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Provision of services to self-help/mutual aid groups is a natural outgrowth of the goals, objectives and activities of consultation and education (C & E) departments of community mental health centers. The C & E services of the Ravenswood Community Mental Health Center has, during the past several years, provided several forms of assistance to a variety of developing and established self-help groups in the Chicago area. Through this experience, the roles of mental health professionals in facilitating the development and maintenance of self-help groups have been explored. The provision of assistance at several stages of group development without challenging the autonomy and voluntary nature of self-help groups is a basic requirement for all professionals involved in group development. With careful recognition of the needs and nature of such groups, mutually satisfactory long-term relationships can be established between self-help groups and mental health professionals.  相似文献   


The study aimed to identify the meanings and mechanisms of partnership between health professionals and self-help group members. The three project stages involved in-depth individual interviews of professionals (n = 47) and of members (n = 49) using a semistructured interview guide; separate group interviews of professionals and members to rank themes which emerged in Phase I, and a joint professional/member workshop. A Partnership Framework was developed. The predominant partnership characteristics identified by professionals were egalitarian, flexible, decreased professional control, understanding and shared goals; and by members were trusting, reciprocal, shared goals, flexible and understanding. The five critical obstacles to partnerships, from professionals' standpoint were communication, attitudes, role ambiguity, the format health care system and ideological conflicts, and from self-help groups' perspectives were knowledge, the system, skills deficiency, attitudes and ideological conflicts. The foremost mechanisms for achieving partnership according to health professionals involved education, clearinghouses, and role and goal clarification; to self-help group members, they entailed trust building, communication building, and education. [Note: italics denote consensus by professionals and members.]  相似文献   

周建新 《思想战线》2007,33(3):17-22
长期以来,人们对客家人的族群意象一直停留在静态的文化特质描述之上,而从人类学过程论和过程分析的角度,可得出客家人“在路上”的族群意象。其概指客家族群在历史长河中迁徙、抗争、发展的整个过程,将客家的历史、现在和未来一并纳入研究视野,涵括客家的历史渊源、形成过程、文化特质以及族群性格和精神特征。“在路上”的客家意象是一个过程,是一个阶段,是一种状态,是受历史框架、社会结构和文化心理形塑的历史记忆和文化书写。  相似文献   

中国新冠肺炎防疫战对青年的生活与工作产生极大的影响。本文认为,在本次防疫战中,青年的心态经历了猜测—惶恐—冷静—自信—勇敢五个阶段,诞生了十大青年“勇敢群体”。通过对中国青年在这场防疫战中的心态变化和行动演变进行分析研究,探讨青年“勇敢群体”的类型和特征,为把握特殊社会状态的“青年画像”提供新的理论视野。  相似文献   

基于社会革命和阶级解放的现实需要,并以妇女解放为己任的中国共产党人,在马克思主义妇女观的指导下,于新民主主义革命时期,对革命区域的女性参政进行了制度建构,并予以积极实践。虽因革命的优先性、男权政治利益和传统性别价值观的多重因素,致使参政制度的实施充满了路径依赖的特性,但却有力地冲击了传统男权政治格局,传播了性别平等的政治理念,并为建国以来性别政治平等的积极实践,奠定了重要的理论和经验的基础。  相似文献   

<正>July 2019 Contents Preamble I. Development of the Cause of Persons with Disabilities II. Mechanisms for the Protection of Rights and Interests of Persons with Disabilities III. Health and Rehabilitation IV. Special Education and Inclusive Education V. Employment and Entrepreneurship VI. Basic Life and Social Security VII. Creating an Accessible Environment and Enabling Mobility VIII. Personal Freedom and Non-Discrimination IX. Creating a Good Social Environment X. International Exchanges and Cooperation Conclusion  相似文献   

保护性政策为什么没有改变农村妇女公共参与"推而不动"的状态?这与政策运行的村庄社会基础有很大的关联性.本文考察了一项保护性政策实验中村庄社会的不同反应,发现自上而下的保护性政策在输入到村庄社会的过程中,会遭到不同程度的抵制;对于村庄层级链条中位置不同的妇女,保护性程度不同,其公共参与程度也不同;同时,它并没有改变男性主导村庄权力结构的局势,还加深了两性隔离.为此,制定政策应该充分尊重村庄妇女公共参与三级链分层现状,使政策的保护性力量在这个链条上出现增量式发展;应该建立有效的配套机制,改变"两性场域"不对等分割状况,实现和谐式参与.  相似文献   

一个阳光明媚的下午,围绕《城市化:中国现代化的主旋律》一书,笔者对上海市计划学会理事、同济大学城市建设与管理博士郁鸿胜研究员,作了专题访谈。……  相似文献   

在基层治理现代化的背景下,村庄面临着形式化治理的困境。基于关中X村的考察表明:加强村民自治建设,提升乡村社会与基层政权、国家治权之间的协调能力,实现国家与社会的协商共治,是破解基层治理困境的有效路径。小组自治是村民自治的重要形式,具备村民自治的社会基础和拥有比较完善的主体和治权,使得村民自治能够正常运行。在X村,村民小组具有自治主体性,行政与自治各得其所,国家与社会相互依赖,村庄实现了"双轨治理",有效破解了基层治理困境。国家需要给村民小组提供必要的自治空间,使其更好地将群众组织起来,并以资源输入为契机,实现国家治理与群众路线相结合。  相似文献   

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