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A series of vignettes is presented to illustrate how the group process in Parents Anonymous provides participants with opportunities to change their feelings and behavior. These vignettes focus on concepts of self-worth, love, touching and blocked feelings. Through these processes and an atmosphere of mutual sharing and support. Parents Anonymous may prevent continued or potential child abuse.  相似文献   

A cultural dream realized In 1988, the Hainan Province was estab-lished, awakening Liu Wenjun's dream of starting his own business. From that mo-ment on, his personal fate was tied to the future of Hainan and to the country's reform and opening-up process.  相似文献   

When the Huayang International Holding Co. Ltd. entered the market of making sports shoes, especially for outsourcers, it had a credo. It was "just give us the tracing of a foot or your idea and we will provide you customized shoes", according to Du Pihuang, manager of a subsidiary of the company.  相似文献   

Members of 18 self-help groups in Canada were surveyed as to the benefits of participation in mutual help groups and the roles for professionals in such groups. Three distinctions are made among mutual help groups: (1) those dealing with loss-transition (L-T), (2) those with members one step removed (OSR) from the problem, and (3) groups for stress, coping and support (SC&S). Members in OSR groups feel they benefit significantly more from participation than SC&S group members, while many L-T members feel they could get along well without the group if they had to. Members of SC&S groups tend to favor indirect involvement of professionals and see professional help and mutual help as complementary, more than do members of L-T and OSR groups. The traditional health care system is found to ignore the needs of L-T and OSR group members; mutual help thus provides a critical source of support and education for these people.  相似文献   

Two sequential cases of professional-self-help/mutual aid collaboration are described. The first was a federally funded demonstration project to develop epilepsy self-help groups in 15 cities. It involved a "mixed strategy" of national and local collaboration, where decision-making, and problem solving was vested in persons with epilepsy. The second related case was the "action learning workshop" that combined research with extension work. Knowledge about self-help group development and persons with epilepsy was advanced at the same time that a national network and alliance of epilepsy self-help groups was developed.  相似文献   

The world economy has to be on the lookout for potential risks in the post-COVID-19 era Although COVID-19 plunged the global economy into the worst recession since World War II,clear signs of recovery have emerged.China began leading the way by pocketing positive growth in 2020 after bringing the epidemic under control.The U.S.and European countries initiated a bid for economic rebound via aggressive stimulus measures.  相似文献   

正A medical worker administers a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine to a delivery man at a temporary vaccination site in Haidian District,Beijing,on January 6.Beijing started distributing COVID-19 vaccines among specific groups of people with high infection risks after January 1.  相似文献   

October 1 marked the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. During the past seven decades, tremendous changes have taken place in China's society, economy, standard of living and international status. To put its achievements into perspective, Beijing Reviewbreaks down the numbers behind China's development across a wide sphere of sectors.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the stability of child competence from 30 months to 48 months of age are investigated using structural equation model techniques in a population at presumed risk for mental disorder because their mothers have a diagnosed psychiatric disturbance. This method allows for the simultaneous analysis of many variables in testing hypotheses about causalify in longitudinal investigations. Child competence was defmed in terms of cognitive and social variables. Background environmental variables included were social class, race, and maternal psychopathology. Threc models were examined in this study. The first model posited direct effects of child factors as well as effects of background envimnmental facton in the stability of child competence. The second model posited only effects of background variables, with no direct child effects. The third model posited child effects and a subset of the background effects in the first model. The second model, one that did not include direct child effects, was found to be the most parsimonious explanation of the data. This finding supports the position that interventions for children at risk be aimed at the social milieu in which individual children are embedded.  相似文献   

Strengthening an all-dimensional relationship is a common goal between China and South Korea Economic development, cultural exchanges, and a tense situation on the Korean Peninsula-these shared opportunities and challenges are driving China and South Korea closer together. South Korean President Park Geun Hye made a four-day visit to China from June 27 to 30. The two East Asian neighbors confirmed they will cooperate more on bilateral relations and the regional issues in Northeast Asia.  相似文献   

Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province in central China,boasts a large freshwater lakethat has become an ecologi-cal icon of the city. Years ago, wastewater was discharged into Donghu Lake, or East Lake, resulting in severe environmental degradation. Then efforts were made to clean up the water and build a greenway.  相似文献   

正A village looks back on its transformation after pioneering targeted poverty alleviation By Yuan YuanIt is hard to find any"old"photo of Yang Chaowen's village as people living there were too poor in the past to buy a camera.By old,Yang means the days before2000.Yang is from Shibadong a village in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hunan Province,central China,where the  相似文献   

正Remote villages in Tibet grow rapidly thanks to better transport and targeted development policies Renowned Italian Tibetologist and explorer Giuseppe Tucci(1894-1984) might have rescheduled his first journey to Tibet if he had known that then the only road out of Diyag,  相似文献   

<正>Though still indispensable,the G20 needs to overhaul its engine Amid hard bargaining and compromises,the G20 Summit in Hamburg concluded with a joint communiquéissued without the U.S.However,it was still a better-thanexpected result in view of U.S.President Donald  相似文献   

<正>The 2022 Annual Conference of the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA) is scheduled to take place in Boao,a resort town in the island province of Hainan,on April 20-22.In separate interviews with Beijing Review reporter Tao Xing,Leon Wang,Executive Vice President,International and China President of multinational pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca,and Elizabeth Gaines,CEO of Australia-based mining firm Fortescue Metals Group(FMG),shared their companies’ plans to expand business in China.They also ...  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to contribute information on an important aspect of the self-help movement: the nature of its relationship with professional mental and physical health practitioners. Focusing on the professions of psychology, social work, psychiatry, medicine and nursing, the goal was to ascertain the degree to which these professionals were aware of selected self-help groups in Toronto, the extent to which they used them and their attitudes toward these self-help groups. Data obtained from 308 professionals indicated that they have some degree of familiarity with self-help groups in the community, are prepared to inform their clients about groups which may be helpful to them, are prepared to make referrals to such groups and hold favorable attitudes toward such groups.  相似文献   

Significant progress achieved in science and technology Soon,you will be able to check out lunar soil in Beijing.The National Museum of China announced that it would exhibit the lunar samples brought back in December 2020 by the Chang’e-5 lunar probe.Preserved in a delicate container made of artificial crystal,the samples have already arrived at the museum.These are not just China’s first samples from Moon but also the world’s freshest lunar samples in over four decades.  相似文献   

"Made in China." It's a little tag, which, discovered within an otherwise sharp pair of shoes or leather jacket, not so long ago might have prompted sneering in America. "American." It's a powerful word with an aura further strengthened when invisibly hyphenated to "Dream." Yet as homegrown American companies like Home  相似文献   

Premier Wen Jiabao delivered the government work report during the opening meeting of the First Session of the 12th National People’s Congress(NPC)-China’s top legislaturein Beijing on March 5.Beijing Review reporters Yin Pumin,Zeng Wenhui,Wang Wenjie and Liu Jian spoke to NPC deputies and members of the 12th National Committee of the  相似文献   

Results of a panel survey study of bereaved parents are reported. Member and nonmember groups, reflecting increasing levels of involvement in Compassionate Friends, are compared for trends in changes in depression and personal growth. While no differences in depression were detected, a linear trend was evidenced in personal growth. Those parents who were most involved in the group were more likely to maintain a sense of positive personal change over the one year time span of the study. Reasons for the specific impact of self help group involvement are discussed.  相似文献   

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