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National Views     
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National Views     
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National Views     
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National Views     
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我国经济发展已经在"东部开放、西部大开发、大力发展县域经济"三个层面上全面推进,党的"十六大"又提出"壮大县域经济"的号召.对西部民族地区县域经济发展基本情况、空间格局非均衡状况、基本竞争力进行了分析,并就坚持科学发展观,壮大民族地区县域经济,全面推进民族地区小康建设提出了几点意见.  相似文献   

Foreign Views     
<正>When the Fourth Session of the 11th National People’s Congress was held on March 5-14 and drew the nation’s attention, expats in Beijing also followed the meeting. Beijing Review reporter Liu Xinlian interviewed foreign nationals completing their master’s degrees in public administration at School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University about the government work report delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao and the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) approved at the session.  相似文献   

Views of History     
Chinese and Japanese historians survey differences for a common future chinese and Japanese scholars have recently reacknowledged that Japan had been the aggress or when it  相似文献   

正On April 17,a forum on enhancing global governance for mutual benefit and win-win cooperation was held at Peking University.The event attracted political leaders and scholars from home and abroad,with some making speeches analyzing the current global situation as well as China’s engagement in international cooperation since the advent of reform and opening up in the late 1970s.Edited excerpts of selected speeches follow:  相似文献   

我国对“知识经济”的认识和理解主要是依据OECD的有关文献。但它有很大的片面性,即它所说的“知识”主要指科技知识,而与人文社会科学知识无关。因此,我们在制定面向知识经济时代的发展战略、创设“国家创新体系”时,应当破除将人文社会科学与科技知识截然对立的观念。人文社会科学亦应据此实现自身的转型和创新,以承担起它的历史责任。  相似文献   

Samantha Blum 《当代中国》2003,12(35):239-264
In the past several years, Chinese analysts have acknowledged that the United States possesses a vast amount of power and influence, which has allowed it to act in arrogant and often aggressive ways, and has fueled its ambitions of achieving global hegemony. While many PRC authors attribute to the US a coherent grand strategy of world domination, others have followed and assessed the debates that pervade US foreign policy-making, analyzed the nature of American hegemony, and critiqued the theoretical discussions on the subject carried out in US political science journals. Chinese analysts see both strengths and weaknesses in American hegemony, for while the country currently has superior comprehensive national power, there are also vulnerabilities in its economic and military strength, as well as in its relations with its allies. The views of Chinese authors are not uniform on the subject of US hegemony, however, for some believe that the US already is a hegemon, while others view America as a superpower seeking hegemony, or argue that the nation simply displays hegemonic behavior. Consequently there are several different schools of thought on the characteristics of US hegemony, as well as its tactics, goals and manifestations.  相似文献   

张京华 《湖湘论坛》2007,20(3):24-25,42
20世纪末和进入21世纪以来,我国陆续提出"以德治国"和建立"小康社会"、"和谐社会"的思想.中国古称礼仪之邦,"和谐"的思想具有深厚的学理渊源,源于古代礼乐文明,特别是乐学、乐教传统.乐学、乐教传统中一个最核心的概念就是"和"."和"起源于音乐术语,发展而为哲学概念.研究周敦颐的"和"的思想,对于加深"和谐社会"的认识,具有积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

邓小平的权力观是其政治思想的重要内容.邓小平在总结我国和国际共产主义运动的历史经验基础上,从政治体制改革的高度,对社会主义条件下的权力本质进行了科学的界定,并对我国权力运行中的主要弊端即权力过分集中作出了深刻地剖析.在此基础上,邓小平就权力的制约和监督进行了全面的阐述和构建,从而为深化我国政治体制改革和形成科学的国家权力体系奠定了思想基础.  相似文献   

马克思主义历史唯物主义提供了关于宗教与哲学的科学认识。由此出发 ,从宗教与哲学的定义、产生及发展、研究对象、基本问题、表现形式、意识形态等方面进行比较 ,以在现实社会中保持清晰和准确的分辩。  相似文献   

从生态哲学的角度看,马克思、恩格斯对人、自然与社会三者之间的关系进行了深入的研究,提出了丰富的生态学方面的科学观点。囿于时代和历史实践,马克思恩格斯有关生态哲学的思想散见于其文本之中,并没有形成一个体系。通过对他们主要文本的解读,我们可以发现马克思主义生态观的主要内容包括人与自然的辩证关系、人与自然的关系和人与人之间的关系相互制约、资本主义生产方式是生态环境问题产生的社会制度根源等三个方面。  相似文献   

江泽民文化观探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为中国共产党第三代领导集体的核心 ,江泽民同志在领导建设有中国特色社会主义的宏伟事业中 ,不仅高度重视经济建设、政治建设 ,而且重视文化 ,提出一系列新理论。这对于我们进行中国特色的社会主义文化建设 ,促进社会全面、协调、健康发展具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

各级党组织的领导和支持,是各级团组织开展工作的前提和保障。本刊特编发共青团福建省委理论学习中心组的《青年观·凝聚力·实效性》一文,以期对各级团组织结合实际情况,加强党的领导,更有效地开展工作起到参考作用。  相似文献   

按照《行政许可法》的规定,北京市人民政府对确需实施行政许可的事项,以政府规章设定临时性许可的方式予以了保留;并且自公布保留决定之日起计算实施期限.  相似文献   

国家权利是国家就维持其存在和履行职能所应有利益而享有的一种支配自由。国家也会受到犯罪的侵害 ,国家被害的客体是国家权利。国家权利也有防御犯罪和利益补救的护卫需求。  相似文献   

马克思主义新闻观主要包括 :喉舌观、党性观、真实观、功能观和自由观。党和军队的新闻工作者 ,必须牢固树立马克思主义新闻观 ,保持政治上的坚定性和思想上的纯洁性 ,对新闻领域非马克思主义的错误思潮和观点保持应有的清醒和警惕。  相似文献   

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