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如果从人权和公民权利的角度出发,就不能仅仅把"职工合法权益"理解为职工所拥有的、直接与劳动关系和劳动过程有关的权利,而应该理解为职工作为人、作为公民所拥有的、受到宪法保护的基本人权和公民权.不言而喻,工会也应当是这种意义上的"职工合法权益"的代表者和维护者.  相似文献   

Empirical and conceptual literature in the United States and Western Europe provides robust evidence of victimization as a risk factor for juvenile offending and parental monitoring as a protective factor. The current study examines relationships among victimization, monitoring, and offending using a sample of youth from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Findings indicate monitoring has a protective effect, victimization increases risk, monitoring level moderates the effect of victimization on offending, and moderation effects vary by age and gender. Discussion of findings identifies implications for efforts in BiH to develop a comprehensive strategy for preventing and responding to juvenile offending.  相似文献   


This study aims to advance understanding of social workers’ perceptions of the circumstances necessitating and preventing the placement of children with disabilities (CwDs) in institutions. This retrospective study involved thematic analyses of one focus group (n?=?7) and semi-structured individual interviews (n?=?12). Participants included social work professionals with experience providing welfare services for CwDs and their families. In effort to prevent separation of CwDs from their families, results suggest a need for continued monitoring of deinstitutionalization of CwDs alongside increased availability, accessibility, and quality of childcare, alternative child welfare and family support services.  相似文献   

人力资源管理与劳工权益保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资源管理作为西方跨国企业"以人为本"的管理实践在中国也得到了广泛应用.然而,中国企业的人力资源管理在具体实践中却发生了理念和技术的分离,产生了过量劳动分工、过度加班、严苛制度等现象,并引发了严重的劳资对立.因此,建立员工为导向的人力资源管理体系以及企业劳动关系风险防范机制成为中国企业走出劳资困境的有效途径.  相似文献   

In Wilkinson v. Kitzinger, the petitioner (Susan Wilkinson) sought a declaration of her marital status, following her marriage to Celia Kitzinger in British Columbia, Canada in August 2003. The High Court refused the application, finding that their valid Canadian marriage is, in United Kingdom law, a civil partnership. In this note, I focus on Sir Mark Potter’s adjudication of the human rights issues under Articles 8, 12 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights (E.C.H.R.), highlighting his restatement of the ideology of the ‹traditional’ family as natural, normative and desirable. I argue that this case shows that the exclusion of same sex couples from marriage is a feminist issue, because denying same sex couples access to marriage works to sediment patriarchal ideas and re-inscribe gender roles within the family. Wilkinson v. Kitzinger [2006] E.W.H.C. (Fam.) 2022; [2006] H.R.L.R 36  相似文献   


Over the last two decades, the expansion of oil palm and sugarcane plantations in the Polochic Valley (Guatemala) has exacerbated the historical struggle of Maya-Q’eqchi’ peoples for land rights. Based on a mixed-methods approach, I examine the dynamics of the conflict between 1998 and 2014, focusing on the visibility, manifestation and intensity of violence and the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and peasant organizations in opposition to oil palm and sugarcane plantations. I show that the evolution of the conflict can be explained by changes in the strength of organizations' alliances due to tensions and lack of coordination, as well as the fear of state repression and the funding context of these organizations. These results allow me to discuss how violence, the role of these organizations and the dynamics of related events have influenced the visibility of the conflict associated with the expansion of oil palm and sugarcane plantations in the Polochic.  相似文献   

政府干预与劳动者权益--兼与王一江先生商榷   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
最低工资制度在中国的实施是有效的,并不会出现劳动经济学理论规范分析得出的"获益者是被覆盖部门,损失者是未覆盖部门"这种现象.主要原因是,中国规范部门的工资高于均衡工资,更高于最低工资;中国不规范部门,实际上是雇主垄断型劳动力市场.政府应该干预劳动力市场、劳动关系的运行,政府干预的价值取向是,确立劳动者主体地位、追求经济效率.  相似文献   

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