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Many practitioners of the social sciences have fostered the value-free, apolitical and ahistorical character of their disciplines. This position distorts the real perception that should permeate the theory, methodology, techniques and practices of the social sciences. This paper, by examining the method of needs assessment, focuses on the undesirability of preserving this point of view. Needs assessment is discussed as a political process for the organization, mobilization and consciousness-raising of groups and communities.  相似文献   


Representatives from community and volunteer organizations (N = 37) in a rural region of Nova Scotia were interviewed on their views of the causes, prevention and treatment of depression in rural women. Utilizing a qualitative analysis, five themes were identified in their responses: the needs and stresses of women with depression; the problems of women in rural areas; obstacles and barriers to accessing services; the inadequacy of treatment services; and recommendations for improving prevention and treatment. The findings suggested that community service providers were consistent in their views of the needs and stresses of depressed women in rural areas and the kinds of services that would remedy them. Making community service providers aware of the consistencies in their views may promote more interagency cooperation and the development of community-centered approaches to the treatment of depression in rural women.  相似文献   

重构城市社区--以治理理论为分析范式   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
运用治理理论审视和分析中国城市社区的改革与创新 ,对于拓展目前正在兴起的城市社区建设理论与实践、实现社区治理转型具有重要意义。中国城市社会的进程引起了社区治理的巨大变革。治理理论为此提供了具有借鉴意义的理论指导和分析范式。观照中国城市社区治理现状 ,着手于治理主体、治理过程、治理组织体系、治理关系的转换是社区走向善治的理性取向  相似文献   


This case study illustrates a preventive consultation using the ecological paradigm to guide entry, assessment, problem solving, and collaborative intervention design and implementation in a rural high school which initially had serious reservations about working with urban academicians. The ecological paradigm's emphasis on the identification of resources, on collaborative work with community members, and on developing tailored solutions based on the strengths of the setting are discussed. A four year follow-up describing the long-term outcome and commentary from a key setting member are included.  相似文献   

社区服务刑融教育刑思想与赔偿理论于一体,符合刑罚轻缓化和行刑社会化的趋势。对未成年犯适用社区服务刑,既能体现刑罚的惩罚功能,又能达到刑罚教育预防的目的。  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革的深入和城市化进程的加快,我国的城市社区呈现出阶层化发展趋势.社区阶层化趋势,有助于贯彻分类管理与分类指导的原则,增强社区服务的针对性,凝聚社区情感,促进社区居民的共同参与,从而提高城市社区建设与治理水平.其不利之处在于,社区阶层化趋势可能导致社会隔离与社会隔阂,产生贫民区问题,形成孤岛经济效应.鉴于此,应发挥政府主导作用,倡导混合居住模式,改变社区管理方式,变封闭式管理为开放式管理.  相似文献   

随着社区建设的不断深入 ,社区居民参与社区建设和社区事务管理过程的重要性逐步凸显出来。在社区建设过程中 ,政府主导下的社区建设和社区改革使得居委会功能趋于行政化 ,并导致自治职能的缺失 ,居民自治面临困境。从根本的意义上看 ,发展居民自治才是我国城市社区建设的长远目标。  相似文献   

北京市海淀区深化行政体制改革.在全市率先成立了公共服务委员会.对事业单位管办分离.现在.这一机构主要管理区属医疗卫生和文化事业单位。在中央和北京市大力推进社区卫生服务的今天.他们也在思考,如何更好地贯彻有关精神,探索适合海淀实际的模式。  相似文献   


Guided by an integrated theory of parent participation, this study examines the role community characteristics play in influencing a parent's decision to use voluntary child abuse prevention programs. Multiple regression techniques were used to determine if different community characteristics, such as neighborhood distress and the community's ratio of caregivers to those in need of care, predict service utilization levels in a widely available home visiting program. Our findings suggest that certain community characteristics are significant predictors of the extent to which families utilize voluntary family supports over and above the proportion of variance explained by personal characteristics and program experiences. Contrary to our initial assumptions, however, new parents living in the most disorganized communities received more home visits than program participants living in more organized communities. The article concludes with recommendations on how community capacity building might be used to improve participant retention.  相似文献   

Partnering with communities to provide service-learning opportunities for undergraduates can be an effective strategy to teach college students about health disparities. In the current study, undergraduates partnered with a public K–8 school to conduct a participatory needs assessment. College students worked directly with teachers, parents, public school students, and key stakeholders to identify and prioritize health needs, and they awarded the partnership school a grant to address physical activity and bullying. Undergraduates rated the class highly favorably and reported a deeper understanding of health disparities resulting from the service-learning activity. Health disparities research is increasingly becoming a national priority and service learning can attract future talent by providing undergraduates with the opportunity to engage in the material in a meaningful way with clear community benefit.  相似文献   

社区管理与服务专业是在我国社会转型的大背景下应运而生的社科类专业。既要了解创新高职院校社区管理与服务专业人才培养模式的必要性,还要就该专业人才培养模式的现状和创新思路进行分析和探索,进而找出一条适合社会发展需求和体现学院专业建设特色的人才培养之路。  相似文献   

社区的安全稳定与井然有序是实现城市基层社会善治的根本保障。"社区精神"作为社会治理多元主体对当地社区公共生活的共性认知,对缓解社区治理场域中的矛盾问题、满足社区居民对美好生活的种种需要,带动城市基层社会整体的和谐发展至关重要。在新时代建设中国特色社会主义的美好愿景下,充分考虑我国城市基层社会治理的复杂环境与时代特征,有效培育社区精神的着力点在于:理论探析社区精神及其培育的概念内涵、构成要素和主要功能;现实考察社区精神培育的发展脉络、典型经验与现实困境;全面探寻以社会治理创新的方式培育社区精神的长效路径,最终提升城市基层社会主义精神文明建设质量与社会治理水平。  相似文献   

中国城市社区非营利组织面临的问题与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社区建设不断发展 ,新兴社区非营利组织与其他社团组织、公益事业组织正在努力扮演着中国城市社会的中间层 ,并且发挥着维护社会公众利益、动员参与、社会整合和提供公共产品的功能 ,但是社区非营利组织在成长过程中同时也面临着自身能力不足等问题。民主参与、市民自治、组织民间化正逐渐成为社区非营利组织发展的趋势。  相似文献   

城市社区治理内涵研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社区治理需要将政府、社区自治组织、第三部门等团结起来,整合各自的资源形成社区内部的合力,以有效的解决社区公共事务.社区是居民获得公共产品的重要场所,在这个层次上所提供的公共产品数量多少、质量优劣与社区居民的利益直接相关.可供选择的社区公共产品供给模式有政府直接供给模式、政府间接供给模式、集体合作供给模式、市场供给模式和其他供给模式等.  相似文献   

城市社区照顾模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐祖荣 《中国发展》2008,8(1):28-33
在全球老龄化背景下,社区照顾逐渐成为了一种主流的养老模式。中国人口的老龄化与高龄化、家庭照顾功能的弱化使老年人的日常生活照顾问题凸显,发展城市社区照顾已成共识。该文通过对老年人日常生活照顾需求的分析,在简要阐述社区照顾理论与起源的基础上,提出目前中国已具备发展城市社区照顾的基本条件,初步探索出城市社区照顾发展的目标模式。  相似文献   

试论城市社区建设的总体思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市社区建设是在“单位制”解体背景下重构城市基层社会管理体制的过程 ,这是涉及政府管理体制改革、发育社区自治、发展社区服务、扩大居民参与、健全法律制度的社会系统工程 ;城市社区建设的总体思路是要以政府职能转变为核心、以社区民主自治为目标、以提高居民生活质量为宗旨、以扩大居民参与为动力、以健全法制为保障 ,全面推进城市基层社会管理体制的改革。  相似文献   

随着城市建设发展的不断深入 ,社区警务工作对抑制和预防犯罪的作用愈加明显。应该明确社区警务改革的必要性 ,建立与新型社区管理体制相适应的社区警务机制。通过调整民警结构挖掘警力资源 ,规范民警职责 ,协调警种职能 ,完善运行机制 ,健全保障措施 ,增强警务成本意识 ,提高公安民警整体素质 ,从而促进社区警务改革顺利进行。  相似文献   

"A community of shared destiny for all mankind" has its own inherent logic, structure and development path, and a pluralistic concept of human rights is a key factor to achieve its four core goals: equality, cooperation, security and inclusiveness. A pluralistic concept of human rights and the ideal of a community of shared future for all mankind overlap on certain values and interests, as well as power and cultural attributes. It means that a pluralistic approach to human rights is indispensable to the establishment of a community of shared future for all mankind. Meanwhile, this new view of human rights embodies mutual respect and support for the inherent inevitability among different countries, shared responsibility, and pursuit of common development.  相似文献   

人力资源市场中介服务机构信息监测是政府部门的重要职责。本文阐述了人力资源市场中介服务机构信息监测的基本特点;从信息监测的内容体系、运行机制、保障机制等三个方面,分析了目前我国人力资源市场中介服务机构信息监测存在的主要问题;从加强信息监测主体能力建设、完善信息监测内容体系、完善信息采集机制、健全信息发布机制、优化信息监测保障机制等五个方面,提出了加强我国人力资源市场中介服务机构信息监测的思路对策。  相似文献   

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