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The livings have responsibilities for the dead; and in particular, civilized societies recognize the need for identity both during life and at death, particularly in circumstances when an unknown body is summoned for medico-legal autopsy. There are numerous tools for identification of an unknown body which includes visual identification, fingerprints, medical prostheses, odontological techniques, DNA fingerprints and to include in the list is the occupational marks over the body sustained during the course of his or her profession. The medico-legal investigators should possess comprehensive knowledge of such occupational marks, which aid in identification. We are highlighting a case of rare entity, where a forensic evaluation of occupational marks was done to establish the identity of an unknown elderly male, who committed suicide by ligature hanging.  相似文献   

Screening applicants for the position of peace officer is a very uncertain process. Concomitantly, trying to select applicants who will be successful throughout their careers adds another, important dimension. Unfortunately, the selection process has primarily been one of screening-out those who are for one reason or another unfit. This article used the Thurstone Scale as the methodological basis to identify those traits that experts agreed are the ones that are meaningful in predicting police officer career success.  相似文献   

李延荣  张岩 《法学杂志》2012,33(4):46-51
土地征收行政复议案件具有明显的特殊性,作为申请人的土地权利人的情况比较复杂,导致复议案件中申请人资格的认定有一定难度。在具体的复议案件中,申请人的认定除依据一般标准外,还应考虑申请人提起复议所针对的具体行政行为,视不同具体行政行为来判定申请人是否适格,可以减轻申请人认定的难度,对于提高土地征收行政复议案件审查的效率、维护申请人的合法权益,都具有积极意义。  相似文献   

This prelimary report has reviewed the activities of a Medical Review Board for a Civil Service Commission. The responsibility of the Board is to review conflicting data in cases where the hiring authority has attempted to exclude a candidate, particularly a police candidate, on the grounds that the applicant is mentally unfit to perform the duties of the position. This rule has been applied primarily to police applicants, secondarily to fireman applicants, and rarely to other. Psychiatrists who participate must be aware of the underlying conflicts within civil service systems, the possibility of manipulation, and the rigidity of the system which is designed to protect the greatest number. Civil service systems have limited discretion on personnel policies. Therefore, psychiatrists must be careful not to act as arbiters for social institutions without a sound and meticulous basis for their participation. For those psychiatrists who participate in the process, the urgent need to do so in accord with professional standards is stressed, recognizing that standards change and that the nature of participation will be scrutinized by many in society outside the profession.  相似文献   

The "medicalization" of the death penalty has ignited a debate, by those within the medical profession and by others outside it, about the appropriateness of physicians participating in state-sponsored executions. Physicians participating as "agents" of the State in executions argue that their presence ensures a more humane execution. Opponents argue physician participation violates the Hippocratic Oath which states clearly that physicians should never do harm to anyone. How any physician, who is dedicated to "preserving life when there is hope," can argue that taking the life of a healthy person because the state commands it is in the patient's best interest, and does not conflict with the goals of medicine is beyond comprehension. Physician participation in executions is unethical because it violates the four basic principles that govern medical ethics: respect for persons, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.  相似文献   

Lawyers who engage in misconduct can do substantial harm. To screen out “unfit” lawyers, bar examining authorities collect detailed personal information from bar applicants. The rationale for this “character and fitness” inquiry is to identify who is likely to become a problematic lawyer. Despite the history of discrimination associated with this inquiry and the highly personal information requested, there has been no rigorous test of whether such predictions are possible. This article examines the information disclosed by 1,343 Connecticut bar applicants and their subsequent disciplinary records. It reveals that while some bar application data are associated with an elevated risk of future discipline, the predictive power of the data is extremely low. Moreover, several variables are more strongly associated with less severe discipline than with more severe discipline. We argue that some of the causal mechanisms linking application data to subsequent discipline may have more to do with career trajectory than with an underlying propensity to engage in misconduct.  相似文献   

法律职业与法律人才培养   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67       下载免费PDF全文
法律职业与法学教育之间制度性联系的缺乏 ,一方面导致了法学教育主要局限于高等院校内部法学学科体系的自我完善、自我发展 ,另一方面致使法律职业未能走上职业化的发展轨道 ,存在泛政治化、行政化和大众化的倾向。从事法律职业的人员应当掌握法学学科体系的基本知识 ,具备法律职业的基本素养 ,具备从事这一职业的基本技能。为了使法律人才的培养符合法律职业的基本要求 ,必须从法律职业与法学教育的整体出发 ,结合统一司法考试制度 ,重构法律人才宏观模式。  相似文献   

The present paper critically analyses the essence of legal education in the training of medical professionals in Ghana. It argues that health professionals lack the requisite knowledge in law, especially the legal implications of medical malpractice, and calls for legislative and curricular reforms in institutions engaged in the training of health professionals to reflect a legal education component. The authors opine that the basic medical law curriculum should be focused on the kinds of legal problems that physicians encounter most frequently in practice rather than on sensational cases. The authors are of the view that the curriculum should address the clarification of central concepts in law, the ability to apply the concepts, decision‐making procedures, acquisition of legal knowledge in tortuous and criminal matters relevant to the medical profession. This view sets objectives for teaching medical law to medical students and young doctors.  相似文献   

本文以医学科学为基础,通过分析携带乙肝病毒的医务人员是否具有传染性,将乙肝病毒携带者的医学受教育权与公众健康之间的法益博弈进行论证,为医学专业是否应当限招乙肝病毒携带者进行科学解读。  相似文献   

In screening the majority of job applicants, most of this nation's railroads administer a low-back X-ray examination in an attempt to ascertain the likelihood that the applicant will sustain future work-related low-back pain or injury. Many applicants are rejected for employment on the basis of the X-ray findings. The railroads apparently perceive this screening program as a cost-effective means (1) of decreasing the incidence of compensation claims for work-related injuries, brought against the railroads under the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA), (2) of reducing the number of lost workdays resulting from low-back pain or injury, and (3) of protecting particularly susceptible workers from job-related hazards. The authors of this Article submit that low-back X-ray examinations are poor predictors of future low-back pain or injury. They assert that the railroads' use of such examinations misclassifies a substantial number of job applicants as being at increased risk for such pain or injury, and, in consequence, unfairly denies them employment. Furthermore, the authors claim, the screening program has other negative consequences. For example, applicants rejected for railroad employment on the basis of X-ray findings may as a result have difficulty finding jobs in other industries. In addition, they state, there is a potential radiation hazard to examinees. Moreover, both the railroads and those applicants accepted for employment may inappropriately be reassured by normal findings. On balance, the authors conclude, the screening program has a negative social value. The authors suggest that the program, in effect, erraneously labels many applicants as handicapped, and then denies them employment. Such persons might have legal recourse under federal and state statutes prohibiting employment discrimination against the handicapped.  相似文献   

Under the doctrine of hospital corporate liability, the hospital governing board bears the responsibility for detecting the incompetence of its staff physicians. Since hospital governing boards are generally composed of lay community members, they lack the expertise to evaluate the clinical competence of their staff. Therefore, they must delegate their screening responsibilities to medical staff review committees. After analyzing the development of hospital corporate liability doctrine, this Note examines the respective policing capabilities of review committees and the governing board. The Note contends that the board should not be held liable for aspects of the policing process which it is incapable of controlling. The Note concludes that, given their superior ability to evaluate clinical competency, staff review committees should shoulder the responsibility for the clinical aspects of staff evaluation, leaving remaining aspects to the hospital governing board. The Note proposes that courts should recognize a cause of action for negligence against medical staff review committee members in order to upgrade the effective policing of the medical profession.  相似文献   

The French and American medical professions share similar historical bases for strong political and economic market positions. As professions, the attributes of common education, ethics, and mission tend to keep physicians together in their political organization. But the medical professions in both France and the United States are also subject to intraprofessional forces of division, such as the conflicts which often oppose generalists to specialists. Although organized medicine in France and the United States shares these commonalities, there is a very important difference between the two countries. The French profession tends toward organizational particularism, both ideologically and nonideologically, which serves to splinter it in ways inimical to the interests of the medical profession. By contrast, the American medical profession tends to organize universally-that is, its organizational base is much more often one of unity and accommodation toward the divergent interests of physicians. Thus, organized medicine in the United States has more easily fought off political and economic pressures coming from government and the private sector-but by no means with total success. On the other hand, highly fragmented organized medicine in France has experienced an almost linear decline in the face of pressures coming from a determined and strong state.  相似文献   

This article compares various models of ethics education and how these models are employed by both medical schools and law schools. The authors suggest ways in which each profession can enhance their ethical teaching and argue that ethics education in both medicine and law should combine the best elements of each education model, thereby producing graduates who are more knowledgeable and appreciative of ethical issues in practice.  相似文献   

基本医疗服务法制化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获取基本医疗服务是公民保障生命健康的基本权利,应当通过法律加以明确,使之成为"拟制公共产品"。公共卫生服务与基本医疗服务是两种性质不同的服务,不宜用一部法律来统一规定,因此全国人大《基本医疗卫生保障法》的立法模式是不适宜的,应当单独出台《基本医疗服务法》。政府提供基本医疗服务的范围主要包括基本医疗保险、基本医疗救助、基本药物和基本诊疗项目、基本医疗服务体系和基本医疗设施、基本医疗服务人力。公民的医疗服务请求权可以通过诉讼救济,医疗服务请求诉讼的类型属于行政给付之诉。  相似文献   

Medicine grows incrementally in its ability to treat patients and at the growing edge it poses problems about the appropriateness of treatments that are different from those where good practice conforms to widely agreed standards. The growth of access to medical knowledge and the diversity of contemporary theoretical and clinical medicine have spawned deep divisions in the profession and divergent opinions about what constitutes reasonable care. That hallmark of acceptable practice is also under pressures from the threat of litigation, a highly commercialised contemporary medical environment, patient demands based on medical journalism and the internet and the exponential growth of bio-medical technology. Patient empowerment can result in complaints arising in new and complex areas and expert opinion can often differ markedly depending on where on the medical spectrum the experts are aligned. This column lays out some broad-brush principles to assess the adequacy of medical advice in such a climate.  相似文献   

由谁来行使知情同意的权利:患者还是家属?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知情同意权是患者的一项基本权利,但是在我国目前的医疗实务中,该项权利却普遍地由患者的家属予以行使。本文围绕应当由谁来行使“有同意能力的患者”的知情同意权这一问题,由现行法的态度出发,从正反两个角度论证了应当由患者本人行使其知情同意权的观点。  相似文献   

论医疗纠纷诉讼中的证据协力义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟宏丽 《证据科学》2011,19(3):307-317
由于医疗活动的高度专业性,因而在医疗纠纷诉讼中存在证据偏在、医患武器不平等严重问题。证据协力义务是居于“准确”、“公正”、“和谐”、“效率”等的价值基础。共在医疗纠纷诉讼中的适用具有正当性。建议通过医疗机构的阐明病历义务,对证人、鉴定人违反证据协力义务的制裁,证人拒绝提供证言权等规范来弥补医疗纠纷诉讼中证据协力义务的结构性缺失,以增加医疗纠纷诉讼中证据协力义务规范的可预测性。  相似文献   

Reproductive genetic technologies are becoming more controversial as they become more ubiquitous. The opponents of these technologies are largely religious groups, a fact that leads to the question of why religious groups would be more opposed to these technologies than others. Since all of these technologies are justified by their ability to relieve suffering of some kind, it is hypothesized that the actively religious have a notion of suffering different from that of advocates for these technologies, and this different notion of suffering leads to opposition to the technologies. In this article I report on a qualitative interview study of the religiously active in the United States. I find that the religiously active do have views of suffering that are distinct from the medical consensus, and these views are related to people's conclusions about the advisability of reproductive genetic technologies.  相似文献   

The medical profession is held accountable in numerous ways, many of which are concerned with clinical competence. However, while Australia's State medical boards are statutorily charged with protecting the public from incompetent practice, they have never instituted programs aimed at maintaining the standards of all practitioners. The article describes recent legislative changes and developments in undergraduate medical education, which aim to increase physicians' accountability in relation to competence, and compares developments in Queensland and other States with those in the United Kingdom, Quebec and New Zealand. The investigation of clinical incompetence as currently undertaken by the Medical Board of Queensland should, and will, be adopted in other States. However, responding to incompetence is necessarily piecemeal, and the article further argues that the States should develop inclusive revalidation strategies. Both the community and leading voices within the profession are demanding greater commitment to a self-regulation culture that is more transparent and has sharper teeth.  相似文献   

The following articles examine the impact of legislation modeled after the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA) in Portland, Oregon, and Cleveland, Ohio. Their conclusion is that the legislation has been only marginally effective, benefiting primarily middle-income tenants in the suburbs or in the cities' better neighborhoods, while largely failing in the aim of helping the inner-city poor and upgrading the quality of slum housing. The general lesson is an old one: law reform attempts at rearranging basic social-legal relationships often fail to achieve their intended effects, particularly when their effectuation is left to the initiative or ingenuity of those individual private parties who are least likely to possess or display these traits.  相似文献   

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