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国家规范应当被区分为内部和外部两个维度。国内规范是指国家在国内治理的过程中应如何行事的理念和规则。国际规范是指国家在国际事务中应如何行事的理念和规则。中国与欧盟的差别不仅体现在双方认同的内外规范不同,也在于双方传播这些规范以影响世界上其他行为体的方式不同。中欧的规范分歧最突出地表现在人权与主权等国内规范上。在国际规范上,如中国的多极化与欧盟的多边主义,双方的分歧要小得多。规范互动尽管给中欧关系发展带来了不少问题,但对双方战略伙伴关系的影响也具有积极的一面。  相似文献   

一、安全的概念及相关理论的介绍 安全作为一个概念的基本意义首先是基于国家生存和发展的,也就是说涉及国家是否受到外来威胁以及这种威胁严重的程度。在国际政治范畴内,对安全的定义是以国际环境为基本依据的。所谓的国家安全是主权国家在无政府的国际环境中对自身生存的需求,其核心部分包括政治安全、军事安全和经济安全。政治安全是指国家主权的确立,即代表国家的政府及其制度不受外来因素的威胁,并在国际社会和国内社会中具有公认的法理地位。军事安全指国家领土的完整,即国家领土或领土主体不受外来军事力量的威胁。经济安全指国家经…  相似文献   

信任是影响社会行为体互动的重要变量,但现有国际关系领域的信任研究大多注重经验分析,一般的理论探讨也常常忽视国家间信任的生成问题。本文就现有研究的主要路径进行了梳理和评介,并尝试从社会关系网络的角度建构一个国家间信任生成的研究框架。这一框架沿袭了进程建构主义的基本思路,主要观点为:嵌入在国际社会网络中的信任来源于国家间关系,以关系为本位的网络形塑了信任,信任反过来强化或削弱关系网络;在信任建构的进程中,信任规范得以产生、扩散和内化,进而影响国家的属性和行为;但由于关系网络本身是动态性的,特别是相互关系中存在不对称依赖,这使得信任具有社会资本的分配资源功能。  相似文献   

本文从中国—东盟关系以及东亚体系文化的转变这一问题出发,试图建立一个地区体系文化转型的理论模型。本文提出,推动地区文化转型的过程有两个:一是地区大国的国内进程,尤其是国内观念和规范层面的变化;二是地区大国与地区其他国家的互动,包括互动内容和互动方式。本文假设,国内政治、经济和社会进程的变化导致地区大国在对外交往中与他者的互动方式和互主身份发生变化,其中最为重要的是地区大国与地区制度主导行为体的关系变化,如果大国在上升过程中能够与该行为体进行不对称互动,让其主导互动过程,并使互动的物质和规范收益向其倾斜,就能与之实现相互认同,并进而在此过程中被地区制度社会化,从而推动建设和平与合作的地区体系文化。本文以中国、东盟与东亚合作为案例对假设进行了验证。  相似文献   

目前的国际规范研究往往未能将它的生命周期及其动力很好地结合起来。尽管国际规范的生命周期有着自身的特殊逻辑,但在全球化迅猛发展、同时民族国家仍占据着国际关系主导地位的环境下,国际规范的发展很大程度上仍与国家的安全相联系。因此,国际规范的生命周期与一项国际议题本身是否被安全化或非安全化有着很大的联系。随着"安全"被泛化,通过话语行为将一项议题安全化为"威胁",就可能导致一项国际规范的产生、普及乃至内化。当然,这种安全化努力必然会遭遇反对,而这就为非安全化和该国际规范的遭侵蚀奠定了基础。目前有关艾滋病的国际规范证明了这一理论论说。当然,正确的选择应当是:将一些无须用"威胁"来表达的问题拉出威胁—防卫逻辑循环的怪圈,从而创建更为全面与平衡的国际规范,而非仅以"安全"作为判断标准。这对中国的和平发展也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

刘兴华 《当代亚太》2012,(4):4-32,157
国际规范是国际社会中具有约束力的规则集合体。具有较高权威性的国际规范形成了规范团体。规范团体直接影响着国家的行动空间和行动效力。为了加入规范团体、获得成员资格,国家需要进行国内制度改革以达到规范团体的准入标准。面对国内利益集团等社会力量的各种利益诉求,政府需要为引入新的规范和理念、开展制度改革而进行国内动员,通过媒体的作用引导社会舆论,达成支持改革的共识。为了加入FATF,中国通过学习《40+9项建议》的规则,进行了全面的国内反洗钱制度改革。  相似文献   

国际话语权的争夺是当今大国博弈的重要方面。中国正在走近世界舞台的中央,面对的是发达国家在国际话语权上的优势。中国要增强自己的国际话语权需要一个过程,在这一进程中,研究和借鉴别国成功的经验十分重要。本文研究和总结了发达国家在国际话语权建设方面的主要经验,认为谋求国际话语权需要以国家实力为基础,但有实力并不就意味着有话语权,还需要注重话语的内容能被国际社会接受,需要通过有效的手段传播这些话语,更需要把舆论性话语转变成制度性话语。  相似文献   

思维方式的差异对于我们理解中美在构建"新型大国关系"的问题上有何分歧以及如何解决分歧,具有很大的启发意义。中国人和美国人具有非常不同的思维方式。相对来说,中国人更擅长于辩证思维、关系思维、有机思维和内化思维,美国人则更擅长于逻辑思维、类属思维、机械思维和外化思维。中国人与美国人思维方式的差异,在很大程度上使中美成为两种非常不同的国际行为体。由于中美两国之间的互动既是两种行为方式的博弈,更是两种思维方式的较量,因此,构建"中美新型大国关系",必须着眼于两种思维方式的差异,不仅要学会换位思考,而且应以对方的思维方式来理解对方的战略行为,不断提升战略互信。  相似文献   

国际政治中的权力概念,体现的是政治语境的互动关系,指国际行为体为改变其他行为体的行为而施加的影响或施加影响的能力。这种能力无论体现为强制方式还是非强制方式,最终都是要使他者的意志发生改变。判断行为体互动是否是权力关系,有两个维度,一要看行为体是否具有政治意图,二要看互动结果是否体现了权力的影响。由于国际关系中的行为体可能把权力作为目的,也可能作为手段,因此在权力政治中会有不同的行为模式。  相似文献   

历史唯物主义是马克思主义的核心,它的主要概念范畴如经济基础、上层建筑以及意识形态在国际层面又是如何体现的?以此为对象的研究是促进马克思主义国际问题研究的重要基础。本文通过对历史唯物主义经典作品的分析,提出在国际/世界层面,历史唯物主义的核心概念——经济基础就是国际分工及其社会表现,即国际生产关系。国际生产关系就是各国在国际分工中的地位,这种关系在政治上体现为国家间的权力关系。国际上层建筑就是以国际权力关系为后盾建立的国际政治与法律制度,全球/国际治理是其重要表现。国际层面的意识形态表现为主流的哲学理论与政治理论,以及反映国际社会主导力量意志的文学作品,同时也存在抵制这一主流与反霸权的哲学、政治理论以及文学。文章还通过相关文本分析展现了国际意识形态是如何顺应各个时代的需要,反映不同时代各种世界政治力量利益诉求的特征。  相似文献   

Societal integration of Turkish immigrants with higher education does not go hand in hand with cultural assimilation. Educational success is accompanied by the individual-strategic integration of German and Turkish identity attributes, because new diversity management concepts of international organizations are offering new career opportunities. The process of social-emotional integration is ?selective“ as well, because socialization of Turkish students in German educational institutions leads to disaffection with their ethnical heritage and their social connections to German communities remains incomplete. Questions of cultural-authentic integration, connected with a strong bias for individualism, are answered by a new culture of immigration beyond class and ethnic community. Communicative Integration, enabled by public discourse, is causing a distancing from German and Turkish lifeworlds. Turkish immigrants with a higher education do not accept a categorization of themselves through ethnic characterization; instead they construct hybrid identities, posttraditional communities, and active trust through the process of reflexive integration.  相似文献   

Turner  Simon 《African affairs》2004,103(411):227-247
In most academic literature refugees are portrayed either asthose who lack what national citizens have or as a threat tothe national order of things. This article explores the effectsof being excluded in such a way, and argues that Burundian refugeesin a camp in northwest Tanzania find themselves in an ambiguousposition, being excluded from the national order of things —secluded in the Tanzanian bush — while simultaneouslybeing subject to state-of-the-art humanitarian interventions— apparently bringing them closer to the internationalcommunity. The article explores the ways in which refugees in the camprelate to the international community. Ambiguous perceptionsof the international community are expressed in rumours andconspiracy theories. These conspiracy theories create a kindof ontological surety by presenting the Hutu refugees as thevictims of a grand Tutsi plot supported by ‘the big nations’.Finally, the article argues that refugees — being excludedfrom the nation-state and being subject to the government ofinternational NGOs — seek recognition from the internationalcommunity rather than any nation-state. This does not, however,destabilize the hegemony of the nation-state, as refugees perceivetheir own position as temporary and the international communityas the guarantor of a more just international order in the longrun.  相似文献   

China's phenomenal economic growth had a tremendous impact on the international scene, in terms of both China's international behavior and the state of the international system. China has become a welcomed presence in the international community in many ways. However, there are also consequences of growth that cause international concern: the rapid growth of its military capability without accompanying improvements in transparency, strengthened ties with problem states caused by growing domestic energy demands, and possible diversion of domestic discontents abroad that might be intensified by growing nationalism. In terms of the international system, the most notable is China's expanding presence in the surrounding region, but it is not leading to a China-centered region because of other important concurrent developments. The growing relationship between China and another rapidly rising power, India, and the US involvement with both countries are leading to the formation of a new triangular relationship in Asia.  相似文献   

The 2014 summer war on Gaza was the third in the last six years and in many ways the most devastating one. While the triggers to this war were the kidnapping and killing of the three Israeli teenagers and the subsequent kidnapping and burning alive of a Palestinian teenager, the real reasons can be traced back to the international community's failed and myopic policies towards Gaza. Moreover, by adopting the ‘West Bank first’ strategy the international community has failed to blow some fresh air into what is left of the so-called Middle East Peace Process and has acted as the abettor of the recent war.  相似文献   

Local ownership represents an overarching concept in international development. However, its core principles have been occasionally neglected in the practice of state-building such as in the case of Kosovo. This paper explores relations between the international community and local actors in the process of Kosovo security sector development after 2008, when the country declared its independence. This article finds that externally-driven models were imposed in some phases of security sector development. The actions of the international community disregarded the local context and created distrust by the local actors. The study relies on extensive face-to-face interviews with relevant national and international stakeholders, a public opinion survey with a sample of 1102 respondents, focus group and personal observation.  相似文献   

In advance of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Statement marking the 70th anniversary of the end of the war, the “Advisory Panel on the History of the 20th Century and on Japan's Role and the World Order in the 21st Century” issued its report. The author served as acting chair of the panel which reviewed the history of Japan and the world from the 19th century to World War II through the 70 postwar years. This article looks at Japan's expansionism in the 1930s, wartime conduct, colonial rule, and the end of World War II. As a previous challenger to world order, Japan seeks to share the lessons learned now as a supporter of the international order. This article elucidates ways in which Japan can cooperate with the international community to promote prosperity and peace around the globe.  相似文献   

Victor Kattan 《圆桌》2015,104(3):297-305
With the re-election of Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu for another four-year term as prime minister of Israel there is a real danger that the peace process has reached an irrevocable impasse. It is argued that bold moves must be considered by the international community to breathe life back into the peace process. To coax Netanyahu into negotiations real pressure must be brought to bear on his government to respect the international consensus on Palestinian statehood and to halt settlement activity in occupied territory. To coax the Palestinian leadership back into a negotiation process with Israel, membership in the Commonwealth should be considered as a stepping stone to membership in the United Nations, to be followed by Israel’s membership in the Commonwealth—but on condition that Israel agrees to abide by international law, and respect the international consensus on the two-state solution, completely freeze settlement activity, including in East Jerusalem, and on condition that Palestine agrees to enter into final status negotiations with Israel to conclude a peace treaty to resolve all remaining disputes.  相似文献   

The operation of a vibrant illicit economy and government corruption are widely acknowledged as obstacles to the post-conflict reconstruction of Afghanistan. However, massive influxes of money tied to the international efforts have led to ‘legal’ corruption that similarly obstructs state consolidation and peace. This paper considers the various ways in which Afghan entrepreneurs have learned to ‘game the state’ by taking advantage of donor and especially US procurement systems since 2001. The conceptual framework and evidence suggests that designing ways to limit corruption arising from the state-building process is key to improving the long-run prospects for post-conflict reconstruction in Afghanistan and similar states where rapid and steep increases in foreign aid and associated contracts create fertile ground for malfeasance.  相似文献   


Community mobilisation and activism is thought to encourage HIV testing and treatment and assist patient recovery. This article draws on interviews conducted with 60 people living with, and affected by HIV, in four marginalised areas of Harare, Zimbabwe. The lenses of civil society and social movements are used to analyse how people living with HIV draw on, and construct, systems of support based on the ways in which their communities know and understand the epidemic. I consider how neighbourhoods negotiate and assert community and individual needs in relation to HIV and how such systems can develop into community networks and wider coalitions. The article concludes by positing that, by interrogating official responses to the epidemic, HIV-related activism and social movements can help to domesticate formal commitments to international health protocols and compliance, particularly in terms of the intent, as well as the participatory rhetoric, of health based rights.  相似文献   

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