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近年来,测谎被广泛应用于我国刑事司法领域,并在侦查破案和审判中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。由于测谎目前在理论和实践中均未统一,加之我国对于测谎结论的适用尚无明确的法律规定,已有的司法解释也没有解决实质问题,加深了人们对测谎结论的质疑,即测谎结论的证据资格问题。因此,明晰测谎结论的证据资格和应有的法律地位,是我国刑事诉讼法学理论亟需研究的一个问题。  相似文献   

付翠 《政法学刊》2012,(4):72-78
测谎技术作为一项查明案件事实真相,揭露谎言的重要刑事技术在案件的侦查过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但国内外理论界对测谎技术的应用和测谎结论的法律地位却莫衷一是,争议颇多。因此文章在分析测谎结论证据资格以及目前法律地位的基础上,对测谎结论作为证据使用的可能性和未来发展趋势进行了诠释,以期进一步明晰测谎结论在证据网络中的价值。  相似文献   

作为现代高科技的产物,测谎技术在我国的民事司法实践中已经实质上发挥着证据的作用。本文旨在通过分析测谎结论的证据资格及特点,确立其在民事诉讼领域的证据资格。  相似文献   

美国测谎制度的发展过程对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
是否采信包括测谎结论在内的科技证据 ,美国经历了由弗赖伊判例所确立的“普遍接受”标准向达伯特判例所确立的“综合观察”标准的转变 ,这标志着美国的测谎制度日渐成熟。目前 ,我国的测谎实践基本上无章可循 ,因此 ,应借鉴美国的做法 ,结合我国测谎实践的现状与不足 ,制定规范测谎实践的法律、法规。在该法律、法规中 ,应该明确规定测谎结论的证据属性为鉴定结论 ,并在规定测谎人员专业素质与诉讼地位的同时 ,建立统一的测谎操作程序。  相似文献   

测谎结论的证据资格分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测谎结论是现代科学技术带给人类的福利,它具有客观性和关联性。为充分实现测谎结论的证据价值,发挥其在揭露欺骗、打击犯罪、保障人权、实现司法公正、维护社会秩序的稳定等方面的独特作用,我国立法应尽快赋予测谎结论合法性,从而最终确认测谎结论的证据资格。  相似文献   

朱梅 《法制与社会》2011,(28):133-133,151
测谎是通过检测生理反应来探知心理痕迹,从而得知受测者与某事件的相关性,因此,测谎的结论具有客观性和关联性,符合证据在基长属性,从表现形式来看应属一种特殊的鉴定结论,但在我国由于发展时间短,无统一规范性。鉴定水平普遍不高,导致测谎结论还不能被普遍接受,只有严格测谎的准入资格、规范测试程序、提高测试的准确率才能让公众接受,将其合法地纳入证据的范畴。  相似文献   

目前,人们对测谎技术和测谎结论的争议主要是在对待它们的态度。测谎技术作为一种高科技刑事侦查技术,应用于刑事侦查,具有其合法性和有效性;测谎结论可以作为证据在诉讼中使用,但需要结合案件中的其他证据并经过综合评断才能作为定案依据。全盘否定和完全推崇都是十分草率的。笔者建议尽快依法确立测谎技术和测谎结论的法律地位,促进刑事侦查手段和诉讼证据的科学化、专业化。  相似文献   

真实的谎言--测谎结果不宜作为刑事诉讼证据之思辨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要论述了测谎技术在国内外的发展和运用概况,对测谎结果的可信度进行了分析,认为测谎结果的可信度令人质疑,进而对测谎结果能否作为刑事诉讼证据进行了论述,认为测谎结果不具有证据资格,并对采用测谎结果作为刑事诉讼证据的危害性进行了分析,结论是测谎结果不宜作为刑事诉讼证据,但是可以在侦查和审查判断证据方面发挥辅助作用.  相似文献   

邵劭 《法治研究》2016,(2):151-160
测谎结论的可采性在美国经历了从弗莱伊规则的严格排除,到道伯特规则的全面开放,再到谢弗尔之后两极分化的演变.谢弗尔案之后,具体个案中测谎结论的可靠性成为决定测谎结论可采性的关键因素.我国没有关于测谎结论法律地位的明确规定和统一认识,法院对测谎结论的处理方式迥异.我国可以借鉴美国对测谎结论可采性的做法,在承认测谎结论证据能力的基础上,通过法官对具体案件的严格审查,采纳或排除测谎结论,并确定测谎结论的作用领域.  相似文献   

李欣 《政法学刊》2008,25(4):32-36
测谎技术和活动已经在世界范围内被广泛认可和应用,自80年代起测谎技术就在我国侦查活动中得到广泛应用,发挥了侦查导向、查找线索、提高破案率等巨大作用。但是测谎结论的法律地位问题却一直没有得到解决,理论界争论不已,而且现有司法解释的规定也存在问题。应该充分认识测试技术科学有效性,肯定测谎结论的证据能力,待条件成熟时将其纳入科学证据体系。  相似文献   

The polygraph device has been advanced by proponents as a valid (measures what it is supposed to measure, even against counter-measures), accurate (it does what it is supposed to do), and reliable (produces consistent outcomes) diagnostic tool able to measure physiological responses indicative of deception. These physiological responses are said to be a direct result of psychological arousals. (National Research Council [NRC] of the National Academies, The polygraph and lie detection, 2003). A debate concerning the validity of this test instrument has maintained for over 85 years, since the first polygraph device was introduced. This analysis takes into account court cases that address the issue and the available literature and relevant studies that support judicial decision-making. The conclusion arrived at is that this particular testing device has not attained a level of scientific support to warrant unqualified judicial acceptance.  相似文献   

陈学权 《证据科学》2012,20(1):40-45
山木集团前总裁宋山木强奸案向我们提出了被追诉人有无权利要求测谎的问题。只要在刑事诉讼中允许使用测谎技术,无论是允许其作为证据使用还是仅仅将其作为审查判断证据的手段,被追诉人单方面向法院申请测谎,实质上均是一种试图向法院澄清事实真相的诉讼证明行为。被追诉人的测谎权是一种相对权,而非绝对权。鉴于我国目前的现实情况,测谎只能作为审查判断言词证据的方法,尚不能作为独立的证据适用,因此法院是否批准被追诉人的测谎申请,应以有测谎之必要为前提。  相似文献   

We sampled a total of 411 participants and randomly assigned them one of three brief trial vignettes that contained either no-polygraph evidence, evidence of a passed polygraph test, or evidence of a failed polygraph test. Participants rendered guilt judgments and answered a series of questions concerning the trial in particular, and polygraph tests in general. Similar to previous studies on the impact of polygraph evidence on jurors' guilt judgments, this sample of jury-eligible adults indicated that they did not find polygraph test evidence to be persuasive. Moreover, it mattered little to participants whether the results indicated the defendant passed a polygraph test, or that he failed a polygraph test. However, when our findings are compared to those of previous surveys involving experts in the field of psychophysiology, they differ in a number of important respects. The implications for decisions regarding admissibility (e.g., U.S. v. Alexander, 1975 and U.S. v. Scheffer, 1998) are discussed.  相似文献   

张玮心 《证据科学》2016,(5):598-608
台湾地区司法实务上使用测谎鉴定作为辅佐证据的情形相当普遍。法源主要依据台湾地区“刑事诉讼法”第161-1条:“被告得就被诉事实指出有利之证明方法。”此所指之证明方法没有绝对严格的限制,目的在发现真实、保障被告人权,故而台湾地区法院认可经被告同意施测之测谎结果具有证据能力。然而,测谎在台湾地区现已演进成“反客为主”的现象,刑事被告主动要求测谎,并且主张以测谎通过之结果作为被诉事实有利的证明;反之,未通过测谎的被告则上诉质疑测谎结果的可靠性,致使法院过去对于测谎结果多采肯定说之态度起了变化。相较于刑事案件,“民事诉讼法”第355条第1项明文:“文书,依其程序及意旨得认作公文书者,推定为真正。”致被告于民事庭审援引测谎鉴定报告的情形亦不遑多让。测谎成为被告另类脱罪、卸责的手段,对于台湾地区司法实务长期依赖测谎之使用,预料产生冲击与警惕之意义。实有重新检讨测谎作为证明方法之必要。  相似文献   

刘洁 《证据科学》2011,19(5):615-624
本文引用民事诉讼测谎运用最为典型的案例,即江苏淮安中院再审崔景涛诉陈德勤借款纠纷案,首先列出反对者对测谎在该案例中的应用所提出的质疑,主要集中在测谎结论的证据属性和证明力两方面.接着本文相应地从这两方面为测谎结论在该案例中的应用证成。  相似文献   

测谎是科学技术发展的产物。测谎作为一种科学认识活动,它的质量可控并且具有极大实践价值。因而,无论在侦查破案还是司法审判中都得到了广泛的应用并发挥了不可替代的作用。现实中的“非议”非但没有阻碍测谎技术的发展,相反成为了测谎成长的推动力,为我国关于测谎诉讼制度的发展和完善提出了新的课题。  相似文献   


The present study examined the effects of automating the Relevant–Irrelevant (RI) psychophysiological detection of deception test within a mock-screening paradigm. Eighty participants, recruited from the local community, took part in the study. Experimental design was a 2 (truthful/deceptive) by 2 (human/automation) factorial. Participants in the deceptive conditions attempted deception on two items of an employment application. Examinations conducted with the automated polygraph examination were significantly more accurate than examinations conducted by the human polygraph examiner. Statistical analyses revealed different patterns of physiological responses to deceptive items depending upon the automation condition. Those results have potentially interesting theoretical implications. The results of the present study are clearly supportive of additional efforts to develop a field application of an automated polygraph examination.  相似文献   

测谎结论与证据的“有限采用规则”   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
何家弘 《中国法学》2002,(2):140-151
识别谎言是司法人员的基本职能;人类在数千年的司法实践中一直在探索识别谎言的有效方法。测谎仪是一种科学的心理测试仪器,但是其结论并非百分之百的准确。测谎技术是犯罪侦查技术的组成部分,也是提高侦查科学化程度的途径之一。测谎技术可以在犯罪侦查中发挥重要的作用,这是毫无疑问的。但是,测谎结论能否成为诉讼中的证据,这是另外一个问题。我们应该给测谎结论以正确定位:它就是一种普普通通的证据,而且是“有限采用"的证据。  相似文献   

The polygraph is a machine which invades previously private regions in the human being. Its operation is often viewed simplistically and lacking in danger. Such naivete is the subject of this comment. The paper considers the mechanics of polygraph operation, and its theoretical basis; the legal admissibility of the polygraph in a variety of settings, and lastly the impact the polygraph has upon our private lives.Clearly, the polygraph intrudes on the private regions of each individual, and this frightening fact is cause enough to consider the human, social and constitutional implications of its use. The project considers the reliability factor of the polygraph and its questionable use in personnel and business settings; its use in disciplinary procedures and labor arbitration, as well as reviews its place in judicial process and criminal review.Most critically the paper attempts to arrive at a constitutional basis for restrictions on its use in the private sector. Ingenious arguments have been made by opponents of the polygraph, and this paper reviews the substance and content of these constitutional arguments.  相似文献   

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