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We examined perceived learning and attitude change in classes in Cognitive Psychology and Sensation and Perception in which some but not all of the students did service-learning with autistic children or in other settings. Attitudes toward people served became more positive based on questionnaire and journal entry data, and in one class, service-learning students felt they learned more about course material from their experiences.  相似文献   

Research suggests that the safer students feel at school, the more likely they are to feel connected and able to focus on learning. Thus, measuring students’ experiences with a school safety officer (SSO) is essential to understand the connection between officer engagement and students’ safety. This study’s purpose was to evaluate a SSO scale among 1,065 adolescents. Results suggest the SSO scale displayed excellent internal consistency estimates, construct validity via factor analysis, convergent validity with the School Climate Measure, discriminant validity with key demographic variables, and known-groups validity among students who reported fighting at school. Positive perceptions of SSOs also significantly increased with frequency of contact. The SSO scale is a preliminarily valid measure, potentially useful in research, screenings, and/or evaluation efforts to improve student engagement with SSOs.  相似文献   

美国服务学习及其研究的本土化启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
服务学习是美国近20年来推行的一种教学方法。它试图通过学校和社会的合作,将提供给社会的服务与课程联系起来,在学习知识和技能的同时培养学生的社会责任感。在大量文献回顾的基础上,分析服务学习的概念以及这一教学实践在美国的形成背景、发展历程、影响因素和作用成效,进而对我国如何借鉴这一方法以强化学生教育效果提出了自己的初步看法。  相似文献   


Students in Abnormal Psychology who pursued a service-learning opportunity worked with troubled youth in the juvenile justice system. Consistent with an a priori hypothesis, results revealed the following pattern: (a) service-learning students and traditional students exhibited similar levels of academic performance early in the semester; and (b) as the semester progressed, and service-learning students became more involved in course-related service, they showed increasingly superior academic performance relative to traditional students. As hypothesized, service-learning students were more likely than traditional students to perceive themselves as: (a) achieving personal development in the area of social responsibility and (b) learning to apply course concepts to new situations. Preliminary evidence that the project made clinically significant contributions to the service agency is also presented. Innovations to be implemented in this ongoing project are discussed, and recommendations for research are noted.  相似文献   

政治参与与政治稳定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
政治参与与政治稳定有着内在的关联性有效的政治参与离不开政治体系的稳定,而政治体系的稳定也必须以广泛的政治参与作为其合法性基础.但是,政治参与并非一定能带来政治的稳定,政治参与与政治稳定的统一,不仅有赖于政治系统的开放性,也有赖于政治参与的法制化.政治参与的法制化可以规范权力运行,整合公众意志,减缓参与冲击,实现社会公正,这些都是实现政治稳定的基础性条件.因此,在我国为实现社会主义的民主政治要扩大公民的政治参与;同时,为保障公民的政治参与权和实现社会稳定,又必须用法治原则塑造和规范政治参与的主体、客体和环境.  相似文献   

知识管理与高校师资队伍建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于我国高等教育的快速发展,师资短缺问题已成为各高校发展中的突出问题。当代新兴的知识管理模式是解决这个问题的一种良好的战略。它既能避免师资争夺大战造成的一系列不良影响和后果,又能推动我国高等教育深层次的变革,为实现我国兴办“世界上规模最大、质量最好的高等教育之一”的战略迈出扎实的一步。  相似文献   

在社会中,存在着一些影响女性职业发展的因素,即女性职业发展的"玻璃天花板"。研究表明,在大学女性教师的职业发展过程中,也面临着一种"玻璃天花板"。本文通过对教师结构的数据分析,探讨了在高等教育领域特别是高等学校中女性教师职业发展中的"玻璃天花板"问题,并从性别视角进行分析。  相似文献   


In a climate of continued national concern over school safety, school personnel are faced with a flood of statistics and advice about the prevalence of youth violence, and recommended responses. In the spring of 2000, a school safety survey (Sprague, Colvin, & Irvin, 1995) was sent to all public school principals in Oregon to assess their perceptions of risk and protective factors affecting school safety. We also asked questions about school safety concerns and intervention programs. We compared the results of the present survey with those found from administering the same survey in 1995. Results indicate that protective factors were rated higher than risk factors in 1995 and 2000. Bullying and harassment, poverty, and transiency were top rated risk factors in 2000 and these were different from results found in 1995. Principals rated response to conflict, suicide prevention, and staff training as top protective factors in 2000 and these also differed from the 1995 ratings. Regarding priorities for change, principals rated improvement of the academic program as their highest priority, followed by school safety and discipline improvement. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for local and state-level policy planning in education and government. We also address limitations of the current study and directions for future research.  相似文献   

清末社会发生裂变,各种社会力量重新洗牌.在清末变革的环境下涌现出来的学生群体,突破传统士子属性,形成一个新的阶层.学生阶层主要由国内学堂学生与海外留日学生组成,两者集体意识的形成以1902年上海南洋公学学潮与1903年东京春节恳亲会反满演说为标志,学生阶层在拒俄运动中走向成熟.清末学潮的涌动、学生阶层的崛起及集体的反满倾向,标志着拥有先进文化的社会阶层开始背离满清政府执政者的意愿,对清末社会转向起到决定性作用.  相似文献   


The study develops a school safety and student achievement model, incorporating the concepts of student background, school structure, school culture, school disorder, and student academic achievement, and fits it to 613 elementary schools in New York City, using Structural Equations Modeling technique. The model fits the data well based on both Chi-square test statistic and goodness of fit indexes. The model accounts for 71% of school variance in student achievement. The study confirms that student background is associated with student behavior and student learning. School disorder affects student achievement negatively directly and indirectly mediated by student attendance. The study suggests that policy initiative could be implemented to improve school climate, therefore reduce school disorder and improve student achievement.  相似文献   

XIONG LEI 《人权》2008,7(4):21-24
A few years ago, after a vehement round of inner city renewal, I suddenly found many sidewalks in the city proper of Beijing became so narrow that pedestrians often had to compete with bikes and even automobiles for a space to walk. The place where we used to enjoy strolling were given way either to bike lanes or to thoroughfares, or taken for the parking of automobiles that are ever increasing in the city.  相似文献   

入世后 ,在企业改制、企业破产、政府采购、不正当竞争等过程可能引发新的腐败。入世后的腐败的特征包括腐败手段的智能化、方式的多样化、国企干部腐败比例的扩大化、腐败范围的广域化和境外化、腐败主体的国际化等方面。最大限度地遏制腐败 ,需要强化权力的监督 ,理顺政府的审批机制 ,适度分权 ,适度修改现行刑法 ,强化对现行刑法相关法条的适用监督 ,适时修改现行相关行政法 ,加快权力的法治化进程 ,等等  相似文献   

公民参与是检验地方治理水平的重要标志。社区居民的参与程度直接影响到社区治理的绩效。当前农村社区村民参与公共产品建设的过程中存在诸多问题,主要表现为有序参与意识贫困化,参与行为的边缘化、非制度化和无序化,不仅严重影响了公共产品的建设成效,而且严重影响了农村社区的稳定与和谐。所以,必须不断完善农村社区公共产品建设中参与制度,提高村民的制度化参与水平,保证农村社区公共产品建设成效和社区的稳定与和谐。  相似文献   

Lisheng Dong 《当代中国》2014,23(88):756-779
This article uses survey data collected in 2010 and conducts a systematic comparative analysis of the perceptions of the EU by the Chinese general public and the elite. Most ordinary Chinese citizens do not understand the EU very well, but their impressions of the EU are very positive and they also hold good expectations for the future of China–EU relations. The Chinese elites and ordinary citizens differ significantly in terms of ‘favoring the EU’ or ‘favoring Russia’. The multivariate model indicates that EU travel experience, annual income level and Internet dependence have significant positive effects on ‘favoring-EU’ feelings. Those who have EU travel experience, higher levels of annual income and greater opportunities to obtain information via the Internet are more likely to be ‘favoring-EU’.  相似文献   


The main aim of the present study was to describe children's perceptions and experiences of bullying: the way they define it, their thoughts about why children are bullied and their experiences of the way adults respond to bullying. The study group comprised 960 children in the fourth grade. The most frequent answers concerning why some children get bullied were that these children have a different appearance (43%) or that they are deviating in other ways than by appearance (31%). Two groups of bullied children seem to be of special concern; the children who do not tell adults about their situation (9% of the bullied children) and the children who do not perceive that they have received help from adults at school (24% of bullied children). The children's perceptions and experiences are discussed in relation to interventions in Swedish schools.  相似文献   

孙九霞 《思想战线》2006,32(5):59-64
在乡村社区旅游发展中,当地农民的旅游参与状态表现为参与积极性高、参与程度低、参与过程中矛盾普遍存在,从而使旅游发展改变农民境遇的可能不能迅速转化成必然。乡村社区旅游要实现可持续发展,必须解决制度框架下的政策关照和农民自身能力成长等方面的问题。  相似文献   

公众政治参与与政府行为优化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
优化政府行为是现时代迫切要求 ,从人类政治历史演进过程来看 ,公众政治参与是优化政府行为的重要动力 ,在我国目前推动政府行为优化过程中 ,公众参与有着促进政府行为合法化、公正性、高效性、稳定性等重要价值。为有效吸收公众参与与政府行为 ,必须形成一整套科学、完整的保障机制。  相似文献   

近十余年来,社会大众对历史表现出前所未有的兴趣,出现了所谓的大众历史热。曹操墓认定风波,早已超出学术范围而成为一个社会公共事件,其背后有着深刻的时代背景和历史根源。大众史学最根本的特征,就是关切人民的生活、利益与需要,把大众的主动参与视为自己发展的基本原则和条件。本文旨在通过对这一事件的分析,着重对当代史学的公共面向和大众参与问题谈一点思考。  相似文献   

Introduction There is a time and tide for everything.This is a season in which the global quest for human rights is at its peak.Freedom is on the march.Throughout Asia and Africa,the ardor for liberty is spreading.The quest for the inalienable rights of human beings has gained universal appeal.It is now  相似文献   

中国现阶段政治参与的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政治参与是现代化研究,特别是政治发展研究中的一个重要领域。作为政治发展的目标、重要内容和副产品,政治参与对一个国家的现代化起着正反两方面的作用。我国政治参与目前存在不少问题,这些问题的解决对中国的现代化发展起着极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

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