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The present study evaluated the impact of Urban Improv (UI), a theater-based youth violence prevention (YVP) program developed for inner-city youth, on three behavioral and psychological outcome domains: aggressive behaviors, prosocial behaviors, and scholastic attention and engagement. This study compared outcomes for 77 elementary school students in classrooms designated to receive UI with those of 63 students from matched control classrooms. Findings revealed that students who received UI were superior to matched controls on all outcome domains. Findings support UI as a promising practice for YVP with urban elementary school students and suggest that greater attention should be focused on application of theater-based programs in YVP.  相似文献   

The most serious maltreatment cases are referred to Juvenile Dependency Court. Eighty-eight court records were coded for factors related to maltreatment recidivism, including prior involvement histories, differential response, and placement changes. Seventy-two percent of caregivers had previous involvement, which correlated with family size and number of presenting concerns. When caregivers were offered voluntary services previously, 15% were completed. Children of substance-abusing caregivers were more likely to have prior involvement with the system. On average, children experienced four placement changes. Almost half of children reunified with caregivers had to be removed by the court. Recommendations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

流动人口家庭化是社会转型期出现的一种社会现象。这种特定形态的家庭对子女的教育受家庭内部、社区环境和社会政策等多种因素的影响,面临许多现实问题和困惑,妨碍了流动儿童及其家庭和谐地融入流入地社区。为此,需要流入地采取有效措施加强家庭教育指导,提高流动儿童及其家庭的城市适应性;还应建立和完善家庭教育指导的社会工作系统,让流动儿童及其家庭及时、就近得到社会支持和帮助。  相似文献   


Fathers from dual-earner families with preschool-aged children reported that they were frequently involved in disciplining their children, often helped them in their daily routines, and occasionally got up at night with them. Fathers' sense of competence in the paternal role was predicted by marital satisfaction and the perception that their partners view them as competent fathers. Fathers' satisfaction in the paternal role was predicted by marital satisfaction and adaptability within the couple relationship. These results highlight the marital relationship as an important context for the quality of men's experience in their fathering role. Implications for programs promoting father involvement are discussed.  相似文献   

构建党外干部能力培养体系 提高干部培训实效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坚持以教学为中心,不断深化教学改革,努力提高干部培训实效,是社会主义学院建设发展的中心任务和根本目标.一年来,我院新领导班子坚持高起点谋划、高标准建设、高质量培训、高水平管理,以全国干部教育培训工作会议精神为指导,以培训需求为导向,以改革创新为动力,大胆探索党外干部能力培养体系建设,不断推进教学方式和管理模式的变革,党外干部培训实效不断提高.  相似文献   

儿童在二语习得过程中的心理状态在内在因素和外在因素两个方面存在着影响儿童在学龄期英语焦虑症形成的原因。针对这一负面心理现象,通过亲子箱庭的治疗机制和原理,分析亲子沙箱对儿童英语焦虑心理的治疗可行性,并对其干预效果和作用进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

刘天娥 《中国发展》2011,11(3):37-40
随着城市化进程的日益加快,流动人口以家庭形式进入城市的人数越来越多。该文从流动儿童父母社会地位、家庭经济、文化氛围和父母教养方式等方面剖析流动儿童家庭教育资源的现状,并以此提出对策从而促进流动儿童家庭教育的良性发展。  相似文献   

Implementing a practice framework with a clear theoretical and practical approach to working with children and families seems a self-evident way to improve practice, but there is a paucity of evaluative research about their impact on outcomes for children and families. One reason for this lack of research may be that it is challenging. In this article, these challenges are explored in relation to fidelity, impact, attribution, and the positioning of the researcher. To generate ideas about how to conduct evaluative research, research about solution-based casework is explored, with additional insights from research about other frameworks.  相似文献   


The Western North Carolina Cancer Awareness Program (CAP) was a four-year program, funded by the National Cancer Institute, to increase education and support services for the prevention and early detection of breast, cervical, and skin cancer among women receiving care in six rural county public health departments. Three health departments were selected as intervention units, and the remaining three health departments served as comparison units. Women age 20 and older were randomly selected in each health department. Women in the intervention group received a comprehensive health education program that included easy-to-read printed materials and telephone counseling dealing with breast, cervical, and skin cancer. Theoretical guidelines for development of the intervention program included the PRECEDE Model and the Health Belief Model. Overall, the results indicated that personalized education, which includes the combination of readable printed materials and telephone contact, can be effective in increasing some early detection behaviors for breast and skin cancer among women who attend public health departments. The value of telephone counseling as a comparatively inexpensive approach to individualizing health education has significant implications for the development of similar cancer education programs for underserved populations.  相似文献   

按照太原铁路局关于第二批深入学习实践科学发展观活动的工作部署和具体要求,我通过参加脱产集中培训,观看路情、局情和科学发展观辅导光盘,学习<毛泽东邓小平江泽民论科学发展>、<科学发展观重要论述摘编>、<政府工作报告>等一系列重要书籍和文件,全面系统地了解和掌握了科学发展观的科学内涵、精神实质和根本要求,增强了贯彻落实科学发展观的自觉性和坚定性,充分认识到要做好党校干部培训工作,必须做到"四个坚持".  相似文献   

席忍学 《前沿》2010,(16):140-142
贾平凹小说中的"畸形"人物很多,但具有文化隐喻的"畸形"人物自《废都》开始出现,而具有文化隐喻的先天"畸形儿"是《白夜》(1995)中颜铭的豁嘴婴儿、《高老庄》(1998)中子路和前妻菊娃的儿子——双腿残疾的石头、《秦腔》(2005)中夏风和白雪的没长屁眼的婴儿。"畸形儿"意象在《白夜》《高老庄》《秦腔》中反复出现,绝不是简单的重复,它隐含了作者不断变化的城乡观和文化态度。不仅如此,贾平凹借助"畸形儿"意象揭示了深刻的世界性主题——城乡关系和传统与现代的关系,而且表现出显而易见的艺术独创性。  相似文献   

Many students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are educated separately from their typically developing peers, while others are placed in inclusive classes but without supports that would help them benefit from less restrictive placements. The needs of students with ASD who are in inclusive settings are often not planned for or met appropriately, resulting in continuing problems and movement to increasingly restrictive environments or private placements. There is a critical need for school models to fill the gap in appropriate services for this population of children with ASD. These models should include those that are inclusive and academically challenging, that can be implemented by many school districts, and that are responsive to the unique combination of strengths and deficits in these students. In the current article, the authors describe the development and core components of the model, and implementation of the ASD Nest program in public schools in New York City.  相似文献   

本文结合2005年度上海市2163位拥有0-25岁子女的父母问卷,用年龄模型分析了现阶段上海各年龄段城市独生子女的比例。研究发现1979年以前出生的独生子女维持在相对较低的比例,1979年以后迅速增加,成为城市未成年人口的主流。而在夫妻一方或双方为独生子女的“独生父母家庭”中,以祖辈为主照料的育儿模式远远高于非独生父母家庭。  相似文献   

<正>On May 29,the management of New World Beijing Hotel paid a visit to the Beijing Sunshine Love Intelligent Children Rehabilitation Center,a school for children with autism.One of many charity initiatives the hotel has embarked upon since its opening in November 2013,this unique activity aims to bring the New World Hotels’spirit of Modern Oriental Hospitality,along with a host of lovely  相似文献   


Physical and verbal aggression is an increasing problem inboth middle and high schools across the United States. While physical forms of aggression are targeted in traditional “bullying” programs, relational aggression (RA), or the use of relationships to hurt another, is often not detected or addressed. For girls in the stage of identity formation, RA can impact negatively on self-concept, peer relationships, school performance, and mental and physical health. An innovative program designed specifically to help middle school girls confront and cope with issues related to RA was developed, implemented, and evaluated in two school systems. Attitudes and self-reported behaviors were measured before and after the program. Results show an improvement in relationship skills after participation in the program. Most noticeable improvements were in a girl's stated willingness to become involved when witnessing another girl being hurt and girls benefiting from the mentoring they received from high school juniors and seniors.  相似文献   

流动好?留守好?——农民工子女教育的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文立足于实证调查数据对流动儿童与留守儿童的社会化过程进行比较,分析结果发现:在智育社会化与生活社会化方面流动儿童与留守儿童不存在显著差异,在身心健康、知识面广度方面流动儿童优于留守儿童,在人际关系方面留守儿童优于流动儿童,总体社会化结果上流动儿童优于留守儿童。这意味着农民工子女选择流动更理想,更能够促进其健康发展。  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the HomeBuy5 Program has successfully helped families who were homeless find an apartment, while working with them to develop a plan to move from homelessness to homeownership. This article provides an historical overview of how the program developed and evolved, a detailed discussion of the program's process and structure, the role of organizational collaboration and community partners, and demographic information on the families that have been served. It is argued that this program can be a prototype for other communities as they increase their efforts to eliminate homelessness.  相似文献   

城市父母对青少年子女性教育知识和态度的调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过对北京、上海和西安三个城市的841位有青少年子女的父母的问卷调查,了解他们的性知识水平和对性及对青少年性教育的态度。调查发现,大多数父母具备一定的性生殖、艾滋病和性保健及性行为等方面的知识;对性持较为开放的观念;对在家庭和学校开展对青少年的性教育持肯定态度。调查还发现,父母的教育程度越高,性知识水平越高;父母性知识水平越高,对性及对青少年性教育的态度也越积极。  相似文献   

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