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One of the most important functions of law and the legal system is to prevent harm by regulating conduct prospectively. Almost all law—whether in the form of a statute enacted by a legislative body or a judgment decreed by a court—is designed, at least in part, to avoid some socially undesirable future state of affairs. This chapter explores some of the more significant ways in which lawmaking (both legislative and judicial) may be regarded as a form of prevention and the legal system may be used for prevention in the public interest. Although the chapter focuses on litigation and legislation of particular interest to those in the fields of mental health and mental retardation, the legal processes and principles described extend to many other areas of law with implications for promoting health and preventing harm.  相似文献   

宗教深深植根于美国社会中,并广泛地影响着美国社会生活的方方面面。当前境外宗教渗透的主要策源地是美国,几乎任何一种宗教渗透都可以追溯到美国背景。宗教在美国政治经济、社会文化、日常生活诸领域中有着重要的地位和作用,了解其对华宗教渗透的理论背景、作用机制和破坏途径,能帮助我们有效抵御宗教渗透。  相似文献   

ZHANG WANHONG 《人权》2010,(5):16-21
Human rights is a great term, as well as an arduous undertaking, which needs unremitted efforts from various departments and all walks of life. Because of the advantages in resources and human talents, universities boast irreplaceable functions in the innovation, spread and application of human rights knowledge and can make outstanding contribution to the spread and popularization of human rights researches,  相似文献   


The Life Skills Training (LST) program is a broad-based substance abuse prevention program which emphasizes self-improvement and the development of important personal and social skills. This chapter describes the LST program, its theoretical rationale, and the results of evaluation studies conducted over the last eight years; in addition, this chapter reports the process by which the original school-based program format was revised for use in a community setting-specifically for use with urban minority adolescents living in a shelter for the homeless. The revised version of the LST  相似文献   


Many students do not devote enough time 10 properly map out a career search strategy that is consistent with their values and goals. Consequently, graduation heralds a stressful transition into the work world. Without a good job search strategy, the first job after college or graduate school can be a frustrating experience that can negatively impact motivation and ambition. The first job never should be considered the final career choice. However, it is important that the job choice be a positive experience that will serve as a foundation for continued career success.  相似文献   

宗教问题在科学社会主义理论体系中占有重要地位。江泽民同志关于宗教问题的“四句话” ,是我国宗教工作的指导方针。其中 ,“积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应” ,是完全可以做得到的。例如 ,伊斯兰教 ,从它的创立看、从它在中国的传播看、从它的内容看 ,都是可以与社会主义社会相适应的。当然 ,这种适应的政治基础、思想基础和实践基础 ,与过去完全不同  相似文献   

王积龙 《思想战线》2006,32(3):71-74
在信息时代,具有一定宗教背景的媒介受众通过特定的媒介信息来维持宗教信仰;媒介控制者根据自己的宗教信仰来制定信息的议程和框架以达到预定目的;新闻从业人员依赖自身的宗教信念选择报道内容。从一定程度上来说,媒介具有宗教性。从生存环境来看,媒介具有一个宗教皮肤,就能吸引相同宗教背景受众的注意力,且受众对这一媒体具有极高的忠诚度;宗教是本体,文化是表现形式,不同文明间的冲突深层上是不同宗教的冲突。  相似文献   


Two successful public health efforts of the last third of the twentieth century-tobacco control and automobile injury controlare reviewed for relevance to the problem of child abuse. Potential lessons for child abuse prevention are identified and the following approaches are suggested: Investigate varied logic models or conceptual frameworks to identify new opportunities for effective intervention. Use a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector approach. Normalize desired behaviors and denormalize undesirable behaviors. Balance efficacy, feasibility, and cultural appropriateness. Develop strategies for effective policy advocacy based upon who benefits and who shoulders most of the burden.  相似文献   

试论西方发达国家的宗教管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究发现,西方发达国家通过实行政教分离和宗教信仰自由政策;对宗教组织及其人员尤其是高层人员的重视,实现宗教与政治的结合;整合社会各种教育力量,实现宗教与教育的结合;制定法律,对宗教事务实行依法管理;采取严厉措施打击披着宗教外衣的各种不法活动等措施,有效地实现了对宗教的综合治理。这些行之有效的管理经验,对我国的宗教管理有一定的启示。  相似文献   


This chapter describes preventively-oriented efforts at developing more satisfactory natural and built environments. Programs dealing with the collection and disposal of solid waste and the design of court facilities are presented as examples of the contributions municipal officials, citizen groups, environmentalists, engineers, architects, and psychologists have made in these areas. A final section highlights the general issues illustrated by current efforts in environmental intervention, including the complexities of initiating and sustaining preventive efforts at environmental change.  相似文献   

杨福泉 《思想战线》2002,28(2):53-57
唐代 ,吐蕃军事势力一度控制了麽些人滇西北、川西等地 ,吐蕃本教对纳西族产生了较大的影响。由于西藏吐蕃统治者实施“扬佛灭本”的政策 ,迫使藏地本教祭司逃亡或被流放到滇西北、川西等地 ,形成了本教对纳西本土宗教的进一步影响。从东巴教的神体系以及东巴经与敦煌吐蕃文书之间的密切关系中 ,也可以看出唐代吐蕃本教对东巴教的影响  相似文献   

刘珩  石毅 《贵州民族研究》2002,22(4):181-184
世俗宗教的本土化阐释——评杨庆堃《中国社会中的宗教》@刘珩$首都师范大学!北京100037 @石毅$中央民族大学!北京100081~~  相似文献   

论情感分享与饭店营销   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
仇学琴 《思想战线》2001,27(3):42-44
情感需求是现代饭店消费者各种需求的核心,饭店管理者应满足各类消费者显性和隐性的情感需求.从饭店产品的设计与促销、饭店服务到处理宾客投诉、员工培训,都应从情感分享出发,制定相应的策略和措施.这是使饭店获得较好的经济效益与持续发展的重要条件.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the problems and benefits associated with combining work and family when children are young, then proceeds to discuss both implications for research and some strate-/ gies (individual and structural) for easing tensions between the two domains.  相似文献   

党内和谐、公共治理和谐与社会和谐   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在和谐社会建设中,执政党自身的和谐以及与执政党息息相关的公共治理的和谐,尤其值得我们关注.执政党自身的和谐是实现公共治理和谐的基础或条件;党内和谐和公共治理和谐则能直接影响和促进整个社会的和谐.  相似文献   

北方乡村呈现的民间宗教在乡村的复兴不是简单的政府与民众博弈的结果,而是各种社会力量、文化历史资源相互影响形成的一个非常复杂的过程。在这个过程中,乡村原有的自治传统得到了相对的恢复,各种民间传统文化资源的价值也不断受到各方面的关注。本文根据作者在田野调查研究和其他学者对乡村民间宗教恢复的研究,来观察在北方农村各地方具有普遍性的民间宗教现象是如何逐渐地获得存在合法性的。由于民间毫不张扬的努力,以乡土中国为核心的价值和信仰重新进人了人们的视野,不仅仅再次成为民间生活的一部分,同时为在过去一百多年由于自身价值失落,而备受困扰的中国找到了一条值得探讨的途径。  相似文献   

推进大学科技园发展的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

现代妇女教育不但要帮助妇女扮演好传统角色,还要帮助妇女提升个人生活品质与职业能力,强化女性公民的参与能力,其内涵包括自我学习、家庭主妇学习、母亲学习、职业妇女学习、市民学习五个层面。文章从职业教育的角度探讨了高等职业教育在妇女教育中的作用及相互促进。指出:社会对高素质人才的需求使现代妇女教育有必要强化职业教育培训,而高等职业教育要充分发挥其作用。  相似文献   

论新世纪参政党的职能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文简要论述了新世纪民主党派参政议政、民主监督基本职能的主要内容和形式,着重分析了当前参政党履行职能的基本情况,并在此基础上提出了进一步发挥参政党职能的基本思路.  相似文献   

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