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法新桂报道,6月27日,美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德和韩国国防部长曹永吉达成协议,将驻韩美军的某些军事任务转交给韩国武装部队,以此作为美军地面部队撤离非军事区计划的一部分。在一份联合声明中,两国国防部长重申了6月初所达成的协议,即计划将驻韩美军在尽可能早的时间撒离汉城并部署在汉江以南。两国国防部长同意将选定的军事任务从美军转移给韩国武装部队,并共同发展得到增强的美韩联合军事能力。声明并未提及何种军事任务将受到影响,但称拉姆斯菲尔德和曹永吉一致认为“韩国日益增强的国力为扩展韩国武装部队的朝鲜半岛防御提供了机遇”。  相似文献   

1日,驻韩美军宣布,驻韩美军已将停战村板门店共同警备区的警备任务移交给韩国军队。这标志着驻韩美军负责朝鲜半岛军事分界线警备任务的结束,由韩国军队全部接管。  相似文献   

朝鲜人民军:“先发制人”不是美军特权针对3月25日至31日韩美将在韩国举行的“阿尔索伊·鹞鹰”演习,朝鲜人民军发言人公开表示,“先发制人”不是美军的特权,朝鲜人民军也能对美军实施“先发制人”的打击。据美国《海军时报》14日透露,在演习期间,美国“林肯”号航母战斗群将停泊在距离韩国首都首尔东南300公里外的东海水域,这将是美国的核动力航母首度抵达朝鲜半岛。朝鲜人民军的发言人还表示:“朝鲜正在以高度警惕的态势,严密监视着朝鲜半岛严峻局势的发展,全力做  相似文献   

1日,驻韩美军宣布,驻韩美军已将停战村板门店共同警备区的警备任务移交给韩国军队。这标志着驻韩美军负责朝鲜半岛军事分界线警备任务的结束,由韩国军队全部接管。  相似文献   

<正>周边美拟在韩部署反导系统美国五角大楼高官5月28日证实,美军已经启动选址工作,意欲尽快在韩国部署一套高级反导系统。这位官员还表示,美日韩三国将在新加坡香格里拉对话会间隙举行防长会议,讨论朝鲜威胁,暗示在韩国部署反导系统将成为一项议题。中国外交部发言人28日表示,中方认为在这一地区部署反导系统不利于地区稳定和战略平衡。韩国国防部对部署反导系统一事表示否认。  相似文献   

世义 《法制博览》2011,(5):39-39
1950年8月上旬,朝鲜军队将美军和韩国军队压缩在大邱、釜山地区,双方在洛东江两岸形成对峙状态。 为改变被动局面,1950年9月15日,以美国为首的“联合国军”在其总司令麦克阿瑟的指挥下开始反攻,10月,战火迅速燃烧到中朝边境。  相似文献   

谢奕秋 《南风窗》2011,(2):20-20
韩日军事合作势在必行据韩国《东亚日报》报道,由于驻日美军基地之中的7个兼任美韩联合军司令部基地,韩半岛一旦出现紧急情况,美军就得使用日本内基地,如果韩日没有签署军事情报保护协议(GSOMIA)与相互军需支持协议(ACSA),美军作战就会受到阻碍。因此,美国参联会主席马伦去年12月访韩时也强调了  相似文献   

韩日军事合作势在必行据韩国《东亚日报》报道,由于驻日美军基地之中的7个兼任美韩联合军司令部基地,韩半岛一旦出现紧急情况,美军就得使用日本内基地,如果韩日没有签署军事情报保护协议(GSOMIA)与相互军需支持协议(ACSA),美军作战就会受到阻碍。因此,美国参联会主席马伦去年12月访韩时也强调了  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代以来韩美同盟一直是韩国的安全支柱.韩国作为同盟中弱势的一方,努力在不对称同盟中寻求平等地位,并尽可能在韩美双边和朝鲜半岛议题中发挥重要作用.特朗普政府时期在美韩贸易赤字、驻韩美军防卫费分担等议题上对韩国施压,引发韩方不满.韩国虽在贸易问题上与美国重新达成协议,但在防卫费分担问题上采取拖延战术以谋求达成接近自身目标的协议,展现出同盟中弱国的能动性.然而,文在寅政府的能动性有明显的限度.拜登政府上台后,除了修复受损的美韩双边同盟关系外,双方或将在更广泛的地区和全球多边议题上加强合作.  相似文献   

美韩同盟是典型的不对称同盟,随着国际国内局势的变化,美韩同盟关系也会有所波动。2017年1月特朗普总统上台,同年5月文在寅宣誓就任韩国总统,美韩同盟也随之进入新一轮的调整期。主张"美国优先"的特朗普要求韩国在美韩《自由贸易协定》、驻韩美军防卫费分担上做出让步,在对华政策上将中国界定为主要的竞争对手。作为韩国政坛进步派的代表人物,文在寅总统强调在韩美同盟内的"自立性",主张尽早收回韩国军队的战时作战指挥权,争取实现较平等的韩美双边关系,希望修复上届政府时期受损的韩中关系。美韩之间在其他领域内也存在分歧。目前来看,韩国在尽力协调与美国之间的关系,分歧的存在暂不会从根本上撼动美韩同盟。从外部因素和外部威胁角度来看,韩国仍将坚持美韩同盟作为外交安全最重要的支柱。  相似文献   


The governance of further education colleges has two main phases since the passing of the Education Act 1944 – the period when further education colleges were under local authority control and the period from ‘vesting day’ on 1 April 1993 when colleges became incorporated and further education corporations were formed as charities. This review is primarily concerned with the landscape of college governance since 1 April 1993 and draws upon some of the very limited number of research studies into the practice of further education governance. The experience and contribution of the key governance players – chair of the corporation, governors, the principal, the senior staff, the clerk to the corporation – are discussed. Throughout the period since 1993, college governance has operated within a policy framework provided by government and, to a greater or lesser extent, the implementation of those policies by agencies of government. In simple terms, the pattern may seem to be creativity (in the early years), compliance (following some high profile college governance collapses), micro-management (through the Learning and Skills Council years) and now the most open, imaginative phase as the current government encourages the strong colleges to play a bigger part in local education provision. Perhaps now is the time when the experience of college governance to date is able to draw upon its considerable strengths and show what the accumulation of governance capital can achieve.  相似文献   

《Communist and Post》2006,39(2):153-174
The article's topic is the attitudes of the Russians toward their social institutions. As it will be shown, Russia is a country, much more than any other, that mistrusts its social institutions, political institutions in particular. There is no one institution that can garner more than 40 to 50 percent of the nation's trust. Indeed, in terms of their lack of confidence in social institutions, the Russians are behind not only the most advanced countries in the world, but even countries known for their unstable political systems, such as Colombia or Nigeria.  相似文献   

每年5月1日的国际劳动节,是世界上大多数国家劳动人民共同的节日,而美国和加拿大的劳动节,则是在每年9月的第一个星期一.这一春一秋两个劳动节,都是起源于19世纪末的美国.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of whether the culture of masculinity, which is dominant in the water bureaucracy of Thailand, has been changing since the country officially adopted the international paradigm shift towards an integrated approach that emphasizes, among other things, gender equality and women's participation in water resources management. Despite official rhetoric, masculinities have held sway in organizational structure and behavior. Women in both traditional and new water agencies, and those under their mandates, continue to be disadvantaged and excluded. More potent change measures, such as strong gender-sensitive capacity building, are needed. To succeed, such measures may also require broader reforms in state bureaucracy.  相似文献   

A combination of social, legal, and religious factors make reporting of suicide difficult in Bahrain, an Islamic country. Limited available data indicates a very low incidence rate of 3 per 100,000. The objective of the present study was to describe the pattern of suicide in Bahrain during a 10-year period. The registered suicide cases (N = 304) at the Ministry of Interior for the 10-year period from 1995 to 2004 were reviewed and analyzed. The mean suicide rate was 0.6 per 100,000 for the Bahraini nationals and 12.6 per 100,000 for the non-Bahrainis with and 17.7 per 100,000 for the Indian migrants. Men were six times more likely than women to commit suicide. The majority of the subjects were under 35 years of age with financial domestic problems being the most common reason reported in the record and hanging the mostly commonly used mode of suicide (92.8%). The suicide rate for the Bahraini population remains low compared to other countries. The higher rate of suicide among Indians merits further investigation. Moreover, more research is needed on the epidemiology of suicide risk factors in ethnic groups for further prevention and intervention.  相似文献   

The introduction of the new Green Revolution wheat varieties to Israel is reviewed and analysed. It was found that the first stage varieties (developed from local Mexican wheats) did not have a significant impact on yields in Israel. Dwarf varieties and new crosses bred in Israel from Mexican genetic material contributed significantly to yield increases. Returns to local research are estimated. Conclusions about the role of the International Research System are drawn.  相似文献   

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