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当前,研究探讨工会直属企事业发展战略问题非常迫切,应强化"机遇重要、挑战难求"的战略发展意识,明确"向党负责、姓工为民"的战略工作方针,确立"创造和谐、拳头维权"的战略地位作用,制定"立足全国、面向世界"的战略政策法规,选择"创意不凡、崛起有望"的战略重点热点,培养"引领市场、赢得未来"的战略人才队伍,建立"优势互补、善夺品牌"的战略体制机制,践行"灵活运作、营销适度"的战略结构模式,打造"以人为本、严而有序"的战略管理框架,创造"推动改革、推进历史"的战略集团价值。  相似文献   

民办高校的人才培养模式必须适应市场需求,在社会经济体制改革和高等教育发展转型的背景下,民办高校人才培养模式对市场需求的适应性存在着许多亟待解决的问题。而解决民办高校人才培养适应市场需求的主要途径有:一是重视对领军人物的引进与培养,稳步提升师资水平;二是合理定位,加强专业内涵建设;三是改进课程设置,强化实践教学;四是创新人才培养途径和方法,满足人才培养的市场需求。  相似文献   

要建立与现代企业制度相适应的民主管理机制,确保职工主人翁地位在公司制企业中得到加强和具体体现,更好地代表和维护职工的合法权益,就必须积极探索企业民主管理新途径;加大基层工会组建力度;不断深化两个制度建设,实现两个维护双赢;充分发挥职工董事、监事和股东代表的作用;深入持久地推进企务公开。  相似文献   

工会作为高校不可或缺的重要组织机构,是校党委联系广大教职工的桥梁和纽带。工会通过会议沟通完善教代会制度,网络沟通搭建工会交流平台,面对面沟通提升工会干部工作能力,以工会沟通推动高校的组织管理沟通,促进高校事业健康、快速、有序地发展。  相似文献   

Intersectionality is a concept that aims at handling the complexity of social life. It is often presented as a sensitive, and thus accountable, approach to the complexity of life lived in an age of globalization, migration, and displacements of identities, individuals, and groups. This notion of intersectionality presupposes that approaching complexity requires more than the mere adding up of categories like race, class, and gender; it requires an approach presupposing that these categories intersect in mutually constitutive ways in and through socio‐cultural hierarchies and power dimensions that produce complex relations of inclusion, exclusion, domination, and subordination. For feminists, this constructivist approach to identity categories seems promising; on the one hand, intersectionality rejects essentialism and reductionism, on the other hand, the complexity sensitivity of intersectionality maintains the possibility of feminist politics in a complex world, because politics no longer amounts to essentialist identity politics. In this article we want to ask, however, if the complexity sensitivity of intersectionality really is the solution to the problem of potential essentialism and reductionism in feminism. Or does intersectionality rather reproduce the problem of reductionism and the logic of identity in new, more sophisticated forms? Can feminism at all avoid essentialism and processes of othering? Is it possible to come to terms with the “will to power” inherent in all research by demonstrating a “will to empower”? The purpose of this article is not to evaluate whether different intersectionality studies are capable of accounting for complexity and thereby making it possible to avoid essentialism, reductionism, and othering. The purpose is, rather, to highlight and discuss some implications of the constructionism of intersectionality. As we will try to show, the constructionism that is claimed to form the basis of intersectionality, in opposition to additive approaches to social differences, is sometimes compromised for the sake of accountability.  相似文献   

受国际金融危机的影响,我国企业劳动关系出现了一些新的变化。面对新变化,工会在推进企业和谐劳动关系建设,促进企业和谐发展、维护职工就业权、实现职工体面劳动中的任务特别艰巨。在"保增长、保民生、保稳定"大局中,各级工会应当充分发挥大学校作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the personological features of moral judgment and to determine the extent to which principled moral reasoning is politically biased. We also attempted to determine the relation between moral judgment and attitude to authority and the developmental patterning of attitude to authority from early to late adolescence. Attitude to authority was assessed in terms of specific sources of authority (mother, father, police, government) and by the Attitude to Authority Scale, which assesses attitudes along the liberal-conservative political continuum. The conservative personality syndrome was assessed by the Conservatism Scale, while moral judgment was assessed by the Defining Issues Test. The results indicated that moral reasoning is unrelated to attitudes to specific sources of authority and negatively related to political conservatism and to conservative personality features. Attitudes toward sources of personal authority (mother, father) were more similar than attitudes toward impersonal authority (police, government), though attitudes toward Father were related to attitudes toward Government and Police. Age trends showed that younger adolescents are more politically conservative and more conforming to authority than older adolescents. Results are discussed in terms of the political and personological features of Kohlbergian moral judgment and in light of recent research on the transformation of adolescent-parent relations in adolescence.  相似文献   

面对金融危机,扬州市总工会通过做好企业和职工的思想工作、走访调查,并大力实施"共同约定行动"、努力提升职工素质、加大困难职工帮扶、做好风险防范预警工作等一系列措施,团结和动员广大职工与企业同舟共济、共度难关,保增长、促发展、稳就业,为"全面达小康,建设新扬州"作出了贡献。  相似文献   

This contribution reviews recent critiques of the food sovereignty framework. In particular it engages with the debate between Henry Bernstein and Philip McMichael and analyzes their different conceptualizations of agrarian capitalism. It critically identifies tendencies in food sovereignty approaches to assume a food regime crisis, to one-sidedly emphasize accumulation by dispossession and enclosure and thereby to overlook the importance of expanded reproduction, and to espouse a romantic optimism about farmer-driven agroecological knowledge which is devoid of modern science. Alternatives to current modernization trajectories cannot simply return to the peasant past and to the local. Instead, they need to recognize the desires of farmers to be incorporated into larger commodity networks, the importance of industrialization and complex chains for feeding the world population, and the support of state and science, as well as social movements, for realizing a food sovereign alternative.  相似文献   

The technologically charged public domain of cyber(cultural)space, often constructed in opposition to women, femininity, and maternity, can also be a contested scholarly space with the potential to question dominant discourses of gender, race, class, sexuality, and maternity. The cyber-realm has also interconnections to webs of commercialism and the commodification of female and maternal bodies. In order to investigate this topic's interconnections in this paper, I turn to an examination of cybermaternity in the commercial maternity web pages of the Internet. In summary, I argue that mainstream and commercialized maternity websites are domains of paradox, with the possibility of overturning the previously mentioned dominant discourses even as they are saturated in commerce, desire to render maternal bodies completely knowable and conventional tropes of maternity. To further this investigation, I turn to Kim Sawchuk's theory of biotourism to examine discourses of medico-technology and the desire to observe the inner workings of the pregnant body. I argue that this biotouristic desire is enabled by the immediacy of the websites and delivered in the jocular tone of mainstream maternity magazines. In order to further examine possible manifestations of biotourism, I also make use of Jay David Bolter's and Richard Grusin's concept of remediation: the tendency of particular media to represent and refashion other media in response to general Western cultural desires for immediacy.  相似文献   

贯彻执行修改后的《工会法》 ,首先要明确其贯彻执行的意义和新增修的主要内容 ,同时要切实维护职工的合法权益。在当前和今后一段时期重点加强五项工作 :一要依法加大维权力度 ,进一步调动职工的积极性 ;二要加强工会组织建设 ,定出两个重点 ;三要加强“四有”职工队伍建设 ,引导职工为企业改革发展贡献聪明才智 ;四要注重为职工办实事 ,增强企业的向心力和凝聚力 ;五要主动接受各级党委领导 ,积极支持行政工作 ,为推进改革、促进发展、维护稳定发挥工会组织应有的作用  相似文献   

恩格斯一生都很重视工人群众的理想信念教育.他认为:要使工人阶级通过社会主义道路解放自己,必须对其进行理想信念教育,使他们团结成一个阶级整体来为实现无产阶级和全人类的解放而奋斗;社会主义要从理论变成现实,也需要通过理想信念教育培养信奉共产主义理论的、有实践力量的共产主义者;在理想信念教育实践中,要注重思想政治教育和革命实...  相似文献   

劳动者私生活安宁权的生成,既得益于《民法典》的颁行,又源于网络化时代劳动者私生活安 宁权益保护的迫切需求。从权利性质上看,劳动者私生活安宁权兼具自由权和社会权双重属性。然而,在当下 其权利实现却面临诸多困难,表现为与雇主监督管理权的矛盾及冲突,《民法典》隐私权保护框架的不周延性 以及劳动法保护规范的滞后性。研究建议,就劳动者私生活安宁权的实现路径来看,一是要对《民法典》的保 护路径予以细化和调整,二是要在劳动法中创制新的制度与规则对劳动者进行特别保护。与此同时,应遵循 “两 步走”策略,以协调《民法典》保护与劳动法保护之关系,从而充分实现劳动者的私生活安宁权益。  相似文献   

This article discusses the possibility for vulnerable writing within feminist methodological approaches to research. Drawing upon a project that involved difficulties and tensions in conducting transnational research, including the documenting and telling of a partial narrative of an individual who set herself on fire, the article discusses what it might mean to focus more explicitly on explicating and recognising vulnerability in writing. In providing examples from working with a situated, localised analysis that engages feminist, postcolonial and queer theoretical approaches to attend to the particular and everyday, I address some of the hesitations and uncertainties in undertaking research and producing knowledge, and concerns with forms of reflexive practice. At the heart of the discussion is the question of a vulnerable ethics, of how it is possible for feminist methods to represent the lives of others, especially when stories fail in the telling, both in providing adequate explanations and in the ways that trauma and suffering can remain incommunicable. Included in this are concerns as to how we as researchers are affected within the production of research. As a form of receptivity and wounding, the article argues for vulnerable writing that challenges feminist methods to remain open and receptive to what will always resist sense-making, while continuing to respond to the demand that we do justice to the lives of others.  相似文献   

加强高校民主政治建设,必须建立和健全有关制度,诸如教代会制度、校(院)务公开等,以制度作为保障。坚持这些制度,能确保教职工民主参与、民主决策、民主管理和民主监督作用的发挥。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情防控措施的实施可能致使劳动关系的履行发生障碍,劳动者不能提供劳动给付或 者用人单位无法受领劳动给付。劳动给付在疫情防控措施实施期间以无需履行、继续履行、无法履行三种形式 存在。研究认为,劳动法应当对接突发事件应对的相关法律,通过假期、变更履行、风险负担等方式对接疫情 防控措施,建立健全多元化的综合应急治理机制。假期适用于隔离治疗、法定隔离措施、延长的春节假期等情 形,其法理基础是无需履行,劳动法应设置防疫隔离假,建立防疫隔离假的补偿机制。变更履行分为全部继续 履行和部分继续履行。全部继续履行适用于居家自我隔离、交通管制、限制人员流动、停课等疫情防控措施, 全部继续履行的法理基础是一时不能履行,劳动法应建立补充履行的法律规则。部分继续履行适用于用人单位 受疫情影响而经营困难的情形,其法理基础是难以履行,劳动法应完善集体协商制度,并在失业保险中建立缩 短工时工资补贴制度。风险负担适用于停工,其法理基础是永久不能履行,劳动法应完善停工期间的法律规则, 建立停工期的社会补偿机制。  相似文献   

随着“大规模培训干部,大幅度提高干部素质”战略的实施,以“大保障”的视野,从思想、组织、人力、制度、物资和环境等角度,深入研究干部教育培训保障机制创新途径和对策,是不断健全干部教育培训保障机制,推动干部教育培训科学发展的需要。  相似文献   

党的十九大确立的培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人战略任务,为新时代中国特色社会主义人才培养工作指明了方向,也为统筹推进新时代大中小学劳动教育一体化建设提供了指导.研究认为,大中小学劳动教育一体化建设具有可行性、必然性、实然性,新时代又面临最新的育人目标、全面的教育体系、更新的教材内容、先进的实施方法等现实要求,因此,各学...  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(4):517-545
It has been argued that support for the First World War by the important French syndicalist organisation, the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) has tended to obscure the fact that other national syndicalist organisations remained faithful to their professed workers’ internationalism: on this basis syndicalists beyond France, more than any other ideological persuasion within the organised trade union movement in immediate pre-war and wartime Europe, can be seen to have constituted an authentic movement of opposition to the war in their refusal to subordinate class interests to those of the state, to endorse policies of ‘defencism’ of the ‘national interest’ and to abandon the rhetoric of class conflict. This article, which attempts to contribute to a much-neglected comparative historiography of the international syndicalist movement, re-evaluates the syndicalist response across a broad geographical field of canvas (embracing France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Britain and America) to reveal a rather more nuanced, ambiguous and uneven picture. While it highlights the distinctive nature of the syndicalist response compared with other labour movement trends, it also explores the important strategic and tactical limitations involved, including the dilemma of attempting to translate formal syndicalist ideological commitments against the war into practical measures of intervention, and the consequences of the syndicalists’ subordination of the political question of the war to the industrial struggle.  相似文献   

维护职工权益是工会的基本职责。北京市"十二五"时期职工发展规划提出了职工的六项权益,其中之一即是安全权,发挥工会的监督职能,有效维护职工的安全权,实现体面劳动是工会的主要任务之一。工会应注重源头参与,通过签订劳动安全卫生专项集体合同、帮助职工签订劳动合同、开展安康杯竞赛、强化班组安全文化建设、提高员工安全意识、参加事故调查等途径有效维护职工安全权。  相似文献   

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