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The Middle Path     
The World Buddhism Forum in Wuxi and TaipeiT Ihe second World Buddhism Forum (WBF) kicked off in Wuxi City, in east China's Jiangsu Province, on March 28. More than 1,700 Buddhist monks and scholars from 50 countries  相似文献   

正China attempts to build consensus on the Syrian crisis Despite being a veto-wielding permanent member of the UN Security Council,China has used its privileges paringly.Over the past four decades,it has cast only eight vetoes,fewer than any other permanent member of the Security Council.  相似文献   

Dinosaur fossils have been periodically unearthed in various parts of China for more than a century. In 2006, the fossils of the Stegosaur that bear the largest scapulars ever excavated, and of the Mamenchisaurus (the longest dinosaur in Asia) were discovered in Xinjiang. The same year there was a world f irst discovery of fossils of the Dicraeosaurus (a kind of di- plodocoidea) in Lingwu City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The amount of dinosaur fossils discovered in China by 2006 was 1…  相似文献   

革命战争年代苏中地区的人民报刊,在党的领导下坚持走群众路线、大众化路线,根据形势和任务的需要突出报道重点,积极推行全党办报用报的方针,为夺取抗日战争和解放战争的胜利作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

An ancient Chinese love story, popular for over 300 years, experiences a theatrical revival I t is about a love story between a poet and a courtesan in the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It emanates from a true story written by a playwright in 1699. It has been handed down from  相似文献   

正China becomes increasingly involved in Middle East issue The international community once described China’s Middle East diplomatic policy using phrases such as"modera-tion,""detachment,"or"lack of imagination."But as its status as a global player grows,China is no longer merely a distant observer of events in the volatile region.  相似文献   

T HIS year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Over the past century,the CPC has made great contributions to the country,the people,the Chinese nation,and the world,which shine through history.To the CountryXi Jinping,general secretary of the CPC Central Committee,pointed out that those who lag behind lose out in the end,and self-reliance can be achieved onlythrough development.  相似文献   

Lasting instability and intensified conflicts have reshaped the region’s political landscape The regional situation in the Middle East has remained unstable this year as a variety of conflicts further intensified.Political structures began to reconstitute. Whereas some Arab countries that have undergone transition encountered great difficulties in  相似文献   

Today’s modern world has increased the speed in the way we as individuals and as cultural groups,think,feel,and respond to our world and the people in it with us.This is because of enormous changes in media and migration.Digital media(Internet,cell phones)and migratory freedoms offer savvy youth in particular more access to all kinds of resources,both tangible and intangible.The tangible are easily guessed:e.g.,things like consumer goods and vacation  相似文献   

中小企业地位作用的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对现行对中小企业地位作用认识的局限性 ,阐述中小企业在新时期地位作用的突出变化 ,中小企业不仅是现阶段经济结构调整的加速器 ,更是中国改革的实验园区 ,而且每单位资金比大企业能创造出更多的社会财富。  相似文献   

近年来虚拟哲学研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着当代科学技术的飞速发展和对人类生活的浸透,"虚拟"这个词已成为人们普遍言说的话语,有关虚拟哲学的思考和研究也在学术界凸显出来,有望成为哲学研究和发展的新的学术生长点之一。本文就近年来国内学者对虚拟哲学研究的一些问题做了综述。  相似文献   

<正>The system for flood control and disaster relief should be upgraded. Flood- control systems for major rivers and lakes should be built. Broken dikes for water reservoirs should be repaired. An early  相似文献   

随着科学发展观的全面落实与和谐社会建设的不断加强,甘肃未来五年的发展将迎来许多难得的机遇:经济全球化为利用两个市场、两种资源提供了更大的空间;甘肃产业结构与全国性的新一轮消费结构升级相吻合;国家的农村政策有利于甘肃转换二元经济结构矛盾,解决“三农问题”;产业梯度转移的势头越来越强劲,聚集生产要素的能力将进一步提高;新能源建设将得到长足发展;劳务经济将最大化拓展……只有敏锐地捕捉机遇、夯实基础、创造条件、改善环境、突出重点、推进体制机制创新,处理好经济发展和社会发展的关系,处理好基础设施建设和培育特色优势产业的关系,处理好政府推动和市场机制的关系,处理好改革发展稳定的关系,把中央精神和甘肃实际结合起来,把研究现实情况和总结历史经验结合起来,深化认识,统一思想,自觉地以党的十六届五中全会精神为指导,着眼于关系经济社会发展全局重大问题的研究,努力掌握工作的主动权,才能有力地推动甘肃经济和社会事业更快更好地发展。  相似文献   

黑恶势力是我国与犯罪所进行的斗争中连年打击的重点对象。文章从黑恶势力概念与特征入手,运用比较的方法,探讨了黑恶势力与黑社会犯罪的共性与差异,特别是分析了黑恶势力的主要表现,研究了治理黑恶势力的基本经验与对策。显然,这对于治理黑恶势力犯罪,应对我国严峻社会治安形势的挑战,具有重要的现实意义与理论价值。  相似文献   

改革开放30年中国在经济发展、人民生活提高和减少贫困人口等三个方面取得了巨大成就,这些成就的取得有人口政策的很大作用:降低了社会抚养比,节省了人口投资,增加了储蓄,为中国创造了一个难得的发展机遇期;抑制过剩人口和劳动力的增加,减轻了就业压力;提高了人口素质,增加了人力资本,更为重要的是为改革开放成就的取得创造了一个可持续的发展环境。  相似文献   

October 1 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and in honor of this historic event, Beijing Review's cover stories in this issue review China’s social and economic progress over the past seven decades.  相似文献   

Four More Years     
正What the world should expect from a second Obama term In the early hours of November 7, U.S. President Barack Obama stood in front of a cheering crowd and gave a victory speech promising that the best is yet to come  相似文献   

70 Years Young     
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). In early March, a roundtable forum was held in Beijing, where CPPCC members and experts shared their views on the CPPCC, an important political and organizational vehicle for implementing multiparty cooperation and political consultation led by the Communist Party of China (CPC). Edited excerpts of attendees' opinions follow.  相似文献   

THE Hong Kong Special Administrative Regionis now five years old. These have been fiveextraordinary and innovative years, duringwhich the concept of "one country, two sys-tems" advocated by Deng Xiaoping has become a  相似文献   

<正>Silver-haired residents enjoy colorful lives full of youthful vitality A couple stand out in the midst of dancing senior citizens in Beijing’s Purple Bamboo Park on January 24At the break of dawn on a crisp cold January morning,seniors sauntered into the Purple Bamboo Park in Beijing’s Haidian District.  相似文献   

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