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This paper draws on the findings of a series of international conferences on the question of “total war” in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries to investigate possible connections between “total war” and the problem of genocide. Both “total war” and genocide appear to have reached a terrible culmination in the years 1937‐1945, raising the question of the connection between the two phenomena. This paper considers the usefulness of concepts such as “total war” and “genocide” as social‐scientific ideal types, before going on to reflect on the state of research on the linkage between Nazi Germany's drive for “total war” and its implementation of policies of genocide.  相似文献   

Memory and Migration in the Shadow of War: Australia's Greek Immigrants after World War II and the Greek Civil War. By Joy Damousi (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp.274. AU$145.00 (cloth).  相似文献   

John Treloar's involvement in the Australian War Memorial began in 1917, and he was Director from 1920 until his death in 1952. The idea of a national war memorial serving also as a museum, gallery and library was not his: the credit for that goes to Charles Bean. But there would have been no museum, gallery or library without Treloar's organisational ability and collecting genius. Treloar was responsible at first for collecting a documentary record, but later as the vision expanded, he began to acquire many other kinds of material, including art. It was an unusual challenge for a soldier, public servant, and man who scrupulously distanced his emotions from his work. This article examines aspects of Australia's official and commissioned war art and teases out the relationship between the bureaucrat and the artist. I suggest that the administrative effort involved in the war art schemes has to be recognised as part of the process of cultural production, and that in these circumstances the life of the bureaucrat is as worthy of exploration as that of the artist.  相似文献   

The period of the Great War in Afghanistan was one of the most transformational periods of her entire history. Less than a year after the end of the Great War, both Afghanistan and her relations with the rest of the world had changed forever. The article covers Afghanistan and the outbreak of war, the Niedermayer-Hentig mission from Germany, pressure on the frontier and at court, and the aftermath of the Assassination of Amir Habibullah. At Kabul, the emergence of a ‘War Party’, which favoured the declaration of war on India on the side of the Central Powers, caused difficulties for Habibullah's attempt to remain neutral. Although the War Party was to have some support from the Niedermayer-Hentig Mission to Kabul, it was never strong enough to act until the Great War itself was over. On the other side of the frontier, the tribes were expecting to be called to fight at any moment. Keen to raid into the plains, they initially moved too early and were rebuffed but low-level tribal activity took place all over the frontier, though not at the intensity seen in previous large uprisings. At the same time, the Indian Army was taking out the best troops to send to Europe and other fronts, leaving a comparatively small force to protect the frontier. Large scale response to tribal raiding was not possible but the Indian Army was able to deploy aeroplanes, artillery and machine guns as force multipliers to help make up for the lack of fighting men. The cumulative experience was one of change which needed to be understood and accommodated in short order. Men like Sir Denys Bray of the Foreign Department and Mahmud Tarzi and Abdul Quddus Khan in Kabul were able to do this and, in so doing, facilitated Afghanistan's emergence to independence and nationhood.  相似文献   

冷战结束后 ,国际关系格局发生了巨大变化 ,美日关系也随之加以调整 ,由初期注重经济关系到中后期注重安全合作关系 ,美日同盟关系的加强 ,对亚太地区的和平与安全产生消极影响。  相似文献   

Cheng-yi Lin 《East Asia》1992,11(4):40-57
If there had not been a Korean War, the Chinese Communists would probably have invaded Taiwan in 1950. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States began to reverse its hands-off policy toward the Chinese Nationalists on Taiwan. The Korean War first compelled the United States to grant military aid to Taiwan and then put the island under U.S. protection. The war forestalled the deterioration of the ROC’s international status, but the legal status of Taiwan became undetermined in the eyes of U.S. policymakers. U.S. economic aid prevented Taiwan from sliding into an economic depression in the 1950s, and greatly contributed to the island’s later economic takeoff. He is the author ofThe Taiwan Security Triangle (Taipei: Laureate Publishing Company, 1989).  相似文献   

冷战结束以来,美国的维和政策经历了三次大的演变:从有效的国际主义到坚定的多边主义,从有选择的多边主义到美国式的国际主义,最后回归到有效的多边主义。虽然变动不居,但从本质上讲,美国的维和政策基本上遵循着一条主线,即美国对联合国维和行动的支持和参与程度,取决于美国政府对维和行动与美国国家利益的关系的认知,以及国内压力(国会、民众)与这一认知间的复杂互动。  相似文献   

冷战结束之初美国亚太安全战略的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴心伯 《美国研究》2002,16(3):50-65
本文着重探讨冷战结束之初美国战略界对东亚发展前景的展望和关于美国亚太安全战略走向的辩论,并对老布什政府对美国亚太安全战略的调整进行分析.文章认为,随着冷战的结束,布什政府试图使美国亚太安全战略态势由"遏制+威慑"转向"均势+威慑",并把应付日本力量的增长作为美国亚太战略的重要课题.但这一转变主要体现在战略指导思想上,而没有从根本上改变美国在冷战时期发展起来的安全结构,这种调整的有限性反映了五角大楼对地区安全形势演变的不确定态度,一旦新的安全挑战需要华盛顿重新界定其亚太安全战略的指导原则,它就可以最大限度地利用现有的安全结构.  相似文献   


In the summer of 1977, two journalists, John Barron and Anthony Paul, published a book which in the United States was entitled Murder of a Gentle Land and in Britain Peace with Horror. In both cases the subtitle was The Untold Story of Communist Genocide in Cambodia. The authors are both working at the institution, The Reader's Digest, which publishes a monthly appearing in 32 countries in 13 languages. In February 1977 The Reader's Digest published a summary of their book which thus became available to more than 30 million readers all over the world.  相似文献   

韦宗友 《美国研究》2002,16(4):133-141
人类渴求和平,而战争却一再发生.战争的根源到底是什么?这历来是史学家、政治理论家以及国际关系学者所关注的问题,也是一个见仁见智的问题.美国青年学者、弗吉尼亚大学政府和外交事务系副教授戴尔·科普兰(Dale C.Copeland)独辟蹊径,从一个全新的视角对战争的起源进行了诠释.在他的新著《大战的起源》中,他对关于战争起源的三种流行的现实主义观点进行了剖析和批评,指出了每一种观点的利弊得失,在此基础上提出了自己的理论:动态差异理论(Dynamic differentials theory).通过对历史史料的详细解读,他认为,关于国家间权力的动态差异理论对大战的起源提供了最具说服力的解释.  相似文献   

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