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累犯是监狱罪犯群体中一个非常特殊的群体.我国法律明确规定累犯不得假释,对累犯适用减刑也受到严格控制.累犯的改造难度较大,且人身危险性高,是监狱矫正的重点对象.目前,对累犯的矫正还存在缺少统计制度、没有实施分类管教、缺乏有针对性的教育措施以及未能实施科学的危险性评估等问题.有关累犯矫正的制度建设和理论研究工作亟待加强.  相似文献   

累犯、惯犯难审有主客观两方面原因。审讯方法不合适、证据观念不正确、羁押场所不规范是公安部门和干警主观方面原因;累犯、惯犯自身的心理特点、复杂经历,现行的侦审一体化和律师介入等制度的不完善是客观方面原因。审讯人员要注重提高自身素质,掌握审讯技巧,树立正确的证据意识,规范看守部门职能;突破累犯、惯犯心理防线,查实累犯、惯犯身份,适应侦审一体化制度,加强对侦查阶段介入律师的监督。  相似文献   


A preventive, community-based program was designed to facilitate high school transition and reduce dropout. Participants in the study were ninth grade, predominantly Hispanic inner-city students. School absence was used as a variable to identify students who were at high risk for failure. Compared with low- and middle-absence groups, the high-absence groups' failures and class rankings deteriorated consistently across time points. In addition, over time, high-absence group students experienced more pronounced increases in school absence and decreases in academic achievement relative to low- and middle-absence counterparts. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for dropout prevention programming.  相似文献   

正Expo boosts economic and trade cooperation between China and South Asia It was the fourth time that Pakistani carpet trader Zaid Hamid was participating in the China-South Asia Expo(CSAEXPO)in Kunming,capital of southwest China’s Yunnan Province,and he was satisfied with his products’sales."Pakistan has the world’s top-quality handmade carpet.Sales volume in one day here equates to more than one month in my country,"he told Beijing Review.As a veteran CSAEXPO participant,Hamid  相似文献   

<正>More efforts are needed to attract and support international students Between the ages of 25 and 30,Alane* spent most of his time in China.From2016 to 2020,he learned Chinese and majored in international relations at China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) in Beijing.It wasn’t easy to access this opportunity.  相似文献   

China still must overcome some obstacles to resume high economic growth The economic data in the first quarter entail worries about the future, including a fiscal revenue decline, lending surge and sluggish overseas demand.  相似文献   

正Shortly after the 2018 Turkey Tourism Year in China kicked off in Beijing on April 17,Abdulkadir Emin Onen,Turkish Ambassador to China,spoke with Beijing Review reporter Li Nan about tourism and bilateral ties between China and Turkey.An edited excerpt of this interview follows:  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Bangladesh invigorates friendship On October 14 and 15,Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Bangladesh and received a warm welcome.During the trip,Xi met President Abdul Hamid and Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury,  相似文献   

随着现代数字技术的发展,声像资料载体形式日益多样化和操作简便化,使声像信息的社会应用日益普及,其记录设备已成为社会生活的日常工具。如今声像记录方式不仅限于传统模拟摄像机与录音机,更多的是以数字技术记录、储存为主体的各类载体。如小巧多样、价格便宜的数字摄录机、录音机,特别是人们常用的通信工具“手机”及“MP3”、“电脑”也普遍具备了录音或录相功能。科学技术发展可以用一块小小的芯片记录大量的声音、图像及其他信息,从而使公共场合、银行储蓄所、高速公路、机场港口、宾馆、超市及其它重要公共场所都安装有监控记录设备…  相似文献   

China-U.S. investment needs to be further increased for the benefits of both countries and the world economy For China and the United States, two way investment is disproportionatel  相似文献   

It’s time for China to amend its investment treaties with other countries, especially the United States At the recently concluded fifth meeting of the China-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue(S&ED),it was noted in onereport that,"China and the United States recognize that a bilateral investment treaty(BIT)that sets high standards,including openness,non-discrimination and transparency,would  相似文献   

黑社会性质组织认定相关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前打击黑社会性质组织犯罪的过程中,一系列理论问题引起关注,尤其是从重庆"打黑"典型案件来看,围绕"保护伞"的范围、成立条件的认定;"称霸一方"本质特征和法律特征的认定;"严重破坏经济、社会生活秩序"的认定等理论问题的探讨,关系到黑社会性质组织犯罪的有效控制。  相似文献   

视频监控系统的侦查应用一直受到侦查部门重视,同时也是理论研究热点,但对视频人像的辨认路径探讨并不充分。通过全面回顾视频人像的利用路径,提出视频人像辨认的重要性,继而提出视频人像辨认应具备的客观条件、主体条件和主观条件,在此基础上阐述了视频人像的清晰化处理现状,之后对于视频人像辨认范围的确定进行重点探讨。根据视频人像辨认范围的不同,分别对在警方内部开展辨认、根据视频中目标对象的籍贯范围、职业范围、活动范围进行有限范围内的辨认,以及无限范围辨认的方式与风险作出深入探讨。  相似文献   

Community-based rape prevention programs have received little attention in the research literature. In this study qualitative methods were used to describe such programs and to assess the degree of homogeneity in their practices. In-depth interviews were conducted with representatives of 10 community-based prevention programs in a single state. Findings suggest that two typologies exist: short programs and extended programs. Homogeneity across programs was common as most programs emphasized secondary and tertiary prevention and relied on short curricula that are implemented with mixed-gender groups of students. A comparison to practices found in the research literature indicate that they are mostly using the same practices and these practices have not been demonstrated to have sustained behavioral effects that would reduce the incidence of sexual violence. Implications for future practice are discussed.  相似文献   

During this time of global pandemic and human suffering,economic hardship and uncertainty about the future is a growing and worrying trend.The calls from countries around the world to disengage and decouple from each other on trade,manufacturing,technology and commerce have been increasing.Not only is this a dangerous and fatally flawed way of thinking about and acting on the future,but also would produce aftershocks that in the parlance of the day,are an example ofthe cure being worse than the disease.  相似文献   

正To what extent can the Rio Olympics boost the Brazilian economy?Brazil,the largest economy of Latin America,has been suffering its most severe economic crisis since the 1930s as of last year.Despite the preparations for the Rio Olympics,the economy showed no signs of rebounding in the first quarter of2016.In addition,a spate of bad press,such as the delayed delivery of Olympic venues,  相似文献   

信心对目击证人辨认的影响机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从证人心理的角度对证人辨认有效性进行研究。影响人们对证人辨认结果采用的关键因素是证人对辨认结果的自信程度。证人辨认主持人、证人辨认程序、证人自身的状况会影响证人辨认的自信心。建议从建立规范的证人辨认现场、选择合适的辨认主持人、严格证人辨认程序等几个方面,完善证人辨认机制。  相似文献   

烟蒂是在各种犯罪现场中出现率较高的一类物证。文章主要应用扫描电镜、数码电子显微镜、游标卡尺等仪器设备,对34种不同品牌香烟的过滤嘴长度、水松纸外部图案和颜色、装饰环形状和相对位置、内部丝束形态等特征进行了分析.结果发现过滤嘴表面及内部特征差异很大。通过对这些信息的检验,能够有效地鉴别香烟的品牌.从而为侦查工作提供吸烟人个体信息。  相似文献   

社会主义的消费品分配原则,完整、科学的认定应是“各尽所能,按劳分配”;在目前我国社会主义市场经济条件下,我们实行的消费品分配原则应是:以“各尽所能、按劳分配”为主导,以按生产要素分配为基础。  相似文献   

任何人突然呼吸骤停都应考虑到气道异物梗阻,尤其年轻人呼吸突然停止,出现紫绀,无任何原因的意识丧失。另外头面部损伤的患者,血流和呕吐物堵塞气道也会发生气道梗阻。日常生活中很多饮食因素都可以造成成人或儿童发生夹噎。  相似文献   

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