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Despite the plethora of studies regarding bullying worldwide, there are limited studies at the early childhood level. This article presents the results of a pilot study aiming at exploring preservice and in-service early childhood teachers’ views on bullying in Greek early childhood settings. A total of 192 early childhood teachers completed a questionnaire containing six vignettes and questions regarding the seriousness of the incidents, feelings toward the students involved, and methods of intervention. Results indicated that early childhood teachers considered social bullying to be less serious than the other forms of bullying, displayed less sympathy for victims of social bullying, and were less likely to intervene in social bullying incidents; they varied their actions toward bullies and victims according to the type of bullying behavior.  相似文献   


The present paper describes the range of positive family outcomes found when the parents of low-income preschoolers engage in literacy activities with their children. One hundred parents attended a series of family literacy workshops designed to instruct parents on the use of effective book sharing techniques to use with their children. The goal of the program was to increase the children's school readiness and emergent literacy skills by training parents to be more effective and self-confident “first teachers” of the type of literacy skills necessary for early school success. Parents reported that both the amount of parent-child book sharing increased and the time spent reading was more interesting and enjoyable. Children's language skills as well as their interest in books and learning increased. Personal benefits to the parent included enhanced self-esteem and self confidence, increased knowledge of normative child development and sense of efficacy as a parent, heightened understanding of the importance of parental involvement, increased feeling of literacy competence and interest in improving their own education, and sense of increased social support. Other family members (spouses and siblings) also increased their literacy activities. Family relationships, communication, and feelings of togetherness were also enhanced. Implications for individual and family competency enhancing interventions are discussed.  相似文献   


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, 2000) recently released a report on common background characteristics of school shooters, which also stressed the importance of evaluating the reality of threat. The present study evaluated respondents' ability to discriminate between an unrealistic and a realistic threat and between a low and high risk level based on the FBI's background profile characteristics as well as to determine attitudes about whether some intervention was necessary. Respondents completed one of four randomly distributed vignettes, which differed in a 2 × 2 design (high vs. low background risk × realistic vs. unrealistic threat). These vignettes described a student who made a threatening statement regarding a teacher. Respondents then rated the student' level of risk for violence and indicated the degree to which they would intervene. Results revealed that, in keeping with the FBI guidelines, both reality of threat and background risk characteristics significantly influenced respondents' perceived risk for violence and need to intervene. Implications for educational settings and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study found that African American residents of Oxford House (OH) used Narcotics Anonymous (NA) at high rates, and that both OH and NA strongly contributed to abstinent social networks. Having siblings and other family members in one's network predicted substance use among network members, whereas spouses, parents, and children did not have an effect on the rate of substance use. These findings suggest that OH and NA may be effective sources of abstinent social support for African Americans recovering from substance abuse. However, family members are well represented in the support networks of African Americans in OH.  相似文献   

情理是人的通常心理和事情的一般道理,是人们日常生活中的经验法则。法律来源于社会,又服务于社会,法律应该以社会普通民众的情理为基础,情理往往代表着法的价值取向。但情理不是具体的法律规范本身,行政执法者在处理具体案件时,只能以相关法律的具体规定为依据,不能以情理作为判案的直接依据。但法官也不能机械地适用法律,要注意法律与情理的协调。合理的裁决或判决结果较容易为当事人和社会公众所接受以及信服,这样才能真正树立起法律的权威。  相似文献   

我国的离婚法定条件是“感情确已破裂”。它既有积极性,也有不足。中国传统观念上对夫妻感情认识的不足和当今婚姻家庭状况,使离婚诉讼中出现一些问题:一是案件易受法官的主观影响,甚至出现同案不同果的情况;二是案件易受当事人的“表演”、“表现”所干扰,影响司法权威;三是案件易受当事人不正当干预,影响司法公正。所以,以“夫妻感情破裂”为我国离婚的惟一法定理由实有不妥。  相似文献   

意象是融入了主观情意的客观物象,或者是借助客观物象表现出来的主观情意,。在诗歌中,地名既可作为一般意义上的地理名词存在,也可寄寓诗人的主观情感而构成诗歌意象。"三化"理论(深化、等化、浅化)作为传达诗歌"意美"的有效手段,也是诗歌地名英译的重要方法。将意象的概念引入诗歌地名英译中,在"三化"理论的框架下探讨古典诗歌地名英译的具体方法,或可为诗歌英译提供些微思路。  相似文献   

和谐社会中的情理法之辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统的法观念是情、理、法,把情、理置于法之上。而现代法治社会则要求法、理、情,法律至上。在建设社会主义和谐社会中,中国的法制建设应追求法治的最高目标,即情、理、法的和谐相融。  相似文献   

谈突发事件中公安机关对网络舆情的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,网络媒体作为一种新的信息传播形式已深入人们的日常生活,成为思想文化的集散地和社会舆论的放大器。在给政府的社会控制提供新手段的同时,网络舆论也给现有的社会管理和信息控制模式带来了挑战。在各种突发事件爆发时,如何对网络舆情实施科学有效的管理和控制,已经成为公安机关亟待解决的一个崭新课题。文章分析了网络舆情容易失控的原因,并结合公安工作和网络媒体的特点,针对公安机关在突发事件中的网络舆情控制提出了相应的方法和策略。  相似文献   

《Journal of school violence》2013,12(2-3):149-171

The failure to consider factors that make a key contribution to violence and its prevention may create serious problems of construct validity for school violence surveys. Further, few studies have assessed the relative importance of variables contributing to perceptions of safety by examining correlations between survey items and overall feelings of school safety. This study describes the development of a self-report survey, the Safe and Responsive Schools Safe School Survey, explicitly designed to assess perceptions regarding criminal violation and serious violence as well as day-to-day disruption and climate issues. Principal components analysis identified four factors involving student connectedness, incivility, feelings of personal safety, and delinquency/major safety. Further multivariate analysis suggests that, in at least some cases, feelings about connectedness and climate may be more critical than serious violence in shaping student perceptions of school safety.  相似文献   

思想政治工作要重视情绪、情感的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在思想政治工作中情绪、情感并非是人的单纯心理的体验形式 ,它的激活与发动 ,与社会因素密切关联。情绪、情感具有紊乱性、波动性、突发性等非理性特征 ,是对对象的感受、体验和心情 ,是对象引起的主体在感情上的反应。分析和研究人的情绪、情感有助于从思维模式方面 ,拓展思想政治工作研究的新领域 ,丰富思想政治工作研究的内容 ,为思想政治工作原则提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

道德教育是社会主义道德建设的重要手段,提高公民的道德素质,教育是基础。要紧紧抓住影响人们道德观念形成和发展的重要环节进行教育。社会主义道德教育是公民用高尚的道德情操相互影响的过程,要通过互帮互学增强教育的吸引力;注重道德情感的交流,以情感人,以情动人;通过道德实践活动加深公民对社会主义道德的认识和理解;强化道德批评的作用。  相似文献   

正义的道德心理学基础是由于人们对自身或他人遭受不公待遇下的反应性态度的产物,其本质根源在于道德心理产生的主客体之间的关系交互性、利益相关性、情感共通性。关系交互性和利益相关性是正义感产生的刚性因素,而情感共同性则是正义感产生的柔性因素,只有将道义与功利结合起来、将刚性与柔性因素结合起来才能保持人们对正义的敏感性,才能使社会正义具有良好的社会心理基础,从而更好地实现公平正义的和谐社会。  相似文献   

Using the 2008 China Survey, this paper examines Chinese respondents' feelings toward their country and how such feelings are related to their democratic values. First, it compares Chinese nationalism with that of 35 countries and regions in the 2003 National Identity Survey. Second, it looks at the origins of Chinese nationalism as embedded in the social and political characteristics of individuals. Third, it further examines the impact of nationalism on people's political attitudes. The findings show that nationalism in contemporary China is better predicted by the political and economic characteristics of an individual rather than cultural attributes, and that nationalism serves as a powerful instrument in impeding public demand for democratic change.  相似文献   

Campus violence prevention often includes proactively reducing crime through noticing and resolving concerning situations. Within these efforts, interventions aimed at enhancing reporting have been considered necessary. The current study explored several reporting influences on college students’ responses to hypothetical and actual campus safety concerns. Students were unwilling to report most (i.e., 52%) vignettes of pathway behavior, and most students who witnessed campus safety concerns did not report (i.e., 87%). Students who witnessed several concerning behaviors from a nonfriend perpetrator tended to be more willing to report, especially if personally victimized and understanding the violence risk associated with pathway behavior. Analyses supported campus-wide exhibitions of the dangerousness of various pathway behaviors and the fair, flexible authority problem solving available to struggling students.  相似文献   

翟瑞青 《青年论坛》2011,(5):107-111
20世纪40年代出现在解放区的著名作家孙犁和赵树理,一直备受关注,因其童年经验的影响,其创作呈现出了两种截然不同的风格和创作风貌,为此在批评史上也经历了此起彼伏的升降变化。母亲的慈爱与善良对孙犁的滋润,使得孙犁对真善美有着独特的理解与感悟,并形成了他对美的执著追求与向往,进而形成了超越现实层面,追求美、书写美的浪漫主义理想情怀及书写范式。对赵树理而言,苦难的童年和周围人艰辛的现实生活使得他不可能无视现实处境的残酷和农民的生存苦难,无法避开复杂的农村社会矛盾和斗争,因而形成了直面现实的现实主义情怀及现实主义书写方式。  相似文献   


This study first examined a model of the predictors and mediators of both suicidal ideation and violent ideation, particularly since both types of ideation were highly correlated (r = .55) among our young adolescent participants. The variables in the model were those identified in media accounts of the histories of the 10 high-profile school shooting cases, and that have also been included in our earlier model of the predictors of suicidal ideation, which we expanded to include violent ideation. Perceptions of competence or adequacy and social support from peers and parents predicted two mediators in the model, an adjustment/depression composite (self-esteem, hope to hopelessness, and affect, along a continuum from cheerful to depressed) and anger-induced physical aggression. These variables, in turn, predicted both suicidal and violent ideation. Secondly, we examined adolescents' reactions to vignettes that described harassing events, at the hands of peers and teachers simulating the type of audience-observed ridicule experienced by the school shooters. We were particularly interested in the emotional reaction of humiliation, an effect that has received surprisingly little attention in the emotion literature. Humiliation was related to other emotions such as anger and depression, consistent with the co-occurrence of internalizing and externalizing symptoms demonstrated in the overall model. Next we compared those who reported that they would respond violently to the events in vignettes compared to those reporting nonviolent reactions. Examining the variables in the general model, those who reported violent ideation reported markedly lower perceptions of adequacy, lower levels of social support, lower self-esteem, greater hopelessness, depressed affect, and anger-induced aggression. The violent ideators also reported higher levels of both homicidal and suicidal ideation. Discussion focused on the fact that thoughts of violence toward others as well as toward the self have similar psychosocial origins that should be considered in prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

This article identifies the explanatory sources of Asians' perceptions about China's rise. The authors try to decipher the relative importance of individual-level explanatory variables such as socio-economic satisfaction, cognitive schema, and ideology and political values vis-à-vis that of the country-level structural variables such as geopolitical tension, economic interdependence and cultural identity. The empirical findings suggest that the growing perception that China has the most influence in Asia is more related to individual-level demographic variables which are associated with greater interest in political affairs, despite the fact that there is also some evidence that contextual factors related to economic interdependence also matter. A favorable perception of China's influence, on the other hand, is more associated with a less negative orientation on geopolitical and cultural factors, which both involve long-term historical memory and political feelings. Economic interdependence might engender adversarial feelings against China if the level of interdependence is high enough to cause economic vulnerability.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the relationships between exposure to community violence and daily feeling states among 175 6th- through 8th-grade African American students. The relationships were tested both cross-sectionally and longitudinally over the 3-year span. Four daily feeling state subscales: contented, hostile, anxious, and dysphoric were developed from a factor analysis of the 30 Experience Sampling Method (ESM) feeling states. Cross-sectionally, regression analyses indicated that exposure to violence individually predicted most feeling states and more variability in most feeling states in 7th and 8th grades. When feeling states were entered into regressions together, fewer predicted violence exposure. Longitudinally, regression analyses revealed that more variability in dysphoric feelings in 6th grade predicted exposure to violence in 7th grade, while 6th-grade hostile and anxious feelings predicted 8th-grade exposure change. Longitudinal analyses did not indicate that exposure to community violence predicted later daily feeling states. Preventive and intervention implications are addressed.  相似文献   

Lowell Dittmer 《当代中国》2006,15(49):671-686
The premise of this paper is that China has a divided national identity, characteristic of a category of nation-states divided for political reasons since World War II. Until 1999, responsibility for this sense of national division could be diffused, but since the retrocession of Hong Kong and Macao, frustration and blame have focused on Taiwan, the last remaining symbol of China's ‘national humiliation’. Characteristic of such a divided identity are ambivalent feelings, aiming on the one hand to idealize and desire to incorporate the ‘missing’ or ‘lost’ segment of the nation, and on the other to punish it for refusing to return. It is important to understand that Chinese feelings about Taiwan are not a simple reflection of empirical developments on the island, but also project latent ideas about China's own unresolved national identity. China's attempts to overcome this division have undergone several changes, making significant progress while encountering difficult (and as yet still insuperable) obstacles.  相似文献   

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