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叶姗 《北方法学》2012,6(4):93-102
我国《工会法》第52条规定的责令雇主承担不当劳动行为的民事责任,与美国《国家劳资关系法》第10(c)条的规定看起来很相似,相比之下,这一规范在美国劳动法的实践中很有效,在我国却极少被适用,解释方面也存在较大的分歧。美国是世界上最早创设不当劳动行为救济制度的国家,从《瓦格纳法》规定的雇主不当劳动行为的禁止规范及救济措施,到《塔夫托—哈特莱法》将适用对象扩大到工会和雇员,在雇用自由原则和劳资自治模式的背景下,其演变始终以保护雇员团结权的松紧程度和收放态度为线索。我国《工会法》现正处于第三次修改阶段,适时检讨第52条的解释和适用的障碍,还可以解决其与《劳动合同法》规范的竞合问题。  相似文献   

After considering the possible outcomes that may result from the interaction between potential contract parties, this paper discusses potential causes of inefficiency and investigates how the law affects conditions that would give rise to inefficiency. The analysis is focussed on the European regulation of standard form contracts. This regulation implies that unfair terms in standard form contracts are unenforceable in Member States of the European Community, and can be interpreted as a measure to curtail the adverse selection problem that originates in the fact that contract parties may use standard form contracts. This paper investigates the welfare implication of this protection against unfair contracts.  相似文献   

Violence against women by a present or former male partner has over the last decade been given a higher priority in the political discussion in all of the Scandinavian countries. Increasingly, violence in intimate relationships is viewed as a public rather than a private matter in these countries. With this change in attitudes and levels of political interest, higher expectations are placed on official authorities, including the criminal justice system, to deal actively with this social problem. In all of the Scandinavian countries it may, for example, be decided by a prosecutor that a woman should be protected from a man by issuing a restraining order. Moreover, a new offence called ‘gross violation of a woman's integrity’ was introduced into the Swedish penal code in 1998. With this offence, less serious but repeated violent acts committed by a man against a present or former female partner are to be judged as one serious offence. The stipulated sanction for this offence is imprisonment between 6 months and 6 years. The purpose of this article is to evaluate how the police, the prosecutors and the courts deal with this new offence. The article also present results from an evaluation of restraining orders in Sweden.  相似文献   

"纠纷解决目的"是行政诉讼法从民事诉讼领域引入的立法目的价值,旨在于扩张行政诉讼机制的纠纷解决功能,为行政诉讼的协调和解程序提供法理支持,但是,行政诉讼领域的纠纷解决具有其自身的特殊含义,而且与行政诉讼固有的"权力监督"之间存在着内在的紧张关系。通过调和"纠纷解决"和"权力监督"的这种紧张关系,可以反省行政诉讼制度在满足"纠纷解决目的"功能实现上的界限,设定行政诉讼协调和解制度的合法性边界,从而更好地确保公民权利保护的实效性。  相似文献   

法治和伦理是共同承托和推动市场经济发展的两个互相依存、彼此渗透的巨轮.作为调整市场经济关系中商人及其商事活动法律规范总和的商法.不但具有强烈的技术性特点,而且同时也体现出浓厚的伦理性特质.频繁发生的商业欺诈行为和愈演愈烈的商业失信行为,促使我们不得不对既往的商事立法模式进行认真的反思,由此可以得出的结论是:过分偏重技术性规范并非是完善我国商法制度的唯一途径.我国未来商法制度的构建,不但要考虑通过强化法律规范设计的合理性从而提高商法制度的竞争力,而且还必须充分关注商法制度所赖以建构和运行的伦理基础.只有将商法的技术性规范和商法伦理机制有机结合起来,才能真正奠定市场经济健康有序发展的良好基石.  相似文献   

基于与离婚相关的财产协议本身所具有的特殊性和情事变更制度的规范意旨,在与离婚相关的财产协议中引入情事变更制度是十分必要的。《民法典》第464条第2款为在与离婚相关的财产协议中参照适用合同编的情事变更制度提供了规范基础。在参照适用情事变更制度时,需要把握与离婚相关的财产协议的家庭伦理属性及该种协议相较于一般商业交易协议的不同特点,对情事变更的构成要件和法律效果进行有针对性的法律解释。情事变更制度在参照适用于与离婚相关的财产协议时,主要存在以下值得探讨的事由类型:子女出生;一方因残疾或严重疾病丧失劳动能力;一方经济能力大幅变化。据此,可以分别针对协议中的离婚财产分割、家务劳动补偿和经济帮助条款总结出情事变更制度参照适用的可能性。  相似文献   

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