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中国法庭科学DNA数据库   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
本文综述了中国法庭科学DNA数据库的建立和发展过程、DNA数据库结构、内容、特点、作用以及存在的问题、发展方向、展望,目的是为如何进一步建设好具有中国特色的DNA数据库提供借鉴。  相似文献   

1 法庭DNA技术的发展与现状法庭DNA技术自1985年被首次应用以来,经过十多年的努力,已经由最初的限制性片段长度多态性检测(RFLP)发展到如今的扩增片段长度多态性检测(PCR-VNTR,PCR-STR)以及DNA序列变异测定等.人们充分利用DNA分子的序列多态性和长度多态性来进行个体识别,由此产生了DNA指纹技术,VN-TR-PCR扩增技术,STR-PCR技术,MVR-PCR技术,PCR测序技术等一系列新兴的法庭科学技术,促进了整个遗传科学和法庭科学的发展.  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA检测飞速发展和广泛应用的同时也面临巨大风险,实验室质量保证能力和质量控制手段的不足已开始影响到法庭科学DNA检测的证据地位。本文对国外法庭科学DNA实验室的有关情况进行初步分析,从中发掘有益的启示,为我国法庭科学DNA检测的改革和发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

2000年6月16日至30日,公安部DNA技术与管理考察团对美国、加拿大DNA技术及数据库管理进行了考察。通过对美国联邦调查局(FBI)、弗吉尼亚州的法庭科学实验室和加拿大安大略省政府法庭科学实验室的DNA检验技术及数据库管理的实地考察,使我们对处于世界领先水平的美、加两国DNA技术应用和数据库建设与管理有了比较全面的了解,也正确认识了我国DNA检验技术和在数据库建设方面与世界先进水平的差距。1美国、加拿大DNA技术应用和建库管理情况美国FBIDNA实验室、弗吉尼亚州DNA法庭科学实验室和加拿大安大略省政府DNA…  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA实验室认可与质量控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
法庭科学DNA实验室认可是整个实验室认可活动的一个组成部分,是对法庭科学DNA实验室的质量管理水平和技术能力的一种国家及国际间的正式承认。本文从文件体系建立、测量溯源、方法的确认、能力验证、质量控制等5个方面,对DNA实验室在认可中存在的主要问题进行了分析,对法庭科学DNA实验室认可与质量控制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近几年来,法庭科学DNA分析技术及其数据库建设在国内发展迅速,各类刑事案件的侦破及法庭举证中该技术的应用日趋广泛。各地法医DNA实验室检验量持续增加,专业技术人员长期超负荷工作,鉴定质量难以保障,已成为普遍面临的问题。因此,尽快开展法庭科学DNA实验室的规范化建设显得尤为重要。现将本实验室开展规范化建设情况及工作中的体会介绍如下,供同行交流、参考。1天津市法医DNA实验室规范化建设情况本实验室自1990年组建以来,历经RFLP、VN-TR、STR等法医DNA分析技术各个发展时期的磨砺,逐步走上了标准化、规范化的发展轨道。针对…  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中期DNA分析技术被应用于法庭科学领域后,DNA技术在法庭科学实践中发挥了重要作用.但随着DNA技术的发展和运用,我们也发现人们对DNA证据价值的认识在某些方面尚存在误区.片面夸大DNA证据价值,对DNA信息不能正确解读与合理运用,导致在案件侦查中走弯路,甚至发生冤假错案.根据法医DNA分析的原理,本文对如何正确解读与合理利用DNA信息进行了探讨.  相似文献   

法庭DNA分析的标准化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出当审理案件时,应向法庭呈递可靠的证据。然而,限于科学发展的水平,法庭生物物证检验有时会面临科学的不确定性问题。于是,法庭DNA分析质量控制与质量保证的重要性与必要性问题被提到议事日程上来。各国为此作出许多努力,成立了各种质量控制与质量保证工作组、咨询委员会和审批董事会等,制订了TWGDAM、Fry及Daubert等标准,提出了一些宝贵的建议。十分强调在将DNA测试用于检案以前,必须经过检查,核实及行业评估等各种程序,得到许可后,方可付诸实行,才能确保检测结果准确可靠,才能保证司法公正,才能取信于民。  相似文献   

1 法庭DNA技术的现状 DNA技术自1985年应用于法庭鉴定以来,发展极为迅速,得到了广泛应用。已经由最初的以长度(RFLP)为基础的DNA指纹分型技术(DNA Fingerprinting)发展到如今的扩增片段长度多态性检测(PCR-VNTR,PCR-STR)及DNA序列变异测定等。其中应用比较普遍的几项法庭DNA鉴定技术分别为DNA指纹图技术、PCR扩增技术、DNA测序技术。  相似文献   

DNA芯片技术的发展及其应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍了DNA芯片技术的制备和工作基本原理,以及其在生命科学、医学及法庭科学中的应用.  相似文献   

法医学DNA技术促成了法医学实践的一次飞跃,其建立的数据库策略为后续的研究提供了可贵的借鉴;2004年召开的人类基因组大会提出并肯定了代谢物组学的理论和技术,该技术相对于目前应用的其它技术并结合法医学的实践需要,具有更广阔的应用前景,本文借鉴DNA技术成功的经验,首次提议建立代谢物组学数据库及基于该数据库的专家系统,为解决目前法医学难以解决的难题,促成法医学继DNA技术之后新飞跃进行探索.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(3):263-272
Recent advances in forensic science, especially the use of DNA technology, have revealed that faulty forensic analyses may have contributed to miscarriages of justice. In this study we build on recent research on the general public’s perceptions of the accuracy of 10 forensic science techniques and of each stage in the investigation process. We find that individuals in the United States hold a pessimistic view of the forensic science investigation process, believing that an error can occur about half of the time at each stage of the process. We find that respondents believe that forensics are far from perfect, with accuracy rates ranging from a low of 55% for voice analysis to a high of 83% for DNA analysis, with most techniques being considered between 65% and 75% accurate. Nevertheless, respondents still believe that forensic evidence is a key part of a criminal case, with nearly 30% of respondents believing that the absence of forensic evidence is sufficient for a prosecutor to drop the case and nearly 40% believing that the presence of forensic evidence – even if other forms of evidence suggest that the defendant is not guilty – is enough to convict the defendant.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(6):481-486
The creation of new technologies and their application to forensic science is key to the field's development. Rapid DNA profiling is one such area of research which has grown in response to a desire from enforcement authorities for in-house forensic DNA processing and rapid access to forensic genetic intelligence. However, introducing novel technologies into the forensics market must be carefully monitored and controlled as the success or failure of any technology ultimately has long standing implications for victims, suspects, and also to Police and forensic practitioners. This article outlines the research, development, validation and implementation of the ParaDNA® Screening System as a case study in taking forensic research and development to market.  相似文献   

Deng JQ  Hou YP 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):219-222,225
微量模板DNA的分析,一直是法医学特别关注和急需解决的难题之一,近年发展起来的一系列技术为解决这一问题提供了新的可能途径,本文即对微量模板DNA分析技术的进展和目前逐步发展的全基因组扩增技术的法医学应用价值、结果评价进行浅议。  相似文献   

Forensic DNA analysis on microfluidic devices: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The advent of microfluidic technology for genetic analysis has begun to impact forensic science. Recent advances in microfluidic separation of short-tandem-repeat (STR) fragments has provided unprecedented potential for improving speed and efficiency of DNA typing. In addition, the analytical processes associated with sample preparation--which include cell sorting, DNA extraction, DNA quantitation, and DNA amplification--can all be integrated with the STR separation in a seamless manner. The current state of these microfluidic methods as well as their advantages and potential shortcomings are detailed. Recent advances in microfluidic device technology, as they pertain to forensic DNA typing, are discussed with a focus on the forensic community.  相似文献   

Use of DNA in forensic science will be significantly influenced by new technology in coming years. Massively parallel sequencing and forensic genomics will hasten the broadening of forensic DNA analysis beyond short tandem repeats for identity towards a wider array of genetic markers, in applications as diverse as predictive phenotyping, ancestry assignment, and full mitochondrial genome analysis. With these new applications come a range of legal and policy implications, as forensic science touches on areas as diverse as ‘big data’, privacy and protected health information. Although these applications have the potential to make a more immediate and decisive forensic intelligence contribution to criminal investigations, they raise policy issues that will require detailed consideration if this potential is to be realised. The purpose of this paper is to identify the scope of the issues that will confront forensic and user communities.  相似文献   

二代测序技术可检测多种法医遗传标记获取海量序列信息,满足法医学实践中精准个体识别、复杂亲缘关系鉴定、特征刻画等应用需求。国内外已开展大量二代测序法医学应用科研工作,但由于缺乏行业标准,二代测序在我国公安实战中并未得到有效应用。目前,法医学二代测序的标准制定面临检测靶标特殊、测序技术流程和结果分析不统一等挑战。本文从核酸标准参考物、测序技术要求、序列多态STR等位基因命名规则等方面,梳理国外法医学二代测序标准化工作进展,并总结国内二代测序检测行业标准现状,希冀为我国法医学二代测序的标准建设提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the views expressed by UK forensic science users and providers during the Centre for Forensic Investigation's 1 day conference 'The Future of Forensic and Crime Scene Science' and is set in the context of the changing national agenda and likely advances in current and future technology. It begins by examining the success of the Home Office DNA Expansion Programme and future demands of the Criminal Justice System, highlighting the changing use of forensic science both at the crime scene and within the forensic process itself. In particular, the use of forensic science at the early stages of an investigation to provide intelligence and support the decision making process is discussed together with the need to adopt a partnership approach to tackling crime and its causes. Key system and technological drivers for performance improvement and change are identified and the likely timescales and implications of their introduction are discussed. Finally, the Home Office plans to build on the success of the DNA Expansion Programme, through the introduction of the proposed Home Office Forensic Integration Strategy, are explored and the paper concludes by highlighting the benefits, implications and issues arising from the changing and developing use of forensic science.  相似文献   

激光捕获显微分离技术(laser capture m icrod issection,LCM)是一项显微捕获分离单个细胞和多个细胞的自动化新技术,本文综述了其在法医学领域的研究新进展。经过研究和实践,它将在法医学实践中解决混合和微量物证的DNA检验难题中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The introduction of DNA analysis to forensic science brought with it a number of choices for analysis, not all of which were compatible. As laboratories throughout Europe were eager to use the new technology different systems became routine in different laboratories and consequently, there was no basis for the exchange of results. A period of co-operation then started in which a nucleus of forensic scientists agreed on an uniform system. This collaboration spread to incorporate most of the established forensic science laboratories in Europe and continued through two major changes in the technology. At each step agreement was reached on which systems to use. From the beginning it was realised that DNA databases would provide the criminal justice systems with an efficient way of crime solving and consequently some local databases were created. It was not until the introduction of the amplification technology linked to the analysis of short tandem repeats that a sufficiently sensitive and robust system was available for the formation of efficient and effective DNA databases. Comprehensive legislation enacted in the UK in 1995 enabled forensic scientists to set up the first national DNA database which would hold both personal DNA profiles together with results obtained from crime scenes. Other countries quickly followed but in some the legislation has severely restricted the amount and type of data which can be retained and, therefore, effectiveness of the databases is limited. The widespread use of commercially produced multiplex kits has produced a situation in which nearly all European laboratories are using compatible systems and there is, therefore, the potential for the introduction of a pan-European DNA database. However, the exchange of results between countries is hampered by the various legislations which currently exist.  相似文献   

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