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The abuse of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) by youth is, once again, on the rise, emphasizing the need for prevention intervention. This article discusses the research on the prevention of substance abuse among youth who are identified as especially vulnerable to, or at high risk of, AOD abuse. The individual, interpersonal, and institutional risk factors associated with substance abuse among youth are described. Research on prevention programs for high risk youth is presented next, with a consideration of the methodological problems associated with this research. Despite the problems noted, the findings suggest there may be some effective methods of preventing substance abuse among high risk youth. The article concludes with a discussion of implications for prevention practice, as well as social policy.  相似文献   

国内有关青少年吸毒问题的研究较少,且多从原因分析着手,强调宏观教育预防工作。就陕西省而言,基于相关问卷调查与统计分析,可以发现吸毒青少年呈现出受社会环境影响较大、经济状况较差、初始吸毒低龄化以及强制隔离戒毒青少年中农村户籍的比例较高、使用新型毒品的比例相对较高、复吸率高、戒治难度较大等特点。青少年吸毒的主要原因是对毒品缺乏判断力、自控力以及交友不慎。预防青少年吸毒,做好毒品预防教育工作至关重要。要提高毒品预防教育的针对性,需要完善四级毒品预防体系。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to conduct a multi-method evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of a youth development program for military dependent youth entitled, Youth Action Program. The dimensions of an ecological program are used to examine the program post-de-facto. The comparison with elements of ecological programming provided reasons as to this program's perceived impact and its weaknesses. A multi-dimensional evaluation is employed that examines the processes and outcomes in their natural settings. Youth and parents overwhelmingly believed that this program had made a positive difference in their lives. Youth demonstrated an improvement, although not significant, in their self-concept; however, participating youths' levels of social isolation and withdrawal from social contact remained at a high level. The results and need for future research are presented related to evaluating youth development programs and the ecological model.  相似文献   


Children who are homeless often experience emotional and behavioral problems. They also may have difficulty interacting with peers. Programs designed to reward positive behaviors may be successful in improving behavioral functioning for children experiencing emotional distress due to homelessness and related risk factors. Families experiencing homelessness may have a difficult time accessing mental health services. School settings may be optimal environments for implementing programs to improve behavioral and social development for these children. In this paper, we describe the implementation and outcomes of an incentive system, developed to improve school behaviors and interactions for children experiencing homelessness. This system was implemented during a summer camp designed to enrich reading skills. Teachers and aides administered bracelets as secondary reinforcers for positive and prosocial behaviors. Children could purchase primary reinforcers, such as toys and art supplies, with the bracelets. Results were positive, supporting project activities. Future programs and evaluation projects should focus on delivering and evaluating prevention and therapy services for youth experiencing homelessness.  相似文献   


Trends in substance abuse prevention have not adequately addressed the needs of girls and female adolescents. The precursors to substance use and abuse in adolescence are analyzed specifically from a gender-specific perspective. Female drug use as both a maladaptive and adaptive pattern of coping behavior is examined within a socio-cultural context. This new understanding points to the need for alternative models of prevention with particular attention to risk, resiliency and protective factors. The expanded role of the family therapist as “Family Life Cycle Specialist” within a prevention model will be highlighted.  相似文献   


This study compares the prevalence of drinking behaviors and violence (fighting, weapon carrying, being threatened and feeling unsafe) among Hawaiian, other Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and Caucasian students, using data collected from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey in Hawaii in 1997 and 1999 (N = 2,146). Native Hawaiians and Caucasians were more likely than other AAPIs to have had a drink and to binge drink. Drinking behavior was a predictor for all violence behaviors, increasing its likelihood as much as ten-fold. Violent behaviors differed by ethnicity. The findings highlight the need to develop culturally sensitive strategies for violence prevention and to explore risk factors among AAPI subgroups.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 16-year-old youth placed with kinship foster families in California, the current study examines the relationship between kinship foster family structure and foster youth's biological family contact and support. Latent class analysis was used to examine differences in family structure based on the relatedness between foster youth and other members of the kinship family household. Subsequently, the respective relationships among household structure and foster youths' characteristics, experiences, and biological family contact and support were examined. We find that the kinship families serving foster youth are represented by four distinct household types, including sibling and grandparent households. Kinship family household type is found to be statistically significantly associated with youths' contact with siblings, closeness to caregivers, and perceived social support. Implications for kinship foster family scholarship are discussed.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的广泛应用,计算机犯罪显现出蔓延之势。计算机犯罪的特点表现为:在技术上具有极高的智能性;在形式上具有极强的隐蔽性;犯罪主体年轻化;管辖权确定难;网络犯罪是计算机犯罪的主要形式。文章从完善计算机犯罪的立法和惩处机制、加强技术控制、培养监管人才、建立国际合作机制等方面,提出了计算机犯罪的预防对策。  相似文献   

谈计算机网络犯罪及其技术防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机网络犯罪作为一种高智能型犯罪,随着社会的发展和技术的进步不断呈现出新态势。文章对当前我国计算机网络犯罪的现状特别是犯罪类型进行了深入分析,并就计算机网络犯罪类型中几类高发案件进行了技术防范措施的探讨。  相似文献   


Two successful public health efforts of the last third of the twentieth century-tobacco control and automobile injury controlare reviewed for relevance to the problem of child abuse. Potential lessons for child abuse prevention are identified and the following approaches are suggested: Investigate varied logic models or conceptual frameworks to identify new opportunities for effective intervention. Use a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector approach. Normalize desired behaviors and denormalize undesirable behaviors. Balance efficacy, feasibility, and cultural appropriateness. Develop strategies for effective policy advocacy based upon who benefits and who shoulders most of the burden.  相似文献   


Kansas school psychologists were extremely accurate in their estimates of violence in their own schools and viewed school violence prevention as an important part of their job, regardless of the rates of violence in their districts. Most had at least some involvement in their own school's violence prevention program, although many reported that they had little or no training. Despite the fact that the majority of respondents work in districts with relatively low rates of violence, over half reported that fighting, bullying, and substance abuse, early warning signs of school violence, occur a lot or a fair amount in their districts.  相似文献   

Although homeless youth face a higher risk of victimization and mental health problems, little is known about school victimization and mental health outcomes for school-attending homeless youth. This study examined the relationship between school climate and school-related victimization and mental health problems among homeless youth. Multivariate analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between school climate factors and school victimization, suicidal ideation, and depression tendency in a representative sample of 1,169 school-attending homeless youth in 9th and 11th grades in California. Findings show that school-attending homeless youth are at high risk of being victimized at school and have high rates of depression tendency and suicidal ideation. Positive school climate, especially perceived high expectations from teachers and safety in school, was associated with lower rates of school victimization and mental health problems. The role of supportive school climate in the lives of school-attending homeless youth is discussed and future implications are suggested.  相似文献   


The present study evaluated the impact of Urban Improv (UI), a theater-based youth violence prevention (YVP) program developed for inner-city youth, on three behavioral and psychological outcome domains: aggressive behaviors, prosocial behaviors, and scholastic attention and engagement. This study compared outcomes for 77 elementary school students in classrooms designated to receive UI with those of 63 students from matched control classrooms. Findings revealed that students who received UI were superior to matched controls on all outcome domains. Findings support UI as a promising practice for YVP with urban elementary school students and suggest that greater attention should be focused on application of theater-based programs in YVP.  相似文献   

随着各地有关幼师“虐童”行为的报道不断地见诸报端,针对“虐童”行为法律规制的探讨亦如火如荼,但总体而言,论者们争议较大,莫衷一是。其中,有学者主张设立“虐待儿童罪”以之应对,但其是否妥当,有待进一步论证。不论怎样,鉴于“虐童”行为自身具有的危害性,即应从法律的视角探寻规制的路径。  相似文献   


This study presents data from an assessment of substance use prevention programs in 23 elementary and middle schools in northern and central Illinois. The quality of prevention programming was assessed based on program intensity, focus on tobacco, staff resources designated for prevention programs, and implementation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations for tobacco prevention. Data from these four dimensions were used to calculate a Quality Index Score. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between individual level variables, school level variables and the outcomes of reported current tobacco use, intent to use tobacco in the coming year, and perceived efficacy of substance use prevention programs. No significant effects were found, indicating that exclusive use of even high quality school-based prevention programs may not be sufficient in changing youth behavior. However, school-based prevention programs may be an important component of a broader ecological approach that uses multiple, community-wide strategies to promote normative change.  相似文献   

网络入侵及其防范   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着网络社会的发展,计算机网络犯罪已成为制约网络健全发展的主要因素。文章通过对计算机网络入侵方法与手段的分析,提出一些防范措施和侦查取证方法。  相似文献   

生态危机是生命教育的基本背景,人类若要避免各种危机,必须从青年生命教育做起。青年生命教育以生态文明未来建设者的青年为教育对象,是生态文明对教育的需求,也是生态文明建设的重要内容和途径。在我国,近年来努力开展青年生命教育,取得了一定成效,但在对生命的认识、生命观的认识上与生态文明的要求等方面,与预期还存在一定差距,现状还不容乐观。生命教育中应树立"生态人"教育目的观、"天人合一"的生命观、生态道德观、可持续发展观和生态幸福观,学校、家庭、社会各方面应为生命教育创造生态教育环境。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the permanency experiences of older youth, age 18–21 in out-of-home placements and placement characteristics that influence age of exit from child welfare. Findings suggest a difference between age groups with more 18-year old youth exiting to emancipation than youth who exit at age 21. A higher number of spells in care and a higher number of placement changes during the last spell were associated with exit to emancipation. Additional study findings suggests that youth who leave care before the age of 21 may be more vulnerable than youth who stay through age 21. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Using an in-home services program model, Project Connect works collaboratively with the child welfare system, substance abuse treatment providers, the courts, and other community agencies to support parental recovery, enhance safety and permanency, and strengthen family relationships. Results from the most recent evaluation of the program, which used a dosage level design to examine project outcomes for 415 families, are presented here. Data indicate that the program was particularly helpful in strengthening parenting capacity. Child safety and permanency were also positively correlated with program participation.  相似文献   

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