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The Dragon Pavilion Park is located at the northwestern corner down town in Kaifeng and is built on the ruins of the royal palace of six dynasties. Its main part is the big hall of dragon pavilion, one of the major protected relics in Henan Province. It comprises the following scenic spots: the Median Gate, the Bridge of Jade Belt, Songhu, the Worshipping Gate, the Screen Wall, the Worshipping House, and the Longevity Palace Architectural Compound built in the  相似文献   

Foreigners in ChinaAddress of teahouse: No. 53A, Dongdaqiao Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing.Tel: 65070487DO you havegongfu? A Chinese friend casually askedme one day.It was a question I'd never expected to hear outside of a Hong Kong movie. I almost expected Jackie Chan, or a band of warrior monks to suddenly leap from behind a shadow-shrouded bambooscreen. As itturned out, I didhave gougfu afterall, despite mylack of martial artstraining. The question is a way to seeif a friend has fr…  相似文献   

Helen Foster Snow is ill and her condition israther serious. This time-tested and sincere friend of the Chi-nese people had to leave her house where shehad lived for several decades and was reluctant topart with and moved into a nursing home. The lit-tle wood-structured house, located in Madison,Connecticut, is a treasure to her because it standson the three acres of land she and her husband  相似文献   

Fuyang'sEconomicandTechnologicalDevelopmentZoneisdedicatedtomakinglifeeasierforinvestorseverywhereTHEPROVINCIALlevelru-yangEconomicandTechnol-oaicalDevelopmentZoneisapprovedbytheAnhuiProvincialPeope'sGovrnment.ItislocatedtothesouthofFuyangneighboringtheoldcityProperinthenorth,theBeijing-KowloonRailwayFreightSta-tioninthesouth,theBeijing-KowloonRailWaintheeast,andtheforrtsevenkilometerstothewest,coveringatotalplarmedareaofeightsquarekilometers.TheNo.105Na-tionalWhrunsacrossitsbou…  相似文献   

After their recent strategic dialogue,the United States and China seem toknow each other better despite lingering differences.US.Federal Reserve Chairman Ben UBernanke demonstrated his knowl-edge of the Chinese economy when he addressed scholars at the Chinese Academy of Social SciencesAc a d e m y of Social Sciences(CASS)during his fir st official visit to China.In his20-page prepa r ed speech,heof fer ed detailed suggestions that he believes ar e good for China.He indicated that C…  相似文献   

How to Be Heard     
New members of the CPPCC,China's top advisory body,are submitting thousands of proposals for the government to consider  相似文献   

Two days after the earthquake that devastated Sichuan Province,Beijing Review reporter Li Li interviewed Shi Peijun,a member of the expert panel of the National Disaster Reduction Committee under the State Council,which is China's top government think tank on disaster relief, about post-earthquake relief efforts  相似文献   

The full development of socialist democ- racy is a major issue in China’s moderniza- tion, and its continuous improvement is the fundamental task of the ruling party. As the building of political democracy progresses, elections do not equate to democracy…  相似文献   

ALessontoBeLearnedChongZi;ChinaDailySeventeenmembersofthewell-known"Ma'sArmy,"China'steamofwomenlong-distancerunners,haveruna...  相似文献   

ONE old saying that is par-tlcularly rooted in theChinese consciousness is“Spring is the most mean-ingful season.”It has particularsignificance in rural regions,where spring is the time for plow-iug,and for planning the work for  相似文献   

<正>China’s central bank is trying to manage surging liquidity, reflecting its resolution to curb inflation and its orientation toward macro-prudential regulation.  相似文献   

Inner Mongolia is a terrific tourist destination with various topographic features and a diversified ecology.It has abundant tourist resources,from grassland and deserts to forests and lakes.Here you will see more sheep and cows than people.  相似文献   

正HEARING the keyword"performance,"you might think about your favorite drama show,TV series,or key performance index.But our topic today is a different type of performance.Here,what I mean is how you perform in interviews with Chinese HR professionals.Having advised you how to prepare for the pre-interviews in the last article,this time I will go through the interview process to give you more practical tips.Hopefully,you will find them useful when you take to the interview"stage."  相似文献   

“My mother was shat-tered at my choosing a road so opposed to her own political beliefs,”recalls Gao Ying THE Christians that live in China are generally either born into Christian families or are converts. After the "cultural revolution"  相似文献   

Other than at Christmas and New Year, large-scale commercial performances by China's dozen-plus orchestras are rare.  相似文献   

正As a foreigner who’s been in this country for six years, I’m familiar with the questions that local people ask, one of which is the ubiquitous why did you come to China?I hope to answer this question for you.  相似文献   

THREE months after the operation that gave her an artificial trachea, Mi Aiyun was able to breathe normally, and fit enough to work in the fields for three to four hours. On July 26, 2002, Zhao Fengrui, designer of the artificial trachea and main operating surgeon, announced that his was the world's first tracheal prosthesis capable of integrating completely with the human trachea.Six years ago, Mi Aiyun, a 48-year-old farmer  相似文献   

KUNMING is a city to be shared-its sunshine, blue skies, fragrant flow-ers, leisure pursuits, relaxed ambience, and business opportunities are there for everyone. The Kunming inhabitants  相似文献   

Imagining a future beyond the superpower paradigm Since the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it is widely accepted that the United States has been the world’s sole superpower. This is based on two indisputable facts.The first is the size of its economy, which has been utterly dominant over this period and constitutes approximately a quarter of global GDP. The second is the size  相似文献   

正CHINESE is not an impossible language to learn,but the process certainly has its hurdles.German-Austrian Andreas Laimboeck is one person with plenty of stories to share about it."Sometimes it is really humiliating,"he said.Once,after four months of fulltime Chinese study,Laimboeck tried to  相似文献   

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