性。根据法律保留原则,规范性文件不能超出立法授权的目的、范围增设限批情形。而直接依据立法上的区域限批条款作出的限批决定也要接受比例原则的检验。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which Pennsylvania county courts are prepared to implement the judicial bypass provision of the state's abortion statute. Under the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act it is illegal for physicians to perform abortions on pregnant minors without parental consent. The constitutionality of this requirement has been upheld, but only when states provide a mechanism allowing a minor to bypass parental involvement. The Pennsylvania statute includes a judicial bypass provision that is formally consistent with legal precedent. However, based on a study of how county courts respond to inquiries into the judicial bypass procedure, this paper demonstrates that most courthouses are not prepared to implement or provide accurate information on bypass proceedings. Since the constitutionality of parental involvement requirements is conditioned on the availability of a bypass option, the paper argues that the courts' lack of readiness poses a significant threat to the rights of pregnant minors.  相似文献   

Abstract Models of congressional approval have, in both theory and specification, often imitated models of presidential approval. Through their modeling decisions, researchers have implicitly assumed that the economic determinants of presidential and congressional approval are identical. Such assumptions have discouraged other researchers from testing competing hypotheses about the economic determinants of congressional approval. Using aggregate‐level time‐series analysis, this study investigates the question of whether or not the economic determinants of approval vary by the target of political judgment. I find that presidential approval is driven largely by sociotropic prospections, a result consistent with previous research. In contrast, I find the public relies most heavily upon egocentric retrospections when judging the U.S. Congress.  相似文献   

Symbolic racism (SR) has attracted critique and controversy. One controversy that has remained unresolved is the function of SR. SR theorists suggest that SR originates from Black individualism and represents a new form of racism. Others suggest that SR originates in opposition to equality and serves to legitimize these socially inappropriate attitudes. The current paper argues that SR can arise from both Black individualism and anti-equality attitudes, thus serving both as a new expression of racism but also as a legitimizing ideology. A preliminary test of this hybrid model was examined with survey data from a community and university sample. Results suggest that a hybrid model of the underpinnings of SR explains more variance in SR than either the Black individualism or legitimizing ideology models. Furthermore, SR mediated the relationships between both anti-equality attitudes and Black individualism on opposition to affirmative action policy and diversity in work and education settings.  相似文献   

刑法解释的公众认同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑法解释的公众认同是社会公众对刑法解释及其结论的认可和接受。它更多和更主要地是与司法活动特别是与根据刑法解释作出的刑事判决发生联系。转型时期的公众认同对于刑法解释极具价值。刑法解释的公众认同主要包括刑法解释的常识化和刑法解释的合理性两个方面。在当前我国,其具体样态一方面表现为强调法律效果与社会效果的有机统一;另一方面表现在司法实践中对案件定性的罪名进行有意识的选择甚至变更。刑法解释公众认同的实现路径有赖于刑法解释的主体、结果导向主义的刑法解释方法以及公众意见的反映机制。  相似文献   

论刑法的公众认同   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
周光权 《中国法学》2003,2(1):116-121
保持刑法与市民感觉、国民规范意识之间的一致性 ,以保持刑法的亲和力 ,并使之获得公众对刑法的认同感 ,在我国是一个比较突出的问题。刑法理论在因果关系、不作为犯、违法论、故意、共犯、责任论等问题上都充分考虑了公众认同感问题。公众对刑法的认同包括对“生活利益的重要性”和“规范有效性”的认同两个方面。作者进一步指出 ,今后我国刑法理论与实践要更多地考虑公众认同 ,就必须注意三方面的问题 :理论总体思路的调整 ;在具体问题上的理论创新和反思 ;鼓励市民介入刑事司法裁判过程。  相似文献   

新品种保护与品种审定制度是我国种子产业实践中两个至关重要而又有所关联的法律制度,但两者在制度性质、法律渊源、审批机关、审查对象、审查条件、育种者权利、有效期限等方面却存在着明显的区别.新品种保护与品种审定在我国的立法演进虽然历经不同路径,但经由种子法第三次的重大修改,为两者在审查机构、审查程序、审查条件、监督管理等方面的融合奠定了立法基础,甚至新品种保护制度的日趋完善会助推我国品种审定制度终将被品种登记制度所完全替代,此是种子法第三次修法潜在的立法功效.  相似文献   

职务侵占罪司法认定问题探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
职务侵占罪的司法认定问题,在刑法理论和司法实践中始终存在争议,尤其是对职务侵占罪中"非法占为己有"的具体手段,"利用职务便利"的含义,本罪的相关犯罪主体范围,以及关于职务侵占罪既遂未遂的标准问题,观点林立,分歧较大,对这些问题深入研究,对刑法理论和司法实践均有裨益。  相似文献   

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