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明礼诚信是公民应遵循的行为准则,是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容."礼"作为一个古老的规范,其传统含义和现代含义不尽相同.一般说来,"明礼"是人的外在行为表现,"诚信"是人的内心状态.中西方的诚信观念存在着很大的差异.诚信已成为社会主义市场经济的迫切需要.  相似文献   

美国让就业者退休后"老有所养""老有所养"是人类社会追求的目标之一,在美国也不例外。与中国传统的"养儿防老"观念不同,美国的养老责任由政府、社会和个人等多方面共同承担。美国的社会保障制度始于20世纪30年代美国经济大萧条时期的一种社会养老保险制度,主要目的  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义"德治"观,既是对中国古代儒家传统"德治"思想的继承和发展,又深深扎根于建设中国特色社会主义的伟大实践,同时也蕴涵着共产主义的道德观.教育人们树立中国特色社会主义"德治"观,是贯彻江泽民"以德治国"思想,推进"以德治国"进程的根本.  相似文献   

40年来深圳青年的拼搏奋斗史,是特区改革开放史、城市发展建设史的青春版.青年是深圳经济建设和社会发展的主力军."历试诸难""生生不息",深圳青年从中华民族优秀文化传统和广东文化勇闯天下、先行一步的精神品质中汲取精神能量,为深圳"发明新传统"进行积极探索,为形成"深圳精神"做出重要贡献.过去40年走过三代"闯深圳"的青年...  相似文献   

《就业促进法》对公平就业作出了专章规定,这是很有必要的,但原则性太强,缺乏可操作性和可诉性,特别是和诉讼机制的衔接问题制约着《促进就业法》和其它法律中对公平就业的实现,这就需要完善和创新诉讼机制,要建立一个以私益诉讼(包括传统的民事诉讼和行政诉讼)为基础,以公益诉讼为补充,以宪法诉讼为后盾的符合中国国情、立体的诉讼体系,为劳动者公平就业提供全方位的、各种方式相互衔接和补充的立体的有效的保障网络。  相似文献   

伴随着政府职能转变的持续推进、公民社会的迅猛崛起、志愿服务精神的推广普及、web2.0技术的迅猛发展以及河北地域特色文化传统的影响,在官方志愿服务动员之外亦逐渐形成了一股民间志愿服务热潮。一批带有自组织特征的草根志愿服务组织正逐渐在助学帮困、关老爱幼、环境保护、社会应急等方面发挥着日益广泛的影响和积极作用,亦凸显出资金...  相似文献   

"能上能下":干部人事制度改革的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解决干部"能上能下",是当前干部人事制度改革的重点和难点.必须从适应当前新形势、新任务的要求,确保国家长治久安的高度,充分认识解决干部"能上能下"问题的重要性和紧迫性.要进一步解放思想,更新观念,为干部"能上能下"营造良好的社会氛围.要坚持"扩大民主"和"引入竞争"的原则,建立干部"能上能下"的科学机制.要建立和完善科学有效的干部考察考核办法,为干部"能上能下"提供科学的、令人信服的依据.  相似文献   

加强大学生中华优秀传统文化教育,必须直面和破解"教什么""怎么教""谁来教"等具体问题。其中,"教什么"是一个基础性问题。借鉴国外相关理论,把传统文化分为"大传统"和"小传统",有助于更好地破解"教什么"和"怎么教"等问题。在实际教学过程中,注重由"小传统"切入,对大学生进行中国优秀传统文化教育,符合循序渐进的逻辑。在"小传统"教学过程中,可以采用理论问题由教师主讲,知识点由学生主讲,实践环节师生共同参与等多种途径和方法。要贯彻落实《完善中华优秀传统文化教育指导纲要》等文件的精神,要发挥广大教师作用,要充分发挥高水平专家学者的作用,共同破解"谁来教"的问题。  相似文献   

以"和为贵"为核心内涵的"和合"文化,是中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分,也是一种独特的哲学理念、政治理论和社会理想.追溯我国传统的"和为贵"思想的历史渊源及其所体现的价值取向,有利于准确把握邓小平"和为贵"思想的成因及其发展历程.同时,也更有利于深刻理解邓小平"和为贵"思想的实践价值及其所蕴涵的浓郁的民族品质.  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》因涉及亿万劳动者切身利益而备受社会关注,它有力地推动着传统劳动关系的和谐稳定.在《劳动合同法》颁布即将十五年之际,本研究从"实践实施""社会价值""立法属性"及"立法宗旨"等角度,对其探索、实施与推动予以回顾探讨.本研究认为:《劳动合同法》是最为典型的社会法,对于"统筹社会力量、平衡社会利益、调节社会关系...  相似文献   

申诉机制为行政诉讼介入教师与学校之间的争议处理提供了可能。但现行法律规定的局限,使得大量的争议无法进入行政诉讼;对部分争议的审查,自由裁量过大,欠缺公平性;以申诉处理决定为审查对象不利于定纷止争。应根据学校管理的特殊性,规定申诉作为行政诉讼的前置程序,明确将涉及教师基本权利且因管理而引发的争议纳入行政诉讼受案范围。在审查标准上,针对学校单方解聘、辞退、开除处分等处理决定,应适用程序审查兼实体审查原则;针对职称评审决定,应适用形式审查以及程序审查原则;对于所涉学术问题,如是否达到某一级职称之学术标准,则应尊重评审专家之意见。  相似文献   

《就业促进法》对公平就业作出了专章规定,这是很有必要的,但原则性太强,缺乏可操作性和可诉性,特别是和诉讼机制的衔接问题制约着《促进就业法》和其它法律中对公平就业的实现,这就需要完善和创新诉讼机制,要建立一个以私益诉讼(包括传统的民事诉讼和行政诉讼)为基础,以公益诉讼为补充,以宪法诉讼为后盾的符合中国国情、立体的诉讼体系,为劳动者公平就业提供全方位的、各种方式相互衔接和补充的立体的有效的保障网络。  相似文献   

现行法律对女性就业歧视司法救济的规定不足,难以解决女性劳动者力量弱小、举证难、现有诉讼制度不足等问题。为进一步保障我国女性平等就业,需要构建女性就业歧视公益诉讼制度,从正当性、必要性、可行性分析其的法理基础。并对该制度的构建进行初步探究:原告资格以工会、妇女联合会等社会组织为主,新增专门的平等就业管理机构;举证责任在当事人之间合理分配;抗辩事由应包括劳动保护措施、真实职业资格、小微企业豁免制度等;法律责任形式从民事责任和行政责任两方面进行规范。  相似文献   

This article explores the context within which abortion law and discourse in Northern Ireland must be situated and understood, relying in part on post-modern insights into the wider and long-term implications of feminists engaging law and by examining the strategies employed in Northern Ireland around the issue of abortion. In 2001,the Family Planning Association (Northern Ireland) took legal action to force the devolved government to defend at a procedural level the unequal and uncertain form of common law abortion regulation for Northern Ireland. The authors examine the strategy of this review as well as the response of the High Court, suggesting that while it may begin to challenge the legitimacy of abortion law, feminists and pro-choice advocates must prepare for challenges beyond that, the greatest being the cultural challenge. The courts, legislators and other public and political institutions(including the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition) consistently explain the law's lack of provision for women with reference to the `pro-life' majority views of Northern Irish people. The authors question the legitimacy of this claim in a cultural climate of intimidation against the expression of alternative views. Women will continue to be marginalised and devalued in this debate if the silencing of the pro-choice community and bodies responsible for protecting human rights is not redressed. A case is therefore made for a reconceptualisation of the abortion debate from the perspective of women's agency, which, alongside litigation and other strategies, is necessary to overcome the cultural censure that currently prevents meaningful dialogue. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

作为实体法的民法与劳动法是两个独立的法律部门,它们所调整的劳动关系和民事关系的性质不同,由此导致作为解决劳动争议的诉讼程序与解决民事争议的诉讼程序有十三种区别,区分这些差别对于解决劳动争议有着特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

Despite the stereotypical, outsider view of Thailand as a thriving hub of international sex tourism, traditional and local constructions of Thainess instead privilege the position of the ‘good’ Thai woman—a model of sexual propriety, demure physicality and aesthetic perfection. This is the image of femininity that is heralded by Thailand’s Tourist Authority and by government agencies alike as a marketable symbol of cultural refinement and national pride. But this disturbing ‘utopian’ construction of femininity might for some be considered a dystopia shaped by forms of power centred on elite urban rule. In mainstream definitions of Thainess, the monstrous and grotesque inverses of ‘good’ womanhood are located in the ‘dystopian’ visions of rural-based folk traditions that abound with malevolent female spirits and demons, and in the contemporary Thai horror films that draw on these tropes. Adopted by Thai feminists and by street protestors in Bangkok at times of recent political unrest, portrayals of a ‘monstrous-feminine’ have been adopted as central to a carnivalesque strategy of response and resistance to elite discourses of control. Such forces serve to symbolically disturb and destabilise middle-class constructions of a utopian vision of Thainess with Bangkok as its cultural core. This paper examines instances of how and why the counter-strategy of primitivism and monstrosity has developed, and the extent to which it translates ‘dystopian’ expressions of female sexuality in new imaginaries of ‘dystopia’ as a space of liberation from stultifying cultural and political norms.  相似文献   

近年来在部分个案中,有的劳动者故意拖延签订书面劳动合同,或故意提交虚假签名的书面劳 动合同,继而通过公力救济向用人单位索取“二倍工资”,对此劳动仲裁、民事审判与刑事审判分别给出民事 “合法”与刑事犯罪的两级评价,如此两重评价暗含着法治风险。作为《劳动合同法》创设的一项惩罚性赔偿, “二倍工资”系推行书面合同制度的一种手段,但“二倍工资”的“大前提”在语辞表述上模糊,司法实践对“二 倍工资”的归责与举证规则亦不明晰,且“二倍工资”不以劳动者遭受实际损害为前提,若劳动者对签约不配合, 用人单位的反制手段也较为有限,因此“二倍工资”的必要性与均衡性有待检视。研究认为,惩罚性赔偿兼具 奖励诉讼的功能,劳动领域有别于消费领域,并不适合奖励诉讼的价值导向,司法实践通常从主体层面防控劳 动者滥诉或恶意诉讼,但亦有不可取之处。未来可根据实际情况,从立法与司法两个层面对“二倍工资”规则 进行删、修、限。  相似文献   

In this article, I interrogate how the UK government constructs and manipulates the idiom of the vulnerable female, trafficked migrant. Specifically, I analyse how the government aligns aspects of its anti-trafficking plans with plans to enhance extraterritorial immigration and border control. In order to do this, I focus on the discursive strategies that revolve around the UK??s anti-trafficking initiatives. I argue that discourses of human trafficking as prostitution, modern-day slavery and organised crime do important work. Primarily, they provide the government with a moral platform from which it can develop its regulatory capacity overseas. It is not my intention to suggest that the government??s anti-trafficking plans are superficial, and that extraterritoriality is the sole driver. On the contrary, I argue that complex interrelationships exist and while the government??s interest in protecting vulnerable women from sexual exploitation may seem to be paramount, I assert that in fact it intersects with other agendas at key points. I consider how government action to protect vulnerable women in trafficking ??source?? and ??transit?? countries such as development aid and repatriation schemes relate to broader legal and political concerns about protecting the UK from unwanted ??Others??.  相似文献   

中共十八届三中全会的决议提到,经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点,核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系.全会决议指出,市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,更好地发挥政府的作用.从“基础性”到“决定性”只是几个字的改换,却充分体现了解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的精神,更为进一步持续健康发展中国经济打下了一个非常坚实的制度基础.本文试分析政府与市场的关系,呼吁将“有效的市场”与“有为的政府”结合,消除政府对市场遗留的干预和扭曲,让资源由市场进行配置,而政府应该在保护产权、维持宏观稳定、克服市场失灵上发挥作用,推动产业、技术、制度等结构的变迁.只有“有效的市场”与“有为的政府”结合,防止政府市场关系失位,才能应对发展中国家都会面临的中等收入陷阱的发展问题.  相似文献   

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